Get Some Input On Viability Of The Integrated Backup Utility

Sep 12, 2005

I just wanted to get some input on the viability of the integrated backup utility in Windows XP.Is it a workable solutions for a small business with 10-15 desktops to backup to a file server? What is a restoration like? Other (potentially better?) options.

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Can Edit Backup Created In Backup Utility?

Aug 15, 2006

basically what im looking to do is delete some old entries that the XP backup utility has created over time that i setup a while ago. Im using the "copy" nothing has been appended or incremental.Im just looking to avoid deleting the setup i got, and maybe just delete a few "copy" backups so that theres not 8 gigs / 1 years worth of backups.i only need about 4 months I forgot about it.cuz i never neaded it. But it looks as if its the only way b/c i cant just delete selected backups.all or nothing?/ anyone know of a better backup utility that is simple and easy on a system BTW?

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Backup Utility Configuration

Jul 26, 2005

How can I direct the backup utility to use the CD-Rewritable Drive rather than the Floppy Drive?

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Ransacking For A Backup Utility

Sep 16, 2005

I've been ransacking XP for a backup utility, but apparently they didn't include it on the XP that came with my computer. Do I have to buy this capability? I've been a Windows user since 3.1 (remember?), and all previous versions had this utility included.

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Microsoft Backup Utility?

May 3, 2009

I used windows backup, all programs>accessories>system tools>backup, and made a complete copy of my system. How to load these files up without loging on?

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Backup Utility In Xp Home

Feb 11, 2005

Have tried for months to get my backup utility to allow me to make a backup of my system and it Will not allow me to do so.Still unable to use the backup utility, it gives me a specific message. The backup file name could not be used."E:2505.bkf" Please ensure it is a valid path, and that you have sufficient access.I have tried other names for the file and none has ever worked, I have tried this since the backup utility was installed, I also uninstalled the utility and reinstalled it, made no difference.I could use some suggestions on how to get this utility to work.I have installed this utility twice, from the addons disc for the Xp operating system disc that came with my Compaq.

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Cannot Backup With Backup Utility

May 12, 2007

I'm using XP Home and have been backing up My Documents regularly to an external hard drive with the back up utility in XP. The last time I tried to do a backup, I got an error message, "You have either run out of space or the backup (.bkf) is too large for this disk. Note: if this disk is formatted with Fat 32 , the maximum possible size for the is 4GB." My external disk is 75GB with 45GB free. It is formatted in NTFS. I did a clean up and defragged the disk and get the same error when I try to backup. Is this an indication of a problem with the external hard disk or a problem with the XP backup utility

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Registry Backup Utility To Reinstall Individual Entries

Apr 27, 2008

I use acronis as a restore tool and have never had a problem restoring the entire operating system. I had this individual program that was corrupted and I reinstalled it from the image I made using acronis. However, the program failed to appear in the add/remove section of windows. I beleive that I have to manually reinstall the registry entry of the program in order for it to appear in the add/remove section. My question is: is there a registry backup utility that'll let me reinstall individual entries? Something that's a no-brainer also as I'm not completely comfortable fooling around with the registry.

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Integrated Sound Card For Music

Aug 24, 2005

I recently bought a new PC, Pentium 4 3ghz, that came with integrated sound and graphics. I sorted a graphics card out straight away but am now looking to get a sound card. It's a family PC and apart from using it for homework/work/internet, it's also used a lot for games, music and watching DVD's. I'm looking at spending around £50, can anyone recommend a sound card. I've done a little research on the net but for every good review I find a bad one so it's not really helping Any recommendations and as to why would be received gratefully.

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Integrated Network Adapter And Sound

Jun 23, 2005

I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP and now I am having two issues. The issues are Integrated Network Adapter not working and no sound from the Integrated Sound Card/Adapter. My Integrated Network Adapter is from Intel (which is built on the Motherboard), and I cannot find the Compaq Restore Plus! CD, Restore Supplemental Software CDs. I emailed Intel about the Network Adapter problem. My Integrated Sound Card/Adapter comes from a company called SoundMax. I would like to know where to download the Drivers for these two devices.

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Command Line For Integrated Zip/Unzip Functionality

Jun 12, 2006

Does anybody know how to utilize Windows Integrated Zip/Unzip functionality from the command line?

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Professional Media Center Edition SP3 Integrated

Dec 11, 2008

Now my problem is with SP3.As you can see in the title my current OS is Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition SP3 Integrated. However, I do not want SP3 as it is causing problems with my tcp/ip. What I'd like to know is if there's some kind of way I can remove this integrated SP3. I do not have it in my add/remove programs clearly as it is not manually installed.

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Download Realtek Integrated Ethernet Driver?

Apr 5, 2009

I have searched everywhere for the Realtek Integrated Ethernet Driver for a HP 3000 MT and running Win XP Pro.I can't get on the internet with that computer so I can use any updating software.

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Updating Intel Integrated Audio Sound Card

Mar 24, 2005

I'm trying to upgrade my sound card so I ran DXDIAG (log at end of post) and it says that my sound card is an Intel(r) Integrated Audio and the driver version is 5.10.0000.3523 (English). The date is from late 2001(!) so I obviously want to update the thing.The problem is that I can't find an update file or driver anywhere! I don't know if I'm being retarded or what but there must be some update available since 2001.

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Connects To Home Network Via Integrated WIFI Card

Sep 29, 2005

I have a Windows Media Center 2004 edition PC. It connects to my home network via integrated WIFI card.IS there a feature that could enable a Wake on WIFI as opposed to a
wake on lan?there is no option on the properties of my wifi adapter, but i'm dying
to know if this is possible?

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After Backup Should Have My Backup Folder Or Backup.bkf File?

Aug 16, 2008

After restoring a computer and backing up files, once the computer is back up and running should I have a foldercalled "My Backup 1408-08 2353" or should I have a single backup file called backup.bkf? I'm trying to help someone, and they have a folder with the files already available instead of a single backup.bkf file. He wants to restore everything to the original location before the computer restore. How can he do that with the folder he has instead of a backup.bkf file? The restore wizard is asking for a .bkf file to place everything in the original locations, and he doesn't have that.

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Registry Clean Utility / Thing As Official Windows Registry Utility?

Dec 2, 2004

On my box at home, I have Norton System Works, which contains a registry diagnostic/sweeper.At work, where I run Windows 2000 Pro, I was wondering...I know there are various registry diagnostic & cleaner utilities out there on the web, but I thought I had heard that Windows itself either includes one on the OS disc or makes one available for download.Is there such a thing as an official Windows Registry utility?

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Line-in Input To Usb Headset

Jan 4, 2010

I've spent several hour perusing google searches, but haven't found anything high enough quality to suit my needs. I have an Xbox 360 set up to run on my monitor, and until recently had the audio run through my line-in connection and output through my headset with 3.5mm jacks. Then I bought a usb headset, and can no longer find a good way to pass the line-in audio through to the usb sound card built into the headset.I tried using Audacity to playback audio as it recorded, and it works, but the sound quality is terrible, and I really would like a better solution than that.Other things I've tried is using a winamp plugin (I couldn't even get that to start working) and opening my computer's basic sound card's input as a capture device in VLC media player (couldn't get it to work either).Can anyone provide a better way get the Xbox audio to the usb headset? an increase in sound quality to audacity would be ok, I may just need to learn to set it up better.

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MS Dos - Input Get The Boot Disk To Run

Jul 17, 2009

I am attempting to reinstall windows 2000 via a boot disk. The windows 2000 that was running will no longer start due to a corrupt system file (probably due to and improper shut-down). I've got the system attempting the boot from the disk just fine and it seems to be ok. While it begins to boot in dos, I get the msg; [DR-DOS] A:> and it awaits my command. I'm not sure what to imput in order to get the boot disk to run. I've tried to direct it to the disk drive and the filename of the ISO file on the boot disk, but does not recognize it.

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No Audio Input Capability?

May 10, 2006

I did a defrag last night... and also removed several programs, and I believe I deleted something by accident on the add/remove list. I cannot get music to play... I cannot get audio, period. All I get is a beep when I try to access an audio application."this computer does not appear to have audio input capability, or it is not configured correctly

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Install Freezes At Product Key Input?

Jun 28, 2005

I have a strange anomoly when reinstalling XP. After the installation reboots into device configuration and I "ok" the keyboard config, the product key entry page comes up and locks the system. I am befuddled. I have tried booting into safe-mode (can't boot into safe-mode during setup), restarting the installation, running repair on the installation and chkdsk /r. I was able to install a second image to a new system directory. I would rather not rebuild my entire configuration via the second image. Anyone have an idea why the original installation is freezing as indicated?

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Backup Software Which Will Backup Just The Changed Elements Of The Past File

Jun 22, 2005

I want to backup my PC for disaster recovery and then do an incremental backup each night to a USB hard drive. I tried Retrospect which came with the USB hard drive. I couldn't get it to work to well. I've been using the MS backup utility. With this software it seems any new email causes changes my large Outlook PST file and the whole
file is backed up again. I've been trying to find backup software which will backup just the changed elements of the pst file and have tried downloading a trial version of
continuity@work from Mobiliti who claim to be able to just backup the changes to a PST file. I left continuity@work running overnight and had to stop it as it was only 50% through the backup this morning. It calls it synchronization rather than backup and from the error messages it seems that it doesn't create a shadow image before backing up as several files were not backed up as they were in use.

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Freezes At Welcome Screen Wont Take Keyboard Input?

Sep 5, 2009

Its a Laptop - C2D T5780,2GB RAM, 320GB HDD Windows XP SP2 Avira Antivirus says everything is fine, so its not viruses.The problem is that windows xp hangs after booting up to the welcome screen where i select the user and key in the password.It happens fairly regularly, like once every 5-6 times i boot up the system. By hang i mean that it doesn't take keyboard input, i can move the mouse cursor around but clicks don't have any effect. The HDD activity LED keeps blinking fairly regularly. Like every 5 seconds.I end up having to do a hard reboot.

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Recurring Hang - Screen Blinks And No Input

Dec 8, 2007

PC hangs in any one of the following ways;screen blinks black for a second of so, then returns but is frozen (no mouse movement or anything)screen blinks black and returns but all garbled & corrupted and frozen screen blinks black and monitor says "no input" and promptly turns itself off this usually occurs between half an hour and an hour of turning the PC on.. but the duration is by no means fixed, and it will sometimes only last a few minutes. the same applies after a restart.

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Backup FOLDER On Drive D / Changed To Backup FILE?

May 28, 2006

I have two IDE hard disks one 40GB=C and the secondary 200GB=D,I have made a copy of documents and setting from C to a new folder backup in drive D.After that this operating finished I preformed format of C and installed from on drive C the MS WIN XP operating system.After the installation the backup FOLDER on drive D, changed to backup FILE without extension.How can I restore my DATA? anyone familiar with this phenomenon

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Turning On Computer: No Input Signal / Power Saving?

Jul 14, 2006

hey when i turn on my computer all the lights turn on and it makes this noise the fan starts but then it stops and everything just turns off the screen comes up NO INPUT SIGNAL and then POWER SAVING.

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Text Services And Input Languages / Language Bar Is Greyed

Aug 8, 2005

I'm running winxp (en) on a pentium 4 machine with 512 MB RAM. Out of a sudden, my language bar on the taskbar was completely empty. in "text services and input languages" The language bar is greyed. I managed to set a key combination in order to switch back and forth beetwen French German and english. (Shift+Left Alt) is not working any more. When I run Winword (Office 2003) , the correct language is displayed in the status bar but Winword does not seem to recognize the language correctly what was the case before.

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No Input On Monitor After Loads - Reinstalling Operating System

Dec 15, 2007

When I turn on my PC the POST and the Windows Loading Screen appear on the monitor, but then after that the monitor says there is no input when I'm supposed to be able to see the login screen. The monitor is still working properly as I'm using it right now with it connected to my laptop.The only thing I can think of doing is reformatting and re-installing Windows XP. I've got all my data, because I made a backup on the external HDD the night before, but I'll check it on the laptop to see if it works before I do anything. I was going to do a reformat anyway as I kept getting blue screens when I tried to play games or use Windows Live Messenger's sharing folders, but I'd still like to be able to actually go on the PC one last time to see if I've got everything.

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Scheduling A Backup Using The Windows Backup Wizard

Aug 24, 2005

When scheduling a backup using the Windows Backup Wizard, I put in all the scheduling info, but Windows backup never launches. When I look at a scheduled event and click "properties" I get an error message that says "General page initialization failed, etc, etc. (error# 0X80090016)

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DBase IV Runs Poorly - Keyboard Input Slow And Sporadic To Display

Sep 15, 2005

I have been coding in dBase since 1982. Upgrading to Win95, 98 and ME was no problem. But now that I have upgraded to XP on a 3.2 ghz Intel machine with a gig of ram, I am having two serious performance problems. I am using dBase IV 2.0. Keyboard input is slow and sporadic to display. Printing is delayed by up to a minute, but will execute immediatley if I exit the program. I have tried changing every aspet of the short cuts properties, including compatibily option, and executing it from CMD.EXE instead of COMMAND.COM.

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Unable To Input Text In Word/Notpad/Outlook/Url After Power Returned

Sep 13, 2005

After power outtage (yes I do know about UPSs)-after power returned I am unable to input text in any kind of field including Word, Notepad, ol express, URL boxes-nothing. I re-booted twice but still no joy.

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