First off I am new to the forums and I really hope that someone can help me. I am not sure if I posted this in the right area but hopefully I did. Yesterday I relocated my girlfriends computer. I shut it down, disconnected everything and re-set it all up. Once everything was connected, I turned it on. I noticed that it took forever and that there were a ton of applications being opened upon start up. So I went to run and went to msconfig to disable them all. Afterwoods I restarted the computer. Once it rebooted, I did a disk cleanup as well as a defrag. All went fine. Then a window popped up saying that there was an update available and I agreed to update the computer. I remember it saying that it was a windows service pack 3. Anyway the update went through with no issues to my knowledge. Well this morning she went to use it an dnoticed that there were several problems. One the user account that was established no longer exhists, all of her photos, videos, and music is gone, and the computer is not reconizing the wireless card we have for the internet so she cannot connect. Naturally she is blaming me for all these problems cause I was that last person on the computer and I cannot see how I screwed this all up.
Is there a way to find out what programs that are associated in msconfig. Some are recognizable, and others, don't know or won't seem to disable? dumprep 0-k %stemroot%system32dumprep 0-k(dash is a small dash seemingly attached to the k)I don't recall this one, and tried to disable it CTHelpercthelper.exe
When i try to use msconfig to turn off several startup programs, no matter what I chose, when I click apply and ok, and close msconfig, and then open msconfig again, all the programs i tried to turn off have a tick by them again... there seems to be some junk programs there - i use AntiVir Guard as virus protection, so I guess it's unlikely to be a virus
I have a problem. Quite recently I was using the msconfig to manage startup programs and services. I had to temporarily diasble all start up programs, and right after (no restart) i went to the services tab. I wanted to check the "hide all ms services" but accidentally i clicked on "disable all services." msconfig froze, so ended it and started it again. I went on the service tab and most of the services were gone (all essential & virusscan stayed).
Then I restarted it, and windows asked me to reactivate my account. I cliked on (do it through internet" and tried it. It didnt work. It said that there was no internet. I clicked on "remind me later" and the desktop loaded. My theme is now the classic theme! so i tried to change the theme and the the "blue/silver/olive" themes weren't there. So then i went to the help topics and it said "please run the help service" i did not know what this meant. So i thought that i should do system restore, but i couldn't! There was only one save point, and that was from when i just accessed system restore during this situation.
When i try to use msconfig to turn off several startup programs, no matter what I chose,when I click apply and ok, and close msconfig, and then open msconfig again, all the programs i tried to turn off have a tick by them again... there seems to be some junk programs there - i use AntiVir Guard as virus protection so I guess it's unlikely to be a virus
I have 11 computers at one of my work venues that I use for a class. I would like to disable some of the startup items on them. They are all 2000 or NT OS. When I type MSCONFIG in Run I get a message saying"cannot find the file (or one of its components)". I did login as administrator, by the way. I don't have the discs for these machines. They were donated by the County for our use.
first of all, under the settings for window's firewall, i am not able to choose whether or not i want to enable it or disable it. it is set as disabled and both the enable/disable buttons are greyed out and i cannot click it. second, my auto update keeps turning itself off. after setting it back on, it will turn off the next time i boot my computer. third, i'm having some networking problems. i can connect onto the other computers of my network, however the other computers cannot connect to me. are all these problems related in anyway?
For Some odd reason, After I downloaded an AVG free update I lost my desktop. All the profiles on my computer only show the background when you open them. All programs still operate correctly. I can open the task manager and run programs from it, but all the icons and the start bar are gone. I am not able to open any display controls, nor can I right click and get any options. I am not even able to pull up the control panel.
Some time ago, my PC had some serious problem and I lost most of my windows files... or files in my windows dir. To get back to my files I re-installed windows.. somehow. Anyway... it works pretty good for the most part but it does seem to load very slowly most of the time... Can you suggest anything to help? HJT log.
the default setting is "music files". Whenever I put a DVD in I have to manually change the setting to "DVD movies". When the DVD is done autoplay automatically returns to "music files". Is there a way to set autoplay for multiple files or to disable it so that my computer will play any media I insert?
Windows XP Search can get slow if you have a lot of compressed files on your hard drive. Speed up your searches by disabling this. Open the Run command and type the following:
regsvr32 c:winnt\system32zipfldr.dll /u or regsvr32 c:windows\system32zipfldr.dll /u if installed in the windows directory To turn this feature back on: regsvr32 c:winnt\system32zipfldr.dll or regsvr32 c:windows\system32zipfldr.dll if installed in the windows directory
If I disable indexing services will that not allow me to search for files on my comp? Say wma's or mp3's or other file types.What will be the result of disabling it?
info on recovering lost/ deleted files? I have accidentaly deleted some documents from my computer while performing a backup. Actually I deleted them from the backup before I reintroduced them to my computer. They were backed up on there own slave drive.
I am trying to get my neighbors computer running for her and am having a really hard time with it.There are about 5 (so far) dll files missing and only have found three of them to download. Now, the problem I am mainly having is after I download them to a CD to put in her system, either I cannot unzip them because I don't have Express Zip or when I place them in the correct folder (going by online instruction) either I get another error message or it says being used by windows somewhere else. I don't know what to do.I am at my wits end, yet am determined to help her. Having this done else where could cost her a lot of money. The op. syst. she has is Windows ME.I don't know much else about her system at this point.I downloaded a repair program which was the ONLY thing that would load in her system and when it was done scanning, it needed to go to the net for the repairs.I cannot reinstall her ISP because of the missing files.What do I do?
i have some pages squares with a red x in a box top left of screen should be photos but i cant see the photos why ,what progam do i need to see the photos ,
I recently lost all of my files when I used a recovery disc. I am not a computer whiz, but I do know that they are still in the hardrive somewhere. Is this correct? Is there a free program out there that can recover these files?
My computer was recently in for repair. I told the technician under no account were any files to be deleted/erased. When I got the computer home after repair I noticed that although my files were indeed 'untouched' (not deleted) they were however in a 'place' where I knew I would have trouble finding. I made a mental note that I would get back to finding my photos later. I had to download and re-install my security system first and foremost as well as Windows updates. One of these Windows Updates (Service Pack 3 maybe) advised to back-up my files before installing. I didn't. Now I can't find these files/photos/pictures anywhere on my computer. There were over 4000. Have I lost these for good ? Or is there a way to recover them ?
i accidently dragged some files to the "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfig" and now whenever i click those folders so that i can open them it gives me an error "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfigFILES" is not accessible Access Denied it also tell me that the FOLDER is EMPTY what's worst is that it's still taking space from my drive i dont know if there's a way that i can recover those files or at least delete the folder
My computer rebooted itself a few days ago. When it did this my computer stopped at the log in user screen. I've never had any other users setup on my computer. When rebooting it always goes straight to the windows desktop. After that I noticed that my desktop picture and all of the folders I had on the desktop were gone. My favorites were removed form IE8 and I keep getting a security settings warning bar that doesn't let me fix it. I click fix my setting and it looks like it does then on the next page it pops up again. So I had to create another user with admin rights to use for the internet. I can find all of my files that were on the desktop but they are showing up under user owner but if I log into widows with user owner they don't show up. I also show another user with no admin rights and is password protected. ASP.NET machine A?
I just recently upgraded from XP Home to XP pro, and some files from my old account lost ownership, I know how to take ownership and set the permissions for each file. But, I was wondering if there was a way to take ownership of all the files on the computer without having to do each one individually? I can hightlight a few at once, but all the files I need to take ownership and full control over would take a month. Is there any way to do it to all of them at once???
why do a lot of my XP folders and files in them folders seem to have lost their name tags? In other words it shows the foler but no name underneath it. In an MP3 folder this makes it guesswork as to which files I am picking.I have to move the cursor over the file and wait for the box to pop up for its details.
I'm looking to backup my data because I almost lost all my data when computer failed to start. After about 10 hard power shutdowns I got my computer back and it said Windows XP recovered from a serious Error. I think it had something to either do with the hard drive or Konfabulator.
Old system had many .dbx files but zero .pst files - no export/backup had ever been done on it. Tried to copy over the .dbx files, and appeared to work, but then somehow outlook clobbered old and copied .dbx files, or rendered them invisible.
hey i just did a system recovery, thinking it was a system restore, and now all my files are gone. i have a few programs, but other than that it seems as if i just bought the computer, it took me through the welcome speech and everything. i really want my files back, don't care as much about the programs because they are all replaceable,
Last Saturday I had to use the recovery disc that came inside my computer because when I tried to start the computer; just the black screen appeared, saying 'ntldr is missing Press ctrl + alt + del to restart' . I did that several times but the problem was still there. So, after the recovery I normally started the computer and logged on. I did the non-destructive system recovery. Anyways;I noticed that all my files I had in the Shared Docuemnts were stil there. I noticed that the storage percentage on the C Drive was the same I had before (93%) So, I assume that all my files, documents, music files and videos are somewhere in the computer
I was hoping someone could help me out with this.I recently changed my account privelieges to be an administrator and after a few hiccups logging in, i finally logged into a new screen and layout but lost all my files - everything from music to Word documents and pictures.
I am having trouble getting the update files from QuickPayroll to run. The auto update downloaded the files, but they will not run, so I did a manual update, that file will not run as well. I can run most other exe files OK. What I have noticed is that the files that do not run also do not have information in the properties, like version and such. I have used file Anylzer to query for file information and these files do not have the same type of listings as other files. (Lack of or incomplete version, PE sections, headers). Question: is there something in XP blocking these files because of the lack of information?
I have ended up with DBX files on"Windows XP service pack 3"but cannot read them or change them. Is there a way to save them elsewhere on my hard drive
i was going to transfer some pictures from my memory card to my computer. When i clicked on my computer this window popped up and said " Your computer was infected by unknown Trojan . It is dangerous for your system critical files can be lost Click ok to download the anti-spyware program to clean your system recommended