Cannot Disable Auto-logon Feature In Pro

Aug 11, 2005

I have installed XP as an upgrade from W2K to my wife's computer, and I recall that in the W2K installation the auto-logon feature was enabled. Now I am trying to disable this feature, so far without success. I
have even used TweakUI and still the auto-login feature runs every time I reboot. I looked under the Group Policy editor, following my Administrator's Pocket Consultant for clues, and there is no effect.

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No Auto Run Feature

Mar 25, 2005

Lost the auto run feature again. I think I received help from this forum previously to correct this, and it worked. I would appreciate the link again to get this feature back Using Win XP pro, SP 2 installed. This time I'll put the info on file.

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Disable Or Uninstall The Rollback Feature

Jul 12, 2010

do I disable or uninstall the rollback feature, as I have been unable to download and play the Trial vwesions of certain games

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Disable The Double Tap Feature On The Touchpad

Nov 8, 2006

i just got me a toshiba laptop and i was wondering how i can disable the double tap feature on the touchpad cuz i always seem to double tap it by accident.

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Disabling The Auto-reboot Feature Associated With Automatic Updates

Jul 11, 2007

I'm trying to disable that horrible auto-restart feature, but I can only get so far because I'm computer illiterate.Can someone translate the directions into lay(wo)man's terms? I know I first need to get into the registry, but I don't know how to get there. I know I need to edit HKEY_something_something, but I'm not sure which one or what it needs to be changed to.

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Change The Delay For The 'auto-hide' Feature On Toolbars?

Apr 5, 2008

So I made a folder with a bunch of shortcuts, then dragged the folder to the top of my screen to turn it into a toolbar. I like it a lot - the only problem is , when I go to close a program in the top right corner, I frequently hit the top of the screen so the toolbar pops up - this is rather annoying. It also happens if I put the toolbar on the left side of the screen - pops up whenever I try to hit the 'back button' on firefox.Anyway I was wondering is there a registry settings or some settings to change the delay, so that it only pops up if I hold the pointer for a certain amount of milliseconds?

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Suppress Security Information Messages: Disable The Feature?

Oct 16, 2008

I'm not sure why but there has been an annoying increase in the number of those Windows Security Information messages that pop up requiring me to select Yes before I can proceed with what I'm doing. To be specific, the message is named in the upper left hand corner "Security Information" and the messages states: "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?" It then requires me to select "yes" in order to continue. I had to click it three times in one instance just to logoff the web site I was using. Is there anyway to disable this "feature" as I can never recall a time when I haven't selected "yes".

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Remove Or Disable Microsoft's Indexing Feature Slows System?

Jan 12, 2009

Following advice from others, I have tried to remove or disable Microsoft's indexing feature from XP as it slows my system.I have marked my hard drives so that the indexing service is not allowed to access it within the properties for the drive.I have run "services.msc" and disabled the startup of the indexing service.Despite all of this, the service stills starts when I power up the computer, as indicated by the magnifying glass icon in the system tray. The start up status of the indexing service is still shown as disabled.

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Windows Auto-logon To Account

Sep 7, 2006

I used to auto-logon to an account (the computer would automatically log on to the accoun t, entering the password and everything), but now I have deleted the account, I want it to auto-logon to my account, now. Every time a switch on my PC, that annoyintg bleep sound in windows goes off and a message appears saying it could not login to that account, well, obviously it cant because it has been deleted, how can I make it auto-login to my account?

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How To Disable DV Auto Play

May 14, 2003

A DV device is treated like any other removable storage in XP and you get an autoplay prompt when you plug in the camcorder. When I bought my DV camcorder I installed some software that came with it. The software sucks, but before I came to that realization, I had already made it the default for DV autoplay.The problem is that once you select an app to autoplay, there is NO WAY to change it unlike with other removables (where you can right click on it and change it in it's properties). Trust me, I did a LOT of research online and could not find any way to do it.Finally, after a careful search through the registry, I figured out how to disable DV autoplay entirely.ALL the autoplay handlers are stored in this registry folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAutoplayHandlersHandlersIfound the app that was being autoplayed when I plugged in my DV camera and deleted it's entry. Now NOTHING autoplays when I plug in my camcorder which is just the way I prefer it. I'm sure there's a more elegant solution that allows you to reset the autoplay so that you can select another app, but this solves the problem for me.

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Auto Logon Means I Can't Get Admin Account

Jul 3, 2005

Using Windows XP Pro SP2. As I'm the only user on a standalone PC, I didn't use to bother with a password and Windows would log me in

Then I found I had to have a password in order to get Task Scheduler to work, so I set one, then used UserPasswords2 to again set my account to log in automatically.

This works fine except that I cannot now find a way to access the built-in Administrator account.

Before I used UserPasswords2, I could get to the Admin account by starting in Safe Mode (the trick of pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del twice I've
seen here never worked for me, apparently because Windows thinks I am part of a workgroup rather than a domain). This worked whether I had a password set on my own account or not.

Now, however, I get automatically logged in even in Safe Mode, with no chance to choose the Admin account.

IS there any way of doing this so that I can keep auto login, keep Task Scheduler happy and still get to the Admin account if I need to?

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Settings Resetting - Tweak UI Set To Auto Logon

Oct 15, 2006

I have Tweak UI set to auto logon for me and it works fine once then it resets itself and turns that off. I also have ultramon setting my backgrounds and they never stick after a reset of the computer. I wanna say this has something to do with me installing and uninstalling mcafee and norton a couple of times. (i have only norton now).

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How To Disable Auto Text In Search Box?

Oct 5, 2005

i dont know the actual technical term for this function. its when u type something in the search box, a box will show your previous search terms. its very annoying & i would like to get rid of this EXTRA function. i tried to look into the 'options', but couldnt find any selection that can disable this function.

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Disable Auto Restart On System Failure

Aug 12, 2002

When Running windows and it crashes you will get a blue screen and it will automatically restart, ofter it will restart too fast for you to see the error message. You could check the error log in this case but that is too easy. We are going to disable auto restart on system failure.

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System (Windows+Pause works, too)

2. Go to Advanced

3. Under the Startup and Recovery section, click Settings...

4. Under System Failure un-check "Automatically restart"

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Media Center Disable Auto Launch Drivers

Dec 15, 2006

Every time I put a DVD into one of my drives, Media Center automatically launches. Drives me insane. This version came pre-installed and I NEVER use it except with my XBOX 360.

1. Both drives are set to ignore all disc types in the AutoPlay properties.
2. There is no setting (I can see) within Media Center to disable this autolaunch.

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Firewall - Auto Update - Network - Enable / Disable Buttons Are Grayed Out

Nov 30, 2006

first of all, under the settings for window's firewall, i am not able to choose whether or not i want to enable it or disable it. it is set as disabled and both the enable/disable buttons are greyed out and i cannot click it. second, my auto update keeps turning itself off. after setting it back on, it will turn off the next time i boot my computer. third, i'm having some networking problems. i can connect onto the other computers of my network, however the other computers cannot connect to me. are all these problems related in anyway?

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Scanner And Camera Wizard - Don't Have Group Policies Configured To Disable Auto Play

Oct 21, 2009

OS : windows XP Pro sp3Problem : We have a machine that has lost Scanner and Camera wizard from autoplay a few days ago after we moved this PC from a local Workgroup to a Domain. After moving it to the domain with the new user, we copied the Windows profile from the old local user to to the new domain user. We currently do not have any group policies configured to disable auto play. When I log in with the username into the old local account the Wizard pops up fine. It is something related to the user/profile change. When we plug the camera into the computer autoplay works and recognises that the camera has pictures but there are no options to transfer pictures in the pop up box. i have tried a a few reg edits , we do not have Real Player, No luck with Windows autoplay repair wizard either.

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Disable Driver Updates From Auto Updates?

Apr 24, 2006

Is there a way to disable Windows Automatic Updates from updating device drivers. There are a several PC's at my job that have problems with a device driver update from. I would still like to recieve regular security updates, but I dont want any device driver updates.

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Infinite Logon Loop / Immediatley Logs Off To The Logon Screen

Sep 22, 2004

My computer starts up normally.It always just autologs on since I'm the only one using my windows xp computer. However, before anything can be displayed it immediatley logs off to the logon screen. I click my username and start the login process (i have no password and before even switching to my wallpaper or anything it says stuff like logging out and saving your settings.

I tried booting in safe mode too and the same infinite logon loop occured to, even with the default administrator account. The last thing I remember doing before this happened is I was playing City of Heroes when it crashed forcing me to restart my computer. This happens occasionally in certain programs but I've never had anything like this happen before. I tried unplugging my keyboard, mouse, usb devices, ethernet cable, no luck. Intel Pentium 4 1.7 ghz Geforce 5600 FX 256 mb windows xp home service pack 1, in case any of that matters

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Logon Error - Command Length Incorrect - (NO ONE CAN LOGON)

Jul 15, 2005

I've seen another post somewhere and someone else had this problem, but I haven't found a solution. We're using WXP Pro, SP2. After doing a repair install (the other person just had it after using Windows Update), at logon, after entering the correct, AND VALID, password either for a user Or the Administrator, Windows Logon displays the following Logon Message in a box: "!The system cannot log you on due to the following error: "The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. "Please try again or consult your administrator."

No matter how many times logon is attempted, or with what account, the message continues to be issued. Thus, NO ONE can logon to the GUI. The Recovery Console can be used to logon as Administrator, but no password is requested even though there is one in place. I've searched the MSKB but didn't find any reference. Implementing "Last known good configuration" does not fix the problem.

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Does Not Get To Welcome Logon Screen, Unable To Logon

Jun 7, 2005

When i boot up the system hangs at the blue 'Windows xp' screen, the 'Windows is starting' is missing and it goes no further, the logon screen does not appear so i can't get in. I have recovery console on and i can get into the drive by booting in from another drive/operating system

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Auto Run / Auto Start

Sep 1, 2005

I have a problem with a laptop running XP pro SP2. Problem is, if I load a CD or DVD into the Drive they dont auto run they just spin up, and to launch I have to do it through explorer, Similarly with my Digital Camera, when I plug it in its supose to ask me what i want to do with the files but the same happens the Nikon program does not auto run, have tried the solutions mentioned here bon this board but still no go.

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Desktop Zoom Feature

Mar 14, 2010

Are there any software that will allow you to zoom on your XP desktop and navagete (move around while in xoom mode? I know Mac has this by holding a key and using schroll on your mouse. This is useful even while playing videos that dont have zoom feature in the player, or is there?

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Show Desktop Feature

Nov 22, 2007

I used to use the windows + D combination to show my desktop but it has stopped working. When I right-click on the taskbar, the option has disappeared as well. Everything that I have looked up on the web, deals with putting the 'Show the desktop' back on Quick Launch toolbar.I can do that - but the Show the Desktop shortcut & Windows + D no longer work.

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Not Able To Use System Restore Feature

Jul 17, 2005

I have XP Professional OS and I have not been able to use the system restore feature to return to a specific restore point. Everytime I try to use it the message "restore incomplete system cannot be restored." shows up after it restarts. No matter what restore date I try it willl not work. What would be causing this and can it be fixed so it will work?

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How To Add The Print Directory Feature For Folders

May 8, 2006

I followed these instructions to print the contents of a directory...

Even modified the directory as instructed to eliminate the search companion glich mentioned in the article. While the MS support provided the functionality I wanted, it does not help clear up all the problems it creates.

Now, when I launch Windows Explorer, in the left hand frame I have folders show, and in the right hand frame I have details shown. This is fine. When I double click a folder in the right hand frame, a new Windows Explorer launches, and the folders in the left hand frame are gone. I can click the folders icon at the top and turn them back on, but this did not use to happen. What I had and want back is for the folder to open in the same window, an leave the format of the Windows Explorer screen alone.

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Search Feature And Msconfig Will Not Work

Sep 1, 2006

I have a 500MB CPU with 256 MB memory on a Etower machine. I am running xp home edition and I can not longer get the search feature to work. If I try and search for anything at all I always get the same thing > "Search is complete, no results to display" I get this no matter what I put in the search box or how I change the search criteria. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Also I can no longer get Msconfig to open using the "Start/Run/open" Box. I can go to the Icon within explorer itself and open the program, so the program still works but, for some reason like I just said Msconfig will not open using the start/run/open box.

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Zoom Feature In Filmstrip Of My Pictures?

Dec 30, 2004

I've been using XP Pro for a few years now. However, on my last re-install I left off ACDSee and was just going to use XP's own settings for viewing photos. I'm now using SP2.I was certain that in the 'filmstrip' setting for photos there was a 'Zoom IN/OUT' option - am I wrong? I'm using TweakUI + TweakXP Pro 4, I've checked everywhere but I can't find anywhere that the zoom option has been unchecked? Is it there or can I enable it somehow?

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Background Change Feature Blocked By Itself?

Apr 15, 2006

when my computer starts up, my background changes into a blue color and im unable to chage it back, because when i rigth click and go to properties, the background chaging section is blocked and you can only pick some colors.

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Deleting Confirmation Feature Back On?

Dec 23, 2005

anyone got any idea how to get the delete confirmation feature back on. For some odd reason i no longer get asked if i would like to delete just deletes it.

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Optional Disk Management Feature

Sep 8, 2005

Is there a Microsoft-compatible XP Disk Management utility to adjust the size of partitions? like Partition Magic and others.

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