Possible To Password Protect The Administrator Account?

Jul 28, 2005

WinXP, SP-2. Is it possible to password protect the Administrator's Account? I'm new to most of this, and did check the help/support and did not find anything on this subject. It seems to me that if someone boots
the system to safe mode, they can do just about anything they want to do. How can I protect this Admin account?

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Lost The Password To My Administrator's Account

Apr 14, 2008

I lost the password to my administrator's account on our home computer. I called microsoft & they told me they could not help. Is there any way to reset the password on my computer?

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Local Administrator Account Password Expired

Jul 16, 2008

Can anyone tell me what happens when the local administrator password on a PC Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000 Pro) is expired? From experience I know that you receive a prompt asking if you want to reset the password or not. Does this just pop-up forever or would you eventually be locked out of the local administrator account if the password wasn't reset? Is there any kind of official documentation about this out there? I've looked on TechNet but am not having much luck locating information. Also, does anyone know the registry key to set an expiration interval?

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Administrator, Password Protected Files / Can't Delete The Admistrator Account

Jul 19, 2005

I don't wish to waste anyone's time, but I haven't seen the answer I'm looking for. My gilrfriends son messed up her Media Center computer and his father used F10 instead of system restore, but the files are still there. To prevent this from occurring again, my girlfriend asked me to password protect the computer. I set myself up as the adminstrator, since I build computers and have the most knowledge, but have only been using XP for the past 6 months. I've read that the account is now hidden and know how to access it from safe mode. When I set it up, it asked me if I wanted to protect the
files and folders, such as My Documents. Stupid me did this. Now even though I have set my girlfriend up with an adminstator account, I can't find a way to share or allow her to access those files, and all her pics are there. I also can't delete the admistrator account I made, even though it says that can be done through her adminstrator account, but there is no option there. I want to do two things. I want to unprotect the files and folders I made private, and I want to delete the adminstrator account I made. F10 restore or system restore won't even do this.

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Home User Account Mess - Protect From User Account

Aug 8, 2006

I wanted to protect my documents on my laptop with a password, and I used ''the easy way'' of protecting it from within my XP user account (I used the built in documents password protection, found in the account mangement menu in the control panel). everything was fine until I've restarted the computer. I got (and still getting) the following message: ''The system could not log you on.

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How To Password Protect Folder Possible?

Jul 11, 2005

I've never looked into how to do this before but now I have a folder with pretty important documents I would like to password protect it.Can anyone tell me how this is done or if it is even possible to do.

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Password Protect In Computer

Sep 20, 2006

I want to be able to restrict ALL access to my computer. How do I password protect it upon startup so that no one else can use the computer?

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How Do You Password-protect A Folder?

Nov 21, 2006

Is it possible to password-protect a folder or a briefcase? If so, how is it done?

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Screensaver Password Protect - Welcome Screen

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to limit access to my PC through the password protect feature of my screensaver. When I configure my screensaver a box that says "On resume, Display Welcome screen". I checked this box, so that the screensaver will go to the Welcome Screen when it exits. This works fine if the screensaver is initiated by windows automatically (when the appropriate time of inactivity elapses). However, I've created a shortcut to the screensaver, and when I double-click it, the screensaver loads, but when I deactivate it (move the mouse, press a key) it does not go the the Welcome Screen, so the computer is not locked.

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Is There A Way I Can Password-protect My Files In My Docs

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way I can password-protect my files in My Documents so that each time I open the folder, it prompts me with a password? If not, are there any suggestions?

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Accessing Password Protect Documents After Reinstalling OS

Mar 20, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could help me in solving a little problem that I overlooked.I had XP OS on C drive and my documents on D drive. I recently had to reinstall my OS on C drive from scratch due to a bug, trying to make sure that I installed it in the same manner.Everything proceeding fine, until I went to access my documents on D Drive. In the inital setup I had set security/privacy access to limit only me seeing my documents, now after reinstallation I can no longer access my documents due to it not recongnising me as the account holder or administator. I can access all other documents shared etc.. but not mine.

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Password Protect A Folder In Home Edition

Nov 2, 2005

Is there any way of password protecting or encrypting a folder in Windows XP Home Edition?

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Main Account Gone And Administrator Account Useless

Sep 2, 2005

My main user account has disappeared from the welcome screen. I know all about pressing Ctr+Alt+Del twice and typing in your account and if that doesn't work, to use the "Administrator" account to enable your main account. The problem is that my administrator account doesnt even seem to have any administrator privelages... its just as useless as the guest account, or so it seems.I don't know what to think. If i go to computer management and check out the users i see: Administrator, Guest, and some other SUPPORT_388... but not my main account. IF i go to documents and settings, i see all the accounts, including administrator and guest and my main account. So what's happening?

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Hidden Folders And Files / Password Protect A Folder

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to know how you HIDE folders or at least password protect a folder.

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Software Or Program To Hide Or Password Protect A Folder

Mar 17, 2007

May i know a software or program to hide,or password protect a folder (or a drive)if possible in inxp.something simple and free.

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Blank Administrator Password Pro - Invalid Password Response

Jan 15, 2006

My account on my computer (Win XP Pro SP2) is an Administrator account. Over a year ago, I got tired of entering my password because I an the only person that uses this computer. I did something so it would boot without the password screen appearing ( I don't remember what, but I think I left the password line blank).
Since the computer boots directly to my account, I am never prompted to enter a password; but if I use Power Options (and the computer sleeps), it wakes to the login screen and I cannot reenter my account. I have to reboot. On the login screen, I have tried leaving the password blank and entering every password I use, but I get an Invalid Password response.

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Use A Limited Account, Or An Administrator Account

Mar 23, 2006

It's apparently a lot safer to use a limited user account, and that's what I'm trying now, but it's also a pain-in-the-a$$.I also don't understand why the XP installer forces you to create another admin account, when you could simply login as 'Administrator'.You're supposed to login to the admin account to install everything, but when you do, in most cases, the shortcuts seem to only be created for the account you're logged into at the time. Very messy.The list goes on, and these things have probably been discussed before, but why is there a single 'Program Files' directory, which all users have access to? Surely there should be a separate directory for each user, so user A cannot access programs installed by user B, unless of course it was meant to be shared?

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Passworded Administrator Account And A Non-passworded Limited Access Account

Aug 17, 2007

Guest account feature is off. Two other accounts are normally available on the machine, Mine (named "RedCola") which is a passworded administrator account and a non-passworded limited access account.Tonight when trying to log on I accidentally typed the wrong password. When I entered the correct password on the second time it gave me a message that my account was locked and would have to contact my administrator. I rebooted just in case and the account was not available to select, but the generic Administrator account was now there. When I went into that account to check User Accounts though the Control Panel my account (named RedCola) was not even listed. I rebooted again. At the log-in screen I hit Ctrl+Alt+Del twice and typed in my account name and password. Again, same message about the account being locked.

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New Administrator Account?

Dec 22, 2007

I recently went into safe mode for something but I accidentally clicked on the Administrator account instead of my usual one (my username). I didn't do anything while logged in that account and quickly rebooted. Today, I noticed that there is a new entry in C:/Documents and Settings named Administrator, created the same day I went into safe mode. It has things such as Owner's Documents, Desktop, Start Menu, Application Data, Local Settings, etc. (much of the same things All Users and my user name folder has).My question is, is there any way to get rid of this - I'm assuming it's a new account - safely without harming anything in my computer? Is this something I should even be worrying over? The entire folder size is only around 16mb, but like I said, I can be obsessive about things like that.

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Access The Administrator Account

Aug 11, 2005

I loaded Windows XP Pro onto 3 PCs and created an account for each PC named 'User' (current member of the 'Administrators' group).My problem is when I log off 'User' and attempt to switch to a different user, I am only presented with 'User' but not the 'Administrator' account (which is what I'd really like to log into).My objective is to remove 'User' from the administrators group, and manage the PC using the 'Administrator' account but I cannot do anything since I cannot log into the 'Administrator' account.

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Administrator Account Can't Install Anything

Nov 13, 2009

I was trying to get 2 PC's to be able to see each other in the network, and while modifying permissions I must have accidentally done something, now I (Administrator account) can't install anything cause I get the "you do not have permission" message.

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Administrator Account From Welcome Screen

Aug 12, 2002

Ever want to access the administrator account from the welcome window without having to boot to safe mode. When at the screen press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice. This will bring up the login screen were you can type a user name and password in.Very nice for technicians working on customers systems.

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Administrator Account Disappeared

Oct 7, 2008

I have a simple question but very complicated for me.I need to download software from HP,the only way that I was to download the software was to create a new user account, which I did and the software downloaded, but what happened is that my administrator account disappeared which is were I have all of my documents, pictures etc. I could not figure out how to keep my administrator account and a new user account, so I finally did a system restore which deleted the new user account and gave me back my administrator account and now I don't have the software I downloaded anymore. What is the best way to solve this problem?

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Administrator Account Changed

Nov 6, 2007

I have a problem with my windows. The other day, the computer started to demand I chose a specific user-account for the computer. When there was only 1 I could choose (my own), I thought i was stupid and wanted to change it. While screwing around with my user-account, I accidently changed my account from "administrator" to "limited user" and I cant figure out to change it back. I have to log on to an administrator account to do so, but cant log on anyone. I found out, there IS a user-account named "administrator" which funny enough is an administrator, but I cant log on on that account.

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Create An Account Without Administrator Privileges

Sep 25, 2009

How to create an Account without Administrator Privileges.

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Administrator Account Dos Not Allow To Perform Task

Dec 15, 2004

I use windows XP professional and Internet Explorer.In the User account on the control panel, by mistake I clicked the radio button of the limited account instead of the Adminstrator account. Now I am left with the Limited account and it does not allow me to perform many tasks. I remember the password. Please guide me so that I can get the Adminstrator account back.

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User Account Shows Name Of Administrator

Apr 17, 2005

Windows XP user account is in my wifes name. If I go into control panel user accounts it shows her name and says administrator .But when I go into safe mode it gives a choice of two accounts one with her name and one for administrator. Is that normal?

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Access System Administrator Account

Aug 16, 2005

I have no access to administrator account. I have started in safe mode and there are no tabs for changing account type the only account that shows up is my own that is limited. I can't find administrator account.

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Unable To Locate Administrator Account

Aug 17, 2006

im have a windows xp computer and i had a username called administrator and then i made a new account for my friend to use wich deleted my administator account but the thing is all my this form that account are still there but when i go to my documents and click administrator it says access denied so there must still be that account there i just dont see it at the welcome screen to log on to that account so could anyone help me please

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Can Change Account Back To An Administrator

Feb 1, 2004

Over the X-mass I had some family members staying with us. For some ungodly reason she created new account as an administrator and changed my main account to Limited. Of course her account is password protected.Can I change a registry key i.e remove her password so I can change my account back to an Administrator.

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Administrator And Guest Account Is Disabled

Jul 24, 2005

I get on my laptop this morning and every single file and folder is read only and it tells me that I don't have the permissions to change it.There are only two user accounts on my computer.I'm the administrator and the guest account is disabled.

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