E-mailing Large File Photos - Way To Compress A File
Sep 12, 2005
My nephew was wanting me to e-mail him a picture of a sunset I took recently. He has a good photo printer and wanted me to send him the proof photo which is an 33mb 8x10 file. I told him that for me to e-mail him an 8x10 of this photo wasn't possible because the file was too large (33mb).Is there a way to compress a file of this size and e-amil it to him?
I used to send photos directly from "My Photos" folder using Outlook Express, and after I selected the photos, I was asked if I wanted to resize them, and then after I e-mailed them, the photos always appeared in the e-mail once it was opened (not as an attachment). Now I use Outlook, and when I try to send the photos from "My Photos" folder, they are sent as attachments, and they are not viewable in the actual e-mail. I have searched for a setting to change this, but I can't find any. Does anyone know how I can send multiple photos in an e-mail using Outlook, so that they can be viewed as soom as the e-mail is opened, rather than having to download and open each individual photo as an attachment?
I have a pc running win XP pro and when I login as a user I can't compress file. But if I login as an administrator, I am able to select the files, send to a compressed folder. Althought I could easily get a third party compression software such as WinZip, etc. I am curious how to setup the winXP.
have a problem sending emails through outlook express,it has a backlog of emails ,probably because i tried to send my sister a big file of photos, cant recieve or send emails
In Unix there is a "dd" command that will enable the user to split up a large text file into smaller segments. I am on XP and have a 600Mb text file and I want to chop it up in two pieces so I can read it more easily. How can I do this, preferrably from a command line?
I am having trouble with my computer rebooting while trying to copy large files 700 MB from a CD to the hard drive.I had this problem about 6 months ago when I was copying files from my Tivo to my PC.I am trying to copy to the same hard drive now that was giving me trouble then. There is a different amount of free space now while experiencing the problem than there was when I had the problem 6 months ago. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive used for data storage.
If it's an exe it will just fail and say its corrupt If it's an archive like a rar at the end of extracting it will fail and say the volume is corrupt.
1-50MBs - sometimes corrupt 50-500MBs - usually corrupt 500-3GB - 100% of the time corrupt
This file I believe is of some 2.5GB and my download speed is approx. 2mb. So when trying to download this file, it indicates that will take approx. 25hrs to complete.Is there anyway of capturing what's downloaded in a temp file and then pick up again to continue the download in number of sessions till completion of the full download. At present if I shut the page or turn PC off, it starts the download again from scratch when restarting.
I recently purchased Visual Studio 6.0 and want to download a 132MB file with samples of the several venues comprising the Studio. Yesterday, I spent 15 hours at my machine trying to download this large file (56k Modem) and at 131+MB, my connection to my ISP broke and I lost it. I have tried several times before and after this crushing loss and have had similar problems.
Is there any software or other means to "restart" when a downloading process has been broken off and continue the download? That seems possible, say, when downloading Microsoft service packs and upgrades.but can I do it too?
I have 4 year old Dell E1505 with XP Pro.I have no clue what I was doing that propagated this large file(38.06 GB) called EVREM. It only appears when I do a defragment with various defragmenters. It's the only file remaining that won't defragement. I do not have anyway to access it, isolate it, or find where it is within my laptop. My various anti-spyware and security software does not recognize it as harmful. It's slowing down my laptop. There is very little information available about this problem on the net. Your site has had a few posters with similar circumstances with EVREM.
Today I copied a large folder containing multiple Access databases, Excel workbooks, Word docs, etc. to a totally blank jump drive like I have done 100s of times before. But for the first time in my 'computer life', which started in 1980(!), a file appeared on it with the name EA DATA.SF. Googling the file told me that it was a system file and had something to do with Extended Attributes (whatever that is). But the file is protected; attempts to delete it, even using the command prompt and first removing all attributes (attrib -h -s -r ea*.sf) does not allow it to be deleted.
The Google search showed many cases like this, but none where there was a clear, easy way to delete the file. My questions are:What is this file for/what does it do? Why am I seeing it for the first time in 30 years? How can I delete it. or SHOULD I delete it?
Recently, I tried to open a very large file into Photoshop. It froze, and my computer crashed, so I restarted it by turning off and on the power. When it started up, it was normal, but it got to that screen that tells you that it was shut down incorrectly, and asks if you want to go into safe mode, normal mode, last good configuration, etc.When I go into normal mode (or last good configuration), it gets to the Windows Startup screen (flag w/ green bars moving below), but then the computer just restarts itself.
I have a problem with copying large files (50MB+): Both command line command "copy /B" and copies in Explorer of large files always risult in a slighly different (corrupt) copy without generating any error message. The number of different bytes is proportional to the lenght of the original. The size of the copy is correct. Position and value of the different bytes vary between each copy.
when I start my ms outlook 2007 I get this error. "Errors have been detected in the file 'file_path'. Quit all mail-enabled applications, and then use the Inbox Repair Tool." I tried to scan with scanpst.exe but it went in vain.I tried it with other applications it worked fine.But,the problem is they all are demo versions and I gets back only 5 to 6 mails for more mails i have to buy that applications. Do we have any free tool that can fix my problem or any other way to fix this.
Running Disk Cleanup, when this Windows File Protection comes up saying a system file has been replaced with a unrecognized one. It wants me to put in my Operating System CD, but I don't have one. I bought this computer and the required files are already on the computer. So what should I do?
I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:
http://attachments.techguy.org/attac...chmentid=62075, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,
I recently had to do a system restore and now my .jpg and jpeg files have a bad file icon. They still do open with the windows pic program as I want them to - but only on the admin accout, I usually surf and play and do everything else with a user account, and even if I reset everything under folder options for the file associacions it somehow doesn't apply to the other account.
windows tells me in the file association menu that I changed the file association's properties and can set them back to standart "photo suite 6" - a program that I uninstalled ages ago
I read the advice to start in safe mode to delete files that gave the errror message cannot delet file - source file not found. They wouldn't delete in Safe Mode either. I am trying to delete mp3 from my c drive because I have an external disk where I have my music library. I can delete them one at a time without getting the error message but not a bunch of them. Some of them I have been able to delete in a bunch.
PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM
I have files in my recycle bin. My recycle bin shows nothing when I open the folder but there is 6 items in the folder. I have tried to delete them through C: ecycler but when I try that I get an error on the bottom of my screen that says The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.
I am running windows xp sp3. I tried to uninstall Frost Wire, via add or remove programs. I noticed that after it supposedly uninstalled from the a or r file the shortcut was still listed on my desktop. So I searched for F W and found a few references that popped up after my search. When I right clicked on them and tried to delete, that is when I received the above error message
What I want to do is create a .bat that will copy a file to several locations(all within the same folder, however with different names).
I have a folder that contains the master copy of my db and I want to run the batch file to update the users db files. The reason being is they each use thier own front end.
I was doing some detailed drawings in photoshop, and I also had a generic photo up in photoshop as well. I went to save my drawings, but apparently accidentally saved the photo under the drawins name and then closed the program. This morning I discovered the bad news. Is there a way to get that drawing back? I do not know if it was ever saved before.