No Desktop Folder In My Registry - Access This?

Jan 5, 2005

There is no desktop folder in my reg.

Dramatically improve menu speeds and application and system shutdown/restart speeds

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop]

HungAppTimeout=4000 Delay before a hung application is allowed to terminate (each 1000 = 1 sec)

WaitToKillAppTimeout=4000 Delay before windows finally starts to shutdown (each 1000 = 1 sec)

MenuShowDelay=20 Delay before a menu pops open. (each 1000 = 1 sec)

AutoEndTasks=1 Automatically closes running applications when Windows shuts down.

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Unable To Access To Desktop / Changing Password To Get Access?

Jul 29, 2009

I brought her computer home to use for my school work. Someone signed into the Administrative / Owner name and somehow locked it. We don't have one of those password reset disk that the Windows website says. I have a disk that says "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition System Recovery CD/DVD" I was told if I reinstalled Windows on the computer that it would erase the entire harddrive. There are alot of pictures on the computer, not to mention Microsoft Office, that I don't want to lose. My mom passed away suddenly and while I know her other passwords, this one is different which leads me to believe one of my younger cousins was messing with her computer and did something they didn't mean.Is there anyway possible to reset the password and use the computer without losing all the pictures on it?

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Cant Access Folder - Access Denied

Apr 11, 2006

Files on my second hard drive were shared on the network (level 4, Network users could only read) and primary hard drive was reformatted and Windows XP sp2 was installed.(without the files being unshared) Now when trying to access the files the error "Access Denied" occurs and I cant access or delete the files (would really like to recover the data about four years worth of work taking up about 75% of the hard drive)

I am the Admin, and I can't change any of the folders propertys as I again get the "access denied" error. I've been looking everywhere for a solution to this, this is what I found from MS help (not very helpfull)
A file's permission may differ from the containing folder if one of the following conditions is true:

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Deleted Whole RUN Folder From Registry

Dec 27, 2008

I wanted to clean up little bit a HKCU - run, and i started to back up every single value separately but after 2nd I didn't notice that the whole run folder was highlighted so I confirmed a deletion and Oops - now the folder is gone. (the dumb touch pad did it not me).Luckily most of the stuff still works, windows starts normaly, but I lost a volume control throug the keyboard (Sorry I didn't mention it before, it's a laptop intel P4 2Ghz, 2G ram, Xp sp2 pro.) and I am scared what will happen next if I try to install something that requires to put the value in this folder. I tried to create a run folder under the selected HKCU but it keeps placin' a new folder under windows update tree. Any idea how can I save my system from re-install? Is there a way to restore this, I tried system restore but it says there is nothing to restore. I checked the recycle bin and it's not there. Any sugestion is welcome.

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Registry - Can't Access Anything At The Console

Jan 4, 2007

I have a server that has decided to goto sleep over Xmas. The screen is black and you can't access anything at the console. I can remote into the server, but I get the same black screen. The software suppliers for the application on the server have requested we remote into the registery. We have tried this in house before atempting to access the server and have not had any luck.

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Virus That Stops Access To Registry Editor

Feb 18, 2007

I have windows XP Professional on my PC celeron 1.2 ghz, Mercury 810, 256 sd ram. I think my PC is infected with a virus that doesn't let me access Registry Editor, Group Policy Editor, MS-Dos from windows and all those vital tools. As soon as try to access them the system restarts automatically. Moreover, my antivirus program doesn't detect any virus (may be this too is the work of a virus). Has any body any idea what this problem is? Is this the work of a virus? If yes, I would like to know how to detect and eliminate this virus.

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Prevent Access To Registry Editing Tools

Aug 12, 2002

Disable the Windows registry editors, Regedit.exe and Regedt32.exe.If this setting is enabled and the user tries to start a registry editor, a message appears explaining that a setting prevents the action.To prevent users from using other administrative tools, use the "Run only allowed Windows applications" setting.START > RUN > GPEDIT.MSC > USER CONFIGURATION > ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES > SYSTEM > FIND PREVENT ACCESS TO REGISTRY EDITING TOOLS > RIGHT CLICK > PROPERTIES > CLICK ENABLE > OK > REBOOT

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Corrupted Registry File - Type Md Tmp Command And It Says Access Denied

Apr 25, 2006

I have a buddy that cannot start his computer because he has a corrupte system32 registry file. i have fixed this problem before on computers but i cant do this one. when i insert the xp cd and go to the recovery console i can not proceed with typing in the commands. usually when you go to the recovery console it asks for the administrator password, but when i do this to his computer it doesnt ask for it. it just goes to the c:> command line. then i try to type md tmp command and it says access denied..

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Removed File Extensions From Registry Cleaner - Cant Access Program

Jan 6, 2007

I recently removed all of my file extensions with my Registry Cleaner,now I can't access anything except my browser and Email program.I was trying to clean stuff off of my computer I didn't need I just got a little carried away.I have a backup of the files on my Registry Cleaner but I can't access it,what can I do?Is there any other way to gain access to my Registry Cleaner where I can get to the backup?When I say I removed all of my file extensions I mean every single one.

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RUN Command Has Disappeared / Can't Edit The Registry / Can't Access Task Manager

May 17, 2007

I logged on to my system today and all of sudden.I am no longer the administrator of my computer...the RUN command has dissappeared, I can't edit the registry, and I can't access the task manager.I've come across some other solutions to fix my the registry and task manager but I can't fix those until I can access the 'RUN command' to execute these other methods.

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Edited Registry To Remove Recycle Bin From Desktop

Oct 23, 2008

Years ago, I edited the registry to remove the recycle bin from the desktop. I have its icon in the tool bar and I recently deleted it on accident. I cant recall exactly what I did to the registry.I have tried the microsoft suggestion to put the recycle bin back via regedit, but the file is still there.The problem, I believe, lies in the fact that when you go to desktop properties and select customize, recycle bin is not even an option along with My Computer, My Network Places, and one other that escapes me.

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Corrupt Registry Files: Wont Move Desktop Icons?

Dec 23, 2004

I was running CyberScrub the other day, which is a program that cleans out internet cache and deletes files beyond recovery. After it was done with the procedure, the computer restarted and chdisk began to run before my Windows XP booted up. After Windows was done doing chdisk, it started doing some wierd stuff I've never seen before.It was scrolling down with the same line but with the number increasing into the thousands. I thought maybe it was just doing a routine check but when I when my desktop came up I started to notice all kinds of wierd errors now. Here are just some examples: My taskbar disappeared and there's no way to conventionally fix it (Start doesn't come up when I press the windows key on my keyboard). My soundcard is undetectable. I can't copy and paste from and to my browsers. Can't find my RPC server. I can't move my desktop icons, etc.

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Access The Temp Folder?

Feb 17, 2007

What the title says, every time I DL something from Firefox it sends that file there unless i right click and save target as, I can never access it. The only way I can access it is to DL a .zip and click on the left bar to it

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So Many Access Folder To My Documents

Mar 13, 2010

One thing I haven't figured out yet is why there are so many accesses to My Documents in folder/windows explorer view.For example:I am the only computer user of this operating system. My account name is Hawkfire, this account name is the administer one; there is that account, a unused guest account and an unused .net account.

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Cannot Access Startup Folder

Sep 30, 2005

Recently, i havent been able to install programs. Whenever I do, i geta Message along these lines."Could Not Access Network Location %USERPROFILE%My DocumentsStartMenuProgramsStartup." This is really annoying, and I cant seem to find a solution to this anywhere,

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Access Denied Onopening Any Folder.

Jan 30, 2008

I am using Windows XP Pro. I have three user profiles on our family computer. They all have administrator rights. On my profile when I click on the "program files" folder in windows explorer I can view all the program folders and files. When I go into the other profiles and click on the "program files" folder I get an error message that says "c:program files is not accessible. Access is denied." I know that in the past I have not had any trouble viewing this folder in any profile.

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Cannot Access Folder After Changed Permissions

Feb 18, 2009

I accidentally set all permissions for one folder on my hard drive to deny. Now I completely lost all access to this folder even if I log in as administrator. I cannot change permissions either. When I click "Security" tab in "Folder Properties" window, an error message shows "You do not have permissions to view the current permission settings for <folder>, but you can make permission changes." However, when I tried to give "Full Control" to Administrator, another error message shows "Unable to save permission changes on <folder>. Access is denied"

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Account - Password Off That Folder And Get Access To It

Aug 24, 2005

I had set an account with password protection (administrative account), then had to do a repair and now i cannot get into my folders that are password protected. Now how do take the password off that folder and get access to it?

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Files Locked And No Folder Access

Nov 13, 2005

I recently bought a new SATA HDD, and decided to use it as my primary drive. I installed a new clean OS XP Pro on it and set my old primary drive to slave. Everything boots fine, and I can see my secondary drives, but when I try to access some files from it it says Access Denyed. This error message occurs on random files and folders, but are not system files/folders. Sometimes the folders when right clicked on said they had zero bits of data.

When I boot from my secondary drive again I ran into another wierd problem where it seems that I have lost all USB support. Since my mouse and keyboard are both USB I had to dig around and find serial devices instead. The keyboard works, but not the mouse. I was able get into my system and the files that were locked before when my drive was set to slave were ok and I was able to access them and the folders that said they contained no data, had all the data inside and accessable. I booted again as a slave drive, with same problem. But when I went to boot as a primary my serial keyboard doesn't even work. WIndows boots, but I cant get past the login screen because of lack of io devices. Is there anyway I can unlock/remove the OS thats on and get my files back that are "locked or missing"?

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Cannot Rename Folder / Access Is Denied

Jul 22, 2010

The rest of the message says "Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not in use".In Folder:Properties, the file shows as 'Read Only'. Unticking this box followed by the option to do the same for all folders and subfolders, then using 'Apply' was unsuccessful, as when I tried to rename the folder after doing this,the message reappeared, and the folder was again 'Read only'.As Administrator, my understanding is that I have full permissions under the Security section of Properties, which appears to be the case, as all boxes are ticked.The path is as follows:- C:FOLDER:Sub folder 1Sub..1 cannot be renamed. It contains four additional folders, (each with loads of subfolders),of which 3 can be renamed, whilst the fourth one cannot, with the same "Access denied..." message appearing.

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Open The Folder Access Is Denied

Mar 30, 2006

I wanted to move a folder from one location to another.I cut the folder, went to the desired location and pasted it.When when trying to open the folder it said access was denied.I went to it's properties and unchecked read only, tried to open it again, access is denied.I checked properties again and read only was still checked.I then did a system restore to 2 previous dates.Both resulted in the folder going back to it's original location.I was then able to go into the folder but did not have access to view any file in the folder.

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Access To Text Document Folder

Apr 9, 2006

I tried to access my folder which includes various text documents of my job but the folder won't open. I did Disk De fragment but it still won't work. I also tried to delete this folder cause at least I would control these files from the recycle bin and the folder won't get deleted.

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Access Denied To My Documents Folder After Reinstallation

Apr 20, 2006

After the installation of windows xp the access to my computer is denied
i have followed the instructions until "click to clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box" because there appears to be no check box under this description.
I have over 20gig of ireplaceable files in this folder i would really appreciate some more assistance.
I'm using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition sp2

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Recover Access Permission To Folder And File

Dec 24, 2009

How can i recover access permission on particuler files and folders? Because i am not able to open some word and excel files even i am logged with administrator user.

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Folder Access Denied After System Restore

Sep 12, 2005

I just completed a system restore on my eMachines computer. I have Windows XP. Now, I had one folder that I backed up, but now everytime I try to enter it, it says Access Denied. I did hide this folder on my hard drive before, but all of my other hidden folders that I backed up work fine. I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me how to gain access to this folder, I have very important information in it.

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Access And Delete Folder - Restore Disk

Sep 28, 2008

I just bought a used computer (which is installed with Windows XP Pro). I've set up an Administrator account on that computer, but it will not allow me to delete a certain folder, which used to belong to the previous owner of the computer.The folder is an old user-account folder (it belonged to the previous owner of my computer).Please tell me how to delete the folder. So far, I've done the following things to delete it:1. Right-clicked the folder, and selected: "Delete"2. Right-clicked on the folder, selected: "Properties", and changed the "Security Settings" and modified the "Owner" privileges.3. Used File Shredder and tried to delete the folder with that program.I do not have an Windows XP Pro "Restore Disk".

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Moved Files To Temp Folder And Cannot Access

May 27, 2007

In my secondary hard drive there is a folder which has been created when I installed some updates to windows (D:43faad86bcdc943f32928891). My problem is that I have by mistake moved a folder containing thousands of private photos and irreplaceable files into that folder which I can't access anymore. When trying to move my pictures folder back it says that I don't have permission to do that.I have latest Windows xp updates. I think a proper solution would be to change the permission of that folder so I can access it and I don't know how to do that. I am an admin so I should be able to access it?

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My Music Folder Wont Access To Write Anything

Aug 3, 2005

I'm trying to use iTunes with my new ipod mini, but the My Music folder on my computer wont grant me access to write anything to it, or alter anything in it and I'm not sure why? It asks me to check whether it has full or write-protection, but it shouldnt have seeing as I am the only user on my computer? anyone be of assistance? its bugging me greatly!

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Access Denied To Docs And Settings Folder For Administrator

Jan 15, 2007

I have a Dell 4600 with with 769MB Ram and Windows XP Pro. My XP boot sequence got corrupted (according to Dell) on my "C" drive. They wanted me to reformat the drive (and lose all my work). Instead I installed XP onto my secondary drive and nenamed it "C", set up a special partition on my secondary drive to receive the old files ("D") and renamed the "bad" drive to "G". Though I can access/copy most files from "G" onto "D", my "Documents and Settings/Administrator" directory on "G" (not password-protected, but contained a lot of files) are all "access-denied". I can't open/view these files on "G" or even copy them to "D". If I try to open them, I get a "files inaccessible, access is denied" msg.

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Activating Passive FTP Mode: Unable To Access FTP Folder?

Aug 12, 2002

If you have problems connectiong to FTP servers using Internet Explorer when your computer is behind a firewall, you need to enable passive mode so you can connect a different way. 1. In IE6 XP open the Tools tab -> go to Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> scroll down till you find "Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)" -> TICK this setting -> hit ApplyThis should resolve all problems with accessing FTP servers.

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Can Access All Sub Folders And Files Fine / Cannot Move Folder

Jul 31, 2009

I was moving about 450gb of music from my old external (which was almost completely out of space, 465gb) to an internal 1tb drive. I was installing/setting up a program, thinking 'no way this will affect the file transfer', when suddenly that program gave an error (can give specifics on this if needed). Immediately after, my files stopped moving. It said 'delayed write failed, data has been lost' or something like that. I looked on my external, and it was empty. At this point i was rather upset because i thought i had lost years worth of music. Since I thought i had lost all my data, i tried one of those recovery programs("diskdigger") And it couldn't even access the drive. Gave an error, then showed it as 0gb. But the drive properties still showed 300+ gb even though the only folder in it was shown as empty.

So, i did the classic windows fix-all, restarted. My computer would not even go past the motherboard boot screen for 5 minutes. At this point i was about to jump out the window, but i restarted again and it worked. I went to my external, all my folders were there, i could open all the subfolders, play the music with vlc, etc. BUT now when i try to move the folder with all my music, it says "Cannot move file: Cannot read from source file or disk".

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