Can Access All Sub Folders And Files Fine / Cannot Move Folder

Jul 31, 2009

I was moving about 450gb of music from my old external (which was almost completely out of space, 465gb) to an internal 1tb drive. I was installing/setting up a program, thinking 'no way this will affect the file transfer', when suddenly that program gave an error (can give specifics on this if needed). Immediately after, my files stopped moving. It said 'delayed write failed, data has been lost' or something like that. I looked on my external, and it was empty. At this point i was rather upset because i thought i had lost years worth of music. Since I thought i had lost all my data, i tried one of those recovery programs("diskdigger") And it couldn't even access the drive. Gave an error, then showed it as 0gb. But the drive properties still showed 300+ gb even though the only folder in it was shown as empty.

So, i did the classic windows fix-all, restarted. My computer would not even go past the motherboard boot screen for 5 minutes. At this point i was about to jump out the window, but i restarted again and it worked. I went to my external, all my folders were there, i could open all the subfolders, play the music with vlc, etc. BUT now when i try to move the folder with all my music, it says "Cannot move file: Cannot read from source file or disk".

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Move The Temporary Internet Files Folder

May 17, 2010

By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer. Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: When Internet Explorer is open, click on Tools and then select Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click the Settings button. Click Move folder. Then select the new drive and folder you want to use and click OK to exit the property pages.

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Cant Access Files/folders - Can't Even Access The 2nd Partition

Aug 20, 2007

Quote: Originally Posted by kpmwrestler no, here's the best thing to do (since you are reformatting anyways):

download Parted Magic burn it to cd with ISO Recorder v 2boot to that cd delete all the partitions (if you have more than one)then reboot with the xp cd in and it should boot I'm having the same basic issue as the original poster.
I just picked up a Sony Vaio laptop F270. From what I can gather is it has (2) separate partitions. I want to do a complete wipe/format of the HD and get back to having (1) Large partition

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Get Access To All Files And Folders?

Jul 4, 2005

I recently had a lightning striking down wich ruined my PC, so now I had to buy a new one. Luckily, one of my hard-drives survived. The problem is this:Ont the hard-drive which survived I have a lot of data which I need to get access to. In the "Documents and settings" folder I get access to 3 out of 5 profiles, but not the one I need to get access to. I had password set on those two user accounts. I guess this is the reason why I don't get access to those two folders. When I try to access those two folders I get "Access denied". How do I override this? Do I need to remove the SID?

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Access Is Denied To Files And Folders On Old HDD?

Aug 6, 2005

My old HDD was dying and has a S.M.A.R.T. error (although it will still boot and run it is getting slow).So I bought a new drive, slammed it in the case and decided to do a nice clean reinstall (XP Home with all the SP2 and updates available).I left the old drive in the bay and was hoping to copy across any odd file However I get a lot of "Access is Denied" messages when trying to view/read/change attributes on files/folders especially in Documents & Settings.

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Hidden Folders And Files / Password Protect A Folder

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to know how you HIDE folders or at least password protect a folder.

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Unable To Delete Files / Folders Due To Access Denied

Aug 23, 2005

I have two machines on my home net and both run XP-Pro.Problem 1 is that I have something like 30k files in the recyclers on my D Drive that I can't delete.Problem 2 is that I recently did a restore from a backup and even though user names, admin access etc are same I can't access open or even delete many of the unused folders. I have tried moving them to shared files folder, and using my admin privilege to take ownership and or change attributes but nothing so far works. Safe boot, safeboot command prompt all nada.
can any one help me out here ?

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Copying Files From Multiple Folders And Pasting In Single Folder?

Jul 24, 2005

On my D: drive, I have several folders (500 something I think) containing mp3s that I have ripped from my CD collection. What I want to do is transfer all the mp3s contained in these folders to My Music (I have just upgraded to Windows xp media center edition). Rather than going through each folder manually, and going through the time consuming process of selecting, copying and pasting every mp3 in each folder, is there any way I can select all of the mp3s in all of the folders automatically, and have them copied over?

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Checkbox For Show Hidden Files And Folders Disappear From Folder Option

Aug 10, 2007

i got hit by some virus(trojan i think ) and try to run norton but notron cannot clean some suspect file. it show error opening (Access denied)[4] or error opening (folder locked)[4]after running norton i found that 'folder options' from Tools command is disappear i download and repaire registary as kiwiguy suggest.Read the heading as to how to apply these Registry "fixes", and then scroll down to number 129 and click on it to download the registry script to correct this problem. now i can see 'folder options' but cannot find 'show hidden file and folder' check box.

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Folder Options Located - Show Hidden Files Folders See Check

Dec 28, 2005

Where are the "Folder Options" located in Windows XP? I want to check to see if the "Show hidden files and folders" is ticked.

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Files Locked And No Folder Access

Nov 13, 2005

I recently bought a new SATA HDD, and decided to use it as my primary drive. I installed a new clean OS XP Pro on it and set my old primary drive to slave. Everything boots fine, and I can see my secondary drives, but when I try to access some files from it it says Access Denyed. This error message occurs on random files and folders, but are not system files/folders. Sometimes the folders when right clicked on said they had zero bits of data.

When I boot from my secondary drive again I ran into another wierd problem where it seems that I have lost all USB support. Since my mouse and keyboard are both USB I had to dig around and find serial devices instead. The keyboard works, but not the mouse. I was able get into my system and the files that were locked before when my drive was set to slave were ok and I was able to access them and the folders that said they contained no data, had all the data inside and accessable. I booted again as a slave drive, with same problem. But when I went to boot as a primary my serial keyboard doesn't even work. WIndows boots, but I cant get past the login screen because of lack of io devices. Is there anyway I can unlock/remove the OS thats on and get my files back that are "locked or missing"?

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Moved Files To Temp Folder And Cannot Access

May 27, 2007

In my secondary hard drive there is a folder which has been created when I installed some updates to windows (D:43faad86bcdc943f32928891). My problem is that I have by mistake moved a folder containing thousands of private photos and irreplaceable files into that folder which I can't access anymore. When trying to move my pictures folder back it says that I don't have permission to do that.I have latest Windows xp updates. I think a proper solution would be to change the permission of that folder so I can access it and I don't know how to do that. I am an admin so I should be able to access it?

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Folders Open Not Move Back

Mar 17, 2005

Go in to my documents and open a folder the button or icon is missing so that I cannot go one back to the previous folder. Instead what i have to do is close the document down completely and then reopen it to the point I need to be at. I don't know what i have done but before say i was in a MY DOCUMENTS then i went in MUSIC then say ELVIS the icon is missing so i would not be able to go back to MUSIC instaed I would have to closed it down and go back to MY DOCUMENTS then MUSIC then say PAUL MCCARTNEY.

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Automatically Move Hotmail To Local Folders In Box

Jun 18, 2005

I have a GMail account, that when new mail arrives goes directly to my In Box, but with Hotmail I goes to a sub account of Local Folders whereafter I have to manually move them to my In Box. How can I configure Hotmail to do the same?

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No Folder Options Control Panel - No Access Hidden Files

Jun 3, 2006

The folder options seem to have vanished from my control panel n nothin that i do can help me access my hidden files.

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File And Folder Names Disappeared - Can See Them Fine In List

Dec 26, 2007

Awhile back I was organizing my picture files and accidentally pressed a few keys, which seems to have caused my file and folder names to disappear in that one folder. I can see them fine in list, icon, tile, or detail view, but in filmstrip or thumbnail view they have disappeared! I use WindowsXP. How can I unhide the file names?

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Dvd Has No Audio Cd Plays Fine - Files Are OK

Nov 10, 2009

I have an XP Home HP computer that is offnet and is used exclusivley with a TV as a photo viewer and music player. All work fine in either of 2 drives (Lite On and Samsung). Neither will play the audio to DVDs.

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Move To Folder Crashes Explorer

Oct 13, 2006

when I try to move a file using "Move To Folder" Windows Explorer says it has encountered a problem and must shutdown then after I close that dialog (send error report/or not) Dr Watson Post Mortem Debugger does the same computer locks up except I can use Task Manager to reboot.

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Move Documents And Settings Folder From D To C Drive

May 7, 2005

My OS is Win XP Pro installed on D drive. Win 98 on C drive. Can I move documents and Settings folder from D to C drive.

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Folder Tree MISSING From Copy Move

Aug 24, 2006

I've had this problem for a few months, just lived with it. In the attached screen shots, you will see I have no folder trees in any of the pop up Add, Move, or Copy pop ups in Explorer and Windows Media Player. I have no clue if this can be restored to show again. This has happened before I upgraded Media Player so it shouldnt be that. I'm thinking Windows Corruption somewhere.

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Access Certain Folders Or / And Executable Programs - Access Denied

Aug 27, 2009

When I D/Load some programmes I get access is denied. I had previouly reformatted my HD and now have drive F, when I try to access certain folders or /and executable programmes access is denied. Currently trying to install Roboform in Firefox

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Move The My Documents Folder - Moved Back To The Default Location

Feb 19, 2010

I can move the my documents folder, however upon reboot, it is moved back to the default location

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Using System Restore Point To Move My Documents Folder To Another Drive

Nov 11, 2008

I'm using Win XP Pro SP3. When my files in "My Documents" outgrew my hard drive's capacity a while back I bought a new hard drive and decided to move my "My Documents" onto the new F: drive, leaving everything else on the original hard drive. It seemed like the simplest solution to my problem at the time. The situation does create a few syntax problems revolving around the question "When is the 'My Documents' folder not really the 'My Documents' system folder?" Most of the time I don't have any problems with the arrangement, but there are a couple of anomalies. At present my command line environment variables do not have any easy way to point to "My Documents" because (for example) %userprofile%My Documents points to the folder on c: that used to be the 'My Documents' system folder rather than to the current location of the system folder.

That is not usually a big deal but it may be related to the more frequent problem. A few ill-behaved programs expect to find and store files in %userprofile%My Documents (which is on C: drive) rather than in the actual system folder "My Documents" on F: which makes it harder to find these files when I search for them. Just to 'simplify' the situation I thought about setting a reparse point in the old "My Documents" folder ( %userprofile%My Documents ) that points to the actual system folder (which is F:My Documents ) Tinkering with settings like this has potential to break things in unexpected ways so I thought I'd ask whether there are any obvious problems with the 'solution'. Or are there better ways to keep the user documents on a second hard drive?

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Why Can't Move Files?

Apr 6, 2005

Why do I keep getting this message everytime I try to cut and paste a file, mp3, etc. Cannot move " " it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using that file and try again. I am the only one on this computer. I have a Linksys router with my XP firewall on. This is making me nuts!

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Files Ending With Dot Can't Move/

Feb 8, 2005

I downloaded a pdf file that had a dot at the end e.g. page.pdf. It is zero length, shows in explorer as a system, hidden file. Can not delete or move. I can move a directory with one of these files in it but I can't do that with My Documents.Error message: Cannot move file: Cannot read from the source file or disk.
Did a run cmd and tried move and del and attrib.

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Way To Move Unmoveable Files While Defragging

Jan 16, 2005

There used to be a way to move unmoveable files to the end when defragging in older windows programs but I have been told that you cannot do it in XP. I just had my computer worked on and now I have a sign that says alaska that comes up on booting and a mess of hotrod programs running in the background and two sections of unmoveable files. I dont know what the Alaska and Hotrod files are or what they do or if I can remove them but I have been told that they are the first unmoveable files.Should I just forget it and leave them alone or is there a simple fix?

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Move Programs And Files From Drive C To D?

Apr 12, 2010

Using Dell Inspiron media edition 16400 60GB HD 2GB ram. Issue, this drive is partitioned and running out of space on C:, there is about 12 GB on D:. Is there a way go move some apps, etc to D: and/or have a choice of writing to that drive?

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Can't Delete Move Files - Symptoms

May 22, 2005

this is a problem that I've been having for months now, I can't figure out what's really causing it so far.Symptoms1 - When deleting video files (.avi, .mpg) they will do one of three things.a. The file will delete fine. b. The file will delete fine, then a few seconds, will re-appear in it's original location, and will be untouchable. Cannot be deleted, opened, moved, renamed, etc.. You will get an access denied error from windows stating that the file is in use.c. The file just won't delete in the first place. See above 'untouchable 2 - Moving files gives very similar results. I won't ever get the initial error that the file is in use. The file will move, but will then be in both locations. The folder I move the file to will be normal - deletable, openable, etc.. but the one in the original location will be untouchable. Sometimes, the file will appear to move fine, but in a few seconds, will re-appear, untouchable, in the original location, same as above

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Setting Up A Home Network To Move Files

Jul 19, 2005

I have just purchased a HP Media Center PC with XP2 and have an older HP PC with XP2. I also have a router hooked to both PSc to use the DSL internet connection. Is there someone that can help me with setting up a home network to move files from the old PC to the new PC

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Move My Documents - Program Files To Bigger Partition

Jun 14, 2005

I have installed win XP pro a couple of days ago, and I thought that it would be a good idea to put windows in a separate partition. Since then I have installed a few applications on a different partition, but it is not uncommon for applications to put something in the program files folder anyway Is there a safe and easy way of having "my documents" and or "program files" on a bigger partition? Or would that defeat the whole point of a system partition?

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Installer - Move/copy Files Tries To Install The Damn Thing

Sep 8, 2005

can I stop xp from trying to install an old programme? which doesn't work and I can't delete? I have a copy of roxio media creator which doesn't work since I reset windows to an earlier point, the prog can't find a certificate and questions the system date so won't install. it won't delete either for the same reasons and every time I try to copy files it tries to install the damn thing, unsuccessfully

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