Installing OEM Version: Impacts Of Clean OEM Home Install?
Jul 13, 2005
I understand that if I install an OEM version it will be a new installation (not an upgrade) and all data files and programs will be wiped clean as part of the installation (step one is formatting the hard drive). I'm okay with that, because I have files on other machines and reinstall any programs that I need My question is reference to drivers being deleted and needing to be reinstalled. I'm not as familiar on the driver issue. Does this mean that most of the peripherals I currently have under Win2000 will not work with the initial installation of XP and I'll have to seek out drivers for these items (wireless NIC, dvd-rom, cd-rw, second HD?
Just built my first PC from scratch and need to get an OS. Finally decided on getting XP Pro, but I don't know if I need the get the Full Version (usually more expensive) or the Upgrade (which I know you can do a clean install, With nothing on the HDD can I use the 'upgrade' version to do a clean install, or would I need a 'full' version?
Put a clean install on a computer and it runs great. Only one problem. Some pages when they open do not cover the whole scree like they should. This is hard to explain. When you open the internet the screen is as wide as if should be but what you bring up on the page covers about 2/3s of the page from the middle out. it leaves a couple of inches on both sides. It shows the scroll bars and all its the picture that comes up. If you click on the zoom and make it like 125% it is just right but how can you keep it there? Everytime you change pages you have to use the zoom again if it is the same way, not all pages are like that, but some are
My Dell 1.4 8100 came with Windows ME. I have since added another hard drive, more Rambus memory (thanks for your kind words) and installed XP sp1 Home upgrade. Later I installed SP2 as well. I would like to do a CLEAN install of XP, but it doesn't seem to want to boot my upgrade disk or my ME disk. When I did RUN, it wouldn't let me install SP1 over SP2. Would uninstalling SP2 help?
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
I'm using a computer that was built by a friend (really, I promise) who installed non-genuine XP in it. I've never been a fan of pirated software, but the computer was free, so what's a boy to do?
OK, so I've put up with all the "non-genuine" reminders from Redmond figuring it was my penance, but now I'm thinking I should move on up to Vista (mainly for Media Center). And yes, the hardware is up to it.
Meanwhile, I had installed a genuine copy of XP on my previous computer before receiving this one (I still have the disks). One install, one machine. So, can I just install that genuine XP over the non-genuine one?
I bought a oem version of windows home xp sp2 and i want to know if i can install it on both my pc's they both connect to the internet through a router? or will i need to buy two copys of it to be legal on both pc's
Can I Buy A Cd From A Comptuer Shop To Change Our Old Hp Xp Computer Into Vista??If This Works Which Cd/dvd Should I Buy?Home Basic?Home Premium?Do You Just Install The Cd/dvd And Then Everything Changes??This Is A Slow Computer Will Changing For Xp To Vista Re-boot It And Make It Work Like New?? Will It Help The Internet Be Faster??
I have recently discovered that the version of XP-pro that I have is not "completely Legit". It appears that the person which I inherited the PC( amd 1.3gig 256ram 40gig hd ) from, installed a purchased beta version of XP pro sp-2............ The problem is that one of the recent auto up dates, self installes and restarts my machine overnight, unfortunately when I attempt to log on I get "" logon message: The system cannot log you on due to the following error:the program issued a command but the command length is incorrect . please try again or consult your system administrator. " the only way that I can can log on is to try to log on ,is in safe mode and use the last working configuration. moreover it appears this version has about 30-45 more working days of life left. Given all of the above I want to upgrade to a version of xp-home and not lose any of my programs, settings emails etc.
I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?
It's looking like I have to re-install C+XP Pro SP2. I have never installed XP Pro SP2 before myself on SATA drives - I know that you used to have to get the hard disc drivers from somewhere first so you could use them in the set up process. I've never done this either! Is this still an issue with XP SP2 (I have a full install Windows XP Pro SP2 CD). If so, could someone outline the details for me or point me in the right direction web wise.
I'm building a replacement PC and would like to boot off my original XP Home edition HDD. Its an E-Machines OEM version of XP home, is this possible as I only have the CD that came from E-Machines with the PC? Do I need a repar CD? If so where can I get one? I really don't want to loose all my settings.
A program I'm trying to use wants NET Framework 3.5, but I only have 2.0. Is there a download for Framwork 3.5? How do I install it? Do I remove the old versions or can I install over top of it.Also, do I need XP SP3 for it to work or will it work on its own? Do I need any Windows Updates prior to installing?
I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?
I recently changed my favicon on my self-hosted blog. But the old favicon is still showing up as the shortcut on the desktop of my laptop computer after more than a week. The address bar and tab bar are displaying the correct favicon in IE7. I am certain the problem is associated with my laptop computer because my desktop computer, which never saw the old favicon, is displaying the correct favicon as a desktop shortcut. Both computers are Dell and have IE7.
Owing to the possible of a corrupted VGA driver I thought I would do a ''Clean Installation'' of the Windows XP OEM Home Edition [including Service Pack 2] within my recently purchased new computer unit.From information read I tried to ''Boot'' from the Windows OEM XP program disk.After a few tries I found could not do same. [It appears you cannot use this process to do a Installation from a Windows OEM XP program Disk???]And afterwards on investigating within the XP program disk I found Within ''Install Windows XP''= ''Welcome to Windows Setup'' = ''Installation Type'' = [dropdown arrow] ''New Installation Advanced'' =This is the process I used and I found the computer ''C /Drive'' still retained the ''Program'' folder containing all the programs I had been using?? Yet the ''Program Menu'' showed nothing??It now appears I have not installed the New Installation of the XP OEM on a ''Clean'' disk?
is it ok to partition a hdd with an OEM version of windows XP home installed on it? i want to buy this oem copy of XP home( for an existing PC, which already has another OS on it. I have to wipe the hard drive before I can install the OEM XP home, since this version was meant to be distributed with new PCs only. But after I've wiped it, and have installed XP home, I plan to partition the drive and install another OS, is that ok?
New system came with XP Home, however when I try to install an older CD of XP Professional Upgrade, it says I can't because the Pro version is older than the newer Home version. Like to avoid going out and buying a new copy of Pro. Also does a copy of windows need to be on the machine first? Or does it just need to check the windows cd?
I bought a PC back in 2002 and with it came Windows XP Home Edition Version 1.0 with NO SERVICE PACKS with a valid product key. I some how got a virus that erased my entire hard drive and now I'm trying to reload the OS but the CD seems to be damaged. I was told by a pc CE that since I bought the Windows XP product key back in 2002, I can ask someone who has the same OS version for a copy. Does anyone have 2002 WINDOWS XP HOME EDITION VERSION 1.0 WITH NO SERVICE PACKS that can make a copy and send me the CD? I will pay for the shipping and the CD copy.
Today I wanted to install new version of Java Runtime Environment but I have Windows Installer error: Where is a problem ?
I have 2 hard drives, one with my data running Windows XP and the other also with data running Windows 98. Right now it is set to boot off the Windows XP drive. Is there an easy way I can set up a dual-boot system to give me a choice on boot-up without clean-installing either OSs? I don't want to lose my data on either drive
What other security (protection from virus and spyware) system do I need in addition to the already built in Windows firewall?Currently I have a Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, 2002 version, service pack 3, intel, celeron, CPU 2.20 GHz, 2.00 of RAM.
Yeah I have had this Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37 labtop for almost 4 years now. I just recently discovered that my friend who helped me with installing Windows XP SP2 installed
Professional instead of Home, which came with my computer. Is there a way I can fix that? Or do I have to strip my computer clean and reinstall but with Home edition this time? This has been a problem because I went to go do an upgrade from the Microsoft site but it said I was probably a victim of fake windows. So that's what I am more worried about because I got the windows XP program from Sony pre-loaded.
Also I dunno if this has to do with Windows or not. But my Matshita UJ-810 dvd/cd drive will not open when I click it's eject button. I have to use iTunes to open it. Also it seems to be unable to read cds.
This one has really got me stumped, and even worse, I need this stuff installed ASAP,So yesterday I formatted/install windows xp pro sp2, I did my usual thing, windows updates, fire fox,Skype. I then tried to install MS Office 2007 Enterprise. I (still do) recieved the following error message, "Setup cannot find Office.en-usdwtrig20.exe. Browse to a valid installation source, and then click OK", allowing me to browse for dwtrig20.exe.dwtrig20.exe IS THERE, the installation works perfectly on another machine of mine!I then tried to install MS Visual Studio 2008 Pro, this time, i received an error while trying to install Visual Studio. It failed while installing "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component". I extracted this component and attempted to install it 'on its own' and it failed.
I have acquired a computer with an oem copy of xp installed I have a full version cd of xp pro recently acquired can I do a reformat and then install the full version with no complications. I dont know much about oem's.
I bought 2 SATA HDDs and would like to set them up as RAID and clean install XP and all the drivers/programs on them. I don't want to use those image drive programs to transfer the old drive to the new drive. My old HDD has XP on it (activated) and I would like to format it and use it for data storage later. Do I need to reactivate after I clean install XP on the new HDDs (same mobo and CPU)? I have NOT plugged the HDDs in my computer yet.
I am going to try to do a clean install of XP. When i am ready to get my updates do i download all of them at once then reboot or do i have to get one at a time and reboot after each one?
what drivers will I need? ..I have most of the stuff but some of the disks were for my winme OS I think. How do I find out what motherboard I have and what driver I need?if it all goes pear shaped will I be able to put my old master in and get back to square one?if it the Xp install goes fine can I put in my old master as slave and copy the needed files over to the new master? The old master is fat32, so would that be a problem?I only have the winme version of word but my dads laptop has word perfect for xp...could I use this?
I am unable to reinstall my HP printer driver and accompanying software and after spending more than enough time trying to remedy the problem, I've decided to reload Windows XP either by a clean install or a reinstall per this thread. I hope to get some advice here.The details that led to the problem of being unable to install my printer drivers and my attempts to remedy the problem are very long and drawn out and may not be relevant to this post or my desired solution, so I will not go through them unless requested. Suffice it to say that I have spent a good 30 hours attempting to remedy the problem, with a good portion of that time spent with free HP Support. None of their "fixes" or any of my own attempts after lots of research have been successful.
I have installed XP several times on several different machines and thus, I'm very confident with a routine install. However, due to a special configuration on this computer, I need some advice.First: Will a reinstall per this thread potentially fix my printer problem? I know there may not be a definitive answer here, but I would just like to get some feedback.If more detail is needed on the problem, I will be happy to provide it.Second: Due to space restraints on my boot drive (18 GB SCSI drive), I moved the Documents and Settings folder to a large IDE storage drive (E:) on this machine. Will I be able to refer to the Documents and Settings folder during a clean install, so that all of the current settings will load? If not, is there a solution for getting the current settings loaded into the clean XP install?
In reinstalling Windows XP, I did a full format to erase the old programs. While reinstalling the various programs, Sun Java, it posted a screen stating that a version of this program was present in Document and settings. I thought that the full format would clear this out.but evidently it didn't.