Way To Move Unmoveable Files While Defragging

Jan 16, 2005

There used to be a way to move unmoveable files to the end when defragging in older windows programs but I have been told that you cannot do it in XP. I just had my computer worked on and now I have a sign that says alaska that comes up on booting and a mess of hotrod programs running in the background and two sections of unmoveable files. I dont know what the Alaska and Hotrod files are or what they do or if I can remove them but I have been told that they are the first unmoveable files.Should I just forget it and leave them alone or is there a simple fix?

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Moving Unmoveable Files

May 27, 2008

I'm trying to partition my hard disk which currently has a Windows partition on and a couple of other util. partitions. I am using an Ubuntu live CD with GParted to attempt to resize the Windows one, but an error was given concerning there not being enough free space. I had a look around and found out that defragmenting might help.I did it a couple of times with the Windows defragger and once with Vopt. However, there are some "unmovable" files near the end of the disk which are probably causing the problems.Is there any way I can move these, so I can resize the partition?Attached is a screenshot from Vopt after defragging, the green blocks show unmovable files.

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Run The 'analyze' Feature First Before Defragging - Defragging Often?

Apr 23, 2010

In the past, I didn't have to defrag for about a month or two, now, I have to defrag every second day. I usually run the 'analyze' feature first before I defrag, if it says so. Is defragging every 2 days too often? Why is that happening and could it be corrected if it is exessive? I'm using Win XP.

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Unmoveable Boot Volume-dropped Lap Top

Jan 28, 2006

I have a Dell Inspiron 8200 and today my fabulous friend dropped the sob on the hardwood floor.So now everytime I turn it on I get the FABULOUS blue death screen with this error message: BIOS memory options to shadow and cache.I tried to boot from the CD rom with the Windows disk under F2, but it wouldn't. Instead it gave me the F8 options booted me right out from safe mode and sent me back to the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!

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Why Can't Move Files?

Apr 6, 2005

Why do I keep getting this message everytime I try to cut and paste a file, mp3, etc. Cannot move " " it is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using that file and try again. I am the only one on this computer. I have a Linksys router with my XP firewall on. This is making me nuts!

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Files Ending With Dot Can't Move/

Feb 8, 2005

I downloaded a pdf file that had a dot at the end e.g. page.pdf. It is zero length, shows in explorer as a system, hidden file. Can not delete or move. I can move a directory with one of these files in it but I can't do that with My Documents.Error message: Cannot move file: Cannot read from the source file or disk.
Did a run cmd and tried move and del and attrib.

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Move Programs And Files From Drive C To D?

Apr 12, 2010

Using Dell Inspiron media edition 16400 60GB HD 2GB ram. Issue, this drive is partitioned and running out of space on C:, there is about 12 GB on D:. Is there a way go move some apps, etc to D: and/or have a choice of writing to that drive?

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Can't Delete Move Files - Symptoms

May 22, 2005

this is a problem that I've been having for months now, I can't figure out what's really causing it so far.Symptoms1 - When deleting video files (.avi, .mpg) they will do one of three things.a. The file will delete fine. b. The file will delete fine, then a few seconds, will re-appear in it's original location, and will be untouchable. Cannot be deleted, opened, moved, renamed, etc.. You will get an access denied error from windows stating that the file is in use.c. The file just won't delete in the first place. See above 'untouchable 2 - Moving files gives very similar results. I won't ever get the initial error that the file is in use. The file will move, but will then be in both locations. The folder I move the file to will be normal - deletable, openable, etc.. but the one in the original location will be untouchable. Sometimes, the file will appear to move fine, but in a few seconds, will re-appear, untouchable, in the original location, same as above

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Setting Up A Home Network To Move Files

Jul 19, 2005

I have just purchased a HP Media Center PC with XP2 and have an older HP PC with XP2. I also have a router hooked to both PSc to use the DSL internet connection. Is there someone that can help me with setting up a home network to move files from the old PC to the new PC

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Move The Temporary Internet Files Folder

May 17, 2010

By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer. Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: When Internet Explorer is open, click on Tools and then select Internet Options. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click the Settings button. Click Move folder. Then select the new drive and folder you want to use and click OK to exit the property pages.

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Move My Documents - Program Files To Bigger Partition

Jun 14, 2005

I have installed win XP pro a couple of days ago, and I thought that it would be a good idea to put windows in a separate partition. Since then I have installed a few applications on a different partition, but it is not uncommon for applications to put something in the program files folder anyway Is there a safe and easy way of having "my documents" and or "program files" on a bigger partition? Or would that defeat the whole point of a system partition?

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Can Access All Sub Folders And Files Fine / Cannot Move Folder

Jul 31, 2009

I was moving about 450gb of music from my old external (which was almost completely out of space, 465gb) to an internal 1tb drive. I was installing/setting up a program, thinking 'no way this will affect the file transfer', when suddenly that program gave an error (can give specifics on this if needed). Immediately after, my files stopped moving. It said 'delayed write failed, data has been lost' or something like that. I looked on my external, and it was empty. At this point i was rather upset because i thought i had lost years worth of music. Since I thought i had lost all my data, i tried one of those recovery programs("diskdigger") And it couldn't even access the drive. Gave an error, then showed it as 0gb. But the drive properties still showed 300+ gb even though the only folder in it was shown as empty.

So, i did the classic windows fix-all, restarted. My computer would not even go past the motherboard boot screen for 5 minutes. At this point i was about to jump out the window, but i restarted again and it worked. I went to my external, all my folders were there, i could open all the subfolders, play the music with vlc, etc. BUT now when i try to move the folder with all my music, it says "Cannot move file: Cannot read from source file or disk".

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Installer - Move/copy Files Tries To Install The Damn Thing

Sep 8, 2005

can I stop xp from trying to install an old programme? which doesn't work and I can't delete? I have a copy of roxio media creator which doesn't work since I reset windows to an earlier point, the prog can't find a certificate and questions the system date so won't install. it won't delete either for the same reasons and every time I try to copy files it tries to install the damn thing, unsuccessfully

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Corrupt Registry Files: Wont Move Desktop Icons?

Dec 23, 2004

I was running CyberScrub the other day, which is a program that cleans out internet cache and deletes files beyond recovery. After it was done with the procedure, the computer restarted and chdisk began to run before my Windows XP booted up. After Windows was done doing chdisk, it started doing some wierd stuff I've never seen before.It was scrolling down with the same line but with the number increasing into the thousands. I thought maybe it was just doing a routine check but when I when my desktop came up I started to notice all kinds of wierd errors now. Here are just some examples: My taskbar disappeared and there's no way to conventionally fix it (Start doesn't come up when I press the windows key on my keyboard). My soundcard is undetectable. I can't copy and paste from and to my browsers. Can't find my RPC server. I can't move my desktop icons, etc.

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Unable To Move And Drag Or Drop Files / Copy Paste Wont Work?

May 31, 2006

I cannot move any of the desktop icons.I cannot drag and drop any files, but copy and paste works.I cannot mouse click in between different programs many times and often have to use Alt-Tab to get around windows.Since this has shown up, I reformatted and installed Windows at least 10 times. I've run numerous virus and spyware programs and found the system to be clean.

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Defragging C Drive Stops At 14 %

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to defragment my hard drive /C/, but does about 14% and then it stops saying : Can not defrag 456 fragments / 46,46 gigs / file name EVREM. Did complete antivirus check-up, no virus found / Avast /.

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C Drive Is Not Defragging Completely?

Nov 27, 2006

I just finished doing a defrag on c drive everything went fine but i noticed it was not completely defragged.there are still a lot of red patchesin the progress bar,any ideas on what might cause this?

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Defragging Not Completed - Gives Error

May 22, 2010

I am well above the 15% required by windows but for some reason it won't defrag properly with the default defrag on windows. I also tried another program that did the same.

The log gives the following errors. I also had used ccleaner and all kinds of reg cleaners prior to use

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Percentage Increases And Then Decreases During Defragging?

Nov 3, 2006

I recently took the advice of a friend & purchased Disk Keeper 10 Pro Premier. So, I've now used it twice since getting it & today after defragging my drive I notice this warning in the 'Job Report' after defragmentation;


The overall health of volume C: is degraded

The overall health is at "Warning" level for the following

1. The MFT usage was currently 85 percent of the total MFT
size, which indicates it is likely the MFT will become

I've read the help files othat came with the program & ran a 'Boot-Time Defragmentation' for the MFT - everything seems to have ran smoothly, except now after that process & another regular defrag the report states that the MFT usuage is currently 86%, now from my understanding (which is very little) shouldn't the percentage decrease after running this process?

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Defragging Is As Harmful As Using Registry-cleaners??

Dec 17, 2007

Would you guys recommend me to defrag my computer (XP) once in a while?Or is it as harmful as using registry-cleaners?

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Move Files From C Drive To D Drive (both Hard Drives)?

Sep 28, 2005

computer's running a lil bit slow and wont allow me to install my new mobile phone software as c drive memory is full, i've tried my best to move things to the d drive hard disk but its still really full.is there any safe way of transferring most of the programs and files over to the second hard drive?

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How To Move Files From Master Drive To Slave Drive

Mar 12, 2007

I just got a new 300 GB Seagate internal hard drive installed after running out of space on my 40 GB one. I need to know how to move stuff off the 40 GB master drive to my 300 GB slave drive. I'm using Windows XP.

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"Play All" Brings Up "Move Files" Dialogue

Aug 18, 2005

Whenever I press Play All (or Play Selection) in a multimedia folder the Move Files window appears instead of Windows Media Player. When I cancel it, WMP plays the files.If I highlight one or more files and press Enter, WMP plays them as a playlist straight away.Here's what I've done so far

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Move My OS From My First Hd To My New Second Hd

Sep 8, 2005

I want to move my OS from my first hd to my new second hd, what is the simplest way to do this?

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Screensaver Comes On But Does Not Move

Mar 26, 2005

my screensaver comes on but does not move.if you want to preview the screensaver it works.dont know what to do.

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Cannot Move Any Of The Desktop Icons

Jun 25, 2005

On my HP laptop, I can not move any of the desktop icons. They snap back to original position when released.
"Auto Arrange" is not checked. I have tried with "Align to Grid" both on and off. "Lock Web Items on Desktop" is not checked.

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Move Internet Explorer 7 To 6

Dec 9, 2006

I am typing this message in IE7. I like 6 better. Could be a comfort thing and I miss my Woobie, but I'm not sure. I know I don't like the extra half inch that's taken on top of my screen. I can't seem to move the tool bars around to maximize my viewing area. Is it possible to roll back to IE6.

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Tried Removingmp3 With Move On Boot

Jan 21, 2007

recently i downloaded a file that was supposed to be an mp3. however, when i tried playing it nothing happened. when i right click to choose delete the options are completely different. all options i am given are options in winamp. i also tried removing it with move on boot and it tells me that the file is not found. not really sure what to do from here im pretty stuck.

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Running 2 IE's - But Can Move Mouse

Dec 22, 2004

im running XP. for some reason lately, i've noticed since my family changed ISP's, that my computer temporarily freezes. Like I'd be running 2 IE's, and I'm switching to the other browser, when the screen freezes - but I can move the mouse. It freezes for around a minute to a few minutes, but I can move the mouse. I go to click on eg the Start button, go back to the browser i was originally on, etc. Only after the screen temporarily freezes does the start menu come up at around the same time the browsers switch from one to another. how do i fix this? it's REALLY annoying. it doesn't only happen on my computer, but on my parents' computer as well. the funny thing is that it doesnt happen to my bros computer.

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Move Stuff Between Users

Jul 30, 2005

I would like to delete all user accounts except one but before I do how can I move some of those user files over to the user I will keep without them being moved as shortcuts? I would like to create copies not shortcuts.

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