Enlarging C Drive Without Reinstalling The Operating System?
May 10, 2008
I have a 250 GB hard drive. I put 30 GB for my C, and the rest in D. That's not enough room for C. I have about a GB left. I removed the partition for D, which is now, not in C, but "unallocated." Sheeet! That's not what I intended. I have both C and D already backed up, but surely there must be some way to increase the size of C.How do I go about enlarging C?
Should I ever use one of the utility programs to wipe my hard drive completely, how do I reinstall Windows XP since the CD driver has been erased? How can you reinstall an operating system that is on CD when you have no driver for the CD player? The reason I am asking these questions is that I might want to give my computer to friend and I want my stuff off of the hard drive and my friend to be able to use the computer.
I lost all my drivers I downloaded the graphic's one and enthernal one and i need the network controlle Please help my computer is gateway and i have wireless internet I really want to get back on internet today..im not good with pcs
I am reinstalling my win xp, but I have no formatted the hd, I am installing xp over the current win xp.The problem is I got asked for a psw of the admin. What's this psw? I have no psw for the admin
I have a serious font problem, apparently some of them got completely messed up, apart from reinstalling windows from scratch, is there anything I can do?
I have a new hard drive and i am trying to reinstall my operating system and it stops half way and tells me that setup cannot continue? i have tried windows 98, xp, xp pro and vista? (all of which i legally own and have keys for)
When I purchased my lap top from Dell 2.5 years ago I made a backup OS CD. The computer did not come with the xp disc. I need to re-install the OS now-computer is slow, sluggish and just acting down right weird. I know its time, so as I gathered up the gutts to do this but when I popped in the cd and began the process it asked for the key number. I dont have that because I made the disc. I just followed the directions when I bought the computer. Now what do i do? I would rather purchase and upgrade to vista but when I ran the program to see if I could, there were some issues, plus its getting old and needs more memory, ram etc. Sooo this is the next best thing untill I breakdown and get a new PC.
to re-installing Windows XP Home Edition from scratch? My PC has become unbelievable slow and in spite of all that I have tried in the last few months to fix it, nothing has worked. I have come to the conclusion to re-install and really CLEAN my computer so it will perform as it should. I have saved all documents and made a list of all the software installed to make the process easier.
When I turn on my PC the POST and the Windows Loading Screen appear on the monitor, but then after that the monitor says there is no input when I'm supposed to be able to see the login screen. The monitor is still working properly as I'm using it right now with it connected to my laptop.The only thing I can think of doing is reformatting and re-installing Windows XP. I've got all my data, because I made a backup on the external HDD the night before, but I'll check it on the laptop to see if it works before I do anything. I was going to do a reformat anyway as I kept getting blue screens when I tried to play games or use Windows Live Messenger's sharing folders, but I'd still like to be able to actually go on the PC one last time to see if I've got everything.
I have some minor glitches in my system. I've been thinking about reformating the HD and reinstalling XP Pro. 2 questions: 1st is; if I back up my HD and then do a restore after reinstalling the os, won't I just restore the glitches I'm trying to get rid of? 2nd question; Since I've never done a reinstall and restore; will all my programs be restored just as if they have been installed (Drivers, programs, etc.); or do I have to reinstall all my programs and then do a restore so I get all the data that changed after they were installed?
Just want to upgrade from an 80 gig hard drive to something in the 250-500 gig range, and I would like to clone my existing drive with operating system directly to the new drive. Is it possible with freeware? I'll then format the old drive and use it as the slave.
I'm going to wipe my drive and re-install the operating system, the only problem is I have two OS's and need to reinstall them both again . I've been told to install ME first and then install XP. I have a few questions I need a bit of help with. 1. Seen as I'm installing two operating systems is there anything I need to do extra to if I was just installing one. For instance which directory I install them both in etc. 2. Could someone either link me to a very simple and detailed guide on installing Windows XP Professional or else write out there own guide for me. Remember it needs to be easy to understand, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to computers.
Hello Friends,I have problem regarding my hard disk!I have 2 hard disk's. 160gb segate barracuda (SATA) & 80gb segate barracuda (SATA).I was having windows vista. My computer was running smoothly that time with 2 hard disk's.I formatted my PC and installed windows xp.While installing windows xp i didn't connect my 80Gb hard disk.But after installation, when i tried to connect it , my computer started hanging.160Gb is my primary hdd and 80gb is secondary hard disk.I never had any OS on 80Gb. My computer hangs at windows xp boot screen.I tried at my friend's place also... tried all jumper settings also but no use. What could be the problem?
i am running xp prof sp2 and am trying to enlarge the icons that are to the left of text in a drop down menu i.e. the favorites menu in internet explorer. i can enlarge the text on the menu going through the display properties, but am not having any luck getting the actual icons to enlarge.
I have Vista,I have another drive,but it's currently not available to use.What I want to do is to get a Cruzer Micro 2GB,and format it to have a bootup for Windows XP. Would it permanently damage the flash drive in any way?
i stuck the cd in and followed the prompt to do a clean install. after the whole process i noticed that it was installed on the d: partition of my harddrive and not on the c: the original win2000 is still installed on the c: drive. how do i remove the original from the c: drive and move the d: to the c: because the c: drive has a larger partition.
i got 2 installed versions of XP and one is on my D: drive which is my recovery drive and i need to uninstall that version i know how to do it from the control panel but the problem is i cant log on it its not activated and i don't have the product key anymore but im on the other version installed and it works fine i don't know if there is a way to access the d: drive from command prompt and do it that way or what or the recovery console perhaps
I have tried using my Upgrade Disk to install it on my new disk, but it didn't work right. It added a menu during start up to include a second Operating System choice but it wouldn't load. I removed it from my new drive in order to start over, but now that stupid menu choice is still there.First, how do I remove that? Second, how do I go about Transferring my Operating system to my new drive without buying a New Operating System?
Trying to use the system recover cd.to try and repair windows xp pro. I get to the part where the screen is supposed to offer repair.My screen comes up showing partitions on the drive.It also says unknown disk but it lists the c: drive with 76246 MB and two other partitions.It just gives me the option to setup windows xp on the selected item or to select a different partition or delete a partition.I'm not getting the screen shown in the sticky.When i hit enter on the large partition it warned about installing two Operating System on the drive.Afraid to go farther,hoping I can save the files on the hard drive.
I want to archive some files to CD in order to save HDD space, and decided to use the Windows XP facility to do this. When I insert a blank disc in the CD-RW drive (E:) nothing happens - no drop-down menu appears to ask what I want to do. (I'm told I should get a drop-down menu asking what function I wish to perform). If I try to access the drive via Windows Explorer (I also have a DVD-RW drive F:), I get an error message "E: inaccessible". What do I have to do to get Windows to recognise, and use, this drive, please? To use the facility, if available, seems so simple, which would speed up the archiving process.
Without going into too much detail. My hard drive has XP O/S on it. All I want to do is to format it. NTFS. So I have a clean hard drive with no operating system on it. How can I do it?
I was about to reformat my C: (that has an nonworking windows partition) from my current partition D:. I went to my Computer D Management and it said that my C: was a primary partition [green] while my current one was a logic partition blue.boxed in green. Someone at Yahoo! Answers said not reformat the C: because it would screw up my D; Drive. Is it safe? What should I do? I just wish to use my C drive for data storage and my D drive as a Windows partition.
Per "My Computer", the drives are: C:= 200 gig, File: system NTSF. D:= 8.5gig (A partition on the C Drive, it contains HP_Recovery), File: system FAT32. E:= LightScribe DVD/CD Burner/Player, F:= My "Back-up" HD, 160 gig, Seagate Ultra ATA/100, File: system NTSF. G, H, I & J are available for future use.
I backed up all my files etc. from my old PC (Windows Me upgraded to XP) onto the 160 gig HD. The "Back-up" HD was the slave in my old PC. It contains Files etc. there is no Operating System on it.
After installing the "Back-up" HD in the new PC I get an "Error loading OS" message when I boot-up. If I turn off the PC, wait 60 seconds and then turn it on it loads OK and yes I can access the 2nd HD, copy files and paste them into the new 200 gig HD etc.
I was using Windows XP Prof on my PC, and was supplied with a Recovery CDfor Windows along with my PC, and the Hard Drive crashed, Now i wish toinstall Windows on a new Hard Drive, but the CD is a recover CD.How do i install Windows to new Hard Drive without encountering the problem of CD Key already being registered
MY Operating System is XP Pro with C to G hard disk partitions.I formatted G drive for install second Operating System.C drive file system is NTFS.Other drives FAT32.Can I install second Operating System without formatting C drive.
I took a hard drive out of another computer and put it into my computer to fix it. (I have my reasons for doing that) i hooked up the hard drive and when i turned on my computer, it loads the screen(the screen where it shows the master, slave, etc.). Then it loads the screen about boot from CD, and then it stops It stays at that screen and doesnt load windows.
I have WIN XP PRO SP2 on my system. I have a 120G Harddrive. is it possible to reformst to a dual partition, 50% WIN 98 SE FAT the other half XP NTFS ? I dont have my original XP disk So I dont know if I will be able to reinstall my XP off of my backup disc.
I want to reload XP PRO, clean the haed drive and give him a fresh start, yet it tells me that I have an earlier version and will not let me install it. It says to reboot and start using my XP Pro and it still does not work. I have checked the BIOS and everything is right in it, i.e boot from CD. I for the life of me cannot format this drive so I can reload a fresh copy of XP PRO and all the updates, and then some other programs. I am pulling my hair out over this. What am I missing that I cannot format and start over,
I need to install Windows XP on a laptop (Dell Latitude CPx H500GT) but I don't have the CD modular drive for it.How do I install XP with no built-in CD-ROM drive? The only other options I have is a ethernet PC card, one USB port and I do have a USB enclosure (for use with 3.5 hard drives or 5.25 cd/dvd drives)