PC Loads Slow: Lost Many Of OS Files / Getting Back Files?

Jun 24, 2006

Some time ago, my PC had some serious problem and I lost most of my windows files... or files in my windows dir. To get back to my files I re-installed windows.. somehow. Anyway... it works pretty good for the most part but it does seem to load very slowly most of the time... Can you suggest anything to help? HJT log.

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Files Lost While Getting My Computer Back

Aug 15, 2005

I'm looking to backup my data because I almost lost all my data when computer failed to start. After about 10 hard power shutdowns I got my computer back and it said Windows XP recovered from a serious Error. I think it had something to either do with the hard drive or Konfabulator.

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Recovering Deleted Files/lost Files

Jan 13, 2005

info on recovering lost/ deleted files? I have accidentaly deleted some documents from my computer while performing a backup. Actually I deleted them from the backup before I reintroduced them to my computer. They were backed up on there own slave drive.

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Loading Goes Into Loop After Loads Set Up Files Installed?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to load windows xp to a dell system, after the setup files are installed, the system restarts and ges back to the begining and reloads the setup files. What could be the problem?

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Deleted Files Can Have These Files Back

Jun 10, 2006

I ve just deleted some important files by accident, and I could not find them on the recycle bin Is there any way I can have these files back?

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Loads Of TMP Files In C:windows System32 - Hard Drive Fills In Short Space

Oct 6, 2007

Loads of *.TMP files created automatically in c:windowssystem32 " on http://forums.techguy.org/malware-re...matically.html while searching for a problem I was having.It was posted by DidoWide on the HJT forum, so I was unable to post a reply, nor could I send DidoWide an email to ask how he solved in in the end, but I have the exact same problem. Two times now, at a seemingly random times (both times round about 11:00AM), all of a sudden, loads (and I mean tens of thousands) of TMP files, looking like 0fb149fbcb12b2799cfd1c55fc08b4e9.TMP are pumped into my system32 folder. In a matter of 15 or 20 minutes, this may generated as much as 5GB of used diskspace. Some are 0K, some are 91K, but other than those tow, sizes seem to be constant.

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Can't Back Up On Back Up Documents And System Files

Sep 1, 2005

I am trying to back up my docs and system when I do on either the wizard or the advanced mode-it still tells me "the back up file name could not be used: "Eackup.bkf" " please ensure that it is a valid path and the you have sufficent access."

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Lost Dll Files

Aug 28, 2005

I am trying to get my neighbors computer running for her and am having a really hard time with it.There are about 5 (so far) dll files missing and only have found three of them to download. Now, the problem I am mainly having is after I download them to a CD to put in her system, either I cannot unzip them because I don't have Express Zip or when I place them in the correct folder (going by online instruction) either I get another error message or it says being used by windows somewhere else. I don't know what to do.I am at my wits end, yet am determined to help her. Having this done else where could cost her a lot of money. The op. syst. she has is Windows ME.I don't know much else about her system at this point.I downloaded a repair program which was the ONLY thing that would load in her system and when it was done scanning, it needed to go to the net for the repairs.I cannot reinstall her ISP because of the missing files.What do I do?

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Cant Back Any Of Files Up

Sep 19, 2009

Im having trouble backing files up on my computer. When i try to copy ANY file on my computer (cause ive tried to do some trial and error), it gives me this:"This file 'name' has extra information attatched to it that might be lost if you continue copying. The contents of the file will not be affected. Do you want to copy the file anyway? "I then click "Yes" but then it gives me another error about how windows has encountered an error while trying to copy the file. I have yet to read up on somebody who ahs had this problem.Ive read that is has something to do with the datastream that gets created within a file. I also read something about ADS, which I have no idea what it is. All in all, its a problem in which i am having trouble copying files from my NTSF drive (Harddive) to a FAT drive (CD/DVD).

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My Back-Up Files

Aug 27, 2007

I bought a Toshiba laptop in January. Tonight, just randomly, everything got SUPER slow. Programs began to freeze and I'm having to continously restart. I'm currently on the family computer. I can't seem to find the problem. I've deleted a whole bunch of "useless" programs and files. I've done a virus scan, but still it doesn't seem to be working.I recieved a "Product Recovery" disc when I got my laptop that I'm going to use, but I just have a few things that I wanted to make sure about before I did. Hopefully somebody could help me.In the manual it tells me that once I use this disc, all my data will be erased. Okay, so I put all "My Documents" on a Back-Up Files file? Does that make sense? There was a program on my computer that I used for it. I saved the File that's titled "Backup" in My Documents. If I do restart my whole computer, erasing all the data from it, what's going to happen with my "Backup.bkf" file? Will it still be in my My Documents folder?

I'm so concerned with that because I have SO MANY things that I can't just throw away. I've tried sending most of my stuff to my e-mail, but my computer is being way to slow to do all my files and folders. I can't even compress them and send. It's like it has cancer.Can anybody help me? I feel like such an idiot, but this is the only time I've had trouble with this laptop. I really can't just go and get it fixed with a professional. We don't exactly have a lot of money right now.

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Back-up All Files

Jul 18, 2005

How do I back-up all files with Windows Home AD ?

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No Photos - Lost Files

Mar 23, 2010

i have some pages squares with a red x in a box top left of screen should be photos but i cant see the photos why ,what progam do i need to see the photos ,

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Restore Lost Files?

Jan 9, 2008

I recently lost all of my files when I used a recovery disc. I am not a computer whiz, but I do know that they are still in the hardrive somewhere. Is this correct? Is there a free program out there that can recover these files?

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Lost Files Recovery?

Jun 2, 2010

My computer was recently in for repair. I told the technician under no account were any files to be deleted/erased. When I got the computer home after repair I noticed that although my files were indeed 'untouched' (not deleted) they were however in a 'place' where I knew I would have trouble finding. I made a mental note that I would get back to finding my photos later. I had to download and re-install my security system first and foremost as well as Windows updates. One of these Windows Updates (Service Pack 3 maybe) advised to back-up my files before installing. I didn't.
Now I can't find these files/photos/pictures anywhere on my computer. There were over 4000.
Have I lost these for good ? Or is there a way to recover them ?

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Encrypted Files - Can Get Back?

Jan 20, 2010

i encrypted a few files unknowingly, and then they were moved to the server is there any way i can get them back to my pc and then unencrypt them.

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Will Not Boot / How To Back Up Files?

Mar 6, 2007

My Dell Dimension 8400 suddenly won't boot up, and Dell told me I would have to reinstall the OS (XP Media Center Edition). I would rather try to repair the boot files first in order to save all of my apps, drivers and files. But before trying this, I would like to move my SATA HDD to another PC and make it a slave so that I can backup my files to an external HD. Is this a complex task? Dell also told me that all of my OE apps are stored on a partition in my HDD, so a reinstall will put me back to the way my PC was when I first got it, but I would then have to try to find all the drivers for everything I have since installed.

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Files Lost In CONFIG Folder

Jul 4, 2005

i accidently dragged some files to the "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfig" and now whenever i click those folders so that i can open them it gives me an error "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfigFILES" is not accessible Access Denied it also tell me that the FOLDER is EMPTY what's worst is that it's still taking space from my drive i dont know if there's a way that i can recover those files or at least delete the folder

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Automatically Rebooted - Files Lost

Oct 16, 2009

My computer rebooted itself a few days ago. When it did this my computer stopped at the log in user screen. I've never had any other users setup on my computer. When rebooting it always goes straight to the windows desktop. After that I noticed that my desktop picture and all of the folders I had on the desktop were gone. My favorites were removed form IE8 and I keep getting a security settings warning bar that doesn't let me fix it. I click fix my setting and it looks like it does then on the next page it pops up again. So I had to create another user with admin rights to use for the internet. I can find all of my files that were on the desktop but they are showing up under user owner but if I log into widows with user owner they don't show up. I also show another user with no admin rights and is password protected. ASP.NET machine A?

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Some Files From My Old Account Lost Ownership

Jul 1, 2005

I just recently upgraded from XP Home to XP pro, and some files from my old account lost ownership, I know how to take ownership and set the permissions for each file. But, I was wondering if there was a way to take ownership of all the files on the computer without having to do each one individually? I can hightlight a few at once, but all the files I need to take ownership and full control over would take a month. Is there any way to do it to all of them at once???

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Folders And Files Lost Their Name Tags

Jul 12, 2007

why do a lot of my XP folders and files in them folders seem to have lost their name tags? In other words it shows the foler but no name underneath it. In an MP3 folder this makes it guesswork as to which files I am picking.I have to move the cursor over the file and wait for the box to pop up for its details.

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Getting The Hidden Files Back To Shown?

Feb 7, 2009

I need to get into some user hidden files like application data etc so I can reconfigure some things.I run CFS3 and when there is a conf problem sometimes one needs to delete the Appdata folder to reset it as well as dropping in files so I do not have to do a new complete confg of controls.I have it on my smaller PC but completely forgot how to set it up to see on my new build.

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Accidentally Deleted Some Files / Need Them Back

May 24, 2006

I'm running Win XP. I was trying to get rid of windows messenger, and had gone into "add/delete prog." and then "add/delete windows components." There I UN-checked everything that was checked EXCEPT for windows messenger. the laptop proceeded in what i thought was deleting that program.

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Get Back Folders And Files That Were Cut / Moved

Jun 8, 2009

How does one get back Folders and files once you have used the Cut Command instead of delete, I use MS command Cut to delete and move Folders and Files from one HDD to another HDD, Now the HDD that I moved to has crashed. I need to go back to the original HDD and get back those folders and files but I need the folders intact so I know what file belongs to what programs, any suggestions.Help please.I lost a years work of Music Files, from Fruity Loops and also plug-ins that took time to create.I have not touched the HDD since I cut / Moved Files and Folders.

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Lost .dbx Files Outlook Express - No Folders?

Feb 14, 2009

Old system had many .dbx files but zero .pst files - no export/backup had ever been done on it. Tried to copy over the .dbx files, and appeared to work, but then somehow outlook clobbered old and copied .dbx files, or rendered them invisible.

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Lost All Files In System Recovery - Recover?

Jul 19, 2007

hey i just did a system recovery, thinking it was a system restore, and now all my files are gone. i have a few programs, but other than that it seems as if i just bought the computer, it took me through the welcome speech and everything. i really want my files back, don't care as much about the programs because they are all replaceable,

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Lost Files After A Non-destructive System Recovery

Jan 23, 2008

Last Saturday I had to use the recovery disc that came inside my computer because when I tried to start the computer; just the black screen appeared, saying 'ntldr is missing Press ctrl + alt + del to restart' . I did that several times but the problem was still there. So, after the recovery I normally started the computer and logged on. I did the non-destructive system recovery. Anyways;I noticed that all my files I had in the Shared Docuemnts were stil there. I noticed that the storage percentage on the C Drive was the same I had before (93%) So, I assume that all my files, documents, music files and videos are somewhere in the computer

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Changed Account To Admin And Lost All Files

Apr 5, 2010

I was hoping someone could help me out with this.I recently changed my account privelieges to be an administrator and after a few hiccups logging in, i finally logged into a new screen and layout but lost all my files - everything from music to Word documents and pictures.

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Lost Files After Update - Msconfig To Disable

Nov 10, 2008

First off I am new to the forums and I really hope that someone can help me. I am not sure if I posted this in the right area but hopefully I did. Yesterday I relocated my girlfriends computer. I shut it down, disconnected everything and re-set it all up. Once everything was connected, I turned it on. I noticed that it took forever and that there were a ton of applications being opened upon start up. So I went to run and went to msconfig to disable them all. Afterwoods I restarted the computer. Once it rebooted, I did a disk cleanup as well as a defrag. All went fine. Then a window popped up saying that there was an update available and I agreed to update the computer. I remember it saying that it was a windows service pack 3. Anyway the update went through with no issues to my knowledge. Well this morning she went to use it an dnoticed that there were several problems. One the user account that was established no longer exhists, all of her photos, videos, and music is gone, and the computer is not reconizing the wireless card we have for the internet so she cannot connect. Naturally she is blaming me for all these problems cause I was that last person on the computer and I cannot see how I screwed this all up.

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Two Files Were Accidently Deleted: Recover These Back?

Jul 3, 2005

WINDOWSSystem32smss.exe and C:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exe were accidently deleted. How can I get them back. My system retore was turned off so no chance going there if this was any possibility.

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Fixing Corrupted Files / Getting Back The Pictures?

Jul 2, 2005

I would just like to know if I can fix the problem so then I can see my pictures. What can I do to fix the corrupted files? Can I retrieve my pictures back and if so How?

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Created User Account.How To Get Files Back?

Jan 10, 2009

I just moved in to my buddy from work, and decided to put a pass on my PC, since a lot of people go thru the house on weekends. I set up an account, gave it admin privileges, but when setup asked: "would you like to give that account access to files?" (or some similar question) I selected NO. When account loaded I couldn't get access to any of my files! The problem now is that I can't delete that new account, because it's the only account! I tried setting up another one with administrator privileges, but it doesn't ask that question anymore (would you like to give that account access to files?), so I can't get access? Do you know a solution, or a step towards getting access to files back?

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