Account - Password Off That Folder And Get Access To It

Aug 24, 2005

I had set an account with password protection (administrative account), then had to do a repair and now i cannot get into my folders that are password protected. Now how do take the password off that folder and get access to it?

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Unable To Access To Desktop / Changing Password To Get Access?

Jul 29, 2009

I brought her computer home to use for my school work. Someone signed into the Administrative / Owner name and somehow locked it. We don't have one of those password reset disk that the Windows website says. I have a disk that says "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition System Recovery CD/DVD" I was told if I reinstalled Windows on the computer that it would erase the entire harddrive. There are alot of pictures on the computer, not to mention Microsoft Office, that I don't want to lose. My mom passed away suddenly and while I know her other passwords, this one is different which leads me to believe one of my younger cousins was messing with her computer and did something they didn't mean.Is there anyway possible to reset the password and use the computer without losing all the pictures on it?

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Don't Have Any Password For The Account - Stop?

Dec 1, 2008

I only have one account on my windows xp, but from the past few days, windows has started asking username and password everytime it starts up, it's strange why it suddenly started happening and also that i don't have any password for the account, so each time i have to press "enter" to come to the desktop. I want to stop this?

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.Net Frame 3.0 - Account With No Password

Feb 18, 2007

This is a simple problem I am sure. I've upgraded through windows update to .net 3.0 but now everytime I load windows up I get prompted to select an account and password. This is only one account with no password so why is this now asking me! Its annoying. Can I turn this option off!

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Passworded Administrator Account And A Non-passworded Limited Access Account

Aug 17, 2007

Guest account feature is off. Two other accounts are normally available on the machine, Mine (named "RedCola") which is a passworded administrator account and a non-passworded limited access account.Tonight when trying to log on I accidentally typed the wrong password. When I entered the correct password on the second time it gave me a message that my account was locked and would have to contact my administrator. I rebooted just in case and the account was not available to select, but the generic Administrator account was now there. When I went into that account to check User Accounts though the Control Panel my account (named RedCola) was not even listed. I rebooted again. At the log-in screen I hit Ctrl+Alt+Del twice and typed in my account name and password. Again, same message about the account being locked.

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Password Protect A Folder Rather Than Documents In The Folder

Feb 28, 2007

Is there a way to password protect a folder without having to password protect all the dcouments in the folder?

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Lost The Password To My Administrator's Account

Apr 14, 2008

I lost the password to my administrator's account on our home computer. I called microsoft & they told me they could not help. Is there any way to reset the password on my computer?

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Asks For A Password And User Account

Apr 7, 2005

Even if I haven't set any password for my user account, all of a sudden the system started to ask for a user password to access windows XP.. I only have 2 users, me (the administrator) and guest. Recently I have unpurposely added a passport .NET account, which I don't want and I want to erase, can it depend on it?

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Does Resetting Password Reset An Account?

May 25, 2005

I reset an account password by typing in "control userpasswords2 " in the Run command and clicking on an account and clicking reset password. When I came back to that account on which I reset the password on, some of the things are reset. I noticed that one thing that is reset is the MSN Messenger background images. For the Background of MSN Messenger, I had other downloaded background pictures in the Backgrounds tab, but now I don't. There only saved in my folder.

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Do Not Remember The User Account Password

Jan 8, 2009

I have a PC with Windows XP. It has been sitting in the closet, and now I would like to use the PC. The problem is that I do not remember the user account password.A simple way to reset the user account password?

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Possible To Password Protect The Administrator Account?

Jul 28, 2005

WinXP, SP-2. Is it possible to password protect the Administrator's Account? I'm new to most of this, and did check the help/support and did not find anything on this subject. It seems to me that if someone boots
the system to safe mode, they can do just about anything they want to do. How can I protect this Admin account?

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Changing Admin Account. And Password

Jul 8, 2005

I recently hooked my computer up after 6 long months and have forgotten my admin acct name and password both. I thought you went in safe mode and went from there to reset, but it still comes up logging me in as guest and also, the keyboard doesn't work in safe mode for me. I called the lovely people at Dell for tech support
and they would like $49.00 for 72 hours of tech support! UGH!!! So, the super. I talked to suggest I come here and see if I can get help.

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Changed Password - Account Lockout

Dec 28, 2006

My OS is XP SP2. Since I changed my windows password 2 days ago, I was being automatically logged out several times a day while I am still logging in. When it happened, i just couldn't go to any network drive. I was told that I still have process that is still running under the old password. How do I debug from my machine?

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Forgot My Password For My Outlook Express Account

Dec 4, 2009

I forgot my password for my Outlook Express account. I'm using Windows XP. How can I retrieve it?

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Forgot Password To User Account On Home

Jul 10, 2005

I forgot my password to my user account and it is the only account that shows up after booting up. Is there a way for me to access the operating system by not having to sign in to my user account?

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Local Administrator Account Password Expired

Jul 16, 2008

Can anyone tell me what happens when the local administrator password on a PC Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000 Pro) is expired? From experience I know that you receive a prompt asking if you want to reset the password or not. Does this just pop-up forever or would you eventually be locked out of the local administrator account if the password wasn't reset? Is there any kind of official documentation about this out there? I've looked on TechNet but am not having much luck locating information. Also, does anyone know the registry key to set an expiration interval?

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Password Guest Account - Disable By Default

Aug 12, 2002

After reading Joseph Doyle's submission regarding this I would like to point out that you can set a Guest account password by simply doing this. This method is somewhat simpler in that you do not have to mess around with CMD.exe.1. Make sure you are logged on as an Administrator.2. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.3. Select the "Users" folder under "Local Users and Groups".4. Right click on the "Guest" account and click "Set Password". When a dialog comes up warning you of the possible consequences click "Proceed". You will then be given a dialog that lets you set a new password.I have always considered security a top priority and considering the ease of doing this I would highly recommend that everyone sets a Guest account password. Even though the Guest account is disabled by default, why not do this just for the extra bit of security? Local Users and Groups is not available in XP Home. A way to set a password for the guest account in Home and Pro: click start - run - type: cmd - in the command window type: net user guest * - hit Enter - you will be prompted for the password to use.

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Account Protected Via Password - Use Video Can't Open

Feb 15, 2007

I rent my laptop out for wireless cctv use. I have set up two user accounts,my own(administrator) and another which I call video. My account is protected via a password so the renters can only use video. When they open the video account I dont want them having internet access but cant seem to delete explorer without deleting it from the whole computer. Basically, I want to have net access when logged in as administrator but dont want anyone else having net access when the laptop is out on rental. Can i password protect explorer? Or delete it from a specific user account? I have windows XP on a 05 HP Presario. I'm also a mac user most of the time hence the complete lack of any PC knowledge.

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Outlook - Doesn't Remember Password When Setup New Account

Jan 15, 2009

I set up a new email account, and checked "Remember Password", but it doesn't remember.

I found a Microsoft article telling me that if my outlook 2000 installation is internet mail only (which apparently it is), I will need to change the registry value for "SMTP Prompt for Password" to 1. This didn't help.

(outlook 2000 / xp sp3)

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Administrator, Password Protected Files / Can't Delete The Admistrator Account

Jul 19, 2005

I don't wish to waste anyone's time, but I haven't seen the answer I'm looking for. My gilrfriends son messed up her Media Center computer and his father used F10 instead of system restore, but the files are still there. To prevent this from occurring again, my girlfriend asked me to password protect the computer. I set myself up as the adminstrator, since I build computers and have the most knowledge, but have only been using XP for the past 6 months. I've read that the account is now hidden and know how to access it from safe mode. When I set it up, it asked me if I wanted to protect the
files and folders, such as My Documents. Stupid me did this. Now even though I have set my girlfriend up with an adminstator account, I can't find a way to share or allow her to access those files, and all her pics are there. I also can't delete the admistrator account I made, even though it says that can be done through her adminstrator account, but there is no option there. I want to do two things. I want to unprotect the files and folders I made private, and I want to delete the adminstrator account I made. F10 restore or system restore won't even do this.

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Access The Administrator Account

Aug 11, 2005

I loaded Windows XP Pro onto 3 PCs and created an account for each PC named 'User' (current member of the 'Administrators' group).My problem is when I log off 'User' and attempt to switch to a different user, I am only presented with 'User' but not the 'Administrator' account (which is what I'd really like to log into).My objective is to remove 'User' from the administrators group, and manage the PC using the 'Administrator' account but I cannot do anything since I cannot log into the 'Administrator' account.

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Can't Access Admin Account

Jul 29, 2008

I'm running xp sp2 on my laptop. I was having trouble getting Inet Explorer 7 to run ( I use Mozilla) so I created a new user account to see if it would work there. . I gave it admin privileges and a password. Now, my other admin account is gone and I can't access any admin files from my new account. I reviewed the forums and found this is a common problem but I couldn't find any resolution for my specific problem. Please help! I would hate to erase my hardrive and re-install windows! I have too many files that I'd hate to lose.

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Cannot Access - Admin Account

Sep 30, 2007

When I'm logged in to my computer, I cannot access anything. Like I'm restricted by the Administrator account. So, first thing is I log in as administrator in safe mode and the same thing happens. Wont let me change the accounts or anything.

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User Access To Other Account

Apr 19, 2005

I am new to window xp.I heard that you can create several user in Win xp.What I want to know is just the folders can be personalized or the application also?For example if user A use certain application, user B can't access that application.Can that be done in Win Xp?

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Can't Access Admin Account To Fix Driver

Jul 13, 2008

im tired of watching silent videos from Internet. im pretty decent at looking up information on the web but i couldnt provide this time so bare with me as this is my first time posting anything in any forum. i have a computer that my download happy stepmom screwed up and crashed. it worked great untill she went crazy and spent 10-16 hours a day everyday on myspace and she evidently followed every lead from myspace to download something. a total of about 100 gb worth of downloads. and then it crashed when i was on vacation. and because she couldnt get off myspace for a week untill i got home she did a system recovery herself without any technical knowledge or experience. and ever since then there has been no sound. she had me try to fix it once but she had withdraws after about 30 minutes and kicked me off to go download more crap. she moved out and i finally have unrestricted time allowances. four months later with no way of backing up all my music videos documents and almost legal programs i cant seem to log on to the admin account to replace the driver manually.

xp home legacy with downloaded sp2
and as for a list of programs...way to extensive to list.

when i boot into safe mode the screen pops up with the user account and the admin account(no password) but when i click on the admin account it says "loading personal settings" and then thats it i have control of the mouse up untill a time several hours later. but it never leaves that screen. when i click on the user account the thing logs right in. i figured since the user account has admin abilities i could delete the defective driver manually but it says i dont have rights to do that.

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Access System Administrator Account

Aug 16, 2005

I have no access to administrator account. I have started in safe mode and there are no tabs for changing account type the only account that shows up is my own that is limited. I can't find administrator account.

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Renamed Account Folder - Data Lost

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up some accounts on my XPSP3 system. I have some accounts set up, but wanted to change some names. I know that if I change an account name, the directory name stays the same, and I didn't want to get confused later on if I was ever doing some stuff on that directory level.I used this page to copy the settings from my account (named "Main") to a new account named "Admin". I had problems getting access to the folder while in the 3rd account, so followed the instructions here to gain access. Once I got it copied, I loaded Admin and found it looked exactly like Main, which is what I wanted.But then, I went into Main and most everything was gone, and XP was acting as if it was a brand new account. I then went into Documents and Settings and found there were now TWO Main accounts. "Main" and "Main.DARKSIDE" (DARKSIDE is the "full computer name" found in System Properties). I can tell by the directory sizes that Main is the fresh, new account I see in my account list and Main.DARKSIDE appears to be my original Main account (being over 6GB in size).

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Can't Access Admin Account Even In Safe Mode

Jan 4, 2008

I'm using Windows XP Professional. I am not able to log back into my Administrator account. I'm stuck in a limited user account and though my Administrator account is set w/o a password, I still can't login, even through my computer's Safe Mode (which is was the Dell service person suggested

This problem occurred yesterday while I was trying to eliminate the login screen from my computer's startup. Initially, I used a tip from by entering "control userpasswords2" in the Run menu and turning off the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" option

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Restricting Access Of The Limited User Account?

Aug 20, 2008

I have a desktop running win xp pro.My 5 yr old son logs on using a user account made for him, which i have configured as a Limited User Account.But he still wreaks havoc on the computer, deleting files, changing many program features.I want to limit his powers on the computer. I just want him to play his games and visit few websites of my choice . I want to restrict his access for all other features of the computer. I dont want him to explore the computer by using my computer. I want only the documents in his My Documents to be accessible to him. I also dont want him to access the start menu.

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Setup Account - User Cannot Able To Access Internet Using IE 6

Oct 4, 2007

I have XP Home Ed sp-2. I'm able to setup several limited accounts on this machine. My question is how to setup an account that the user can not be able to access to internet using IE 6. This user is able to logon the computer himself. I only understand that with Comcast High Speed Internet, since a user logon computer he can go straigth to internet.

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Unable To Access System Administrator Account In Pro

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using an HP Compaq laptop with XP Pro, bought a year ago, and set up for me by the vendor. The logon screen has always shown Administrator in a box, and I simply clicked on that to log on - over time it became routine and I thought no more about it.

Having only limited knowledge of the workings of computers, I was a little puzzled to find that I didn't have an option to set her account to 'Limited', but proceeded anyway. Her account was, of course, set up as an Administrator.I now find that I am completely unable to access my own account, and now understand that all this time I have been using it as System Administrator.

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