Moved Files To Temp Folder And Cannot Access

May 27, 2007

In my secondary hard drive there is a folder which has been created when I installed some updates to windows (D:43faad86bcdc943f32928891). My problem is that I have by mistake moved a folder containing thousands of private photos and irreplaceable files into that folder which I can't access anymore. When trying to move my pictures folder back it says that I don't have permission to do that.I have latest Windows xp updates. I think a proper solution would be to change the permission of that folder so I can access it and I don't know how to do that. I am an admin so I should be able to access it?

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Moved Files Become Access Denied?

Oct 26, 2009

every time I move files they become access denied, I am the sole user & adminstrator, each time I have had to start in safe mode & regain ownership. I have resorted to doing copy file & then deleting original.

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Access Denied To Large Files Moved?

Dec 22, 2006

I have a few folders in my 2nd partition giving me this error "folder is not accessible, access is denied." They contain 3 very large 3-4gb files that were working right before I tried to organize them and move them to a different directory (cut and paste). I've tried disabling the simple file sharing and gaining access to them again, but it won't work.

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Access The Temp Folder?

Feb 17, 2007

What the title says, every time I DL something from Firefox it sends that file there unless i right click and save target as, I can never access it. The only way I can access it is to DL a .zip and click on the left bar to it

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Moved Core Temp 0.95 To 0.94

Mar 24, 2007

I just finally went from core temp 0.94 to 0.95 and I seem to have found a nasty little bug in 0.95. I keep getting BSOD when I start 0.95. Thats kinda messed up to me as 0.94 worked like a charm. I have played with it a little and I know it isn't my system.I keep getting error code c000021a.

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Get Rid Of Files In Temp Folder?

Jun 5, 2006

My browser files have are very confusing.My C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMELocal Settings Temp has some junk, but some of it is active system files- which shouldn't be there.One folder in ''Temp'' is called ''Cookies''. Another folder in ''Temp'' is called ''History'' and contains ''History.IE5''. also ''temporary internet files''.There is also a ''History'' folder one level up (where it should be) that has no''History.ie5''. There is also a ''Cookies'' folder two levels up (where it should be). It seems to be an exact duplicate of the one in the ''Temp'' folder, I deleted all the other files in ''Cookies'', but they reappeared later.If I try to delete(in safe mode) everything in the Temp folder, I discover that they reappear after restart. how can i get rid of files from temp folder.and also how can i restore History folder which has no historyIE6 sub folder.same with temporary internet folder.

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Temp Files Folder In SP2

Oct 16, 2005

Windows XP SP2 temp files I would just like to know if I can safely delete ALL the temp files in this folder, if for no other reason than to free up some space, or maybe speed up things a little bit. A simple search under Windows Explorer(*.tmp )has some files show up as Windows emp, some as Windowssystem32, and some as Program Files PC MightyMax, but all of these are listed as tmp in the TYPE heading of Windows Explorer.In addition, I've never used the Hijack This program before but I will now to submit what I guess is a snapshot of my system...?? Perhaps someone could suggest adjustments, if any, as my system does run slow on many occasions. My specs are as follows: Windows XP SP2 Home Edition, IE6, McAfee Internet Security Suite 2005, 2.4ghz processor, 256MB RAM, 40GB hard drive (NTFS file system).

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Delete Log Files In Temp Folder?

Jul 18, 2007

Can I safely delete all those .log files in my temp folder all are 2K or 3K size.Also, is there software out there that would help clean up some of these unwanted files?

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Cannot Delete Files In Temp Folder

Jan 29, 2008

I've been handed down a computer. It's a Sony VAIO, and comes with two hard drives. Windows is installed on an 80GB hard drive, which had (when I first booted the computer) only about 0.5GB free.I eventually found out that the temp folder under "C:Documents and SettingsMY NAMELocal Settings" was taking up almost 60GB.I emptied it of all but two files, both ending in .tmp (i forget what they were called). They were both 144KB in size. I couldn't delete them as they were "in use".So why does the computer still think that the temp folder is so enormous? Right now it says 57.5 GB. What should I do about it? I have checked that hidden files are shown, and run Cleaner and Disk Cleanup.

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Strange Files In The Temp Folder

Dec 19, 2005

I started getting some strange files in the TEMP Folder (located in Documents and Settings)Here are 2 examples: sqlite_2oRFEX2SK0bVcQP.CMLS-2005-12-18-07-41-08.log.There are 4 of the first example and more than 200 of the 2nd the total size is approx. 350 Kb.I'm using W-XP Home and a brand new computer.Have never seen anything like these before.

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Temporary Internet Files And Temp Folder

Jun 9, 2006

I have XP system. Can someone explain my temporay internet folder C:documents & settingspaullocal settings emporary internet files? I can clear all the files and then open My Yahoo or go to any internet site and the folder will then have maybe 100 files in it. If not cleared out in a couple days it can have 800 or more files in it. I do not do a lot of browsing but that folder baffles me. Is it supposed to do that or is wrong? I run anti virus & anti spam programs

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Temp Folder / Zen Touch And It Sends The Files

Oct 8, 2005

I had some files on my mp3 player that i wanted to transfer to my computer.its a zen touch and it sends the files to a temp folder first then to where ever you wanted it to go.well it turns out id idnt have enough memeory to do this and now i only hav 765mb of free space on my c drive.i need to know how to get to these temps folders to delete these files.i tried disk cleanup but it didnt work.

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Play Files In Temp Folder With 3rd Party Software

Apr 23, 2010

I don't like most of the online video players, but love my desktop media software. I've found that web sites add these files to the Windows Temp directory, but Windows won't let me play them from there, move them, or even copy them to paste somewhere else

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Temp Folder / Appearing Over Time In The TEMP Folder

Feb 22, 2006

I have a program, or shoulfd that be a group of files, that are appearing over time in the TEMP folder and they are very annoying. The files are all 0KB in size, and though I can get rid of them with a reset of the system, I'd like to know how and why they are there.

All the filenames are just numbers, i.e. 5807.exe
One morning I had 14 of these files. They seem to have appeared over night. I have tried deleting them, but I am told they are being used and cannot be deleted, but I am unable to find out what program is using them.

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Temp Folder / C:WINDOWS Temp File

Nov 26, 2007

can i delete C:WINDOWS temp file

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Moved My Picture-folder Into The Folder Of Doom -restore?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm absolutely dumbstruck by what just happened. I was a little too quick with my clicking, and instead of opening the folder containing my pictures, I dragged it into another folder called "14941b93d3ad9f41aa7df524fe". I will refer to it as the folder of doom. The folder contains two sub-folders

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Temp Folder At C:Documents And Settings Admin Local Settings Temp

Jul 28, 2005

What is the "Temp" folder for which is at C:Documents and Settings Admin Local Settings Temp? Nothing seems to appear there while I use IE to browse.

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Oct 6, 2006

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)

Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").

Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.

I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Aug 9, 2007

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."Have no problem keeping these directories in the C root directory IF THEY ARE NEEDED. Otherwise want to keep HD clean, lean, mean

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Files Locked And No Folder Access

Nov 13, 2005

I recently bought a new SATA HDD, and decided to use it as my primary drive. I installed a new clean OS XP Pro on it and set my old primary drive to slave. Everything boots fine, and I can see my secondary drives, but when I try to access some files from it it says Access Denyed. This error message occurs on random files and folders, but are not system files/folders. Sometimes the folders when right clicked on said they had zero bits of data.

When I boot from my secondary drive again I ran into another wierd problem where it seems that I have lost all USB support. Since my mouse and keyboard are both USB I had to dig around and find serial devices instead. The keyboard works, but not the mouse. I was able get into my system and the files that were locked before when my drive was set to slave were ok and I was able to access them and the folders that said they contained no data, had all the data inside and accessable. I booted again as a slave drive, with same problem. But when I went to boot as a primary my serial keyboard doesn't even work. WIndows boots, but I cant get past the login screen because of lack of io devices. Is there anyway I can unlock/remove the OS thats on and get my files back that are "locked or missing"?

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Recovering Lost Folder- Someone May Have Moved Or Deleted It

Sep 9, 2005

A co-worker cannot locate a folder containing templates for form letters. He has searched for the files, checked other locations and recycle bin. He thinks someone may have moved or deleted it. How can we find/recover the files

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Can Access All Sub Folders And Files Fine / Cannot Move Folder

Jul 31, 2009

I was moving about 450gb of music from my old external (which was almost completely out of space, 465gb) to an internal 1tb drive. I was installing/setting up a program, thinking 'no way this will affect the file transfer', when suddenly that program gave an error (can give specifics on this if needed). Immediately after, my files stopped moving. It said 'delayed write failed, data has been lost' or something like that. I looked on my external, and it was empty. At this point i was rather upset because i thought i had lost years worth of music. Since I thought i had lost all my data, i tried one of those recovery programs("diskdigger") And it couldn't even access the drive. Gave an error, then showed it as 0gb. But the drive properties still showed 300+ gb even though the only folder in it was shown as empty.

So, i did the classic windows fix-all, restarted. My computer would not even go past the motherboard boot screen for 5 minutes. At this point i was about to jump out the window, but i restarted again and it worked. I went to my external, all my folders were there, i could open all the subfolders, play the music with vlc, etc. BUT now when i try to move the folder with all my music, it says "Cannot move file: Cannot read from source file or disk".

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Move The My Documents Folder - Moved Back To The Default Location

Feb 19, 2010

I can move the my documents folder, however upon reboot, it is moved back to the default location

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No Folder Options Control Panel - No Access Hidden Files

Jun 3, 2006

The folder options seem to have vanished from my control panel n nothin that i do can help me access my hidden files.

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Something In Temp Folder / Appearing A Folder

Apr 21, 2005

In Local Settings/Temp there keeps appearing a folder QWMSHTML, It is showing as empty, I delete it but when I look again it is there. Anyone offer info. as to what it is

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Having Big Temp Folder / Delete The Contain Of This Folder

Sep 24, 2006

delete the contain of this folder without cuzing problems C:Documents and Settings Local SettingsTemp on win XP it is 750 MB

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Get Back Folders And Files That Were Cut / Moved

Jun 8, 2009

How does one get back Folders and files once you have used the Cut Command instead of delete, I use MS command Cut to delete and move Folders and Files from one HDD to another HDD, Now the HDD that I moved to has crashed. I need to go back to the original HDD and get back those folders and files but I need the folders intact so I know what file belongs to what programs, any suggestions.Help please.I lost a years work of Music Files, from Fruity Loops and also plug-ins that took time to create.I have not touched the HDD since I cut / Moved Files and Folders.

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File Sharing Not Working On Moved Files

Mar 13, 2008

I have a PC that had numerous defunct users, some from old defunct workgroups. I thought I'd consolidate. I moved a bunch of files and folders to a current users folder and deleted the defunct files and folders. I did this in Explore, loged in as Administrator, because these defunct users were from a previous defunct workgroups and did not show up in User Accounts/ControlPanel. As administrator I can read and wrtie to these files, but the user can't. I have marked these folders as shared and given permission to do everything to them, but the user that need them still can't write to them. As Administrator, I have assigned him to the powerUsers Group in the Users account/ControlPanel.

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Moved Files Disappeared / Icon Still Present

Nov 5, 2008

I am using Windows XP Professional on an IBM ThinkPad T 42.To clean up a folder a day or two ago I added a sub-folder and used drag and drop to put the 19 files in the primary folder into the subfolder. Today when I tried to open various files from the 19 I discovered that two of them would not open. The message I get when I click on the file icon is this: This file could not be found, followed by a couple of absurd recommendations for resolving the problem.

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Temp Folder Can Be Deleted?

Mar 1, 2005

C:Documents and SettingsdemoLocal SettingsTemp

my computer is registered as demo, Can all the files in this folder be deleted? or do they have to stay in there

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