Files Lost In CONFIG Folder

Jul 4, 2005

i accidently dragged some files to the "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfig" and now whenever i click those folders so that i can open them it gives me an error "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfigFILES" is not accessible Access Denied it also tell me that the FOLDER is EMPTY what's worst is that it's still taking space from my drive i dont know if there's a way that i can recover those files or at least delete the folder

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Lost Administrator Rights Changes In Ms Config

Sep 20, 2007

I can not make any changes in msconfig, nor can I change any program startup options in services.msc...If i try to uninstall a program I get a dialog box that states windows installer can't be located, I've tried to dl and install it but, you guessed it, no installer to install it with. There are three people using these machines, myself, my wife Kim and our 16 year old boy.Having done a little research I've read that I shouldn't go online in an administrator account due to vulnerability issues while in an admin.

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Config Or Reg Edit Will Allow Folder Show File - Search Results FUBAR

Aug 14, 2005

The windows Explorer search feature works well enough for most file searches except when looking for files on a disc. On those occasions, the In Folder results point not to the disc drive but to c:documents & settings[name]Local Settings Applications Data. In short, not to where the files are. To add insult to fubar, clicking on any folder in the list results in -- absolutely nothing because I am clicking on a phantom folder (duh). I know that if I scroll across to the right, miles outside the screen view, I'll finally see where the file in question actually resides -- major and unappreciated pain. Is there a config or reg edit somewhere that will allow me to set the In Folder to show the file where it actually is, referencing the disc drive, instead of the above c:. If not, at the very least, I think Microsoft should share some of what the Einstein was smoking the day he came up with this one.

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Msdos.system - Config.sys Files

Jun 25, 2008

I have my folder options set to show hidden files, but I cannot locate the msdos.sys or config.sys files, and I use Windows XP Home. How do I locate these files?

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XP Crashed - Config Files - Installed Versions

Oct 7, 2005

I'm trying to help a friend out.His XP crashed - says it is missing some config files etc.I cannot boot up in safe mode, can not repair via the recovery console and when I try to reinstall, it says there is an installation in progress and it won't go any further. (My friend tried to reinstall somehow, and has a few 1/2 installed versions accross his different hard drives.I want to restore from a ghost image we have, but the problem is, there is 7 months of data files (not backed up!) that I want to get saved first.I can boot up via a win98 boot disk and see the files, but I can't work out a way of getting them accross to another hard drive easily. In the old days, I'd use xcopy with the "/s" switch to take all the sub directories etc, but I can't find xcopy in XP or get any copy functions to work

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Config System Temp Files Corrupt And Unreadable?

Jul 24, 2009

my daughters laptop has come up with a problem and has a lot of pictures ect on it that we can no longer access, the pictures ect are poss still there as the hard drive space is still the same as before. the problem is in the system 32 area. computer states system32configsystemprofile is corrupted and unreadable have run a checkdisc but i cant seem to be able to run a checkdisc repair on it??????is there anything i can do or is there a program i can download to help do it????

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PC Loads Slow: Lost Many Of OS Files / Getting Back Files?

Jun 24, 2006

Some time ago, my PC had some serious problem and I lost most of my windows files... or files in my windows dir. To get back to my files I re-installed windows.. somehow. Anyway... it works pretty good for the most part but it does seem to load very slowly most of the time... Can you suggest anything to help? HJT log.

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Lost Huge Folder

Oct 7, 2005

I had my thumb on the left mouse key with a folder selected in wdws explorer tree and was startled by a sound outside. I inadvertantly "dragged" that folder to the left of the tree -- and now that whole huge folder has disappeared. It is not in the recycle bin, and I have even searched the drive with wdws "find files."

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Lost A Folder From Drive

May 27, 2006

I just lost a very important folder and don't know where to look to see where it went. I was saving some fonts in my fonts 2 folder and all of a sudden it just disappeared. What did I do and and anyone help me get it back

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Lost My Explorer Folder

May 22, 2007

I wanted to copy the windows explorer folder from the Accessories to the Start Menu and it seems I cut it and its gone. I am using Windows XP Home edition and I'm not yet ready to do a re-install for this issue. Experts out there as I presume an easier solution.

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SYSTEM 32 Folder Is Lost

Sep 1, 2005

I cannot find my system 32 folder!! It is normally in C:WINDOWS but i cannot find it. It may be hidden, but i don know for to look for a hidden folder.

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Lost My Documents Folder

Jun 22, 2005

I had a serious crash with windows xp (SP2) last night that resulted in having to reinstall Windows XP (it wouldn't repair, wouldn't let me partition and wouldn't let me install windows into a different
directory - was crashing for anything but a full reinstall). As a result of this, I've lost access to the my documents folder of my original user profile. Moreover, it shows as being 0 bytes in size, except the total size of my HDD has not been reduced.

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SYSTEM 32 Folder Is Lost

Sep 1, 2005

I cannot find my system 32 folder!! It is normally in C:WINDOWS but i cannot find it. It may be hidden, but i don know for to look for a hidden folder.

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Lost Startup Folder

Nov 19, 2007

For some reason,I have lost my startup folder. I recently had a virus problem, so don't know if that is the reason or not. Outlook Express no longer appears in sys config, so no longer can I boot to that as in the past.How do I get Outlook Exress back in the boot process?

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Recovering Deleted Files/lost Files

Jan 13, 2005

info on recovering lost/ deleted files? I have accidentaly deleted some documents from my computer while performing a backup. Actually I deleted them from the backup before I reintroduced them to my computer. They were backed up on there own slave drive.

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Lost Shared Folder How To Get Back?

Dec 30, 2006

l lost my shared folder any way to get it was in documents and settings

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Lost Photos - Deleted Folder

Mar 20, 2005

i deleted "my pictures" folder,which contained all my photos.I am running windows xp home editionsp2. Is there some program i can use to recover my photos? I cant replace some of them-and the recent ones were not backed up.

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Lost Photos - Empty Folder

Dec 31, 2004

When I place the cursor on one of the folders in My Pictures it shows to be 90KB, but when I double click the folder appears to be empty. I get "no file selected"There are two other folders like it, all the rest are normal.What has happenned to my photos.

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Lost Photos - Folder Deleted

Sep 3, 2005

i took my puter into pc world for a new driver and when it came out it appears a file full of photos has gone. they are not in the dustbin and they dont appear when i do system restore.

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Recovering Lost Folder- Someone May Have Moved Or Deleted It

Sep 9, 2005

A co-worker cannot locate a folder containing templates for form letters. He has searched for the files, checked other locations and recycle bin. He thinks someone may have moved or deleted it. How can we find/recover the files

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Lost Photos - Missing My Pictures Folder

Dec 28, 2007

This morning I wanted to make a back up cd of my documents and I burned it. After, I went into Picasa, where I HAD thousands of photos. Nearly all are gone! The "My Pictures" folder is also gone from "My Documents" on the hard drive, as is all the folders I had in "My Documents." The files seem to be on the cd, but I am not sure they are all there. WHY oh, WHY would the files and photos be GONE from my hard drive? How could just making a cd cause the files to disappear? I can't tell you what a tragedy this is! I had thousands of photos that I had edited and projects I had created. Dates that were with photos are gone, since all the dates now show today's date since that is when I burned the cd. As a possible troubleshooting thought--twice I have tried to start my computer and it has frozen at the "windows is starting up" screen, not even getting to the place where I put my password as an authorized user. Please help. I did try a restart and nothing had changed.

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Renamed Account Folder - Data Lost

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up some accounts on my XPSP3 system. I have some accounts set up, but wanted to change some names. I know that if I change an account name, the directory name stays the same, and I didn't want to get confused later on if I was ever doing some stuff on that directory level.I used this page to copy the settings from my account (named "Main") to a new account named "Admin". I had problems getting access to the folder while in the 3rd account, so followed the instructions here to gain access. Once I got it copied, I loaded Admin and found it looked exactly like Main, which is what I wanted.But then, I went into Main and most everything was gone, and XP was acting as if it was a brand new account. I then went into Documents and Settings and found there were now TWO Main accounts. "Main" and "Main.DARKSIDE" (DARKSIDE is the "full computer name" found in System Properties). I can tell by the directory sizes that Main is the fresh, new account I see in my account list and Main.DARKSIDE appears to be my original Main account (being over 6GB in size).

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Folder Icons Lost- File Extensions To Change

Aug 12, 2005

Go to control panel, folder options. Click on the File Types tab. Scroll to the file extensions you want to change and click change. Select the program you want. But it will not let me apply it as the apply button is grayed out.

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User Profile Corrupt, Lost My Documents Folder?

Jun 21, 2005

when I booted my XP Pro system, my user profile admin) was corrupt and all my user settings were lost.Then I found that my documents were gone too.The files do not appear anywhere on my hard drive. no docs & settings folder has them. btw, no viruses found on my pc.When I use a undelete file utility, I can see the files at cdocuments & settings/temp, but windows explorer does not see this folder. Nor does explorer see any *.doc, *.xls, *.jpg, or any other file that I had saved in "My Documents" The file resoration free ware that I downloaded (to usb drive) does recover some files that have not been written over. However, I have multi GB of data

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Lost Right Click Ability In Mouse - System 32 Folder

Sep 9, 2007

I've gotten to the pulling the hair out stage with this. I have no right click ability in my standard PS2 mouse. At first I thought the mouse itself had failed but a scan with CCleaner's Reg Cleaner revealed a problem with the mouse shell. The .dll in question is:pxwma.dllAn SFC /SCANNOW and numerous reboots have failed to fix the issue, as has a re-installation of the driver or logging into Windows Update and checking for Hardware Updates (none available).I attempted to re-register the .dll but the response was that the module for it did not exist. I therefore download pxwma.dll and coppied it to my System 32 folder and tried to register it again. The response this time was

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MS Shortcuts To Copy Folder And Sub Folder & Files

Apr 1, 2008

I need to create two unqiue shortcuts that will copy two different folders contents and overwrite to another folder (including all sub-folders & files).The destination folder/subs will be the same location for both of the other two folders being copied.

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List Files In Folder/Sub-Folder By Filename

Aug 23, 2005

I have hundreds of photos in subfolders, the photo names being prefixedwith a 4-digit sequence number.I would like to be able to create a text file containing all the files
sorted by File Name and then showing the sub-folder that they are in -is that possible?

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Explorer Wont Open Files In A Folder After Downloading Files?

Aug 1, 2010

when i download a file and then try to open it. i get an error that the specified file has encountered a problem and needs to close. if i cut and past the file to a location outside the folder i can then run the program.

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Arranging Files Types - Various Files In Desktop Folder

Nov 5, 2006

I have Windows XP. I have a folder on my desktop with various files in it, of different types, like word pad files, pdf files, etc. They are all mixed up. I would like to arrange these files in order of file type.

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Lost Dll Files

Aug 28, 2005

I am trying to get my neighbors computer running for her and am having a really hard time with it.There are about 5 (so far) dll files missing and only have found three of them to download. Now, the problem I am mainly having is after I download them to a CD to put in her system, either I cannot unzip them because I don't have Express Zip or when I place them in the correct folder (going by online instruction) either I get another error message or it says being used by windows somewhere else. I don't know what to do.I am at my wits end, yet am determined to help her. Having this done else where could cost her a lot of money. The op. syst. she has is Windows ME.I don't know much else about her system at this point.I downloaded a repair program which was the ONLY thing that would load in her system and when it was done scanning, it needed to go to the net for the repairs.I cannot reinstall her ISP because of the missing files.What do I do?

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