I have Windows XP. Pentium III 866. Dell Dimension 4100.
My RAM now loads slowly upon the bios check and every time the computer starts up, I get a blue screen of death.
I have run a memory check and it appears to be clean. I have run numerous antivirus programs and the computer now appears to be clean. However, I am still getting the blue screen of death. I have tried to attached some minidump files to this post and hope that someone can help to debug them
After I open Wordpad it takes 20 seconds before the cursor starts blinking and I can type. This just recently started. Any ideas as to what is causing this? It's so bothersome that I'm now using Notepad whenever possible but I'd much rather use Wordpad. I've scanned with several virus scanners and they all come up clean. Thanks
Recently I have noticed that my PC has been loading things really slowly. When I start my computer, there is a black screen with a loading bar at the bottom, which takes atleast five minutes to load. When I launch a game, it takes ages for it to start up and it also takes ages to join a server. I tried reformating, but it didn't help. When I was installing one of my games, I found that it took about 10 times as long to install. And while it was installing, I couldn't do anything else because it slowed everything down. It's like my RAM has been lowered or something. I am guessing it may be a hardware problem.
My computer boots slowly, loads websites slowly and goes slowly from page to page.If Flrman (or any moderator of the sight) solves this, I will be happy to make a donation to keep this site going.Lastly, how do I get to personal profile to log specs into my sig? Can't find link.
I'm wondering if anybody out there knows what this error is? My pc 'crashed' and told me: "Begining Dump Of Physical Memory" I'm running Windows 2000.I'll be much grateful for any 'right' reply.. since I have limited knowledge of computers.
I've just started to notice that my Hard Disk has been losing 50-70mb a day. Like something hidden is slowly replicating or something. I have Norton Internet Security and Norton Anti-virus running always, and it shows nothing out of the ordinary.
So I've done some research on the Memory Management BSOD error. It say that it's probably some sort of conflict with a new peice of Hardware...the only thing is I haven't installed any new hardware. I think that it is a problem with a program I installed called Intellisynch that I got from Yahoo so I could synch my Yahoo address book with my Outlook Express Address Book. Now whenever I I start Outlook Express, I get the BSOD, I've uninstalled Intellisynch but I'm still getting the BSOD's when I start Outlook Express. Here's the BSOD info and the info from "Hijack this" that I ran:
well, I managed to screw up my winxp reinstall in a big way. I'm very upset over it since its my sis-in-laws computer. Before, she could not access the internet, but at least she could boot up WinXP and play games, access her email and all of her programs on the desktop...now...nothing but the following popup error message:
Error: One of the files containing the system registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful
then the popup disappears and sends me to a blue screen (long) message starting with this:
A problem has been detected and windows bios has been shut down to prevent damage
I have a BFG Tech GeForce 5500 overclocked graphics card (256 MB DDR). whenever i try to play any game on full screen, Windows gives me a memory dump with the following message.A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Check for adequate disk space, if a driver is identified in the STOP message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters. Check with hardware vendors for any BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to selected advanced setup. Technical Information: *** STOP: 0x0000008E ( 0xc0000005, 0x00000190, 0xBAEF3cc8, 0x0000000) Beginning dump of physical memory. Physical memory dump complete.
Everytime I perfom a Spyware Scan on my daughters computer it reboots automaticly, with a short blue screen flashing up. And when I run a microsoft update scan the computer reboots in the same manner during that scan. Everytime the HD is getting scaned it reboots in the middle of it, with a short flash of a blue screen that talks about physical memory dump. Can somebody help me there. By the way I reformated the HD already and reloadet everything new on that HD, because it had the same problem before. Could it be the BIOS or a setting.
Over the past 48 hours my computer has begun to give me the following error:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.Driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.I have not installed any new programs in about two weeks.I have tried to fix this myself by running spyware scans (spybot and adaware) as well as AVG virus scans.All turned up nothing.I also run "clean-up" regularly to get rid of my temp internet files, etc and ran that as well.I also checked my hard disk for errors and had them automatically fixed.If there is any other information you need, please let me know and I will do my best to provide it asap.
I had a blue screen crash and after the memory dump it came up with this error message: BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : 80564C3A BCP3 : F3C5ABD4 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 768_1
My Compaq (XP HOME edition SP2) laptop is suddenly going through this whole physical memory dump complete thing. I turned it off just like normal this afternoon. Then tonight when I turned it on, it got to my desktop, seemed normal for less than 1 min, then went to the blue screen that includes the following technical Information: STOP: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005, 0x85EE90BD, 0xECF62B4C, 0x00000000) Beginning dump of physical memory Physical Memory dump complete Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. Then it would reboot, do the same thing, over and over again.
So I googled on my husband's computer and learned about the minidump folder thing. Then I went and started my computer in safe mode and found the folder, but I couldn't read the minidump files. So I googled some more and learned about downloading the debugging tools which I did (on my hubby's computer). I transferred the debugging file to my safe mode computer tried to install and it wouldn't let me. SO silly me, I copied the dump files onto my hubby's computer, hoping to read them there. Then I realized that the debugging tools need more than just the dump file to actually read it, and it would require image path, symbols stuff. Well, now I am totally lost. What do I do?
At first, my hubby thought it was probably because he plugged in the webcam thing before my laptop finished starting...some post did say it would cause the BSOD problem, well, we unplugged our webcam and it still wouldn't work. I read this link http://forums.techguy.org/windows-nt...debugging.html but couldn't really follow... The following link suggested a similar video cam plug issue but I am not good enough to follow what he did to fix... http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/...se-a-stop.aspx
I am now totally stuck!!!! Please help me! What do I do now?
Whenever i try to start a file for microsoft word(office version 2003); windows shut down abnormally and system shows an error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA on our beloved ''blue'' screen. system dumps memory and the count goes till 99 and after that i restart my machine and problem is still there. I dont let windows update itself automatically i.e. it has to ask me for update installation. I have also tried to re-install microsoft office 2003 on the machine but even that didnt work.
Have a Dell Dimension 2350 at home with XP as the OS. Rarely use the PC because it is on NetZero's free dial-up. Has current CA Internet Security Suite too.
Getting the blue screen occasionally when I start NetZero's free dial-up program. The blue screen will appear right as the PC is trying to open up a Internet Explorer window, after the dial-up connection has been made successfully. The blue screen states to disable BIOS, but I don't have a clue how to do that
I run Windows XP and keep finding that when I leave my PC unattended for more than 10 minutes I get a blue screen with a scary message regarding the dumping of physical memory. The error codes in the message are as follows:
stop 0X0000008E, 0XBA40721F, 0XEBC267C, 0X00000000, videoprt.sys - address BA40721F base at BA401000 Date Stamp41107d08
Everything will freeze, completeley and then it will go to a blue screen that says something like HARD DRIVER ERROR:BEGINNING DUMP OF PHYSICAL MEMORY
which scares the living **** out of me, so I turn off the power manually from the power strip connected to my computer and switch it on again, sometimes, It'll start up and after it shows the Hardware and Window XPs loads, It goes to another blue screen that says HARD ERROR, instead of having me log in. l0s71
I am a computer science/engineer major and I know somewhat a lot about computers, but this is my first time seeing this blue screen. My computer will start up to the compaq screen then goes to windows xp and then it flashes a blue screen for a split second. I was able to freeze it, but do not know how i did it, but it said something about a cretain system32 file is corrupt. there is a corrupt hive. complete physical memory dump complete. contact tech support or system administrator. right now, I am out of town and i have been reading about it and they say something about using a recovery console. I do not have my XP disk with me. I was wondering could I use anyone's XP disk and how do i fix this problem with no disk or using a XP disk?
My computer keeps crashing and the blue screen comes up, saying pyhsical memory dump technical info 0.0000008e (0.c0000005, 0.aa66dc02 0.aaza8az8,0.00000000)
when my PC boots it up it goes to a black screen giving options such as safe mode etc. All of these options end up with the computer going to a bluescreen and the following message: STOP: c0000218 (Registry File Failure) The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete. have no disks at all with laptop. And my knowldge goes as far as being able to use the internet.
I have a computer running XP Pro (recently updated from 2000) and I leave it on at night. I wake up every morning to the log in screen. When I run ccleaner, I noticed there is a big file called memory dump. I researched and got confused, but found one suggestion that said to make that file size smaller.
It happened again today and I am not sure what to do to fix it. It happened once when I was at my desk and I only caught "STOP: 0x0000008E" and then something about beginning of physical memory dump.
I was browing the internet and a blue screen popped up saying something along the lines of a "Memory Dump". I rebooted and didn't have any problems for about a half hour, but the screen popped again.
My computer has been working slowly lately, as well as programs becoming so slow they are non-functional watching movies halfway through. This has never happened before. My OS is XP. I have run a virus scan (McAffee), as well as Ad Aware 6, trying to fix the problem, but it has not gone away.
Running Windows XP. When starting up it takes about 20 minutes before I can use the computer - everything is like swimming through treacle. There is a lot of activity noise from 'the box'. When this has finished whirring away the computer is OK to use.
I'm not sure what's wrong. When I use the internet, the pages take a really long time to load. I can't watch videos without it buffering every 15 seconds. This started a couple of days ago after I downloaded spybot search and destroy. I used it on my computer for the first time and I guess it messed something up with my configurations?I also keep getting a popup that says "Connect SVCamera" while I'm trying to access different sites.
My computer is running very slowly, and I cannot figure out why. I defragmented, ran a virus scan, etc. I also use adaware and spybot regularly to check for spyware. Nothing seems to help. I am confused because this computer has run well up until recently. It is older we purchased it in about 2002-2003.In case this is important--it is a Dell and I'm running Windows XP.
I've got xp sp2 and it's running just fine. The only problem is that it takes 5-10 seconds to open any program from a desktop shortcuts(AVG,Spyboot,Nero, Winamp).It is not a big deal but maybe somebody have some simple solution. This had been happening for the last couple of years and a few months ago I reinstalled Windows(clean install) but nothing changed.