Loading Winupd.dll - Restoring Files

Dec 7, 2004

Every 10 seconds I am getting pop-ups stating ?error loading winupd.dll? and sometimes: ?error loading wincore.dll? and it is extremely annoying using this computer. Before this stated, my spyware software deleted some questionable files. I am unable to undelete these files any longer. I believed that these .dll files were related to windows update and closedown any auto update programs but hasn?t stopped it.I have been searching through all my files for any files containing ?winupd.dll? or ?wincore.dll? but having came up with anything that might be executing these files. I also searched my other computer for these files in hopes of restoring the files to this computer but no luck.

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Fix Winupd.dll Error Message Comes

Dec 9, 2004

I just ran spyware doctor and I think I removed files that I should not have. Now I am getting a couple of error messages. I am constantly getting "error loading winupd.dll.......The specified module could not be found". A couple of times, but not consistently, I have had similar error messages with "wincore.dll" and "Gstartup.Ink" as the problem areas.I did download Hijackthis and ran it, after I read some of the posted messages on your site.

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Need Help Restoring From .MIG Files

Jun 6, 2007

I recently upgraded from Vista to XP because of incompatability issues with my hardware and software. Before I upgraded, I backed up all of my files and settings using the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I placed the backup files on my external hard drive. Now when I try to restore from the backed up file, which is a SaveData.MIG file, the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard does not recognize it as being a viable file. Also, the file itself it write protected, but when I try to un-protect it, it reverts back to being protected.

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Restoring Files

Sep 2, 2005

Before my hard drive failed some files were copied to a CD-R disk with Roxio CD Creator 5.01 Basic. Attempts to open these files or copy them to a new HD has failed. Some error messages have indicated that the files are "Read Only". Others have suggested trying to open them with the program that
created them. (Mostly MS Works spreadsheets and Word).

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Restoring Files On C Drive

Jun 2, 2007

I needed to reformat my Hard Drive from NTFS to Fat32. But in doing so, I managed to forget to back up my files. By reformatting, I erased everything on my C: drive. Now, since I'm not in Windows and cannot access it, I have no way of doing a System Restore. I don't own any XP Install discs, so that eliminates that option. The only solution I can think of would be to download the necessary files, but I don't know if there is such availability.

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Best Software For Restoring Deleted Files For XP

Oct 6, 2007

I urgently need help guys. I deleted some REALLY, REALLY important files. I am looking at all sorts of file restoration programs, and a lot of them are not free. Can someone please help me out with some recommendations, hopefully some free recommendations.

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Restoring Hard Drive After Crash- Get Files On Back

Feb 18, 2006

i have a comaq presario computer with win 2k. Due to a virus ,my hard drive crashed . When i try and boot up i get the blue screen of death telling me there is an error and i need to consult manufacturer . Is there a way i can restore my hard drive and get my files on there back even though the hard drive has crashed, if so can you tell me the steps.

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Won't Install - Stuck When Loading Files

Sep 21, 2010

I made a computer from my brother, with parts from other computers. But windows won't install. When I put the CD in the drive, I will start the computer using the CD. It check my Hardware configuration and asks me to install a non-windows SCSI/RAID driver, I will not install this driver and I'm continueing as normal. This is when it goes wrong: when loading 'Windows Executive' (The first file it loads) the computer gets stuck.

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Loading NvCpl.dll - Cannot Access Files

Jun 18, 2007

I just reformatted for the second time and upon startup i keep getting this error
"Error loading nvCpl.dll
The process cannot access the filebecause it is being used by another process." Here is the kicker- I didn't get this error untill i installed aol 9.0 - can that have something to do with it??? I went 3 days since reformatting error free.I ran a hijackthis and i can't seem to find the error anywhere.can the new hard drive iv'e installed have anything at do do with this?

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Automate Batch Files When Loading

Aug 12, 2005

I have a batch file (used to autoexec.bat in earlier Wins) that cleans temporary folders and gets rid of a couple of files that Paradox creates.I've tried the run command in Win.ini - any other ideas ?

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Reboot After Loading The List Files

Jan 20, 2008

My XP Home SP2 computer starts and runs just fine. No normal booting problems at all but I tried to boot it into safe mode a few days ago to have a look at something. It won't do it. No matter if I try safe mode or command prompt safe mode, it won't finish the boot. It simply goes to reboot after loading the list of files. It's not a big deal now but one of these days I'm sure I'll need safe mode for something.

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Loading Media Files Takes Too Much Time

Jun 12, 2005

About a week and a half or so ago loading media files takes forever. Whenever I click on a MP3 or AVI file it takes about 30 secs before it loads. In the meantime I get a Windows Explorer has stopped responding dialog and I can either shut it down or wait for it to load.

I've run Spybot, Adaware, and installed ZoneAlarm. I keep getting a message that my computer is trying to access another comp on my network.

I've also tried restoring to an older restore point with no luck.

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Delete Hidden Files From Loading Up On Boot

Jul 31, 2005

I used a program to delete hidden files from loading up on boot. Two were casino files that I had already deleted. I unchecked the boxes to prevent them from loading up. I then became creative and kept going. Apparently I uncchecked a file to load up win xp pro. Now I get the blank screen that says "invalid boot diskette, insert boot diskette in A:" I do but it is not reading the A: drive. I then tried to get into setup to change the boot sequence to cdrom first but the blank screen asks me to enter a password. I never needed a password to get into setup before. When I type my system passwore and hit enter all that appears is an X, after three times it kicks me back to the insert boot diskette page.

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Loading Goes Into Loop After Loads Set Up Files Installed?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to load windows xp to a dell system, after the setup files are installed, the system restarts and ges back to the begining and reloads the setup files. What could be the problem?

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Slow Loading And Browsing: Remove Java Files?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Gateway desktop, running XP Home with Pentium 4 CPU, 2.4 GHz, 256 MB ram, with 74.5 GB HD at 88% free, using FireFox 3.0.13 and Mcafee Security Suite from Comcast. I have followed other thread advice and removed old Java files, Adaware and Spybot S& D, and installed Superantispyware and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, CCleaner and HiJackthis. I have tried everything I know but working on this computer is like watching paint dry.

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My Computer Is Slow Loading / Reading Programs / Files Lately

Jul 9, 2006

Constantly reads the HD when loading programs. This behavoir wasn't present 7+ months ago I have WXPH.

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Extremely Slow Startup - Boot Up - Directly Loading Files

Jun 28, 2005

I am using Windows XP Home Edition. When booting up, Windows goes directely
to loading files and takes at least 20 minutes before the sign in screen
appears. Do you have a answer to solve this problem?

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Restoring From The CD

Aug 28, 2005

Am I able to restore the Windows XP operating system on my laptop from the CD without trashing my other data/programs? I have used "System Restore" quite often and now notice several small glitches occurring from time to time so am wondering if small portions of the system have become corrupt (sorry for the nontechnical terminology). It would be nice to be able to restore the system directly from my CD but I haven't been able to discover if this is possible.

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System Is Not Restoring

Mar 16, 2006

I've been trying to resolve multiple problems that suddenly appeared with my pc by myself for days. I need help, please!

1. Flash has stopped operating.
2. System Restore gives me an error message, "Cannot Be Restored" -- I've tried multiple restore points.

I tried downloading simple Flash and got the error message "No Platform for this application". Shockwave Flash did install, but my flash animation is still not working.

My operating system is Windows XP Service Pack 2. Here is my Hijack This log:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0
Scan saved at 2:28:07 PM, on 3/16/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Restoring Crashed Using BKF

Aug 24, 2008

It is ironic that I am here, because I own a tech business, but I have been stumped so long that I need to go ask the big-guns.My problem: My computer was acting up.My solution: Reinstall XP.My second problem: I have a SATA drive which XP doesn't support by default.My solution: Use nLite to package my drivers into my install disc and burn a new copy.My third problem: install goes as planned, but when the computer starts up it gets to the Windows Logo loading-screen and crashes right as the blue bar enters the screen. The computer simply freezes, shuts down, reboots, and says "Windows did not shut down properly" or whatever the hell it says.So now I have no clue what to do. I know it's not the wrong drivers--I got them directly from ASUS's website and made sure it's the 32-bit Windows XP drivers.

I have tried reinstalling Windows like 10 times over the past 3 days, so I know it wasn't just a faulty install.My CD drive is 6 months old and my hard drive 2 months old. They both run perfectly, so I know it's not them.Being the genius I am, I backed up my entire hard-drive on a BKF file with a clean install!
So now I can just use the BKF file to write to my hard drive... if I had a working computer. So here's my situation: I'd accept a helpful fix for the thing above, but I don't think there will be any fixes for it that I haven't already tried. But what I really do want is some advice on how to write my BKF file to my SATA HDD. I have my SATA connected to my computer via an external USB converter-switch-like-thing, so I have access to it. The BKF is stored on my laptop's HDD, but my Laptop is Vista (ewwie). I need to know how to take the BKF file from my Vista laptop and restore it onto my SATA HDD that is attached via USB. Vista's restore capability doesn't support XP's BKF files, so I was wondering if anybody knows of a third-party application or any way to get this back up, and quickly. I'm a developer and my computer has been down for 3 days!

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Restoring One For The Drives

Mar 5, 2006

I recently recovered from this: But now my D: is in RAW format, and I want it to be able to read CDs again. Same with the E:.

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Unable To Restoring PC

Aug 11, 2005

I want to restore my PC to a week ago. I have not put anything on but it is a new PC and it loaded and updated antivirus program & spyware programs.What are my chances that it will restore back to a week ago properly before the programs were updated without creating other problems. It seems like an awful lot for it to back out. Then I could change some of the choices I made.

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Restoring From A Backup CD

Jun 29, 2006

I use the Enhanced Windows Backup program. I have just copied backup files to a CD. The files have my docs on it, along with Local Settings, All Users, Start Menu, etc.Fortunately, I haven't had to restore any info due to computer crashes. I tried to check if the files got copied to the CD and all I can see is the name of the folder, but not the individual files. My concern is how do I know if the files are there and then, what would I have to do to get them transferred to my computer in case of a computer crash?

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Restoring Deleted File

May 15, 2005

I have a question, is there a way you can retrieve a file you deleted by accident and is no longer in your Recycle Bin? I deleted it just recently.

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Restoring Deleted Folder

Jul 22, 2006

I deleted the My Web Sites folder found in my documents. I have Windows XP and deleted it while using Frontpage 2003. How do I restore it?

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Restoring Old Version Of File

Aug 30, 2005

I saved over a file by mistake. Is there a way to retrieve the orginal file?

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Restoring File Associations?

May 23, 2005

I have been playin a lot of online RPG lately, so I been working with maps and photos, drawings, etc.. I got PSP8,and while installing it I switched the file associations ALL on, so every graphics file becames a PSP8 file. Well its causing all sorts of problems, the web wont upload PSP8 format. OOoopss. Fine , right, I just remove the PSP8 assoc on files, such as Jpeg, gif, bmp, but now those files are listed as having no extension now!! So the web wont even recognize them know, ie they dont show up in the 'browse' list. How can I restore the file associations to the originals, on the jpeg, bmp, gifs ?

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Restoring From Backup File In Pro

Mar 9, 2006

I have a 200 GB harddrive. I split it into 3 drives C:, D: & E:my C drive consists of XP Pro Operating System my D drive consists of a Operating System BACKUP file (I created it when I successfully installed XP Pro on my system) my E drive consists of some important documents & downloaded software files.Now I want to restore my C drive with XP Pro initial stages (from the Backed up file).If I do that will my documents in D & E drive exist and accessible? I cannot back them up into DVD's since they are very large and requires atlease 3 DVD's to store all the files.All I want to do is to restore my system to initial stages without loosing any files in my other drives.

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HTTP After Restoring Registry

Feb 23, 2007

I had a BSOD (registry corruption) yesterday (well, closer to today) and i fixed it within the hour (i.e. as soon as i found a windows disc) however, all web browsers and related programs (firefox, lynx, wget) are now strangely unable to access the internet (also μtorrent b/c it cant access trackers), everything else works fine, including Apache.

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System Restore Not Restoring

Mar 22, 2007

I decided to use system restore for the first time since I reinstalled xp Pro about 6 months ago. So I picked a point three days old and let the computer reboot only to be informed that System Restore was unable to restore to that date. I picked another one about a week older and tried again. Same message. I checked the event logs but couldn't find anything except a confirmation of the above. I checked to see if the System Restore slider was maxed and it was. However I did discover that I have two Systgem Restore files on my computer, one on the C drive and one on D which I bascially use for storage. I opened the file on D and found nothing unusual, it contained about 25MB of data.

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