Wrong Favicon Displaying After Installing Newer Version?

Sep 23, 2009

I recently changed my favicon on my self-hosted blog. But the old favicon is still showing up as the shortcut on the desktop of my laptop computer after more than a week. The address bar and tab bar are displaying the correct favicon in IE7. I am certain the problem is associated with my laptop computer because my desktop computer, which never saw the old favicon, is displaying the correct favicon as a desktop shortcut. Both computers are Dell and have IE7.

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Installing Newer Version Of NET Framework And Removing The Older?

Aug 16, 2008

A program I'm trying to use wants NET Framework 3.5, but I only have 2.0. Is there a download for Framwork 3.5? How do I install it? Do I remove the old versions or can I install over top of it.Also, do I need XP SP3 for it to work or will it work on its own? Do I need any Windows Updates prior to installing?

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Installing An Older Version Of Windows To Replace A Newer One

Sep 13, 2007

I have tried to repair/reinstall/install my Windows XP system with no luck. I asked for help in an earlier thread, and got some helpful advice, but now I have a new problem. (I'm not sure I should be starting a new thread on this; but it does seem like a separate issue to me.) About two years ago I had the Geek Squad in to rid my computer of a deeply embedded virus. The techie said something to the effect that he was going to load a newer version of XP, which I welcomed, and thought no more about it. Now, in trying to reinstall or install or whatever it is that I'm going to do, the XP disk comes up with an error message saying that I cannot install an earlier version of XP. I don't have a copy of the newer version the techie installed. My question is: is there a way to override the can't-install-older-version block and reinstall the original XP version I have on a legally-owned disk?

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Wrong Icon Displaying For JPGs

Aug 11, 2005

I've got XP Pro SP2.My JPE, JPEG, JPG files are displaying the Netscape icon next to them even though I have gone to Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder Options and set it up so that Photoshop opens each of these file types. The Photoshop icon is displayed in the Folder Options as it should be, and the files do open in Photoshop, but if I go to File > Open in Photoshop, all of these files have the Netscape icon. How do I make it so the Photoshop icon is displayed for these?

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Use Newer Version Of Int Explorer?

Oct 13, 2007

Just got a used computer. It's using IE 5. Is it safe and easy to download the newest version?

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Wrong Icon Displaying For Certain File Types

Aug 3, 2005

I've got XP Pro SP2. My JPE, JPEG, JPG files are displaying the Netscape icon next to them even though I have gone to Windows Explorer Tools Folder Options and set it up so that Photoshop opens each of these file types. The Photoshop icon is displayed in the Folder Options as it should be, and the files do open in Photoshop, but if I go to File > Open in Photoshop, all of these files have the Netscape icon. How do I make it so the Photoshop icon is displayed for these?

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Net Frame Work 1.1 Or 2.0 - Newer Version

Apr 29, 2006

I'm am running Windows XP Home sp2 and i noticed that i have both Net frame work 1.1 and 2.0 installed now i do know i have some programs that say i need net frame work 1.1 but do i really need both or will the programs that need 1.1 work with 2.0. Since I'm guessing 2.0 is the newer version

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Upgrading From Older Version Of OS To Newer One?

Oct 7, 2009

I am considering an upgrade from XP to Vista and i need some advice on what to do. Can i purchase the Vista Home basic premium upgrade edition with service pack 1 and then update service packs through microsoft?I am asking this because i can get the vista cd for a good price.can i just purchase the windows basic home edition with service pack1and install that. My computer is a dell dimension E520 with xp

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Downloading Newer Version On Explorer

Oct 2, 2010

I am using XP professional sp3 (special pack 3) before I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 I was a 2 packer. Since that time I have had many thing go wrong. The puter just shuts off. I was told that Google chrome is a good internet provider but I can't try because I didn't know that it was going to change what I thought my system was. I do get error messages saying: You vertual memory is low. I'm running on 496 mb of ram.

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Thumb Nailed Folders Displaying Wrong Images

Jan 29, 2008

Why do my thumbnailed folders (with a folder.jpg inside of them) display random images that I never assigned to them? Is there are way to correct this behavior or is this just an XP glitch? Using Tweak UI I increased the amount of folders for XP to store in memory to 10,000 thinking that may solve the problem, but it hasn't.
It's especially frustrating since I spent many hours organizing my Music folders so that they display the correct cover art.For example, why does my Radiohead folder, which should display an image of the band (which is in the Radiohead folder as "folder.jpg") assign an image of Cindy Lauper, which is in another folder?

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Can't Upgrade Older Pro - Newer Home Version

Sep 16, 2005

New system came with XP Home, however when I try to install an older CD of XP Professional Upgrade, it says I can't because the Pro version is older than the newer Home version. Like to avoid going out and buying a new copy of Pro. Also does a copy of windows need to be on the machine first? Or does it just need to check the windows cd?

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Internet Explorer Displaying Wrong Icon For Program Shortcut

May 25, 2008

Using Windows XP SP2 with all updates and with Internet Explorer 7

Have noticed the internet explorer is now displaying it's wrong icon on my program shortcuts [That is = Start = Programs = say - Legacy Family Tree = and there they are showing as a white back ground with small dots coloured, Red , blue and green? [think is green?]I have used in Power Tools the "Icon Repair" and still same icon is showing

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Wont Install Due To Newer Version Of Windows Installed

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to restore my dell computer to its original state as it has bogged down completely and i have been getting a bunch of random error messages such as error loading CTMBHA.DLL.I do not care about losing any of my data or programs, I just want it to go back to its original state.When i attempt to use the Dell OS reinstallation disc, It tells me that i have a newer version of windows XP installed, so i cannot continue with setup.How do i erase this newer version of Windows XP, so that my system is back to factory settings.

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Unable To Re-install Operating System While Having Newer Version?

Jan 4, 2007

I have an old dell that had windows ME on it (yuck) About 3 years ago, I upgraded to XP and installed service pack 2. Since then I have set up 2 laptops, broadband and a wireless network. But the old dell in the office (the main one that the high speed modem and linksys is plugged into) needs to have the operating system re-installed again. It has reached its half life...a nuisance, a pain, unbearable, unusable! When I tried to re-install it wouldnt let me because the version on the computer is a newer version then the one on the disk.

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Transferring Files Or Data From Older Version Of OS To Newer One?

Apr 1, 2007

I have a really old computer; not to sure what the system specs are like other than it being made by Tiny and having a 4 GB HDD. My mum wants to use the word processor now and then but the printer has broken and she would rather not buy another; partly because drivers may be an issue and partly becuase I have unused retail copies of Windows ME and 2000 that a couple of mates donated and can print off at my Dad's house.The issue with 98 is that I want to be using USB sticks when necessary to transfer word documents over to my Dad's computer running XP to print but 98 does not have the necessary drivers and I think it is impossible to get any; from what I understand that what 98 SE was for.

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While Installing Error Version Doesn't Fit To Original Version

Jun 27, 2008

I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original version...how do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct

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Error 126 Cann't Find Import;dll May Be Missing Corrupt Or Wrong Version File "RTL70.BPL?

Jun 21, 2005

Get message "Cann't find import;dll may be missing, corrupt or wrong version file "RTL70.BPL", error 126. Trouble shooting steps taken - 1. Turned off System Restore, 2. Ran Disk Clean Up, 3. Ran CW Shredder, 4. Ran Ad-Ware, 5. Ran Spyware (Spy-bolt, Microsoft Antispyware), 6. Ran AVG Antivirus, 7. Rebooted in the Safe Mode, 8. Reran steps 2-6, 9. Rebooted in the Normal Mode, 10. Turned System Restore back on. Still get warning message.

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Favicon Is Displayed In Desktop Shortcut

Mar 9, 2007

When I create a desktop shortcut to a website that has a favicon, the favicon is displayed in the desktop shortcut. This works for all sites, except for CNet. Would appreciate it if someone else running IE7 would confirm this behavior, or let me know why I may be having this problem. For CNet, I don't get a favicon, I don't even get a generic explorer icon.....I get a "blank" icon, no icon at all.

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Installing New Version OS And Removing The Older?

Jul 1, 2008

Can I Buy A Cd From A Comptuer Shop To Change Our Old Hp Xp Computer Into Vista??If This Works Which Cd/dvd Should I Buy?Home Basic?Home Premium?Do You Just Install The Cd/dvd And Then Everything Changes??This Is A Slow Computer Will Changing For Xp To Vista Re-boot It And Make It Work Like New?? Will It Help The Internet Be Faster??

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Re-installing XP : The Version Of Windows On This CD Is Older Than On This Computer?

Dec 11, 2004

I tried re-installing Windows XP (for reasons I which not to explain), and I when I did, I got the following error message:The version of Windows on this CD is older than on this computer. Installation could be complete.What do I do?

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Installing OEM Version: Impacts Of Clean OEM Home Install?

Jul 13, 2005

I understand that if I install an OEM version it will be a new installation (not an upgrade) and all data files and programs will be wiped clean as part of the installation (step one is formatting the hard drive). I'm okay with that, because I have files on other machines and reinstall any programs that I need My question is reference to drivers being deleted and needing to be reinstalled. I'm not as familiar on the driver issue. Does this mean that most of the peripherals I currently have under Win2000 will not work with the initial installation of XP and I'll have to seek out drivers for these items (wireless NIC, dvd-rom, cd-rw, second HD?

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Installing New Version Of Java Runtime Environment / Getting Installer Error?

Jul 28, 2009

Today I wanted to install new version of Java Runtime Environment but I have Windows Installer error: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2...sinstaller.png Where is a problem ?

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Installing "genuine" Over Illegal Version - Use The Dell Provided System CD

Mar 2, 2010

I recent had to install a new disk drive on my computer (Dell) and had problems installing Windows XP from their support CD so I used an illegal copy instead. Now I've been identified as having a non-genuine operating system and need desperately to get my legal copy installed. Do I use the Dell provided system CD and act as tho' I was repairing Windows? Will that get the correct key in place without losing all the other things installed on my drive?

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Chinese Version To Turn Into English Version

Oct 12, 2009

I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.

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Old Restore Point To A Newer Date ?

Jan 12, 2009

I have a restore point about 3 months ago which I want to keep, but the calender will soon automatically remove it.Is there a way of copying the "old" restore point to a newer date ?

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MCE Version 2005 On Box But Under My Computer Version 2

Jul 6, 2005

Probably a stupid question but it's bugging me. I just bought a new computer with xp mce 2005 installed. I noticed though that when I right click on my computer it says it's version 2002 service pack 2. Is that normal?

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64 Bit Version - Beta Test Version

Jun 30, 2005

Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.

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Computer Is Newer On Home Edition Disk

Dec 5, 2005

In using Ghost 2003 to make a copy of my HD, (and I tried twice) I got (both times) the message that a range of sectors (some 64 consecutive) were damaged. The destination disk was brand new and I may need to return it.)But I first thought to run Chkdsk, but found that without my recovery disk (that's the one that has my XP on it, right?), only the primary drive would be checked. Tfhe notice read: "The chkdsk command with the parameters listed below is only available when you are using the Recovery Console. The chkdsk command with different parameters is available from the command prompt.

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Hard Disk Work On Newer Net Book

Jul 3, 2010

Want to buy a newer net book with Win7 and swap my old Hard Disk into it. The old Hard Disk has XP Sp2. will it work? For some reason, mfr are limiting XP OS to the same machine with only 1GB. if you config the PC to have 3GB, they say you have to upgrade the OS.

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Transfering Data From Older Hard Disk To Newer One?

Mar 11, 2006

This is the problem in which I'm currently in. I saved roughly about 15Gs worth of music and numerous pictures in my documents. Well since then I've changed the h.d, motherboard, and a few other things and installed a fresh copy of windows on the alternate h.d. well with the first h.d set as a slave and no means of going back to my original setup because i deleted most of everything on the h.d except a few folders it won't give me access to those folders. I'm wondering is there anyway of gaining access to those folder?

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Finding Way To Change Operating System From Newer To Older?

May 7, 2007

I'm in the market for a new desktop but don't like that I'm forced to have Vista as my OS in it. Seeing as how the selsction of (new) machines with XP is basically nonexistent, can I change the OS to XP with minimal trouble? After reading and hearing all the horror stories, I'd prefer to wait until Vista has all the bugs worked out before going that route.

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