Installing "genuine" Over Illegal Version - Use The Dell Provided System CD
Mar 2, 2010
I recent had to install a new disk drive on my computer (Dell) and had problems installing Windows XP from their support CD so I used an illegal copy instead. Now I've been identified as having a non-genuine operating system and need desperately to get my legal copy installed. Do I use the Dell provided system CD and act as tho' I was repairing Windows? Will that get the correct key in place without losing all the other things installed on my drive?
A friends pc came with genuine XP home edition (have disc and serial no.) somehow it now has xp pro on it (probabley added by there son) and its not a legal copy.
Can i re-install the home edition and still keep all there files, programs etc?
I downloaded genuine advantage and it told me that my copy of windows was illegal. I then validated it on the website but windows validation still bugs me on my computer that it is not valid?Is my copy valid or not?And if it is then how can i get rid of the annoying message If it isnt is there anyone i can contact in microsoft to get it working?
Hypothetically,if I have an'illegal'copy of XP Pro which fails Windows Genuine Advantage verification and then buy a legal copy,do I have to do a complete re-install or can I just type the 'kosher' number in somewhere?
I wanted to know if someone had a illegal version of windows and they had ie 6 and wanted it 7 and couldn't because they needed a legal version of windows is there a way of getting ie 7 if that person had illegal version of windows?
I'm using a computer that was built by a friend (really, I promise) who installed non-genuine XP in it. I've never been a fan of pirated software, but the computer was free, so what's a boy to do?
OK, so I've put up with all the "non-genuine" reminders from Redmond figuring it was my penance, but now I'm thinking I should move on up to Vista (mainly for Media Center). And yes, the hardware is up to it.
Meanwhile, I had installed a genuine copy of XP on my previous computer before receiving this one (I still have the disks). One install, one machine. So, can I just install that genuine XP over the non-genuine one?
Illegal version of xp pro on my computer, now i am trying to install a legal and clean version of xp home but when i try to boot fromt he cd nothing happens, what am i suppose to do?
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
I have a computer that I bought from Dell about one year ago. Tonight, an icon in the taskbar tells me that there are some updates ready to be installed. I click on it to have in installed and after a while the installation freezes. I tried to restart the PC... but could not do it. I had to cut off the power to shut it down. When I rebooted, I received a notice saying that my operating system was not genuine and that I would no longer be able to receive updates. I am one hundred percent certain that my operating system is genuine... but, what should I do now?
Can anyone tell me please how to get Windows Updates without installing WGA.My copy of Windows XP has already been validated and from what I read elsewhere it is no advantage to having WGA installed again and again as apparently this is Microsoft's way of keeping tabs on users activity. I have auto update completely turned off as I prefer to be in control of downloads
I got my PC from someone with Windows XP already installed, now there is a pop up which says that my copy of Windows is not genuine. I am a student and have gotten a Windows XP Professional with SP2 (Single User) ISO Image which allows me install a copy on my PC. I would like to reinstall with this new product without losing all my data and software
I HAVE A VALID COPY OF WINDOWS XP PRO. WHEN I GO TO WINDOWS UPDATES IT VALIDATES THEN I RECEIVE A MESSAGE THAT YOU HAVE AN INVALID PRODUCT ID. I READ IN A NEWS GROUP THAT IT WAS A BUG. I RECEIVED THIS QUOTE FROM A NEWGROUP POSTING. The result of a bug in WinXP SP2's code that creates the PID for display. WGA extracts the correct PID. The one displayed in System Properties General tab will have the OEM-00 issue because of the bug.
My son has a Dell desktop 2.66 ghz. It has XP home on it. I have reinstalled XP twice but it does not come up to reformat the hard drive. At the partition stage it says nothing about formatting. I cannot delete the main partition. How can I format the harddrive? I am using the Dell version of XP that came with the computer
I recently learned that I can not use the upgrade copy of XP Pro that I own and used to upgrade from XP Home on my Dell Notebook computer.Dell is sending me a full version of XP Pro so I can format and load it.I registered the Upgrade version of XP Pro with Microsoft. How do I unregister the copy so I can give it to my Brother since I not longer need it and he currently has XP Home and an HP notebook?
I have a dell series 2002 computer need to up grade video card to Nvidia GeForce series FX5900 or greater a 128 MB video card with support for Pixel 2.0 don't know if I have a PCI version or AGP.Is that the slot? Don't know anything about computers.just want to play a game I bought.will that above mentioned video card fit in my computer and work.
What other security (protection from virus and spyware) system do I need in addition to the already built in Windows firewall?Currently I have a Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, 2002 version, service pack 3, intel, celeron, CPU 2.20 GHz, 2.00 of RAM.
When I want to install FlashPaper and other program windows show this error massage : I downloaded Update for Windows XP (KB935448) but I can't install the update. The Service Pack version in my system is newer than the update I want to install. I used Windows XP Pro Service Pack v3, v3264.
Can I Buy A Cd From A Comptuer Shop To Change Our Old Hp Xp Computer Into Vista??If This Works Which Cd/dvd Should I Buy?Home Basic?Home Premium?Do You Just Install The Cd/dvd And Then Everything Changes??This Is A Slow Computer Will Changing For Xp To Vista Re-boot It And Make It Work Like New?? Will It Help The Internet Be Faster??
I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?
I understand that if I install an OEM version it will be a new installation (not an upgrade) and all data files and programs will be wiped clean as part of the installation (step one is formatting the hard drive). I'm okay with that, because I have files on other machines and reinstall any programs that I need My question is reference to drivers being deleted and needing to be reinstalled. I'm not as familiar on the driver issue. Does this mean that most of the peripherals I currently have under Win2000 will not work with the initial installation of XP and I'll have to seek out drivers for these items (wireless NIC, dvd-rom, cd-rw, second HD?
A program I'm trying to use wants NET Framework 3.5, but I only have 2.0. Is there a download for Framwork 3.5? How do I install it? Do I remove the old versions or can I install over top of it.Also, do I need XP SP3 for it to work or will it work on its own? Do I need any Windows Updates prior to installing?
I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?
I recently changed my favicon on my self-hosted blog. But the old favicon is still showing up as the shortcut on the desktop of my laptop computer after more than a week. The address bar and tab bar are displaying the correct favicon in IE7. I am certain the problem is associated with my laptop computer because my desktop computer, which never saw the old favicon, is displaying the correct favicon as a desktop shortcut. Both computers are Dell and have IE7.
Today I wanted to install new version of Java Runtime Environment but I have Windows Installer error: Where is a problem ?
When I use Sfc within Windows 2000 pro the first message is Insert your Windows 2000 Professional CD now I insert the CD and then the message turns up the CD you provided is the wrong CD The CD is the one I just used to install the O/S. Another reason given in the message under more information is - the CD drive may not be working which it is.
I received a dell optiplex gx110 and its os is win 2000 and it has a password so I removed the hard disk of the dell and put it on the other pc as a slave drive and I formatted the the hard disk in NTFS. When I was ready to install the win xp, the computer says NTLDR is missing press ctrl alt del to restart even though the boot sequence is in IDE CDROM > Floppy > Hard disk. I decided to format it again as a FAT32 using my other pc. "The NTLDR is missing" was changed into "Remove disk or other media press any key to restart".
A few days ago my hard drive crapped the bed so I bought a new one. I was wondering if I should do something different than what I was gonna do. I have the original Dell Windows XP SP1 cd that came with my Dell computer. I am going to install it on my new hard drive. After I do this should I go to and download the SP2 or should I do something different altogether? I just wanna make sure I have all the windows security updates on the new hard drive.
I've read all the reports and "in theory" I know what I need to do. However, I haven't been able to pull it off yet. Here goes:
I hate Vista. I'm installing XP. I have a SATA drive. I don't have a floppy drive. I believe I can do it in the BIOS.
I've changed the HD setting in the BIOS from SATA to ATA (my only choice). XP installs fine. But now I need to change it back to SATA. I do that, restart and I get the blue screen with an automatic restart. I'm sure I need to add the SATA drivers somewhere, but I'm not sure where or how.