No Input On Monitor After Loads - Reinstalling Operating System

Dec 15, 2007

When I turn on my PC the POST and the Windows Loading Screen appear on the monitor, but then after that the monitor says there is no input when I'm supposed to be able to see the login screen. The monitor is still working properly as I'm using it right now with it connected to my laptop.The only thing I can think of doing is reformatting and re-installing Windows XP. I've got all my data, because I made a backup on the external HDD the night before, but I'll check it on the laptop to see if it works before I do anything. I was going to do a reformat anyway as I kept getting blue screens when I tried to play games or use Windows Live Messenger's sharing folders, but I'd still like to be able to actually go on the PC one last time to see if I've got everything.

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After Reinstalling Operating System

Jul 14, 2010

I lost all my drivers I downloaded the graphic's one and enthernal one and i need the network controlle Please help my computer is gateway and i have wireless internet I really want to get back on internet not good with pcs

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Reinstalling Operating System - Formatted The HD

Feb 23, 2005

I am reinstalling my win xp, but I have no formatted the hd, I am installing xp over the current win xp.The problem is I got asked for a psw of the admin. What's this psw? I have no psw for the admin

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Reinstalling Operating System: System Wont Recognize CD Drive?

May 5, 2006

Should I ever use one of the utility programs to wipe my hard drive completely, how do I reinstall Windows XP since the CD driver has been erased? How can you reinstall an operating system that is on CD when you have no driver for the CD player? The reason I am asking these questions is that I might want to give my computer to friend and I want my stuff off of the hard drive and my friend to be able to use the computer.

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Getting Messed Up Font After Reinstalling Operating System?

Feb 2, 2009

I have a serious font problem, apparently some of them got completely messed up, apart from reinstalling windows from scratch, is there anything I can do?

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Reinstalling Operating System - Setup Cannot Continue

Nov 8, 2007

I have a new hard drive and i am trying to reinstall my operating system and it stops half way and tells me that setup cannot continue? i have tried windows 98, xp, xp pro and vista? (all of which i legally own and have keys for)

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Reinstalling Operating System From Backup Disc

Sep 27, 2007

When I purchased my lap top from Dell 2.5 years ago I made a backup OS CD. The computer did not come with the xp disc. I need to re-install the OS now-computer is slow, sluggish and just acting down right weird. I know its time, so as I gathered up the gutts to do this but when I popped in the cd and began the process it asked for the key number. I dont have that because I made the disc. I just followed the directions when I bought the computer. Now what do i do? I would rather purchase and upgrade to vista but when I ran the program to see if I could, there were some issues, plus its getting old and needs more memory, ram etc. Sooo this is the next best thing untill I breakdown and get a new PC.

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Enlarging C Drive Without Reinstalling The Operating System?

May 10, 2008

I have a 250 GB hard drive. I put 30 GB for my C, and the rest in D. That's not enough room for C. I have about a GB left. I removed the partition for D, which is now, not in C, but "unallocated." Sheeet! That's not what I intended. I have both C and D already backed up, but surely there must be some way to increase the size of C.How do I go about enlarging C?

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Reinstalling Operating System - Saved All Documents

Jan 18, 2007

to re-installing Windows XP Home Edition from scratch? My PC has become unbelievable slow and in spite of all that I have tried in the last few months to fix it, nothing has worked. I have come to the conclusion to re-install and really CLEAN my computer so it will perform as it should. I have saved all documents and made a list of all the software installed to make the process easier.

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Reinstalling The Operating System / Unable To Find Way To Back Up Data?

Jun 5, 2005

I have some minor glitches in my system. I've been thinking about reformating the HD and reinstalling XP Pro. 2 questions: 1st is; if I back up my HD and then do a restore after reinstalling the os, won't I just restore the glitches I'm trying to get rid of? 2nd question; Since I've never done a reinstall and restore; will all my programs be restored just as if they have been installed (Drivers, programs, etc.); or do I have to reinstall all my programs and then do a restore so I get all the data that changed after they were installed?

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Reinstalling Two Operating Systems

Apr 21, 2006

I'm going to wipe my drive and re-install the operating system, the only problem is I have two OS's and need to reinstall them both again . I've been told to install ME first and then install XP. I have a few questions I need a bit of help with.
1. Seen as I'm installing two operating systems is there anything I need to do extra to if I was just installing one. For instance which directory I install them both in etc.
2. Could someone either link me to a very simple and detailed guide on installing Windows XP Professional or else write out there own guide for me. Remember it needs to be easy to understand, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to computers.

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Dell 4600 Operating At 16 Bit - Monitor Goes Black

Jun 12, 2010

I am rebuilding a Dell 4600i with 2.8g CPU, 2g ram. 80g hd,dvd drive. After having a time getting the system to boot with windows XP home edition, I now have 2 other issues. one it shows only 16 bit operation, why not 32 or 64bit? Second a short time after booting up the the monitor goes blank, cannot do anything after that. I had to format the HD and reload windows XP to get the computer to do anything, then it did it again.

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Restart My Computer System 32 File Loads - Get Rid

Aug 29, 2006

When i restart my computer system 32 file loads and I have to close it. Screen comes up and shows everything in the system 32 folder. running xp pro sp 2

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Multiple Player Slow Map Loads - System Error Shutdown Games

Aug 12, 2002

I ran into this problem in both WindowsME and XP. While in multiplayer mode in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, I would get excessive page file activity which would get progressively worse. Map load times would constantly increase as each new map was loaded until the system reported WOLF.exe had caused and error and would shutdown the game. The solution for my system is to set both the Desktop AND game color to 16-bit. Also, set both to the same resolution. I like 1280 x 1024, but that may be too high for some systems.After this tweak, my map load times went from >1 min to between 10 and 20 seconds. Right where a P4 1.5 with 256 megs should be.

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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On Reinstalling Yhe System Asks For Any Microsoft Cd

Dec 28, 2007

I got a new computer so I wiped hard drive on old one to donate. On re-installation it asks for any micro soft disk. The xp was an upgrade and I got rid of the 98se disk after getting new comp.

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System Freezes Frequently After Reinstalling

Nov 7, 2009

I have just tried to reinstall XP Professional on an Elite computer.
Initially all seemed to be going well I got as far as the desktop and an invitation to take the tour, which I declined and went straight to connect to the internet. At the same time I opened a previously prepared set of instructions for completing the wizard.
I noticed that the instructions would not scroll easily, moving in little jerks, but I carried on. About half way through the wizard the computer froze. Finding nothing on the keyboard or mouse that would work I switched off the power.

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Reinstalling On A Dual Boot System With Vista?

Jun 21, 2007

I currently have XP on the first partition, and I later added Vista on another partition as a dual boot.For various reasons, I need to reinstall XP. That involves formatting the first partition and installing a clean XP.It just occurred to me that doing that might mess up the dual boot functionality.Should I be concerned, and if so, what can I do to avoid the problem?

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System Turned Off To Prevent Further Damage On Reinstalling OS

Aug 28, 2007

It has an MSI board, Celeron D cedermill at 2.2ghz. Western Digital 160gb sata drive. I don't think any of that really matters, but heres the problem. When trying to install windows XP, after loading all the drivers it needs and it gets to 'starting windows' a blue screen comes up saying something like 'your system was turned off to prevent further damage. The hard drive works fine in another system, and so doesn't installing xp. I put the hard drive with xp installed. It tries to load, same screen. But it installs windows 2000 without glitch.

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Gifview.dll - Reinstalling System - Update Accounts

Dec 10, 2005

I recently downloaded some updates for my sbcyahoo accounts. After downloading the updates and re-installing the software for sbcyahoo, I was unable to load my main webpage because of receiving a message stating: unable to load due to failure of gifview.dll. try re-installing to make this work properly. I have no idea how to re-install gifview.dll. I am having a very hard time trying to find a download.

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System Information Wont Work / Reinstalling The Program?

Apr 28, 2007

"Windows System Information" will not work anymore when I try to run it "Help & Support" comes up instead. Is there a way to reinstall "Windows System
Information" or a way to correct this issue?

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Reinstalling OS STOP: C000021a {Fatal System Error}?

Dec 13, 2006

have a gateway MX6453 notebook.
I was having problems with it constantly rebooting it self. finally got it to boot in safe mode, couldn't really find or fix anything. tried to restart in normal mode, and did the restarting as soon as windows started to load.
Thought I would try system revovery at the boot menu. It started up and started to run and kept giving error msgs about not being able to read or open files. (all files are on recovery partition). Well it frooze up about half way. Tried to run it again, and it starts to load and then BSOD.
here is what i get
STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a
status of 0x000026c (0x00000000 0x00000000)
The system has been shut down.
I want to know if this is something I maybe able to repair, or if i should send it back to gateway?
My first guess is a bad hard disk,

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Reinstalling / Reinstalling Office 2002

Jul 26, 2006

I want to reinstall Window XP on my computer. I have Microsoft office 2002 installed, but I don't have the installation CD.How can I reinstall Microsoft office after I reinstall Windows XP without the CD?

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Line-in Input To Usb Headset

Jan 4, 2010

I've spent several hour perusing google searches, but haven't found anything high enough quality to suit my needs. I have an Xbox 360 set up to run on my monitor, and until recently had the audio run through my line-in connection and output through my headset with 3.5mm jacks. Then I bought a usb headset, and can no longer find a good way to pass the line-in audio through to the usb sound card built into the headset.I tried using Audacity to playback audio as it recorded, and it works, but the sound quality is terrible, and I really would like a better solution than that.Other things I've tried is using a winamp plugin (I couldn't even get that to start working) and opening my computer's basic sound card's input as a capture device in VLC media player (couldn't get it to work either).Can anyone provide a better way get the Xbox audio to the usb headset? an increase in sound quality to audacity would be ok, I may just need to learn to set it up better.

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MS Dos - Input Get The Boot Disk To Run

Jul 17, 2009

I am attempting to reinstall windows 2000 via a boot disk. The windows 2000 that was running will no longer start due to a corrupt system file (probably due to and improper shut-down). I've got the system attempting the boot from the disk just fine and it seems to be ok. While it begins to boot in dos, I get the msg; [DR-DOS] A:> and it awaits my command. I'm not sure what to imput in order to get the boot disk to run. I've tried to direct it to the disk drive and the filename of the ISO file on the boot disk, but does not recognize it.

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No Audio Input Capability?

May 10, 2006

I did a defrag last night... and also removed several programs, and I believe I deleted something by accident on the add/remove list. I cannot get music to play... I cannot get audio, period. All I get is a beep when I try to access an audio application."this computer does not appear to have audio input capability, or it is not configured correctly

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Dual Monitor To Single Monior, Windows Stuck On Other Monitor

Aug 28, 2008

I just moved in to college and set up my computer, but due to limited space didn't bring my second monitor. Now my aim, and ventrilo windows are still on the other monitor but no way to get them to the current monitor for use.

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Install Freezes At Product Key Input?

Jun 28, 2005

I have a strange anomoly when reinstalling XP. After the installation reboots into device configuration and I "ok" the keyboard config, the product key entry page comes up and locks the system. I am befuddled. I have tried booting into safe-mode (can't boot into safe-mode during setup), restarting the installation, running repair on the installation and chkdsk /r. I was able to install a second image to a new system directory. I would rather not rebuild my entire configuration via the second image. Anyone have an idea why the original installation is freezing as indicated?

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New Wide Screen Monitor Treated By As Standard Monitor

Jul 26, 2005

When Windows adds a new monitor using the standard driver, can it detect the aspect ratio? When I hooked up mine, all the resolution choice were for 4:3 monitors. There were no widescreen options. It should choose the monitor's native resolution on its own if the monitor is an LCD.

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Freezes At Welcome Screen Wont Take Keyboard Input?

Sep 5, 2009

Its a Laptop - C2D T5780,2GB RAM, 320GB HDD Windows XP SP2 Avira Antivirus says everything is fine, so its not viruses.The problem is that windows xp hangs after booting up to the welcome screen where i select the user and key in the password.It happens fairly regularly, like once every 5-6 times i boot up the system. By hang i mean that it doesn't take keyboard input, i can move the mouse cursor around but clicks don't have any effect. The HDD activity LED keeps blinking fairly regularly. Like every 5 seconds.I end up having to do a hard reboot.

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Recurring Hang - Screen Blinks And No Input

Dec 8, 2007

PC hangs in any one of the following ways;screen blinks black for a second of so, then returns but is frozen (no mouse movement or anything)screen blinks black and returns but all garbled & corrupted and frozen screen blinks black and monitor says "no input" and promptly turns itself off this usually occurs between half an hour and an hour of turning the PC on.. but the duration is by no means fixed, and it will sometimes only last a few minutes. the same applies after a restart.

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