Having set up a new Program Folder on the "E" drive, I have had some issues with installing new applications to this location.itunes for example, fails to install here with the following error 1606 - Error Could not access network location/
It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?
I'm played with the folder options over and over and for some reason ever though I have clicked open folder in same window and "launch folder window in a separate process" is NOT clicked, for some reason when I double click to open a folder it still opens it with a new window. Also, under file types it won't let me edit or remove the commands for folder, drive, and file folder.
Why do i get this error message whenever i try to install certain programs, such as ACDsee, Acronis True Image, and a couple of other utilities? I've never had this problem before when installing these programs on my other Pc's. This message pops up right when i click on the setup.exe on some programs- not all, but some
Just wondering if installing a program such as this is worth it OR if the tools provided by Windows XP are sufficient to do the job for the average Joe User
I have really a very annoying problem. For about two weeks now, everytime i try to install new program, when i run the executable file, the system goes to DOS mode and return the usually message "Program too big to fit into memory". I reinstalled windows (Win XP) buit it didnt solve the problem. I have tried many programs with no success. PLEASE HELP ME! Some of the programs i have tried include; wpsetup.exe, sdtrial.exe, ifa2005.exe. NOTHINGS WORKS!
We currently running Windows XP Home on our 2 Pc's at home. Four people use the PC's and we each have our own logins. Is there a way so that when my son installs new software, (he seems to install about 10 new programs per day), it will ONLY populate his program list on his logon and NOT the program list for the other 3 users of the PC? I notice that some installations ask if there will be a single or multiple users of that program, but what I would really like is to be able to be selective EVERY TIME.
The windows installer on my computer keeps popping up every now and then wanting to install a program I had downloaded on the net but do not want anymore. I have deleted the downloaded program file but windows installer still keeps popping up wanting to install the program.
I have just bought and installed (to the point of completing initialization under Disk Management) a new 1 TB hard drive. Originally, I was planning to use it solely for data storage.However, I am thinking of installing Windows XP Pro and all the programs I currently use on it, thereby making it the new OS and programs drive, while using the original 120 GB HD as a data/backup drive.I think the main appeal of doing this, for me, is that it also presents an opportunity to reinstall Windows on a machine which hasn't had this done for more than three years, and which currently seems to take at least five minutes to boot to a "usable" state, despite having a reasonably high spec for its age (it was bought in 2001, but as a result of the upgrade
i am having problems with installing usb drive as it shows up in disk management but my computer won`t detect it anyone have any ideas how i can solve the problem i have a gigabyte ga-g31m-es2l motherboard,i am running windows xp 64 bit
not being computer literate , i am having a problem with a new hard drive . i took out the old one . i have the windows disc and product codes , but i can't get it to boot to start the windows installation. i have done it on another computer , and the disc begins installing windows on start up. i have tried starting the computer with the disc in place , and without it . obviously , i must be missing something to get it started . the disc is brand new .
Ihave windows xp pro and it I think this all happened when i installed an antispyware program it asked me to restart my computer i did and i hasnt worked since itll get to the "windows is starting up" screen then it goes black and starts all over again ive tried every option in f8 same thing every single time.I also dont have a windows cd to reinstall is there anything i can do?
I was on my computer then after i went to the sony site to check the forums my ps2 just stopped responding.None of my programs are responding without taking 5 minutes to load even hijack this took about 5 minutes
I have been deleting some old music files and during this process I have encountered big trouble deleting the folders that contain these files. I can delete the contents of the folder, but can't delete the folder itself. The error I receive is: Cannot delete "xxxyyyxxx" : It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I have attempted to delete runnign in safe mode.
i have uninstalled everything and had to wipe out my hard drive but the the a folder from the last user named my laptop it is under "C:Documents and Settings/my laptop" but when i try to remove it it will say can not open or some crap like
Whenever I startup my laptop, the "C:Program FilesDell" folder opens automatically. I've had this pc for years but this started happening only recently. I don't know what could've changed, but it is very annoying and I need to find a way to make it stop. I've been searching various sites all over the net, and so far I have tried messing with "msconfig" and "Regedit.exe," among other things, and the problem still exists. Please contact me if anyone knows how to resolve this issue.
"Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again." So, I did that and it still will not delete. Besides rebooting (uses up much of my time) anybody know how to clear this?
When I try to open a folder of a program it doesn't work. I click the folder and the mouse changes to the mouse and hourglass picture but nothing happens after that. Sometimes I get that error sound but no message pops up. Then the title on the title bar of my applications goes blank and I no longer can click the menu that says file, edit, view,It highlights it but it won't let me click it. I also cannot right click anymore and when I try to reset my computer, it highlights it but I can't click that either.I also can't open the task manager when it happens nor can I type in my address bar or open a new tab for my browser.. I tried running a virus scan but it catch anything so I have no idea what I can do. I've tried system restore but that didn't fix it.
Ever since I installed version 1.0 of MS SyncToy everytime I start XP the folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft is displayed on the screen. I have checked the RUN areas in the registry, ran HiJack this and still can not find why this folder is being opened.
I created a folder with several files in windows XP. I then compressed and PASSWORD protected the files within th folder. Now i cannot remember the password for the files. How do I get passed the password protection program?
I have a problem that is more irritating than serious. Every time Windows XP starts a window opens displaying the contents of the folder Program Files. It doesn't take more than a second or two to close the window but I find it frustrating that I am unable to prevent it from happening. I suspect that the answer lies somewhere in the Register but I have no idea where.
my computer supplier has gone bust, ceased trading and is out of business. My Windows XP Pro is an OEM version. Is there anything I can do short of purchasing XP Pro again? I have just whacked in a new hard drive to the 'pooter. It seems far superior in many respects to the ones that came with the computer in the first place. What I'd like to do is use tthe new drive as Windows disk C.
I am buying a new PC and was wodering what I have to do to install my existing hard drive in to my new computer. I was told the new install of XP will have problems with the old hard drive.
I have a Dell Dimension 2400 desktop computer that I want to install a 2nd hdd. My sister gave me her computer (which is the same exact as mine). Her's was hit by lightening, she thinks. The motherboard was fried. I'm wanting to use her 40gb hd as a 2nd hdd in my computer.My question is: Will I have to do a clean install on her hdd? I don't want to do anything that would damage my good drive.If I install her drive in my computer and make it a slave in the bios, will that be all I have to do?
I've been using imaging software for more years than I care to remember, with Windows and a couple of other vital programs (and those rotten Google programs that don't give you the option) on drive C and everything else is installed onto another partition - not automatically, I do a custom install and change the installation directory. I have 2 questions.
I've been restoring, updating and making a new working image every Sunday for over a year and it's time for a format and new install, partly because the image is getting too big. My OEM XP Pro CD is SP2 which obviously will go onto drive C. I've downloaded SP3 and dotnetfx35 - will I come across any problems if I install them onto drive D? Seems logical that I won't, but what is logical when it comes to Microsoft? If this is possible, it seems reasonable that I can move all of those update files held in the Windows directory to the same location where I install the two big files, which should cut down on a lot of space on drive C over time...............
I been haveing trouble installing xp pro on my hard drive. I am able to get through the windows install, computer reboots then starts the process all over again starting from the blue screen.I've tried setting the cdrom as the first bootable drive but this does not do the trick.my pins are correct on my 160 gig drive. I don't know what else to do.
I was just installing XP on a 10 GB hard drive. When I was installing it it told me all other data etc would be los I said ok etc. After the install I see the C drive is almost full at 7.93 GB. Is this how much XP takes up? I did not think it would take up so much space. This is not my computer so I am not about to change the hd
I may have to reformat my entire hard drive and reinstall a totally new, legal copy of either Windows XP Home SP2 or Pro SP2. Do NOT ask me how I know this! IF I want to format c:, what's the right process and sequence for doing this, and then reinstalling Windows from a CD?
(*Get some free giggles out of M$'s definitions for a "system" and "boot" partition. Hint: the partition that is used to boot your machine is NOT called "boot", and the partition that holds your operating system is NOT called "system". http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314470)