Loading Goes Into Loop After Loads Set Up Files Installed?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to load windows xp to a dell system, after the setup files are installed, the system restarts and ges back to the begining and reloads the setup files. What could be the problem?

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PC Loads Slow: Lost Many Of OS Files / Getting Back Files?

Jun 24, 2006

Some time ago, my PC had some serious problem and I lost most of my windows files... or files in my windows dir. To get back to my files I re-installed windows.. somehow. Anyway... it works pretty good for the most part but it does seem to load very slowly most of the time... Can you suggest anything to help? HJT log.

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Loads Of TMP Files In C:windows System32 - Hard Drive Fills In Short Space

Oct 6, 2007

Loads of *.TMP files created automatically in c:windowssystem32 " on http://forums.techguy.org/malware-re...matically.html while searching for a problem I was having.It was posted by DidoWide on the HJT forum, so I was unable to post a reply, nor could I send DidoWide an email to ask how he solved in in the end, but I have the exact same problem. Two times now, at a seemingly random times (both times round about 11:00AM), all of a sudden, loads (and I mean tens of thousands) of TMP files, looking like 0fb149fbcb12b2799cfd1c55fc08b4e9.TMP are pumped into my system32 folder. In a matter of 15 or 20 minutes, this may generated as much as 5GB of used diskspace. Some are 0K, some are 91K, but other than those tow, sizes seem to be constant.

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Won't Install - Stuck When Loading Files

Sep 21, 2010

I made a computer from my brother, with parts from other computers. But windows won't install. When I put the CD in the drive, I will start the computer using the CD. It check my Hardware configuration and asks me to install a non-windows SCSI/RAID driver, I will not install this driver and I'm continueing as normal. This is when it goes wrong: when loading 'Windows Executive' (The first file it loads) the computer gets stuck.

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Loading Winupd.dll - Restoring Files

Dec 7, 2004

Every 10 seconds I am getting pop-ups stating ?error loading winupd.dll? and sometimes: ?error loading wincore.dll? and it is extremely annoying using this computer. Before this stated, my spyware software deleted some questionable files. I am unable to undelete these files any longer. I believed that these .dll files were related to windows update and closedown any auto update programs but hasn?t stopped it.I have been searching through all my files for any files containing ?winupd.dll? or ?wincore.dll? but having came up with anything that might be executing these files. I also searched my other computer for these files in hopes of restoring the files to this computer but no luck.

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Loading NvCpl.dll - Cannot Access Files

Jun 18, 2007

I just reformatted for the second time and upon startup i keep getting this error
"Error loading nvCpl.dll
The process cannot access the filebecause it is being used by another process." Here is the kicker- I didn't get this error untill i installed aol 9.0 - can that have something to do with it??? I went 3 days since reformatting error free.I ran a hijackthis and i can't seem to find the error anywhere.can the new hard drive iv'e installed have anything at do do with this?

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Automate Batch Files When Loading

Aug 12, 2005

I have a batch file (used to autoexec.bat in earlier Wins) that cleans temporary folders and gets rid of a couple of files that Paradox creates.I've tried the run command in Win.ini - any other ideas ?

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Reboot After Loading The List Files

Jan 20, 2008

My XP Home SP2 computer starts and runs just fine. No normal booting problems at all but I tried to boot it into safe mode a few days ago to have a look at something. It won't do it. No matter if I try safe mode or command prompt safe mode, it won't finish the boot. It simply goes to reboot after loading the list of files. It's not a big deal now but one of these days I'm sure I'll need safe mode for something.

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Loading Media Files Takes Too Much Time

Jun 12, 2005

About a week and a half or so ago loading media files takes forever. Whenever I click on a MP3 or AVI file it takes about 30 secs before it loads. In the meantime I get a Windows Explorer has stopped responding dialog and I can either shut it down or wait for it to load.

I've run Spybot, Adaware, and installed ZoneAlarm. I keep getting a message that my computer is trying to access another comp on my network.

I've also tried restoring to an older restore point with no luck.

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Delete Hidden Files From Loading Up On Boot

Jul 31, 2005

I used a program to delete hidden files from loading up on boot. Two were casino files that I had already deleted. I unchecked the boxes to prevent them from loading up. I then became creative and kept going. Apparently I uncchecked a file to load up win xp pro. Now I get the blank screen that says "invalid boot diskette, insert boot diskette in A:" I do but it is not reading the A: drive. I then tried to get into setup to change the boot sequence to cdrom first but the blank screen asks me to enter a password. I never needed a password to get into setup before. When I type my system passwore and hit enter all that appears is an X, after three times it kicks me back to the insert boot diskette page.

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Slow Loading And Browsing: Remove Java Files?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Gateway desktop, running XP Home with Pentium 4 CPU, 2.4 GHz, 256 MB ram, with 74.5 GB HD at 88% free, using FireFox 3.0.13 and Mcafee Security Suite from Comcast. I have followed other thread advice and removed old Java files, Adaware and Spybot S& D, and installed Superantispyware and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, CCleaner and HiJackthis. I have tried everything I know but working on this computer is like watching paint dry.

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My Computer Is Slow Loading / Reading Programs / Files Lately

Jul 9, 2006

Constantly reads the HD when loading programs. This behavoir wasn't present 7+ months ago I have WXPH.

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Extremely Slow Startup - Boot Up - Directly Loading Files

Jun 28, 2005

I am using Windows XP Home Edition. When booting up, Windows goes directely
to loading files and takes at least 20 minutes before the sign in screen
appears. Do you have a answer to solve this problem?

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Professional Installed Need To Transfer Files

May 19, 2005

okay guys i joined the real computor race, i just got a compaq, 512mb pentium 4/ 2.0 ghtz processor, and winxp professional installed with 40gb hard drive. so now i need to know (step bystep) how to get all the stuff i want off my dinosaur, hp celeron, 64mb, 6gb hd, and win98se, onto my new computer.

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XP Crashed - Config Files - Installed Versions

Oct 7, 2005

I'm trying to help a friend out.His XP crashed - says it is missing some config files etc.I cannot boot up in safe mode, can not repair via the recovery console and when I try to reinstall, it says there is an installation in progress and it won't go any further. (My friend tried to reinstall somehow, and has a few 1/2 installed versions accross his different hard drives.I want to restore from a ghost image we have, but the problem is, there is 7 months of data files (not backed up!) that I want to get saved first.I can boot up via a win98 boot disk and see the files, but I can't work out a way of getting them accross to another hard drive easily. In the old days, I'd use xcopy with the "/s" switch to take all the sub directories etc, but I can't find xcopy in XP or get any copy functions to work

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Delete Temp Files - Diskcleaner Installed

Nov 1, 2007

I have diskcleaner installed and it cleans out histories, URLs, etc.. and it says temp files but it doesn't do that.Everytime I get an e-mail with an attachment I open the attachment and want to save it to a folder in my documents folder it see the default location as OLK1. This file is full of old attachments.I've tried going into Windows explorer but can't find this folder anywhere, (even after asking for all hidden files to be seen). I've type a search for *.tmp files to delete them but the search comes up with nothing.

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Installed Operating System - Copy Files On Desktop

Oct 23, 2009

i installed an operationg system (service pack 3, but if i want to copy a file either from desktop or any where,i do klick on the right side of the mouse and shose ( send to ),and i dont see hard disks among the lists of where to send to,while i have 2 hard disks installed

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Updates Were Unable To Be Successfully Installed / AVI Files Failed To Load

Dec 2, 2006

To start, when I try to play an .avi file, real player and windows media player both encounter a fatal error. Thinking there may have been a windows update I went to update.microsoft.com to get updates. I was able to download all of the updates, but I could not install any of them. I tried to install them via express and custom updates on the website, via automatic updates, and virtually every other method I could think of. After researching the problem I came across similar problems with an array of solutions, including trying in safe mode, running sfc /scannow, uninstalling and reinstalling .net, shutting off and turning back on both automatic updates and cryptographic services, changing .dll files (lccwiz & pidgen), renaming the Software Distribution folder, downloading one update at a time, and other things that I can't even begin to think of at this moment, obviously with no success, as well as running SpyBot, AdAware, and Norton.

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Never Fully Loads The Desktop

Sep 1, 2009

My sister has given me her used laptop, telling me if I can make it work, it's all mine. The problem is, it never fully loads the desktop. You can't click anything or do anything else. She has lost her XP disk so I can't restore the system. I tried booting up in Safe Mode, but it still freezes on the desktop I am completely clueless on what to do. Is there any software available that could boot from a disk and do something?

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My Computer Loads At Start Up

Jun 21, 2010

I did a restore and all went well except now "My Computer" loads at start-up. I've spent considerable time researching this and have checked numerous settings and tried numerous suggested fixes to no avail.

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Start-up Screen Never Loads

Sep 15, 2005

At start-up, the windowsXP screen comes up showing that it is loading! It never loads, I usually have to start up in safe mode, and restore to an earlier date, which fixes the problem, until I have to restart! An error report is sent, it says a DLL Driver is not working properly or having problems, but can't specify which one! How do I locate and solve this problem?

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Loads Of Reference To 'Proxy'

Jan 9, 2006

Can I start a thread for everyones education.I've been browsing some threads about security and keeping yourself annonimous. In these threads there is loads of reference to 'Proxy'.

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Wordpad Loads Slowly

Jan 25, 2007

After I open Wordpad it takes 20 seconds before the cursor starts blinking and I can type. This just recently started. Any ideas as to what is causing this? It's so bothersome that I'm now using Notepad whenever possible but I'd much rather use Wordpad. I've scanned with several virus scanners and they all come up clean. Thanks

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Computer Loads Slowly?

Jun 27, 2008

Recently I have noticed that my PC has been loading things really slowly. When I start my computer, there is a black screen with a loading bar at the bottom, which takes atleast five minutes to load. When I launch a game, it takes ages for it to start up and it also takes ages to join a server. I tried reformating, but it didn't help. When I was installing one of my games, I found that it took about 10 times as long to install. And while it was installing, I couldn't do anything else because it slowed everything down. It's like my RAM has been lowered or something. I am guessing it may be a hardware problem.

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Installed And Slave Drive, Can't Read Files On Slave

Feb 21, 2005

I just installed Windows Xp on a brand new HDD. The previous hard drive had Windows 2000, and since I didn't want to lose any files I installed that drive as the slave. But when I boot the machine up. And select the slave drive, none of the files, such as pictures, word docs, etc. are there. The folders are blank. The jumper pin setting is correct because the picture is right on the label for the drive

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Scandisk Starts Up Before It Loads Windowsxp

Nov 15, 2009

As i start up my laptop and it runs through start up my scandisk starts up before it loads windows xp.

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Memory Dump - RAM Loads Very Slowly

Apr 30, 2007

I have Windows XP. Pentium III 866. Dell Dimension 4100.

My RAM now loads slowly upon the bios check and every time the computer starts up, I get a blue screen of death.

I have run a memory check and it appears to be clean. I have run numerous antivirus programs and the computer now appears to be clean. However, I am still getting the blue screen of death. I have tried to attached some minidump files to this post and hope that someone can help to debug them

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Unable To Log In Using A Password / Homepage Never Loads

Feb 8, 2006

When trying to check "my account" on a webpage it doesn't let me navigate, it boots me out back to the sign in page. I can sign in and see the welcome page (it says "Welcome and my name") but when I try to go to another page in the site (for example "my account") it won't let me go. Also my internet homepage is Yahoo, when I refresh or open to the homepage Yahoo never loads ... I have to click "GO" to get the page to load. Are these two problems related somehow? Anyone?

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Progress Bar Loads - Laptop Retsarts

Sep 10, 2009

When I turn on my laptop The Progressbar When windows loads onnly does up one then the blue error screen blinks and the laptop restarts

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My Computer Opens / Loads During Startup

Nov 11, 2008

When ever I turn-on or reboot my computer, XP opens normally and then the "My Computer" window opens on top of my desktop.

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