Can I Buy A Cd From A Comptuer Shop To Change Our Old Hp Xp Computer Into Vista??If This Works Which Cd/dvd Should I Buy?Home Basic?Home Premium?Do You Just Install The Cd/dvd And Then Everything Changes??This Is A Slow Computer Will Changing For Xp To Vista Re-boot It And Make It Work Like New?? Will It Help The Internet Be Faster??
A program I'm trying to use wants NET Framework 3.5, but I only have 2.0. Is there a download for Framwork 3.5? How do I install it? Do I remove the old versions or can I install over top of it.Also, do I need XP SP3 for it to work or will it work on its own? Do I need any Windows Updates prior to installing?
I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?
I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?
I inherited a great computer that is running SP1a. It has not been used in years but is running great. It has some great programs that cannot be replaced. I've heard SP3 is incompatible with a few programs and don't want to chance losing them. Also, since its an older system, I'd rather update 1 step at a time. Where can I find service pack 2 being that Microsoft's site only links to SP3 (all SP2 links take you to an SP3 page)? I tried but only found SP3 and SP1a.
System- XP/SP2 - Outlook Express - Do not have MS Power Point - Have downloaded MS Power Point Viewer - in MS Office Folder.. Also started same thread under "Computer Help" - when I searched - more threads for this were found under "XP"PROBLEM: 1. E-mail attachment with .ppt file will not open. When go to folder options - already have .ppt extension - and it says that it opens with MS Power Point Viewer - however it will not work. I have downloaded the newest version of viewer which replaced the older version (03?). I have changed the icon - still won't open. ??2. When I attempted to open the attachment - it brought up a dialog box that asked if I wanted to "save" or "open". It also had an option box in the lower left corner that indicated "Always ask" - which I mistakenly unchecked - Now I can't get that back/
I am considering an upgrade from XP to Vista and i need some advice on what to do. Can i purchase the Vista Home basic premium upgrade edition with service pack 1 and then update service packs through microsoft?I am asking this because i can get the vista cd for a good price.can i just purchase the windows basic home edition with service pack1and install that. My computer is a dell dimension E520 with xp
New system came with XP Home, however when I try to install an older CD of XP Professional Upgrade, it says I can't because the Pro version is older than the newer Home version. Like to avoid going out and buying a new copy of Pro. Also does a copy of windows need to be on the machine first? Or does it just need to check the windows cd?
I have windows 98 OS installed in Drive C: . Then i have another drive and i am planning to partition it 2 partitions (D & E) and i want to install windows xp in the second drive. How should i proceed ? If i install the windows xp with a bootable disk will it detect my windows 98 OS in the C DRIVE? I want to make sure also that if i proceed installing the XP in D drive it will not in anyway overwrites or mess up my OS in DRIVE C, because i have many important programs and data in that OS
I have a really old computer; not to sure what the system specs are like other than it being made by Tiny and having a 4 GB HDD. My mum wants to use the word processor now and then but the printer has broken and she would rather not buy another; partly because drivers may be an issue and partly becuase I have unused retail copies of Windows ME and 2000 that a couple of mates donated and can print off at my Dad's house.The issue with 98 is that I want to be using USB sticks when necessary to transfer word documents over to my Dad's computer running XP to print but 98 does not have the necessary drivers and I think it is impossible to get any; from what I understand that what 98 SE was for.
I'm running Windows XP and i have this OS 2000 PLATINUM EDITION boot up program that interferes with and stops my startup asking me to register when i don't really need this program can someone help me eliminate this program from my startup
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
i am thinking of getting rid of windows xp and using linux instead (DSL version 4.2).will i be able to install windows programs? will it have the featurss like a word processor and paint?will i have to install my own scanner and camera wizard or will it cum with linux? whats the difference between linux and windows xp? i know that the DSL version 4.2 of linux is only 50MB. and hardly takes any space of your hard drive, especially ram. will i be able to change the theme of linux into an xp classic theme or any other theme?
I understand that if I install an OEM version it will be a new installation (not an upgrade) and all data files and programs will be wiped clean as part of the installation (step one is formatting the hard drive). I'm okay with that, because I have files on other machines and reinstall any programs that I need My question is reference to drivers being deleted and needing to be reinstalled. I'm not as familiar on the driver issue. Does this mean that most of the peripherals I currently have under Win2000 will not work with the initial installation of XP and I'll have to seek out drivers for these items (wireless NIC, dvd-rom, cd-rw, second HD?
I recently changed my favicon on my self-hosted blog. But the old favicon is still showing up as the shortcut on the desktop of my laptop computer after more than a week. The address bar and tab bar are displaying the correct favicon in IE7. I am certain the problem is associated with my laptop computer because my desktop computer, which never saw the old favicon, is displaying the correct favicon as a desktop shortcut. Both computers are Dell and have IE7.
Today I wanted to install new version of Java Runtime Environment but I have Windows Installer error: Where is a problem ?
I recently had my XPS M1710(Windows XP Pro) swapped out for a M1730(VHP) and would like some assistance in getting rid of Vista and installing XP Pro onto the new system.
I recent had to install a new disk drive on my computer (Dell) and had problems installing Windows XP from their support CD so I used an illegal copy instead. Now I've been identified as having a non-genuine operating system and need desperately to get my legal copy installed. Do I use the Dell provided system CD and act as tho' I was repairing Windows? Will that get the correct key in place without losing all the other things installed on my drive?
I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.
Probably a stupid question but it's bugging me. I just bought a new computer with xp mce 2005 installed. I noticed though that when I right click on my computer it says it's version 2002 service pack 2. Is that normal?
Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.
My computer was working fine w/out locking up. The only problem was that I couldn't figure out why my BIOS clock wasn't working. Finally after spending over $130 on a new XP w/SP3 disc and new hard drive I figured out I only needed the little $5.95 calculator battery. My hard drive was corrupt so I bought an 80gb. I installed brand the new XP o/s w/SP3 and it freezes frequently. I have all the same hardware as I had before. My previous 20gb hard drive had XP but it had been upgraded to SP3 (not bundled on one disc but it worked fine until I tried to reinstall windows big mistake).
I took out my USB PCI, and tried to reinstall but it still locks up. I haven't tried to install without my ethernet pci card but I will try it probably tonight or tomorrow. Not really sure what to do to fix it. I know its probably some conflict but I'm more of a user than a fixer. Also, my computer shows installed RAM 1000mb but my computer says only 383MB are available. I don't understand why. It should be moving much faster.
Upon leaving my last company I was given one of the older laptops (too old for anyone to care to use anymore), an IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad. The laptop was purchased with OEM licenses for Windows XP and Office. I have not reinstalled XP on this PC, and although I no longer can connect to my old company's domain, I have been continuing to use the PC by logging on to the domain, as I am not able to log onto the PC in any other way. This is, by the way, annoying for me, because I can access the internet but cannot access my other computers at home since they are not on the "company" domain and so I do not have permission to do so.Now the problem: This laptop is beginning to have some sort of problem, where applications like Firefox just suddenly freeze up and cannot be terminated, not even using Task Manager. I need to hardboot the machine each time as I cannot even shutdown in a normal fashion.
So how is the best way to a) fix this problem and b) get permission to log on to the machine "locally" and not on the company domain? One thing I am thinking about is just re-installing the computer, and I have the Windows XP license info on the label on the bottom of the laptop, and I suppose I can get the office license key using something like ProduKey. It would be nice to avoid having to do this, however, as I do not have the Lenovo CD's and would have to reinstall everything from the net. Any advice on what is best to do? How to find/fix the freezes of software like Yahoo and Firefox? How to get away from the company domain? I as user have admin priviledges to the PC but cannot, for example, touch the antivirus software and that is irritating.
I have two PCs with XP-Home on one and and W2K-SP4 on the other.I have acquired an old large-scale flat bed plotter that is driven by a specifically written Printer driver for Windows 3.1.Currently I am running this from an old 486-laptop running win3.1 but it is so slow (computer, not the plotter) and no network for file transfer. I tried win3.11 but the printer driver will not run correctly with win3.11 so it is back to win3.1.Is there anyway I can make XP or W2K use the w3.1 printer driver? I tried to install the driver in XP and W2K from the plotter disk but I get "there is no printer information in that location."
Just got a newer Dell computer with Windows XP but neither my scanner, OpticPro 3630P or my Iomega Zip 100 MB will work with XP. I 'chatted' with someone at the company sites but the Iomega fix wouldn't work and the OpticPro site tells me that the drivers they have for my scanner will not work with XP. In fact they say that it only works with Win95 but I had it working with win98.Now, before I got the new computer I backed up my old one on zip disks using the programs backup/restore system. Fortunately I also backed up my really important stuff separately. So, I have 12 zip disks I can't get into and a scanner that won't work. Has anyone any ideas as to how I might get them working with XP or if I get a new zip will it open the backedup disks?? Being a senior on a fixed income, buying new items after just saving enough for the computer will be difficult.
straight outa the help, thought some people might find it usefullTo set the compatibility properties for a program manuallyRight-click the program icon on your desktop or the shortcut on the Start menu for the program you want to run, and then click Properties. Click the Compatibility tab, and change the compatibility settings for your program. NotesThe Compatibility tab is only available for programs installed on your hard drive. Although you can run the Program Compatibility Wizard on programs or setup files on a CD-ROM or floppy disk, your changes will not remain in effect after you close the program.
whenever i formatt my pc and install new windows i find out that i still have the contents of the older windows in the drive in which i install the new windows 2)when i install the norton 360 after formatting it firsts gives no problems but after completing installation it says some error has occured and i need to uninstall and install again