I used to use the windows + D combination to show my desktop but it has stopped working. When I right-click on the taskbar, the option has disappeared as well. Everything that I have looked up on the web, deals with putting the 'Show the desktop' back on Quick Launch toolbar.I can do that - but the Show the Desktop shortcut & Windows + D no longer work.
My Latitude C610 with XP service Pack 2 is connected with external monitor and only shows wall paper on external monitor and not shows icons or any open application.
Several unwanted desktop icons appeared recently (I think they come via Search2000 when IE is used). They won't right-click for deletion, nor will they allow themselves to be drop-dragged to the recycle bin. They don't appear in the desktop icon list when using the desktop cleanup feature.
Are there any software that will allow you to zoom on your XP desktop and navagete (move around while in xoom mode? I know Mac has this by holding a key and using schroll on your mouse. This is useful even while playing videos that dont have zoom feature in the player, or is there?
I just started having this problem. My computer boots up fine, but when I try to access any desktop icon, or any feature from the start button, I get the message, windows explorer has encountered a problem... then I get Dr Watson has encountered a problem, then the only thing I can do is reboot. The strange thing is, that I can access AOL by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, also Mcafee and others. The only things that work are the taskbar icons. I ran all the appropriate virus checks, spy checks, with no problem.
When I select Help & Support from the Start menu I get a dialog that says:"Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem,start the service named "Help and Support"When I run MSCONFIG and look for help and support it's not there.a bunch of Microsoft services are turned off in MSCONFIG. Would be good to know what should be on.
I wish to show the language bar on my desktop but when I look at the Regioanl and Language Options in the control panel, then choose the Languages tab and select Details, the language bar preferences are disabled. Any idea how I can get the bar to show on my desktop?
I am having an unusual problem with my Windows XP computer. Occasionally when I am on a web site (any web site) all of a sudden the web site will disappear and the desktop will show up.
After running Ad-aware, a trojan file was detected that couldn't be quarantined, cleaned or deleted. Husband found a way to get it deleted, but there was a warning saying that it was associated with another file. Deleted anyway.
Ran McAfee VirusScan and deleted unwanted programs it detected. After that, the mouse wouldn't work, so shut computer down by holding button in until shutdown (only way it could be shut down).
Start up went normal until the desktop background came up. Message stating "C: couldn't be found, check address again(???)" popped up. I clicked OK then it just sat there. I shut it off again.
Start up went normal again up through desktop background. No message this time. Mouse seems to work, but no icons or start up blue bar.
The only thing we can think of is the deleted file was associated with our desktop icons.
When I right click on desktop and choose Properties, nothing happens.When I go to control panel/appearance and themes and click on anything,nothing opens (except folder options and "Taskbar and Start Menu" ) The only way I can change wallpaper is by right clicking on an image and selecting set as wallpaper, but I cant do anything else without properties.
I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. In the taskbar I used to have an icon to show the desktop when operating a program.The icon is still there but somehow the supporting file has disappeared.How do I get it back? The file is "Show desktop.scf" but it can't be found in any search I make.
I get an error message saying that An exception occurred while trying to run " "C:WINDOWSsystem32mfyuv.dll" DllGetVersion", only the .dll file is a different one each time I reboot the system. And I can't find any of the .dll files online at all. Not only that, but when the computer is starting up internet explorer is using up all of the memory, even though I can't see anything on screen. This slows everything down and I have to turn it off using the task manager to give enough memory to the System Idle Process.
When I booted up my computer this morning, Windows loaded, I signed in, and then it took nearly an hour and a half to get the program icons to come up on the desktop. When I try to open one, it can take upwards of 20 minutes to do so, then response within the program is no better. It seems like all the resources are under use, but no one can see what's bogging it down.
I can of course make a shortcut to IE on the desktop. But how do you put the IE icon, not the shortcut on there. I see you can right click eg My Computer and place that on desktop - but how to do so for IE?
I got a dell laptop (inspiron 6000) and windows xp media center about a year ago. Since a month or so, most of the time windows is done booting, all i can see is my desktop picture and nothing else. Everything is accessible only via task manager (running firefox.exe, explorer.exe...)Only once out of 7-10 times will it start up normally. I have no idea what this is all about or how to find out.
Okay, so there are many topics out there from people asking for help because they deleted their show desktop icon.I however never deleted it, it just stop working. After some investigating it was revealed that my C:WINDOWSsystemshow desktop file is gone. The icon is there but the file is gone.
i have a dell computer windows xp. Whenever i turn on my computer it log in and everything right but show no start bar or destop icon it just show a blue show screen blue i can get to task manger but when i try to open a program nothing happen
On the quick launch toolbar, it comes with the Show Desktop icon. I deleted this not thinking I would need it.I tried to remove the quick launch bar through the task bar options, and I looked in Windows XP setup to see if it was sitting there.
Basically anytime my computer requires my login and password to get back to the desktop, after I hit <enter> it takes way over a minute to come back. I can hit <ctrl+alt+del>, then <k> to lock the screen, immediately try to log back in and it will take over a minute to show me my desktop again.I don't know where to begin to troubleshoot this. I also have Ubuntu installed on a separate partition and grub is the bootloader; however, I don't see how this could affect my WinXp install since Ubuntu is not running at the time.
I cannot get remote desktop to work on XP. The 'remote desktop connection' does not show any available computers although network is working okay. If I try to browse it says "no terminal server is available on this domain/network". Network is one PC and one new laptop both running XP home(plus one old pc running win98)
Lost the auto run feature again. I think I received help from this forum previously to correct this, and it worked. I would appreciate the link again to get this feature back Using Win XP pro, SP 2 installed. This time I'll put the info on file.
I have XP Professional OS and I have not been able to use the system restore feature to return to a specific restore point. Everytime I try to use it the message "restore incomplete system cannot be restored." shows up after it restarts. No matter what restore date I try it willl not work. What would be causing this and can it be fixed so it will work?
I right clicked on the Taskbar and checked Quick Launch and hit the Apply button. This put the Quick Launch toolbar on the Taskbar with the Show Desktop and Internet Explorer icons. I deleted them and now I can't duplicate this action. I can get the Internet Explorer icon back. But I can't get the Show Desktop icon back.
I followed these instructions to print the contents of a directory...
Even modified the directory as instructed to eliminate the search companion glich mentioned in the article. While the MS support provided the functionality I wanted, it does not help clear up all the problems it creates.
Now, when I launch Windows Explorer, in the left hand frame I have folders show, and in the right hand frame I have details shown. This is fine. When I double click a folder in the right hand frame, a new Windows Explorer launches, and the folders in the left hand frame are gone. I can click the folders icon at the top and turn them back on, but this did not use to happen. What I had and want back is for the folder to open in the same window, an leave the format of the Windows Explorer screen alone.
I have a 500MB CPU with 256 MB memory on a Etower machine. I am running xp home edition and I can not longer get the search feature to work. If I try and search for anything at all I always get the same thing > "Search is complete, no results to display" I get this no matter what I put in the search box or how I change the search criteria. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Also I can no longer get Msconfig to open using the "Start/Run/open" Box. I can go to the Icon within explorer itself and open the program, so the program still works but, for some reason like I just said Msconfig will not open using the start/run/open box.
I've been using XP Pro for a few years now. However, on my last re-install I left off ACDSee and was just going to use XP's own settings for viewing photos. I'm now using SP2.I was certain that in the 'filmstrip' setting for photos there was a 'Zoom IN/OUT' option - am I wrong? I'm using TweakUI + TweakXP Pro 4, I've checked everywhere but I can't find anywhere that the zoom option has been unchecked? Is it there or can I enable it somehow?
when my computer starts up, my background changes into a blue color and im unable to chage it back, because when i rigth click and go to properties, the background chaging section is blocked and you can only pick some colors.