Percentage Increases And Then Decreases During Defragging?

Nov 3, 2006

I recently took the advice of a friend & purchased Disk Keeper 10 Pro Premier. So, I've now used it twice since getting it & today after defragging my drive I notice this warning in the 'Job Report' after defragmentation;


The overall health of volume C: is degraded

The overall health is at "Warning" level for the following

1. The MFT usage was currently 85 percent of the total MFT
size, which indicates it is likely the MFT will become

I've read the help files othat came with the program & ran a 'Boot-Time Defragmentation' for the MFT - everything seems to have ran smoothly, except now after that process & another regular defrag the report states that the MFT usuage is currently 86%, now from my understanding (which is very little) shouldn't the percentage decrease after running this process?

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Run The 'analyze' Feature First Before Defragging - Defragging Often?

Apr 23, 2010

In the past, I didn't have to defrag for about a month or two, now, I have to defrag every second day. I usually run the 'analyze' feature first before I defrag, if it says so. Is defragging every 2 days too often? Why is that happening and could it be corrected if it is exessive? I'm using Win XP.

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Why Is The Recycle Bin Set By Percentage?

Jul 25, 2005

This was a major oversight of Microsoft. On a 200-300gb HDD even 1% is too much space to use for the recycle bin. Some people may like using 2-3gb on the recycle bin but I on't. If it had the option to set the size in mb's there would be no need for this post. It's all about options. Get with the program Bill.

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JPEG's File Size Increases Dramatically When Printing

Aug 23, 2005

I have a problem when printing JPEG's. The JPEG's file size increases dramatically when sent to a printer( eg from 630KB to 13MB).Could Windows be changing the file to a BMP before printing? If so, how canI stop this?

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Defragging C Drive Stops At 14 %

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to defragment my hard drive /C/, but does about 14% and then it stops saying : Can not defrag 456 fragments / 46,46 gigs / file name EVREM. Did complete antivirus check-up, no virus found / Avast /.

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C Drive Is Not Defragging Completely?

Nov 27, 2006

I just finished doing a defrag on c drive everything went fine but i noticed it was not completely defragged.there are still a lot of red patchesin the progress bar,any ideas on what might cause this?

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Defragging Not Completed - Gives Error

May 22, 2010

I am well above the 15% required by windows but for some reason it won't defrag properly with the default defrag on windows. I also tried another program that did the same.

The log gives the following errors. I also had used ccleaner and all kinds of reg cleaners prior to use

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Defragging Is As Harmful As Using Registry-cleaners??

Dec 17, 2007

Would you guys recommend me to defrag my computer (XP) once in a while?Or is it as harmful as using registry-cleaners?

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Defragging Gone Bad - Lost Space From Drive

Aug 15, 2009

I recently defragged my computer a few days ago. I started out with 14.9GB left on my C: drive (total capacity is 69.7GB) and ended with 3.2GB! I was highly upset, I don't know what could have gone wrong to cause my free space to almost completely deplete...does this usually happen? I also want to know if i can get my space back, and what I can do.

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Way To Move Unmoveable Files While Defragging

Jan 16, 2005

There used to be a way to move unmoveable files to the end when defragging in older windows programs but I have been told that you cannot do it in XP. I just had my computer worked on and now I have a sign that says alaska that comes up on booting and a mess of hotrod programs running in the background and two sections of unmoveable files. I dont know what the Alaska and Hotrod files are or what they do or if I can remove them but I have been told that they are the first unmoveable files.Should I just forget it and leave them alone or is there a simple fix?

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