Run The 'analyze' Feature First Before Defragging - Defragging Often?

Apr 23, 2010

In the past, I didn't have to defrag for about a month or two, now, I have to defrag every second day. I usually run the 'analyze' feature first before I defrag, if it says so. Is defragging every 2 days too often? Why is that happening and could it be corrected if it is exessive? I'm using Win XP.

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Defragging C Drive Stops At 14 %

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to defragment my hard drive /C/, but does about 14% and then it stops saying : Can not defrag 456 fragments / 46,46 gigs / file name EVREM. Did complete antivirus check-up, no virus found / Avast /.

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C Drive Is Not Defragging Completely?

Nov 27, 2006

I just finished doing a defrag on c drive everything went fine but i noticed it was not completely defragged.there are still a lot of red patchesin the progress bar,any ideas on what might cause this?

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Defragging Not Completed - Gives Error

May 22, 2010

I am well above the 15% required by windows but for some reason it won't defrag properly with the default defrag on windows. I also tried another program that did the same.

The log gives the following errors. I also had used ccleaner and all kinds of reg cleaners prior to use

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Percentage Increases And Then Decreases During Defragging?

Nov 3, 2006

I recently took the advice of a friend & purchased Disk Keeper 10 Pro Premier. So, I've now used it twice since getting it & today after defragging my drive I notice this warning in the 'Job Report' after defragmentation;


The overall health of volume C: is degraded

The overall health is at "Warning" level for the following

1. The MFT usage was currently 85 percent of the total MFT
size, which indicates it is likely the MFT will become

I've read the help files othat came with the program & ran a 'Boot-Time Defragmentation' for the MFT - everything seems to have ran smoothly, except now after that process & another regular defrag the report states that the MFT usuage is currently 86%, now from my understanding (which is very little) shouldn't the percentage decrease after running this process?

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Defragging Is As Harmful As Using Registry-cleaners??

Dec 17, 2007

Would you guys recommend me to defrag my computer (XP) once in a while?Or is it as harmful as using registry-cleaners?

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Way To Move Unmoveable Files While Defragging

Jan 16, 2005

There used to be a way to move unmoveable files to the end when defragging in older windows programs but I have been told that you cannot do it in XP. I just had my computer worked on and now I have a sign that says alaska that comes up on booting and a mess of hotrod programs running in the background and two sections of unmoveable files. I dont know what the Alaska and Hotrod files are or what they do or if I can remove them but I have been told that they are the first unmoveable files.Should I just forget it and leave them alone or is there a simple fix?

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Analyze Mini - Dump

May 9, 2005

Spontaneous re-boots due to bug check I disabled: system properties > advanced > startup & recovery / settings > failures / automatically restar. Event viewer > save dump. I have read KB 385271 [ how to use dump check ] & KB 314084 [ how to gather information after a dump check ]. I tried to use pstat.exe to solve the problem, but I am unskilled.

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No Auto Run Feature

Mar 25, 2005

Lost the auto run feature again. I think I received help from this forum previously to correct this, and it worked. I would appreciate the link again to get this feature back Using Win XP pro, SP 2 installed. This time I'll put the info on file.

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Desktop Zoom Feature

Mar 14, 2010

Are there any software that will allow you to zoom on your XP desktop and navagete (move around while in xoom mode? I know Mac has this by holding a key and using schroll on your mouse. This is useful even while playing videos that dont have zoom feature in the player, or is there?

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Show Desktop Feature

Nov 22, 2007

I used to use the windows + D combination to show my desktop but it has stopped working. When I right-click on the taskbar, the option has disappeared as well. Everything that I have looked up on the web, deals with putting the 'Show the desktop' back on Quick Launch toolbar.I can do that - but the Show the Desktop shortcut & Windows + D no longer work.

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Not Able To Use System Restore Feature

Jul 17, 2005

I have XP Professional OS and I have not been able to use the system restore feature to return to a specific restore point. Everytime I try to use it the message "restore incomplete system cannot be restored." shows up after it restarts. No matter what restore date I try it willl not work. What would be causing this and can it be fixed so it will work?

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How To Add The Print Directory Feature For Folders

May 8, 2006

I followed these instructions to print the contents of a directory...

Even modified the directory as instructed to eliminate the search companion glich mentioned in the article. While the MS support provided the functionality I wanted, it does not help clear up all the problems it creates.

Now, when I launch Windows Explorer, in the left hand frame I have folders show, and in the right hand frame I have details shown. This is fine. When I double click a folder in the right hand frame, a new Windows Explorer launches, and the folders in the left hand frame are gone. I can click the folders icon at the top and turn them back on, but this did not use to happen. What I had and want back is for the folder to open in the same window, an leave the format of the Windows Explorer screen alone.

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Search Feature And Msconfig Will Not Work

Sep 1, 2006

I have a 500MB CPU with 256 MB memory on a Etower machine. I am running xp home edition and I can not longer get the search feature to work. If I try and search for anything at all I always get the same thing > "Search is complete, no results to display" I get this no matter what I put in the search box or how I change the search criteria. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Also I can no longer get Msconfig to open using the "Start/Run/open" Box. I can go to the Icon within explorer itself and open the program, so the program still works but, for some reason like I just said Msconfig will not open using the start/run/open box.

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Zoom Feature In Filmstrip Of My Pictures?

Dec 30, 2004

I've been using XP Pro for a few years now. However, on my last re-install I left off ACDSee and was just going to use XP's own settings for viewing photos. I'm now using SP2.I was certain that in the 'filmstrip' setting for photos there was a 'Zoom IN/OUT' option - am I wrong? I'm using TweakUI + TweakXP Pro 4, I've checked everywhere but I can't find anywhere that the zoom option has been unchecked? Is it there or can I enable it somehow?

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Background Change Feature Blocked By Itself?

Apr 15, 2006

when my computer starts up, my background changes into a blue color and im unable to chage it back, because when i rigth click and go to properties, the background chaging section is blocked and you can only pick some colors.

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Deleting Confirmation Feature Back On?

Dec 23, 2005

anyone got any idea how to get the delete confirmation feature back on. For some odd reason i no longer get asked if i would like to delete just deletes it.

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Disable Or Uninstall The Rollback Feature

Jul 12, 2010

do I disable or uninstall the rollback feature, as I have been unable to download and play the Trial vwesions of certain games

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Optional Disk Management Feature

Sep 8, 2005

Is there a Microsoft-compatible XP Disk Management utility to adjust the size of partitions? like Partition Magic and others.

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Disable The Double Tap Feature On The Touchpad

Nov 8, 2006

i just got me a toshiba laptop and i was wondering how i can disable the double tap feature on the touchpad cuz i always seem to double tap it by accident.

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Not Responding - Add Remove Program Feature

Aug 24, 2006

having a problem with the add remove programme feature on xp.For the past 18 months its been fine but clicked on the tab this morning and nothing won't display any list of installed programmes. Did a rollback to a week ago when it was ok, but still nothing

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Disabling The Right Click Feature On The Mouse

Jul 19, 2005

help! does anyone know how to diable the right clicking feature on the mouse when you are using winXP? I need to do this when I am playing those fast clicking online games. I tend to click both buttons,on accident, but the right click feature messes the game up

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Cannot Disable Auto-logon Feature In Pro

Aug 11, 2005

I have installed XP as an upgrade from W2K to my wife's computer, and I recall that in the W2K installation the auto-logon feature was enabled. Now I am trying to disable this feature, so far without success. I
have even used TweakUI and still the auto-login feature runs every time I reboot. I looked under the Group Policy editor, following my Administrator's Pocket Consultant for clues, and there is no effect.

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Pro : Missing Hibernation Feature Back Similar?

Oct 9, 2006

I just installed win XP pro on my young brother sony Vaio old PC. The hibernation feature is missing from window. I already updated all security features of windows. I checked the power options in control panel carefully but hibernation feature tab is missing. My friend told me that the problem is relating to out of date video card driver. How can I get the hibernation feature back similar to my PC?

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Used NOS Feature Of The Software - System Wont Boot Up

Oct 31, 2007

I was playing around with a software called AiBooster. It came with my motherboard (Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe). I used the NOS feature of the software and applied the 110% setting. After that my computer locked up so I restarted it but now nothing boots up. I can enter the bios setup but thats all I can do.

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Can't Use Find Message Feature In Outlook Express

Jun 19, 2008

The find message feature in my outlook express no longer works. When I click edit then find message then put in any information (in the to or from or subject block) and then click on the find now nothing happens.I used to be able to use this feature and for no apparant reason It doesn't seem to work anymore.I need help as I use my email as a general filing cabinet and the find message feature to locate information I need.

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IExplorer - Access Any Desktop Icon - Feature

Mar 20, 2005

I just started having this problem. My computer boots up fine, but when I try to access any desktop icon, or any feature from the start button, I get the message, windows explorer has encountered a problem... then I get Dr Watson has encountered a problem, then the only thing I can do is reboot. The strange thing is, that I can access AOL by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, also Mcafee and others. The only things that work are the taskbar icons. I ran all the appropriate virus checks, spy checks, with no problem.

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Cannot Find Clone Feature On Video Card

Apr 24, 2006

It's been a while, but I use to hook my computer up to my big screen TV (S3-video) every so often and I could have sworn it was by going through Display, Settings and Advance. Once in Advance my NVIDIA card would be there and I would click on it and choose the clone option so that what was on my computer would be on my TV.But this week-end I tried it and it no longer showed my Video card or anything remotely close to the screen I had used before, instead it now shows the typical dual monitor configuration/setup ie. extend desktop across both monitors.I cannot figure how I lost my Video card screen where I could clone - am I just forgetting where I went and going to the wrong spot now?

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Norton Does Not Support The Repair Feature - Malware

Sep 1, 2005

I have two problems that I think are connected. Every time I turn on my computer and log into my account on Windows I get between one and three error messages that say, "Norton does not support the repair feature, please uninstall and reinstall." I thought at first this was stopping some needed application, but the more it happened and from reading Norton's alert logs, I think it is malware trying to repair itself and Norton is stopping it. The alert logs say something about a Trojan Horse everytime I turn my computer on. In addition, if I go online as soon as I log onto Windows then it says that a "recent attempt to attack my computer was blocked." - I think this is related to the error message and Trojan horse

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Suppress Security Information Messages: Disable The Feature?

Oct 16, 2008

I'm not sure why but there has been an annoying increase in the number of those Windows Security Information messages that pop up requiring me to select Yes before I can proceed with what I'm doing. To be specific, the message is named in the upper left hand corner "Security Information" and the messages states: "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?" It then requires me to select "yes" in order to continue. I had to click it three times in one instance just to logoff the web site I was using. Is there anyway to disable this "feature" as I can never recall a time when I haven't selected "yes".

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