Why do i get this error message whenever i try to install certain programs, such as ACDsee, Acronis True Image, and a couple of other utilities? I've never had this problem before when installing these programs on my other Pc's. This message pops up right when i click on the setup.exe on some programs- not all, but some
I recently installed xp for the first time after replacing motherboard and CPU.I skipped setup because I didn't know what I was doing. Now I can't boot up (cold or warm) without using the original disk. Can I just go into setup and change boot settings without re-installing.Is there anything else I should know before I attempt to fix this problem? I am tired of using the disk every time I update something or install new program.
It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?
I�m having many problems during the instalation of microsoft net framework. First of all this occur cause i was trying to install NET FRAMEWORK 3.0 on my computer but the instalation never ended and it give me some errors, so i uninstall every version of the program trying to reinstall them again (i read this may be a solution (i use add/remove programs and a clean up tool specified for removing net framework)), first i try installing 1.0, but a message says that i already have it installed, then 1.1 which i could install fine, then the SP1 for 1.1 says that i need version 2.0.5556 in order to install this service pack, then i try to install 2.0 but an incompatibility error appears referring that i may have installed " framework 2.0 sp1" (wich i don�t), then i try installing 2.0 sp1 but i get a "setup error" nothing else, same when trying with 3.0.
i have try different things like starting/stopping msiexec (on safe mode), installing and removing net framework several times or trying to install IIS (wich i couldn't cause i dont have the original windows cd) as possible solutions, but this problem is driving me crazy! Is there a solution like uninstalling all, installing all again without format? i think it maybe has something to do with file extensions missing, i read something about MSI files, but im not share.
I want to install Windows XP Pro 64 Bit on my Hp dv9907ca, which came with Vista Home Premium 32 Bit. I upgraded my RAM to four gigs, and get better gaming on XP and I'd like to upgrade my 32 bit to 64, problem is, the installation hangs as soon as it gets to 'Setup is loading Windows' still int he text based installation. I believe I read somehwere it's because of some sort of hard drive connection that's in newer computers, and XP doesn't have drivers for it. So basically, I'm wondering if soeone can figure out what's wrong, and tell me exactly what I need to do in order to get XP to work, now this is a laptop so I can't change any parts in it or anything like that.
MAJOR problem trying to install windows XP pro. After rebooting I keep getting to the same screen the "welcome to setup" screen, where I hit ENTER , F8 at the EULA, then I see the partition list.At this point regardless of if I hit ENTER for the selected partition, or delete and recreate the partition (and reformat to NTFS), it loads files from CD, then reboots and takes me back to the same screen.
Computer: Winxp Pro SP2 4x256MB (1GB)(2 Hard Drive, 2 CD Drives)After virus recovery (from Rogue Antivirus) - The issues is we are missing games and some accessory (entertainment) programs.So - thought I'd reinstall them... Trying to add (games) via Add/remove programs - Add "windows components" Select accessories Prompts me to put in Win XP Pro cd Getting Copy Error " Setup cannot copy file XXX,XXX It prompts me to use files found in I386 directory. - I see the files it wants but unable to copy.
I've been trying to install Windows XP service pack 2 and I'm having no luck at all.I consistently have this message pop up everytime I try to install: Service Pack 2 Setup Error Service Pack 2 Setup could not backup registry key HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallQ282010 to file C:WINDOWS$Nt ServicePackUninstall$ eg01617. 5: Access is denied.
I keep trying to install .net Framework in order to be able to instal a number of other programs. However, when I try to install Framework, I always get a message saying that an error has occured when trying to create a directory in such and such file an the setup shuts down. i know for sure my account has full admin. rights so I know that can't be the problem. Any idea what I can do? As I said, there are other programs I want to install however they say I require .net Framework to install it.
i am trying to install winxp on my wifes older computer....now it is older but it does meet all of the winxp hardware requirements for installation....3 times now it has seemed like it was going to take the installation but I keep getting different stop errors....the 3 I have gotten so far are 0x00000024; 0x000000D1; 0x0000008E .....does anyone know what is going on so i can install winxp already.
ok, after I unzip the program I click on the setup.exe and get this message: "C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for runnung MS-DOS and Mircosoft Windows application. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." I had this program before so I know it can be run on xp.
Just wondering if installing a program such as this is worth it OR if the tools provided by Windows XP are sufficient to do the job for the average Joe User
Having set up a new Program Folder on the "E" drive, I have had some issues with installing new applications to this location.itunes for example, fails to install here with the following error 1606 - Error Could not access network location/
I have really a very annoying problem. For about two weeks now, everytime i try to install new program, when i run the executable file, the system goes to DOS mode and return the usually message "Program too big to fit into memory". I reinstalled windows (Win XP) buit it didnt solve the problem. I have tried many programs with no success. PLEASE HELP ME! Some of the programs i have tried include; wpsetup.exe, sdtrial.exe, ifa2005.exe. NOTHINGS WORKS!
We currently running Windows XP Home on our 2 Pc's at home. Four people use the PC's and we each have our own logins. Is there a way so that when my son installs new software, (he seems to install about 10 new programs per day), it will ONLY populate his program list on his logon and NOT the program list for the other 3 users of the PC? I notice that some installations ask if there will be a single or multiple users of that program, but what I would really like is to be able to be selective EVERY TIME.
The windows installer on my computer keeps popping up every now and then wanting to install a program I had downloaded on the net but do not want anymore. I have deleted the downloaded program file but windows installer still keeps popping up wanting to install the program.
I have an old system I am installing a new hard drive in and trying to install Windows XP Pro on it. It's the only hard drive in the system, a Western Digital 500GB SATA. The MB is a Intel D102GGC2 with a Intel Pen D processor. Windows has run just find on this system. Replaced the hard drive because could not boot the installed windows. That hard drive is no longer installed in the system.
I insert the Windows CD and the install process goes fine till it tries to start windows setup. It stalls at "Setup is starting windows"
Ihave windows xp pro and it I think this all happened when i installed an antispyware program it asked me to restart my computer i did and i hasnt worked since itll get to the "windows is starting up" screen then it goes black and starts all over again ive tried every option in f8 same thing every single time.I also dont have a windows cd to reinstall is there anything i can do?
I was on my computer then after i went to the sony site to check the forums my ps2 just stopped responding.None of my programs are responding without taking 5 minutes to load even hijack this took about 5 minutes
I've setup Windows 2003 fax services on a W2K3 server and shared the device. I've tested faxing from Word on my PC and it works fine.However, when other users try to install the fax client, the setup hangs asking for the fx* setup files. I've tried different XPSP2 CDs, copying the files to a local directory, making sure that the users have local admin rights (and even domain admin rights) but to no avail. The files are already in the system32 directory so in theory the setup doesn't even need to copy them. Even if I delete them, it doesn't work.Our corporate SMS team reckons that there isn't any policy which could cause the problem.
I started an upgrade for xp pro part way through the install I got a message "WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe" no found I pressed enter then got another message "fake setup call himself instead original "setup.exe" ; setup abort!" now each time I reboot it starts to load xp then gives me the same message then press enter it then reboots.
I mistakenly launched XP Setup and want to know how to stop it from progressing further. I have another XP installed on another virtual disk. Rebooting from there allowed me delete the Setup files. Or so I thought ! The main XP installation however continues to try to launch Setup. Just about whatever I do, it ends in tears. My question is how do I stop XP on this disk from thinking it has to launch Setup? I dont want to reinstall XP, as that will involve a huge amount of work to recreate my environment.
I am having to reinstall XP - the setup starts and then reformats the hard drive. After it has done that it won't start the program installation it just keeps looping and reformatting the hdd
I was told to reinstall windows 2000 aon a C800 I was given. I stopped with an erroro reading line 3221166496 hivedef.inf corrupted. Setup cannot continue.
i am trying to install windows office 2007 but after a minute from start of installation ,it popup dialog box saying setup can not find setup.exe file and say browse valid installation source and click ok. I don't know whats happening.I have just formated my C drive and installed fresh copy of windows xp. here is image of error message. what should i do?
I dropped my laptop the other day. It kept working at first, but crashed a couple of hours later. Now, when I boot-up, I get the following error message:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: System32/Drivers/Ntfs.sys. You can attempt to repari this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair."I've inserted the setup CD (in an external CD-Rom drive, since my laptop doesn't have its own drive). But for some reason, setup won't start, and I keep coming back to the above error message. How do I start setup?
I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003
I've been casually looking for a new laptop for my Mom for her first computer. Now I am ready to get one, but just about the only choice is something pre-loaded with Vista. I have no experience with Vista and have heard more bad than good about it, therefore I think it would be easier to get her up and running if we're not both having to learn a new OS.
I upgraded my computer from ME to XP with few problems but wondered how difficult it would be to take a new laptop and go backwards. I know I'd most likely have to purchase a Full version of XP, but how much of a hassel is it to get all the drivers/XP versions of necessary pre-loaded software? Would a Vista compatible version of say Word work if I did this? Any other problems I haven't thought of?
I re-formated my sisters computer yesterday, and after installing it i had no internet. As i hadn't installed any drivers yet, i understood that. But after heading over to dell's site, downloading all of the drivers for her computer and then installing them, i STILL do not have any internet. I don't see any connections on the computer either, it's just blank!
I have been using Add/Remove icon in Control Panel to remove programs. Although the Win2k Pro is running fine ,the icon of Add/Remove Program is not opening the next window to remove the programs.