Backup Utility Configuration

Jul 26, 2005

How can I direct the backup utility to use the CD-Rewritable Drive rather than the Floppy Drive?

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Can Edit Backup Created In Backup Utility?

Aug 15, 2006

basically what im looking to do is delete some old entries that the XP backup utility has created over time that i setup a while ago. Im using the "copy" nothing has been appended or incremental.Im just looking to avoid deleting the setup i got, and maybe just delete a few "copy" backups so that theres not 8 gigs / 1 years worth of backups.i only need about 4 months I forgot about it.cuz i never neaded it. But it looks as if its the only way b/c i cant just delete selected backups.all or nothing?/ anyone know of a better backup utility that is simple and easy on a system BTW?

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System Configuration Utility

May 25, 2006

System Configuration Utility, Startup, dumprep 0 -k %systemroot%system32dumprep

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Services Tab In System Configuration Utility

Oct 16, 2006

In my "services" tab in my "system configuration utility" accessed via 'msconfig', I count about 75 entries all of them checked. Now, I know there a some of them that I need. example: "AVG Update Service". But there are many most, in fact that I haven't a clue about what they do or if I really need them. For example: "Cryptographic Services". What in hell is that? What I'd like to do is disable all the stuff that I don't really need, so that I'm not wasting resources. Thanks for any help anybody can give. If you really come through, another donation will be on the way

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Unable To Run System Configuration Utility?

Jul 21, 2005

typing msconfig in the run box will not start up the utility. msconfig.exe is located in windows/pchealth, and nt servicepak uninstall. The pf files are located in windowsprefetch. how can I get the utility to run, sort of reloading xp.I have sp2 as well as all of the updates.all the other utilities run ok.

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Using System Configuration Utility To Speed Up PC?

Aug 12, 2002

A Handy utility for speeding up system performance in Windows XP (or any version of Win9x/me for that matter as well) is the System Configuration Utility. To access the system configuration utility, go to Start and click Run. Type msconfig and click ok. Click the tab labeled Startup. Uncheck any items for which you do not care if they load when Windows loads or you do not have any idea what they are. In Windows XP, no items that are listed here are essential to Windows running properly, so feel free to experiment. After you removed everything you don't need, click apply and then ok.

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System Configuration Utility Popup

Aug 2, 2007

I own a Sony VAIO VGN-FS742/W with XP Home SP2 running on it.For a week now, I've been trying to get the System Configuration Utility popup window to stop appearing everytime I bootup my machine.I've even gone as far as disable all of whats in STARTUP tab. Which didn't resolve a thing.Every time I click on radio buttom to not showup but it still does. Is there any kind of Registry Hack that can be done to stop this?

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Msconfig System Configuration Utility Startup Tab

Jan 8, 2006

System Configuration Utility (startup tab) I have an entry, which specifies a location of HKLM SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Current Version Run There is no startup item or command visable, what is it and how do I get rid of this entry if it's invalid. Or is this a valid entry?

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System Configuration Utility Pops Up At Boot Up?

Dec 21, 2004

I have just done a repair of xp things are just about right apart from a few item..SYSTEM CONFIGURATION UTILITY Always pops up from booting pc up on desktop I have clicked the bx but it still wants to pop up saying I have change some items on start up....I press don`t show me this again but on stsrt up it still pops up.Also slight delay from windows welcome screen to desk top about 30 secs configu msconfig to reduce ammmopunt in start up but still slow.

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System Configuration Utility Telling To Setup Normally ?

Jun 27, 2005

I recently had to use system config. to find a problem. I checked normal startup and restarted my computer.Now when I start my computer I get the System Config. Utility Screen telling me I have to set it for normal setup. How do I resolve this problem. I'm using XP Pro.

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System Configuration Utility Keep Showing Message?

Nov 24, 2007

The below message keeps showing up every time I start my computer. I checked to make sure the utility is set to normal mode, which it is, however it keep showing up."You have used the system configuration utility to make changes to the way windows starts.The system configuration utility is currently in diagnostic or selective startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time windows starts.Choose the normal startup mode on the general tab to start windows normally and undo the changed made using the system configuration utility.

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Unable To Open System Configuration Utility?

May 7, 2010

when I type in config in the run minue to open system configuration utility for xp configuration start tab does not appear therefore I can't get to the programs to uncheck the ones i want to disable. I get a system config folder. Is there any other way to open system configuration utility programs?

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System Configuration Utility Keeps Shwoing Up On Reboot?

Mar 10, 2005

After running msconfig and using the selective startup mode, I rebooted and the System Configuration Utility screen keeps poping up and I have checked the box that tells it not to load.

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System Configuration Utility Doesn't Run At Startup

Apr 16, 2007

Dell Optiplex running WinXP Pro from a reinstallation, not OEM, At startup I always get a window telling me I have "used the System Configuration Utility to make changes to the way Windows starts", which is totally untrue.It then offers me a box to check to "Don't show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows starts". I haven't checked the box (yet) because I'm afraid I won't be able to ever launch the Utility. So my question is: if I check the box to keep ity from launching at startup, will I be able to run it later run/msconfig?

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System Configuration Utility Appearing At Every Startup

Jan 9, 2008

My laptop has developed a problem where the System Configuration Utility dialog box appears at every boot. I'm running XP Home edition. This occurs even though I've selected "Normal" startup. Also, I can check the box to not show this dialog box again, yet it continues to appear. After appearing, it will tell me that I must reboot for the changes to become effective.

I've run spyware detectors and antivirus scanners but have come up with nothing. I downloaded a program Startup Monitor to see if it would identify anything. The message that I get upon boot with it is: "The program MSConfig has registered the executable C:WindowsPCHealthHelpCtrBinariesMSConfig.exe/auto to run at system startup"

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System Configuration Utility / Startup Folder

Aug 15, 2005

after installing and uninstalling programs the startup folder in the system configuration utility becomes a mess. i was wondering if there is a way to clean it without reinstalling windows XP.

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Enabling Services In System Configuration Utility

Jan 26, 2008

I have XP Pro installed on a spare computer. In the system configuration utility, under the services tab, I disabled all services - then restarted the computer. How can I undo these changes? If I go to the system configuration utility and click on the services tab, I show only 5 services. How can i restore all the other services, short of reinstalling the OS?

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Determine Items In System Configuration Utility

Jun 27, 2005

How do you determine what the items are that are listed in the Sys Config Utility (msconfig.exe), startup tab? My system has a few listed that only have a registry entry listed in the Location column--the other two columns are blank. I'd like to know what they are.

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Start Uo List Is Blank - System Configuration Utility?

Sep 7, 2008

im looking at the startup list here and i see that i have a blank. the start up item column is blank and the command column is blank, the location is specified but it has a... so i really cant see what it is. what could this be, adware,spyware?

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Programmes Running Under Services Tab In System Configuration Utility

Jul 5, 2008

I have windows xp home edition. I know the startup tab is all the programs that load when i turn my computer on. What are all the programs that are either stopped or running under the "services" tab? What would happen if I disabled them all? Do I need them? I am just trying to make my computer a bit faster and Between my startup tap and services every single box in startup is checked and my problem is I don't know what the abbreviations mean and I don't know if I can safefy turn them off.

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System Configuration Utility Failure Notice At Boot-up

Jul 1, 2008

After running a defragmentation, I received a message that 6 mb of system 32 did not defrag. the system ran, closed, then when booted up the next day I received the windows 32 error. I have an OEM windows xp installed in the computer, a pentium III gateway, and i understand that common recovery proceedures cannot be used with success, because the OEM versions have embedded passwords and such. I have not heard strange sounds from my hard drive, previous to , and subsiquent to the problem. I wish to run chkdsk,to see if this can resolve the problem, if the OEM version will allow it. Is this possible, and the fact that I have a D drive slaved to the c drive matter?

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Boot.ini Tab Missing From System Configuration Utility Msconfig.exe

Sep 1, 2009

The Boot.ini Tab missing from my System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) Dialog Box. Everything else is OK and have all other functionality with msconfig.exe Yes - the Boot.ini file is in the root of C: and I can open and view it in Notepad just not in msconfig

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System Configuration Utility Giving Message At Startup?

Apr 1, 2006

I was trying to network 2 home computers together. I ran the network wizard to do this.When the computer rebooted I got this message on the screen.You have used System Configuration Utility to make changes to the way Windows Starts.The System Configuration Utility is currently in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Winddows starts.Choose the Normal Startup mode on the General Tab to start Windows in nomal mode and undo the changes you made using System Configuration Utility when Windows starts.

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System Configuration Utility: Large Section Of OS Missing?

Nov 29, 2006

I do run>MSconfig and msconfig comes up. I deselect several programs in the startup and services tabs and exit, so the window comes up saying I have to restart my computer for the changes to take effect. I click restart and the computer reboots. On my desktop comes a window about the System Configuration Utility and how some things have changed. A large section of the window is missing, so that the extreme bottom end of the window is a checkable box that says "Do not show this message again" which I select. However, this System Configuration Utility window pops up every time I boot up my computer. But when I put the computer back in normal mode, the window doesn't pop up on reboots.

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System Configuration Utility Currently In Diagnostic Or Start Up Mode?

Jan 15, 2007

When I boot up I get the following message after the desktop initializes:""You have used the system configuration utility to make changes to the way windows starts.The system configuration utility is currently in diagnostic or start up mode, causing this message to be displayed every time windows starts up.Choose the normal start up mode on the general tab to start windows normally and undo the changes you made using the system configuration utility.""

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System Configuration Utility: Unable To Find Files?

Mar 2, 2008

When I go to "start" "run" and type in "msconfig" I get an error message that says the file can't be found. Any idea on where to find it?

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System Configuration Utility: Getting Access Denied Message?

Dec 7, 2005

Whenever I use "msconfig" I got the following error message:"System Configuratio Utility An Access Denied error was returned while attempting to change aservice. You many need to log on using an Administrator account to make the specified changes." It was happening after I changed at msconfig's startup programs "system gruard" of system mechanic pro 6.

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Stopping Pop Up Message Related To System Configuration Utility?

Jun 10, 2009

I undo one Program from start up and after that a pop up message appears as follows : " You have used the System Configuration Utility to make changes to the Windows.The System Configuration Utility is currently running in Diagnostic or Selective Start Up Mode causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts. Choose the Normal Start up mode in the General Tab to start Windows normally and undo the changes you made using the System Configuration Utility."

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System Configuration Utility Showing In Diagnostic Mode?

May 27, 2008

I have a Toshiba Satellite M55 which on startup a window comes up which states that the "System Configuration Utility" is in Diagnostic mode. Unfortunately the window only flashes on briefly. How do I get to this utility so that I can make the correction to normal mode from the diagnostic mode?

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Removing Sprtcmd.exe Error By Using System Configuration Utility?

Oct 11, 2008

I was trying to get rid of the sprtcmd.exe problem first by using msconf as suggested by someone. I then got rid of that problem by following another method found on the forum. But every time I boot up, I get the system config utility telling me that I have to start up in normal fashion and with enough clicking I get rid of it. But how do I stop making it come up to begin with?

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Cleaning Out Startup Procedure By System Configuration Utility?

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to clean out things in my start-up procedure that I don't need when I boot up the computer. Initially I disabled everything. One particular item keeps getting put back on automatically somehow after re-boot. This particular item is related to Dell Support Center. I use it occasionally, but don't need it at startup. This is what is being re-selected. (note checked item)

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