Disable the Windows registry editors, Regedit.exe and Regedt32.exe.If this setting is enabled and the user tries to start a registry editor, a message appears explaining that a setting prevents the action.To prevent users from using other administrative tools, use the "Run only allowed Windows applications" setting.START > RUN > GPEDIT.MSC > USER CONFIGURATION > ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES > SYSTEM > FIND PREVENT ACCESS TO REGISTRY EDITING TOOLS > RIGHT CLICK > PROPERTIES > CLICK ENABLE > OK > REBOOT
can u explain with a example please.Example : disabling autorun for CD drive[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCdrom]"AutoRun"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerNoDriveTypeAutoRun]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1 Any website for learning registry editing?
I use XP and I am the administator, but I'm not allowed to use the registry editor. How do I find/access the editor and/or change the properties so I can edit reg files?
Windows XP lets remote registry editing by running a service for it. Below are the step-by-step instructions to disable this security hole:1. Goto your control panel (you can do this by clicking on your start menu)2. Select administrative tools - services3. On the right panel, find the service called "remote registry"4. Right click on it and select properties5. In the startup type option box, select disable6. Reboot you computer and repeat steps 1-4. You should see it won't be running anymore.
I am unable to successfully boot up Win2K on my one hard drive because Symantec Ghost is failing to load. Specifically, the error message reads that the Logon User Interface Failed: File c:/Program Files/Symantec/Norton/Ghost/ginastub.dll has failed to load. There is no other option but to restart and it just comes back to this message. All support I have found about this message points to deleting the ginastub.dll Registry key. However, I can't not get to that hard drive's registry because (1) windows does not load, (2) since windows does not completely load, I can not edit the registry through the network. So, I am left with adding the HD as a slave to another computer and editing the Registry that way. Does anyone know how that can be done, editing a secondary hard drive's Registry?
I would like to be able to log access to my folders from the network. That is, I want to know when an administrator has accessed my drive. I have private/confidential information on my PC and do not want administrators to be able to access it, unless I give explicit permission.
i just installed a fresh winxp pro, i did not set any password so the windows starts up without asking password, so i believed i have the administrative rights i have 2 local drives (c:) and (d:) i run gpedit.msc and configure the following:
1. remove run in start menu 2. remove search in start menu 3. prohibit command prompt to be use 4. Prevent access to drive access from my computer (drive c: only) 5. Hide specific drive in my computer (drive c: only)
i closed gpedit.msc now i cant re-run gpedit.msc to configure my settings again because i cannot access drive c: where gpedit resides (c:windowssystem32gpedit.msc) i dont want to re-install the whole thing or to start all over again. winxp expert
i screwed up my registry, and of all things it was the keyboard driver or something, so theres no hope of fixing it on my computer. ive got the drive hooked up as the slave on a different computer, but i cant figure out how to edit the registry on my drive rather than the primary drive. is there any editors that will open it from a file? any way of decompiling it? theres got to be some way to edit it. also, they are both xp.
I�ve two os on my system and my disk has three partitions named c: d: and e:, my 2nd os is installed on e:. when I use the 2nd os how can I hide drive c: and d: when I click my computer. This is to prevent data loss coz im the only one in the family using the other os on drive c, but even though when they use e: they can still access the contents of c: and d:. how to prevent this?
I am doing sharing like this.From Run i am typing the ip address after this it shows all folders.I am only sharing so i gave all permissions. then also i could not open the folder it shows the error message. v.sugumar Message was edited by: admin to remove email address to prevent spam harvesters from picking it up.
I am trying to open the Local Users & Groups on my Computer Mangement option. There is a red cross on it, and when I double click it I get the error message 'Unable to access the Computer. Unspecified error.'My computer runs Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3 and I am the Administrator of this computer.
I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it
finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?
I have a server that has decided to goto sleep over Xmas. The screen is black and you can't access anything at the console. I can remote into the server, but I get the same black screen. The software suppliers for the application on the server have requested we remote into the registery. We have tried this in house before atempting to access the server and have not had any luck.
I have windows XP Professional on my PC celeron 1.2 ghz, Mercury 810, 256 sd ram. I think my PC is infected with a virus that doesn't let me access Registry Editor, Group Policy Editor, MS-Dos from windows and all those vital tools. As soon as try to access them the system restarts automatically. Moreover, my antivirus program doesn't detect any virus (may be this too is the work of a virus). Has any body any idea what this problem is? Is this the work of a virus? If yes, I would like to know how to detect and eliminate this virus.
I have a buddy that cannot start his computer because he has a corrupte system32 registry file. i have fixed this problem before on computers but i cant do this one. when i insert the xp cd and go to the recovery console i can not proceed with typing in the commands. usually when you go to the recovery console it asks for the administrator password, but when i do this to his computer it doesnt ask for it. it just goes to the c:> command line. then i try to type md tmp command and it says access denied..
I recently removed all of my file extensions with my Registry Cleaner,now I can't access anything except my browser and Email program.I was trying to clean stuff off of my computer I didn't need I just got a little carried away.I have a backup of the files on my Registry Cleaner but I can't access it,what can I do?Is there any other way to gain access to my Registry Cleaner where I can get to the backup?When I say I removed all of my file extensions I mean every single one.
I logged on to my system today and all of sudden.I am no longer the administrator of my computer...the RUN command has dissappeared, I can't edit the registry, and I can't access the task manager.I've come across some other solutions to fix my the registry and task manager but I can't fix those until I can access the 'RUN command' to execute these other methods.
When I click on start=>programs=>accessories=>system tools,its shows empty.I would like to know how can I restore my system tools as I would want to perform a system restore for my PC.
I recently purchased a new computer that came free with it's own Photo Shop program, so every time I try to edit a picture in My Pictures folder it opens THAT program instead of PAINT, which is what I want to edit the pictures in. Anyone got any clues how to set it right?
When attempting to Edit photos in My Pictures, window pops up advising that, "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel."
Alot of times before editing registries, or boot.inis, or anything like that.MicroSoft and other sites, will usually/always say,back it up first However,they never tell you how to use the backup if you do mess up .
I followed this guide, to add options when you right click, but instead of editing folder, I actually edited file folder.It said at the bottom you need to go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTFoldershellCreate_File_Listing in the registry to remove it, but i couldn't find file folder.I want it back again so when i double click a folder, it opens the folder. I didn't know what the windows explorer .exe name was or where it was stored, so for the time being i have to right click>>Open
I was trying to remove some items from the start up list on msconfig. It then told me to reboot. So after I logged on, a message popped up saying that I had altered the start up list. Is this normal/okay and can I press "don't show this message again"?
I have got the following error on XP under a video editing app. The app is VirtualDubMod. I never got this error before. The error is below. The instruction "0x025397a8" referenced memory at "0x01bc39f0". The memory could not be read. What exactly does that mean? How do I fix it? Is it possible to fix it?
How do you edit user groups? I want to disable the ability to install (any) programs for all users except the one admin account. This is what I have so far: going through control_panel>user_accounts> and switching the account to a limited doesn't work (some progs can still be installed).Going into computer Management gives me the ability to look at the groups and move user names from one group to another, but I can't edit/modify what each group is allowed to do. Right clicking on group and selecting properties gives me this.Going into Group_Policy allows me to edit what users can do, but it applies the changes to every user (including the admin).
I want to open .jpg files using Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, and I have changed the file association to do that. The problem is, when I click on the "open image for editing" button, it opens Paint. I want it to open Photoshop. There appear to be no options (or any other) menus available.
I recently underwent a clean install of both Win2k Pro & WinXP Pro. In both instances, the DM is reporting that the 'Multimedia Audio Controller' and the 'PCI Simple Communications Controller' are not correctly recognized (drivers not installed).I've done some searching online and many people suggest that a dial-up modem is the culprit behind the messages. In fact, there isn't a dial-up modem installed in my system, only a 10/100 NIC which works fine with both Windows native driver and the maker's driver.I've also searched for the PCI commun. control. drivers online to find that I have nothing to download. I'm not entirely sure what this controller does, although I can most likely find the multimedia audio controller. It's worth noting that XP is acting flakey sometimes when I use explorer to navigate around directories, and that I was recently unable to install Sisoft's SANDRA diagnostics app. Otherwise, the system seems to be stable enough to use online and for basic text editing.
After setting up a password for the pc, I changed my mind and want the pc to boot up without showing the password prompt. All I've been able to find is how to remove the password but not how to prevent the prompt from popping up.