Dell Computer / Receive Notice Not Genuine Windows
May 31, 2006
I have a computer that I bought from Dell about one year ago. Tonight, an icon in the taskbar tells me that there are some updates ready to be installed. I click on it to have in installed and after a while the installation freezes. I tried to restart the PC... but could not do it. I had to cut off the power to shut it down. When I rebooted, I received a notice saying that my operating system was not genuine and that I would no longer be able to receive updates. I am one hundred percent certain that my operating system is genuine... but, what should I do now?
I have a DELL computer with windows XP, and I have no desktop icons.My comp. turns on but once the screen comes up I have no icons.I don't even have the little start icon at the bottom, so I can't open anything.
I've always downloaded the "Windows Update" that pops up on the task bar, and it suspects that I'm using a non-genuine copy of windows.Can this be because I share the same copy of Windows with a couple other different people? Anyhow, my main point is, how do I uninstall those updates that I've installed so this "you may be a victim of a counterfeit copy of Windows" which appears at startup.I was going to try system restore, but if someone had a better solution, it'll be great.
Odd windows genuine validation message The scan of your computer has completed. The Windows product key associated with your copy of Windows maps to one of the major PC manufacturers who purchase Windows product keys from Microsoft. The specific product key found on your computer maps to a major PC manufacturer that sells different hardware than the hardware found on your machine. This will not prevent you from validating now, but may cause you problems in the future. Please click Continue to complete the validation process.] I have change the hardware on the machine for your info. Should I change my key on the back of the machine?
I recent had to install a new disk drive on my computer (Dell) and had problems installing Windows XP from their support CD so I used an illegal copy instead. Now I've been identified as having a non-genuine operating system and need desperately to get my legal copy installed. Do I use the Dell provided system CD and act as tho' I was repairing Windows? Will that get the correct key in place without losing all the other things installed on my drive?
The scan of your computer has completed. The Windows product key associated with your copy of Windows maps to one of the major PC manufacturers who purchase Windows product keys from Microsoft. The specific product key found on your computer maps to a major PC manufacturer that sells different hardware than the hardware found on your machine. This will not prevent you from validating now, but may cause you problems in the future. Please click Continue to complete the validation process.] I have change the hardware on the machine for your info. Should I change my key to the one listed on the back of my machine?
notification KB905474 hi, i keep getting a notification that i need to download this....when i try to download it my computer blocks it and now i can't get any updates from microsoft. what is going on? and what can/should i do?
I'm using a computer that was built by a friend (really, I promise) who installed non-genuine XP in it. I've never been a fan of pirated software, but the computer was free, so what's a boy to do?
OK, so I've put up with all the "non-genuine" reminders from Redmond figuring it was my penance, but now I'm thinking I should move on up to Vista (mainly for Media Center). And yes, the hardware is up to it.
Meanwhile, I had installed a genuine copy of XP on my previous computer before receiving this one (I still have the disks). One install, one machine. So, can I just install that genuine XP over the non-genuine one?
We started to have problems, due to limewire. A relative told us he could fix this, and took our computer to his home. When he came back he had un-installed Windows XP and some how replaced it with Professional. We are now experiences probelms such as : Our computer is asking for genuine software, we have lost all sounds on the computer. I tried to re-boot it, did not work. We did not get a re-installation CD. Also I tried to change the product key back to the original found on the sticker on the computer but it did not work.
I am running on a non genuine copy of Xp professional and would like to know if I install a genuine copy of Windows 98 will I then be able to take advantage of Microsoft .com upgrades ? Like could I upgrade to XP ?
I was having problems with my old computer freezing up,being slow,etc...A freind gave me an xp gold cd and said it would fix my problems so I installed it and it works fine but now my windows genuine validation is telling me that my copy of windows is not genuine.
It's not really my computer that has the problem. computer has this problem and unfortunately the genuine microsoft error is slowing his computer really badly. His problem is this: It asked for it to do some update on microsoft, so I thought "what the hell, and clicked okay or something, thinking it was the same as windows automatic updates. but after it was done, who would've guessed, It gave him an error saying his computer might be counterfeit or something
I need the maximum CPU usage and memory space for 3d rendering. After I installed "windows genuine advantage notification" it became slow and with long rendering process +5 h. it crushes. So I looked at "add/remove programs" list, but it wasnt there.
I have a new Dell XPSl notebook. When I go to the MS download site for an ugrade or new download I am asked to validate my windows software. My Windows XP Media software is genuine and came pre-loaded from Dell. It will not validate. The Active X controls work in all other circumstances but not for validating Windows. I have tried resetting my Security settings but nothing works. I have tried removing my virus protection and all spyware apps but still no success. I have turned off pop up blocker and phishing filters also.
I downloaded the new Windows Media Player 11 on my computer and installed it, when the "first time setup" thing asked me to chose my settings, i did, but then it told me that the program couldn't run because I'm not using a genuine copy of windows. so now i want to go back to using WMP 10, but when I run the installation for 10, it sais it cant be done because i already have a newer version installed.
If it's not one thing going wrong it's another. At certain times when I'm online and maybe off-line also, I don't remember, But when placing the curser on a link and then clicking, I get this notice along with a clicking sound: "Hardware Malfunction" "Call your hardware vendor for support" "NMI: Parity Check / Memory Parity Error" "The System Has Halted"
Whenever Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool is used it hangs my pc. firstly explorer starts to hang window by window until nothing responds not even task manager and i have to hard reset. I first experienced this when i tried to install the new IE7 beta a week ago, whenever it went to validate my copy of windows the pc would hang and i would have to reboot.needless to say i didnt install it,Now ive turned off auto update to get round this for now but im wondering what on earth could be the problem.. I know 100% i am genuine with XP and i turn off sygate firewall and symantec antivirus 10 and close as many process as i can this still happen. Ive run a scannow /sfc and that didnt come up with any errors. couold anyone point me in the right direction with this.
I recently got hijacked real bad. I cleaned most of it out of the pc. But i am still getting that message and I can't use internet explorer. When i open explorer a internet cleaner ad pops up instead of my home page. When i click the homepage button it just keeps going back to the ad page. I am using firefox to write to you guys.
I have a built in wireless card in my Dell D610 laptop. Every time my computer wakes up it gives me a notice that it has detected a wireless network somewhere (even if it is secured or is very weak. This is annoying. Can someone tell me how to stop this, or at least cause the notice to disappear after 1 second, rather than after about 20 seconds?
Ive got a Dell laptop with windows XP on it, Ive also got a laptop with windows 7 on it, can I do a recovery on the one with XP on it and then install windows
I am trying to fix my mother in laws computer for her. She had lost her Task Manager, which I have restored, and she has the Spyware Black notice on her desktop that I just can't get rid of. I tried a variety of fixes I have found. But so far, none have worked.
After running a defragmentation, I received a message that 6 mb of system 32 did not defrag. the system ran, closed, then when booted up the next day I received the windows 32 error. I have an OEM windows xp installed in the computer, a pentium III gateway, and i understand that common recovery proceedures cannot be used with success, because the OEM versions have embedded passwords and such. I have not heard strange sounds from my hard drive, previous to , and subsiquent to the problem. I wish to run chkdsk,to see if this can resolve the problem, if the OEM version will allow it. Is this possible, and the fact that I have a D drive slaved to the c drive matter?
I was replying to an e-mail when a message something like 'Virtual memory exceeded,microsoft can fix this' came up. I believe I selected a 'go ahead' button and left it to fix the problem. When I came back sometime later the computer was not reacting to anything so I reset. The screen that shows my hardware etc came up and windows then started, however, when the start up appeared to have progressed to the stage where the screen goes blank and an arrow eventually appears it didn't! It went back to the screen that shows the hardware build and kept cycling in that mode.
Dell with Windows XP Professional on it and 160 GB hard drive. When I got the computer home I went right into the Administrator Identity and began to use the computer. I was thrilled with it, so much harddrive and 512 MB Ram. After I had put a lot of my data on the computer I thought I might try another identity for other uses. So I went in to create a new identity. When I had finished with the new Identity the original Administration Identity that I had been working with for months no longer existed. After much consternation I did a system restore and got my original identity back. But what I want to know is how can I create a new identity without losing everything in the original Identity and I realize I should have gone on through Administrator to create the first identity. The original thread for this question has been closed.
I want to reinstall xp on my machine. I am wondering how to do this do I boot from the xp disc? Then when I have to make a partition what are some of your suggestions on how much I should use i have a 500gb hard drive. I also have windows vista 32 bit and 64 bit. I am going to install windows 7 after this. I am wondering if I should install windows vista then upgrade to windows 7 or just upgrade to windows 7 from xp. I am also wondering can i just install 64 bit windows on top of windows xp or do i need to do 32 bit then upgrade to 64 bit.
I have lost my Home Page. Everything I enter goes blank as soon as I click off and then go back to check it. When ever I try to launch Internet Explorer, all I get is a blank page. My ISP tech said it was proably a Browser Hijacker. Dell 4700; Windows XP Home, service pack 2; Outlook Express Pentium 4
I have a Dell Dimension XPS T700r with Windows 98. I cannot run defrag, scandisk, or Norton Systemworks scan of my disk. The error says that drive C is blocked by disk utility.
I use Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 SP3.
It has been my experience that, out of the dozen or so Junk e-mails that I receive every day in my Outlook Inbox on my computer, there are usually one or two that are actually not Junk at all, and those I have to identify as "Add Sender to Safe Sender's List" and re-route to my Inbox. It is for this reason that it is very important that all my e-mails are downloaded from the server to my computer - including the ones identified by the software as "Junk" - because the software obviously is not perfect.
A few weeks ago I noticed that I was not receiving my usual quantity of about a dozen Junk e-mails per day. I did not think too much about it at the time, because, although some days I did not receive any Junk e-mails at all, other days I might receive one or even two