Installing Newer Version Of NET Framework And Removing The Older?

Aug 16, 2008

A program I'm trying to use wants NET Framework 3.5, but I only have 2.0. Is there a download for Framwork 3.5? How do I install it? Do I remove the old versions or can I install over top of it.Also, do I need XP SP3 for it to work or will it work on its own? Do I need any Windows Updates prior to installing?

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Installing An Older Version Of Windows To Replace A Newer One

Sep 13, 2007

I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?

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Installing New Version OS And Removing The Older?

Jul 1, 2008

Can I Buy A Cd From A Comptuer Shop To Change Our Old Hp Xp Computer Into Vista??If This Works Which Cd/dvd Should I Buy?Home Basic?Home Premium?Do You Just Install The Cd/dvd And Then Everything Changes??This Is A Slow Computer Will Changing For Xp To Vista Re-boot It And Make It Work Like New?? Will It Help The Internet Be Faster??

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Upgrading From Older Version Of OS To Newer One?

Oct 7, 2009

I am considering an upgrade from XP to Vista and i need some advice on what to do. Can i purchase the Vista Home basic premium upgrade edition with service pack 1 and then update service packs through microsoft?I am asking this because i can get the vista cd for a good price.can i just purchase the windows basic home edition with service pack1and install that. My computer is a dell dimension E520 with xp

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Can't Upgrade Older Pro - Newer Home Version

Sep 16, 2005

New system came with XP Home, however when I try to install an older CD of XP Professional Upgrade, it says I can't because the Pro version is older than the newer Home version. Like to avoid going out and buying a new copy of Pro. Also does a copy of windows need to be on the machine first? Or does it just need to check the windows cd?

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Transferring Files Or Data From Older Version Of OS To Newer One?

Apr 1, 2007

I have a really old computer; not to sure what the system specs are like other than it being made by Tiny and having a 4 GB HDD. My mum wants to use the word processor now and then but the printer has broken and she would rather not buy another; partly because drivers may be an issue and partly becuase I have unused retail copies of Windows ME and 2000 that a couple of mates donated and can print off at my Dad's house.The issue with 98 is that I want to be using USB sticks when necessary to transfer word documents over to my Dad's computer running XP to print but 98 does not have the necessary drivers and I think it is impossible to get any; from what I understand that what 98 SE was for.

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Removing Older Windows Version To Free Up Disk Space?

Nov 4, 2005

I upgraded to windows xp and need more space in disk. could any please tell me how to remove windows 98 version that is still in my computer?

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Wrong Favicon Displaying After Installing Newer Version?

Sep 23, 2009

I recently changed my favicon on my self-hosted blog. But the old favicon is still showing up as the shortcut on the desktop of my laptop computer after more than a week. The address bar and tab bar are displaying the correct favicon in IE7. I am certain the problem is associated with my laptop computer because my desktop computer, which never saw the old favicon, is displaying the correct favicon as a desktop shortcut. Both computers are Dell and have IE7.

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Re-installing XP : The Version Of Windows On This CD Is Older Than On This Computer?

Dec 11, 2004

I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?

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Transfering Data From Older Hard Disk To Newer One?

Mar 11, 2006

This is the problem in which I'm currently in. I saved roughly about 15Gs worth of music and numerous pictures in my documents. Well since then I've changed the h.d, motherboard, and a few other things and installed a fresh copy of windows on the alternate h.d. well with the first h.d set as a slave and no means of going back to my original setup because i deleted most of everything on the h.d except a few folders it won't give me access to those folders. I'm wondering is there anyway of gaining access to those folder?

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Finding Way To Change Operating System From Newer To Older?

May 7, 2007

I'm in the market for a new desktop but don't like that I'm forced to have Vista as my OS in it. Seeing as how the selsction of (new) machines with XP is basically nonexistent, can I change the OS to XP with minimal trouble? After reading and hearing all the horror stories, I'd prefer to wait until Vista has all the bugs worked out before going that route.

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Use Newer Version Of Int Explorer?

Oct 13, 2007

Just got a used computer. It's using IE 5. Is it safe and easy to download the newest version?

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Net Frame Work 1.1 Or 2.0 - Newer Version

Apr 29, 2006

I'm am running Windows XP Home sp2 and i noticed that i have both Net frame work 1.1 and 2.0 installed now i do know i have some programs that say i need net frame work 1.1 but do i really need both or will the programs that need 1.1 work with 2.0. Since I'm guessing 2.0 is the newer version

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Downloading Newer Version On Explorer

Oct 2, 2010

I am using XP professional sp3 (special pack 3) before I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 I was a 2 packer. Since that time I have had many thing go wrong. The puter just shuts off. I was told that Google chrome is a good internet provider but I can't try because I didn't know that it was going to change what I thought my system was. I do get error messages saying: You vertual memory is low. I'm running on 496 mb of ram.

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Wont Install Due To Newer Version Of Windows Installed

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to restore my dell computer to its original state as it has bogged down completely and i have been getting a bunch of random error messages such as error loading CTMBHA.DLL.I do not care about losing any of my data or programs, I just want it to go back to its original state.When i attempt to use the Dell OS reinstallation disc, It tells me that i have a newer version of windows XP installed, so i cannot continue with setup.How do i erase this newer version of Windows XP, so that my system is back to factory settings.

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Unable To Re-install Operating System While Having Newer Version?

Jan 4, 2007

I have an old dell that had windows ME on it (yuck) About 3 years ago, I upgraded to XP and installed service pack 2. Since then I have set up 2 laptops, broadband and a wireless network. But the old dell in the office (the main one that the high speed modem and linksys is plugged into) needs to have the operating system re-installed again. It has reached its half life...a nuisance, a pain, unbearable, unusable! When I tried to re-install it wouldnt let me because the version on the computer is a newer version then the one on the disk.

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Finding / Downloading Older Version Of SP2 ?

May 27, 2009

I inherited a great computer that is running SP1a. It has not been used in years but is running great. It has some great programs that cannot be replaced. I've heard SP3 is incompatible with a few programs and don't want to chance losing them. Also, since its an older system, I'd rather update 1 step at a time.
Where can I find service pack 2 being that Microsoft's site only links to SP3 (all SP2 links take you to an SP3 page)? I tried but only found SP3 and SP1a.

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Folder Associations - PPT Older Version

Aug 3, 2007

System- XP/SP2 - Outlook Express - Do not have MS Power Point - Have downloaded MS Power Point Viewer - in MS Office Folder.. Also started same thread under "Computer Help" - when I searched - more threads for this were found under "XP"PROBLEM:
1. E-mail attachment with .ppt file will not open. When go to folder options - already have .ppt extension - and it says that it opens with MS Power Point Viewer - however it will not work. I have downloaded the newest version of viewer which replaced the older version (03?). I have changed the icon - still won't open. ??2. When I attempted to open the attachment - it brought up a dialog box that asked if I wanted to "save" or "open". It also had an option box in the lower left corner that indicated "Always ask" - which I mistakenly unchecked - Now I can't get that back/

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Dual Booting Of Xp Over Win 98: Removing The Older Copy?

Aug 25, 2005

I have windows 98 OS installed in Drive C: . Then i have another drive and i am planning to partition it 2 partitions (D & E) and i want to install windows xp in the second drive. How should i proceed ? If i install the windows xp with a bootable disk will it detect my windows 98 OS in the C DRIVE? I want to make sure also that if i proceed installing the XP in D drive it will not in anyway overwrites or mess up my OS in DRIVE C, because i have many important programs and data in that OS

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Unable To Remove Older Version Of OS To Perform Fresh Installation?

Mar 5, 2006

I'm running Windows XP and i have this OS 2000 PLATINUM EDITION boot up program that interferes with and stops my startup asking me to register when i don't really need this program can someone help me eliminate this program from my startup

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Selecting The Right Version Of .NET Framework In Pc?

Sep 25, 2007

I have Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002; Service Pack 2; Pentium 4; 496 MB. I went into my add/remove programs and I have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (and its Hotfix). Now, I am trying to understand what the .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 are for. Which version of the .NET Framework should I have.

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While Installing Error Version Doesn't Fit To Original Version

Jun 27, 2008

I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct

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Having Ms Net Framework Version 1.1 Essential For Computer?

Jan 9, 2008

Running Win xp home edition I have MS net framework version 1.1- hot fix 1.1 version-2.0-3.0.Do I need one of them all of them? No games installed.

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Installing Net Framework Windows Hangs At Log In

Jul 14, 2005

First of all, hello everyone! I'm happy to have joined your community. I feel sort of bad for joining only to ask a question, but the boards just seemed so helpful I couldn't resist. Anyway, I recently installed the .net framework to a stable build of windows XP SP2, and now I'm having some problems. I deleted the account and checked the "don't use welcome screen" box in user profiles because I don't really like the login etc... that comes with it.

That was two days ago. This morning I turn on my computer only to have it take a long time at the windows loading screen, and hang at the off-blue loging screen without bringing up the login box. Now, I wanted to somehow get rid of the .net framework after I realised I didn't really need it, but now it's not even possible. I tried both entering in safe mode (hanging black screen with "safe mode" in the usual places) and using the last known working setting (and got the same off-blue login screen.) I don't mind reverting to a saved state, but I can't even access the desktop to be able to.

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"Security Update For Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB922770)" - Wont Install

Oct 14, 2006

This update won't install and I had trouble once before...a long time ago... installing this update. I went to Google for a fix and on some forum a tech told me to un-install the ver. 2.0 that I have on there now...reboot...and then d/l the new update. I didn't bookmark the forum unfortuneately. Now, my system won't even allow me to un-install the old ver. 2.0 so I'm at a loss as to what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this

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Installing .net Framework 3.5 : Results In Registry Error?

Jan 20, 2009

Am trying to install 3.5 .net framework on my xp computer. below are some screenshots that it gives me. Also a log file of the errors. one line in particular gives a path to my backup drive when it should be my C drive. Looks like the registry has the wrong path and don't know where to find it to fix. F is my backup drive.

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Installing Framework - Don't Install Internet

Jul 14, 2008

When i try to install framework from WindowsXP CD,it does not do anything.What could i do.Can i find it in the CD,tell me.I dont want to install it from internet or update

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Regsvcs Error - Installing Net Framework Beta 2.0

Jul 8, 2005

I will install the new sqlserver and the new visual studio on my test machine. First step is to install version beta 2.0 of the .net framework, and I always had the same error (even after restore my test machine on a previous situation). Did somebody have the same problem ? I Use the visual studio 2005 beta 2 dvd sended by ms.

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Installing .net Framework: Error Occurred / Setup Shutting Down?

Jul 24, 2008

I keep trying to install .net Framework in order to be able to instal a number of other programs. However, when I try to install Framework, I always get a message saying that an error has occured when trying to create a directory in such and such file an the setup shuts down. i know for sure my account has full admin. rights so I know that can't be the problem. Any idea what I can do? As I said, there are other programs I want to install however they say I require .net Framework to install it.

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Installing .net Framework: Receives Error Message 1402?

Jul 9, 2010

I have had trouble with the .net framework. Because of possible corruption i deleted all .net framework files.Since then i have tried to install the .net framework files. i continue to receive a message that reads ERROR 1402 could not open key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDlls. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key.or contact your support personnel

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Error Code 1601 - Installing Microsoft Net Framework

Dec 17, 2008

having a problem. Windows XP: IBM think pad. computer freeze up after loading windows, I can only use my computer in safe mode!

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