Software Or Program To Hide Or Password Protect A Folder

Mar 17, 2007

May i know a software or program to hide,or password protect a folder (or a drive)if possible in inxp.something simple and free.

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How To Password Protect Folder Possible?

Jul 11, 2005

I've never looked into how to do this before but now I have a folder with pretty important documents I would like to password protect it.Can anyone tell me how this is done or if it is even possible to do.

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How Do You Password-protect A Folder?

Nov 21, 2006

Is it possible to password-protect a folder or a briefcase? If so, how is it done?

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Password Protect A Folder Rather Than Documents In The Folder

Feb 28, 2007

Is there a way to password protect a folder without having to password protect all the dcouments in the folder?

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Password Protect A Folder In Home Edition

Nov 2, 2005

Is there any way of password protecting or encrypting a folder in Windows XP Home Edition?

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Hidden Folders And Files / Password Protect A Folder

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to know how you HIDE folders or at least password protect a folder.

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Compressed Folder - How To Get Passed Password Protection Program?

Jun 27, 2005

I created a folder with several files in windows XP. I then compressed and PASSWORD protected the files within th folder. Now i cannot remember the password for the files. How do I get passed the password protection program?

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Password Protect In Computer

Sep 20, 2006

I want to be able to restrict ALL access to my computer. How do I password protect it upon startup so that no one else can use the computer?

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Possible To Password Protect The Administrator Account?

Jul 28, 2005

WinXP, SP-2. Is it possible to password protect the Administrator's Account? I'm new to most of this, and did check the help/support and did not find anything on this subject. It seems to me that if someone boots
the system to safe mode, they can do just about anything they want to do. How can I protect this Admin account?

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Screensaver Password Protect - Welcome Screen

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to limit access to my PC through the password protect feature of my screensaver. When I configure my screensaver a box that says "On resume, Display Welcome screen". I checked this box, so that the screensaver will go to the Welcome Screen when it exits. This works fine if the screensaver is initiated by windows automatically (when the appropriate time of inactivity elapses). However, I've created a shortcut to the screensaver, and when I double-click it, the screensaver loads, but when I deactivate it (move the mouse, press a key) it does not go the the Welcome Screen, so the computer is not locked.

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Is There A Way I Can Password-protect My Files In My Docs

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way I can password-protect my files in My Documents so that each time I open the folder, it prompts me with a password? If not, are there any suggestions?

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Accessing Password Protect Documents After Reinstalling OS

Mar 20, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could help me in solving a little problem that I overlooked.I had XP OS on C drive and my documents on D drive. I recently had to reinstall my OS on C drive from scratch due to a bug, trying to make sure that I installed it in the same manner.Everything proceeding fine, until I went to access my documents on D Drive. In the inital setup I had set security/privacy access to limit only me seeing my documents, now after reinstallation I can no longer access my documents due to it not recongnising me as the account holder or administator. I can access all other documents shared etc.. but not mine.

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Hide File / Folder On NTFS

Sep 19, 2005

Is there any way to hide the files/folders to users who have no permission on them?

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How To Protect New Compressed (zipped) Folder

Jul 24, 2010

how to protect New Compressed (zipped) Folder from deletion

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Virus Protect Pro Valid Antivirus Program?

Aug 2, 2007

I have a VirusProtectPro alert flashing next to date/time on my desktop.All efforts to remove this have failed. Is this a valid antivirus program? How do I remove it as it keeps interfering wiwth my other desktop functions.

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C:Program Files Opens Up On Startup - Hide On Minimized

Oct 14, 2007

I have an issue with my new clean install on XP. Every time I boot, C:Program Files keps opening. Here is the stuff I have tried so far. I looked in msconfig, the startup folder and in Startup on my programs list and it doesn't show up in any of these places. It isn't a new program, so it's not because I installed it recently. Here is HiJack This log for reference. I dont have clue what's to look in this. But may be it will help you. Similarly I have copy-pasted contents from autoexec.bat,win.ini and sys.ini for debugging. You may notice that there is TaskMgr link in startup. But its just one of my app I need on startup in my taskbar. It startup as minimized and it has setting "Hide on Minimized" checked in TaskManager. So It remains in taskbar always.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 8:44:33 PM, on 10/14/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Default Program Wont Unzip .exe Files / Files Blocked To Protect System?

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked

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Password Recovery Program

Dec 23, 2004

when i try to repair it, it says i need to enter a password. i've never in my life send it a password for the adminitor (sorry for the spelling). how would i get around the password of the repair? or is there a program to recovery passwords for window's admin? sidenote, i can't start up windows without getting the blue screen of death. but i do in fact have another hard drive with windows.

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Account - Password Off That Folder And Get Access To It

Aug 24, 2005

I had set an account with password protection (administrative account), then had to do a repair and now i cannot get into my folders that are password protected. Now how do take the password off that folder and get access to it?

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Program/bootdisk For Logon Password Retrievial...

Oct 20, 2008

I am looking desperately for a program/bootdisk that will reset/retrieve an XP logon password on a FAT32 system. All the ones I've seen so far can only handle NTFS.

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Password Fails When Accessing Shared Folder Over Network

Jul 13, 2010

From my XP SP2 (Media Center Edition) computer, I can access shared folders on my other computers (a Vista, a W7, and another XP computer). However, those computers cannot access shared folders on this computer (the XP SP2 machine).The shared folders are visible from the other computers, but when they attempt to access them, they get a dialog box to log in with userid and password. I have tried various combinations of userid and password, including "thiscomputernameprimaryaccountname" with the associated password. Authentication fails.I am using simple file sharing.

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Cannot Delete Folder - Being Used By Another Program

Jun 20, 2005

I have been deleting some old music files and during this process I have encountered big trouble deleting the folders that contain these files. I can delete the contents of the folder, but can't delete the folder itself. The error I receive is: Cannot delete "xxxyyyxxx" : It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I have attempted to delete runnign in safe mode.

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Installing To New Program Folder On E Drive

Jun 18, 2005

Having set up a new Program Folder on the "E" drive, I have had some issues with installing new applications to this location.itunes for example, fails to install here with the following error 1606 - Error Could not access network location/

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Cannot Delete Uninstalled Program Folder

Dec 7, 2007

i have uninstalled everything and had to wipe out my hard drive but the the a folder from the last user named my laptop it is under "C:Documents and Settings/my laptop" but when i try to remove it it will say can not open or some crap like

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C:Program FilesDell Folder Opens On Startup

Nov 11, 2007

Whenever I startup my laptop, the "C:Program FilesDell" folder opens automatically. I've had this pc for years but this started happening only recently. I don't know what could've changed, but it is very annoying and I need to find a way to make it stop. I've been searching various sites all over the net, and so far I have tried messing with "msconfig" and "Regedit.exe," among other things, and the problem still exists. Please contact me if anyone knows how to resolve this issue.

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Cannot Delete Folder - Close Any Program That May Using The File

Oct 7, 2004

"Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again." So, I did that and it still will not delete. Besides rebooting (uses up much of my time) anybody know how to clear this?

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Opening Folder Of A Program It Doesn't Work

Jan 20, 2007

When I try to open a folder of a program it doesn't work. I click the folder and the mouse changes to the mouse and hourglass picture but nothing happens after that. Sometimes I get that error sound but no message pops up. Then the title on the title bar of my applications goes blank and I no longer can click the menu that says file, edit, view,It highlights it but it won't let me click it. I also cannot right click anymore and when I try to reset my computer, it highlights it but I can't click that either.I also can't open the task manager when it happens nor can I type in my address bar or open a new tab for my browser.. I tried running a virus scan but it catch anything so I have no idea what I can do. I've tried system restore but that didn't fix it.

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C:Program FilesMicrosoft Folder Opens When Starts?

Sep 16, 2005

Ever since I installed version 1.0 of MS SyncToy everytime I start XP the folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft is displayed on the screen. I have checked the RUN areas in the registry, ran HiJack this and still can not find why this folder is being opened.

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Program Files Folder Opening On Starting Operating System?

Aug 25, 2005

I have a problem that is more irritating than serious. Every time Windows XP starts a window opens displaying the contents of the folder Program Files. It doesn't take more than a second or two to close the window but I find it frustrating that I am unable to prevent it from happening. I suspect that the answer lies somewhere in the Register but I have no idea where.

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Hide Icons On Desktop

Aug 12, 2002

If you are like me and you like your desktop perfectly clean to see your background, then here is a good tweak. If you are using the regular start menu(not the classic one) and you only have the recycle bin left on the desktop and would like to get rid of it and still have easy access to it, then listen here:First drag the recycle bin into the start menu and place it at the top so it is 'pinned to the start menu' along with i.e and o.e(both these items are pinned typically).Right click on the desktop and scroll to 'arrange icons by' and then uncheck 'show desktop icons'Now the recycle bin will be gone but you will still have access to it in the start menu.

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Auto Hide The Task Bar

May 24, 2006

Taskbar set for auto hide, yet half the time it is visible when I don't want it to be. How can I make it behave?

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