Genuine Microsoft Error - Computer Might Be Counterfeit
May 24, 2007
It's not really my computer that has the problem. computer has this problem and unfortunately the genuine microsoft error is slowing his computer really badly. His problem is this: It asked for it to do some update on microsoft, so I thought "what the hell, and clicked okay or something, thinking it was the same as windows automatic updates. but after it was done, who would've guessed, It gave him an error saying his computer might be counterfeit or something
Two of them are now coming up with messages saying that my OS (Win2000 pro) is 'NOT GENUINE." I get these messages constantly. I checked their FAQ's and all of it, and there is no solution for me other than spending $149, which I will not do. Their FAQ's do not address the issue of someone using a donated computer and I can't get the messages to stop; it's not like I can uncheck them in startup or anything. I tried System Restore but it won't allow me to do that any more.
Last week I had to use my laptop. When I got to windows it had a message telling me that windows was not Genuine. I did a check and Microsoft said it was not valid. Given the fact that at the time I did not know it was hacked or could have been, I just closed it and began back on my desktop which is my main computer. This also is a wireless network. Tonight I did a reboot and the same thing happened with my desktop. I again went to microsoft and again the told me the key was invalid for this part of the country whatever that means. This desktop was bought at a computer show a couple years ago and has been dam good to me. It is a Dell. I don't know what to do. Someone told me about a keyfinder but I don't want to do anything until someome advises me....
During installation I get a note regarding Genuine Windows Validation. Upon hitting continue I am forwarded to the Windows Genuine Advantage program where I receive the message Validation Complete!. If I then return to the install screen I am told the installation was interrupted and that I should restart the installer. Unfortunately every time I do this I get the same result. I've no problems with anything else from Microsoft including normal windows updates. PC is perfectly genuine and direct from DELL.
I would like to use the alternate validation from the Microsoft download page, But I don't see it mentioned anywhere.When I click on Validation button that takes me straight to the Validation page.Alternate Validation anywhere.
I'm using a computer that was built by a friend (really, I promise) who installed non-genuine XP in it. I've never been a fan of pirated software, but the computer was free, so what's a boy to do?
OK, so I've put up with all the "non-genuine" reminders from Redmond figuring it was my penance, but now I'm thinking I should move on up to Vista (mainly for Media Center). And yes, the hardware is up to it.
Meanwhile, I had installed a genuine copy of XP on my previous computer before receiving this one (I still have the disks). One install, one machine. So, can I just install that genuine XP over the non-genuine one?
I am trying to do the Genuine Validation check so I can pull down updates for my system.The error I am getting is: Validation Incomplete: Online Validation Failure[0x80080204] There are several reasons why validation may not have succeeded.The time set on your computer may be off by more than 24 hours from your local time. Review the date and time settings for your computer. You can get there by right-mouse clicking on the clock displayed on your computers toolbar and choosing Adjust Date/Time.
I've been running win XP for a long time, than I started surfing a lot. I was told that I have a virus because I now get: This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation. Is there a virus that can mess up your activation key.
When I went back to the dealer who built it for me he said he gave me the counterfeit copy in order to be able to give me a cheaper price on my computer. He advised me not to install the MS upgrade as Vista will soon be coming out and I would probably want to upgrade to that. My question is will I be able to upgrade to Vista having a counterfeit XP or will I need to format and do a clean install? Also , what are the problems I might have using the copy of XP I have now till Vista comes out?
Until recently there were a large number of Windows operating systems for sale on ebay. Particularly Win XP Pro OEM versions at reasonable prices. I purchased one several months ago, and it came in a sealed package, with COA and that beautiful CD. I finally got around to installing it on a new build, activated like a champ. But when I went to download some security updates it went berserk...THIS IS COUNTERFEIT, blah, blah. So I mailed it off to MS WGA. Now there are very few OSs listed on ebay. Could someone fill me in on what happened, and did MS make good on their offer to replace the fraudulent system with a good one? Also, how come it activated if it was counterfeit?
An older friend got a CPU given to him so he can access email. Only problem is that apparently the Windows XP on it isn't geniune. I don't mind buying the XP Home Edition and replacing it but have some questions about how to do the replacement. Am I better to click the "Resolve Now" link and buy it from Microsoft? Or should I just pick up one at the store? Then, do I need to remove the bogus copy befroe I try to load the real one? If I load the real one without doing anything about the bogus one will the real one take care of it? Would the one I could purchase online automaticallly resolve these issues? I'm not real concerned about losing his word documents - there are few. I expect I may have to reload his internet connection software. I'm worried that this could be above my IT skill-level but I feel it needs to be resolved.
We started to have problems, due to limewire. A relative told us he could fix this, and took our computer to his home. When he came back he had un-installed Windows XP and some how replaced it with Professional. We are now experiences probelms such as : Our computer is asking for genuine software, we have lost all sounds on the computer. I tried to re-boot it, did not work. We did not get a re-installation CD. Also I tried to change the product key back to the original found on the sticker on the computer but it did not work.
I purchased a sealed 'genuine' copy of Windows XP Professional with product key from Ebay about 2 years ago. I registered the copy with the product key back then and it worked fine until a recent update.Now, Microsoft are saying that I have a counterfeit copy with invalid product key for my region(Australia).How do I remove the annoying 'victim of software counterfeit' reminder that Microsoft has put on my desktop? Except for the obvious solution
I am running on a non genuine copy of Xp professional and would like to know if I install a genuine copy of Windows 98 will I then be able to take advantage of Microsoft .com upgrades ? Like could I upgrade to XP ?
I was having problems with my old computer freezing up,being slow,etc...A freind gave me an xp gold cd and said it would fix my problems so I installed it and it works fine but now my windows genuine validation is telling me that my copy of windows is not genuine.
Whenever Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool is used it hangs my pc. firstly explorer starts to hang window by window until nothing responds not even task manager and i have to hard reset. I first experienced this when i tried to install the new IE7 beta a week ago, whenever it went to validate my copy of windows the pc would hang and i would have to reboot.needless to say i didnt install it,Now ive turned off auto update to get round this for now but im wondering what on earth could be the problem.. I know 100% i am genuine with XP and i turn off sygate firewall and symantec antivirus 10 and close as many process as i can this still happen. Ive run a scannow /sfc and that didnt come up with any errors. couold anyone point me in the right direction with this.
I have a computer that I bought from Dell about one year ago. Tonight, an icon in the taskbar tells me that there are some updates ready to be installed. I click on it to have in installed and after a while the installation freezes. I tried to restart the PC... but could not do it. I had to cut off the power to shut it down. When I rebooted, I received a notice saying that my operating system was not genuine and that I would no longer be able to receive updates. I am one hundred percent certain that my operating system is genuine... but, what should I do now?
when i go to the time settings and click on "Update Now" on the "Internet Time" tab, i get an error message saying that Windows can not synchronize the time. I checked the even viewer and found the following related error messages.
Every time I try to use Microsoft Works Task Launcher I get an Error Report. When either the 'Send Error Report' or 'Ignore' button is clicked, Microsoft Works immediately closes down. I have disabled Error Reporting in My Computer to no avail, as the error message continues to appear
Im getting a Microsoft Windows Error at every computer start up or more commonly after a game i was playing crashes and the computer restarts or has to be restarted. The error is: The system has recovered from a serious error. After sending the error report it directed me to the microsoft windows error reporting page with "corrupted error report" and the following " Unfortunately, the error report you submitted is corrupted and cannot be analyzed. Corrupted error reports are rare. They can be caused by hardware or software problems, and they usually indicate a serious problem with your computer."
running Windows XP home edition and every time she goes to press the internet explorer icon on her desktop it will load the home page ok then when you try to surk the net she gets the message that microsoft has encounted aan error and then it asks if you want to send the report or not. If you click either send or dot not send report it boots you off the net and goes back to the desktop. Also she cannot even do internet banking, because every time you try to you get the same message. We think she may have gotten a virus, but we don't know because norton doesn't find anything wrong.
I was advised to use this site from another Sims Fan. I am very new at this so don't expect me to know anything. When The Sims 2 first came out I brought the game (my system meets all the specs) after a few days the game started to crash. I contacted EA Games for help and was told to update drivers, reinstall the Game and turn off all anti-virus and firewall software to play the game. I did so. But still the game kept crashing. I then was told by EA Games to install a new patch to the game. I tried and the patch came up with an error every time it got to the file packageinstaller.exe. I then tried the Sims 2 community and got serveral completely different things to try, some more useful than others. After a long time of trying to get help, I was told to reformate my hard drive. Which with aid I did. But still the game kept crashing. And to add to this now my computer crashes for no reason and when I do send error reports to microsoft I get messages back saying corrupt error messages can be caused by faulty RAM. So I used a test which is supposed to find any faults or errors on the RAM and I set it to do the longest one so it did a complete check, but no errors are found. These recent errors have happen when I was doing nothing simalar to the other crashes (like random errors). I've had programs freeze up, computer not responding, blue screens, application errors, restarting, screen going black for a few seconds and microsoft error reporter seems to come up every time I turn on the computer. I am thinking that they might be something seriously wrong with this computer and I really don't what to be told that I have to pay out thousands to get it fix.
Whenever I turn on my computer, I get this error message saying "Microsoft Advanced Notification Error" This just started a few says ago. I went into the event viewer
Have an error that reads "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" "This copy of Windows did not pass genuine Windows validation". We are running XP with service Pk3. It put an icon in the task bar and a banner on the desktop. anything I can do to remove this without formatting
When I try to double-click my folders I get "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error Program: CWINDOWSexplorer.exe abnormal program termination" when I press ok, desktop icons disappears for a while and then appears.
When opening up a page on the Internet just recently in the last two days I have been receiving an error message "Microsoft Internet Error - Win fix " which displays a page with no data on it and then I have tried a Systems Restore and it will not allow me to complete a systems restore and I have tried several different restore dates?
downloading and installing update to my computer from windows update. Every time I try to enter the pages, the screen freezes on me. I even restored my computer and still it happens, only with microsoft - windows sites. Now Once I did get to the point to check for updates, but after doing the express check, all downloaded but could not install. Was getting this message: Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache.
Booted my computer this morning and had two error messages; send a report to Microsoft (which usually never do) then rebooted. Now I have lost my active desk top and can not re-activate. Do I have a virus?
Uninstalled microsoft office 2003. she says it is still showing in add and remove she gets this error problem is she doesn't have the office disk that came with computer in 2005. i seached several forums on this problem there doesn't seem to be a simple solution without the orignal disk.