Essential For Proper Functioning When Off Line?

Jul 14, 2005

I am using a video production system that a great deal of RAM, sometimes over a gigabite at a time. To accommodate this need, I am trying to eliminate as
much resident memory as possible. Since I turn off all internet connections at such times,any Windows-based files relating to internet work can be eliminated Indeed, I have found that even explorer can be removed and I can use task manager to start the program. Can anyone tell me what Windows files are essential for proper functioning when off line?

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Lost Command Line -- Line With Site Addresses WinXP

Dec 28, 2006

Somehow the line that you put web sites -- after the http --has disappeared. I'm sure that there's a simple way to get it back but I'm new to WIN XP.

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Essential Processes To Keep Running In XP?

Aug 24, 2008

What process(es) are absolutely essential to leave running for computer to operate? And if the DAW software requires a process to run for use, will it "launch" that process upon starting the program?I have 45 processes running right now when I boot normally. I'm thinking of partitioning C: drive to be able to boot into "audio" mode where all but the most essential processes are stopped and therefore all resources are dedicated to DAW software. Never had to partition a drive before, I figure it's not all that hard.

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Microsoft C++ Redistributable Essential?

May 14, 2010

several programs on my pc do not run, I've along with some other people have suspected C++ redistributable to be the problem. I've updated and installed up to 2010 redistributable, but still no luck. Today, I've gone into "Add or Remove Programs" and I've started to remove some of the C++ redistributable, but I have a question. Will my pc crash once I remove ALL versions of C++ redistributable from my pc? (If I do remove, I mean remove anything on the list that includes the words "Microsoft" and "C++" together, such as "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008 etc", "Visual C++ 9.0 or Visual C++ 2008 x86 Run time)

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Non-functioning Printers

Mar 28, 2008

old Stylus 400 and a Stylus Photo RX620. They both work fine up to this morning. They will print every thing that comes up with the exception the have stopped printing any thing that I have of Corel WordPerfect 12. The window come us stating "preparing document" and nothing happens. This anomaly is driving me up a wall.

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Taskbar / CTL+ALT+DEL Not Functioning?

Mar 28, 2006

I have a Dell computer running Windows XP. All of a sudden Taskbar not functioning. I right click on it and nothing. Also CTL+ALT+DEL is not functioning as well.

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Printer Reads Off-line / Won't Go On-line

Dec 10, 2006

I was printing some music and had to change my settings.After cancelling the printer, I tried to print with new settings,But the printer won't print because it says Off-line.I've tried right clicking the printer icon to put it On-line,But it continues to say off-line.How can i get it back on-line and printing again?

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Take Off The Off Line Message / Put Printer On Line

Jun 3, 2010

My printer says off line and when I open Run Administator there is no option to put it on line. The option is off line which it is already.

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Removing And Blocking Non-essential Things In PC?

Jun 18, 2005

I have a pretty simple inquiry. I was wanting to know if there are any non-essential things that I have running that I do not need (& that none of my installed programs need to run). I'm not positive if I need the stuff like O4 - Startup: DLHelperEXE.exe or stuff like O9 - Extra button: Wild Jack Poker - {17709D14-4A02-42c6-B9FA-18C90A851F51} - C:Program FileswildjackMPPMPPoker.exe so I want to double check with someone who knows. Please let me know if I have anything running or installed that is not neccessary.

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Win Server 2003 Essential Services?

Apr 11, 2007

I found a list of services that could potentially be turned off in WinXP which describes each service in detail and if you need it or not.Is there a guide out there for WinServer 2003? I am using it as a web server for my personal website. The server runs PHP, ASP.Net, MS SQL, and MySQL.

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Having Ms Net Framework Version 1.1 Essential For Computer?

Jan 9, 2008

Running Win xp home edition I have MS net framework version 1.1- hot fix 1.1 version-2.0-3.0.Do I need one of them all of them? No games installed.

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Unable To Connect To Net / Essential Process' Are Running

Oct 10, 2007

I was unable to connect to the net regardless of through direct cable or wireless pot. its only essential process' are running.

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Installing Essential Drivers At The Time Of OS Installation?

Dec 5, 2009

Is there any method to install other essential drivers like motherboard, graphic card, sound card drivers during the setup rather than installing them individually after completing the setup?

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Cursor Slipping Back And Scrolling Not Functioning

Nov 6, 2006

I have a Dell Inspiron 6000. I find the cursor involuntarily slipping back while typing and also the scroll function of the tough pad not functioning. Dell had got the touchpad replaced. The problem is continuing.The slipping back is now less frequent. I had downloaded the driver for the touch pad. Then the scrolling revived. [On downloading the driver, the Mouse Properties had 10 tabs as against 5 earlier including the tab "scrolling"]. But again I have now only five tabs in the Mouse Properties. Can any of you help me to get over these to problems?

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Java Update Is Functioning Based On The Previous One?

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to speed my XP. So I decided to check at ADD AND/OR REMOVE PROGRAMS folder for stuff I could throw away. And there were at least four versions of Java (TM) Updates 2, 3, 5, 7 each one averaging 114 MB. My question is: Can I delete Updates 2, 3 and 5 ? I don't know at all if each Java update is functioning based on the previous one. Can I live only with the last Update, the number 7 ? Or I am just sheltering a lot of space I need for other programs I would like to install.

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Desktop Display Controls Not Functioning Grayed Out

Jan 23, 2010

A Vostro Dell laptop protected by ESET--was apparently infected and shut down. I used a rescue disc to disable the malware, but computer would still not allow log in. Then I used the OEM Windows XP Home Edition disc that came with the computer to boot and then repair. Computer then booted and seemed to be working well. I uninstalled ESET (license was soon to expire) and installed Norton 360 and ran a comprehensive scan. Norton reported that it quarantined four files, one of them a trojan.

Computer now seems to be operating well with one exception. The malware had removed the desktop background photo. When I went to Display properties/Desktop to select a photo for display, the browse and position controls were grayed out and not functioning. By right clicking on the icon for a jpeg file, I can set it as desktop background; but I cannot control the position: center, stretch, tile.

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Essential Registry Values All Gone: Files & Programs Wont Open?

Aug 15, 2006

i downloaded this program from major geeks called 'RegScrub XP'. i assumed that it locates and deletes registry entries that are old and not in in the program, on one of the tabs, i think it was 'user defined...' (or rather), i located all the registry entries and then deleted all of now all the files and programs on my computer cannot open. all of the icons in the start menu and everywhere have that unspecified icon image, and when i try to open it it says - use the web service to find the appropriate program

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Extremely Slow Functioning Computer - Impossible To Login

Nov 15, 2007

My computer will not respond or work at a regular speed. For no apparent reason, it recently decided to perform so slowly that log in is either impossible or takes a half hour at minimum (seriously). I started in safe mode and did system restore to a date that is definitely safe, and still nothing. It's as slow as ever. One thing that may cause problems : The work offline pop-up. This computer does not go online and has NO network connections, but this pop-up persists, and did appear right before I had this problem.

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Can't Reboot As Keyboard Not Functioning Even To Access Safe Mode

Nov 15, 2009

Have been trying to fix my dad's computer which has been having a series of Blue screen problems realated to BAD_POOL_CALLER. Followed advice on Microsoft site and invoked Driver Verifier Manager and used Standard settings.

system won't reboot at all. I can get into BIOS area but once it continues past that the wireless keyboard is disabled and therefore I can't select Safe Mode or Last working config mode. It continues into Windows XP and then crashes and reboots again.Ideally I need to be able to make the wireless keyboard work so I can get into Safe Mode,uninvoke the Driver Verifier somehow at the BIOS stage

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Proper Method For Backups

Aug 16, 2005

I am having to set up a computer for a friend of mind and we are having a disagreement on the proper method of backing up information on a hard drive. His system has a Maxtor USB hard drive for backing up the hard drive. He keeps saying he needs a complete system back. I point out that if the entire system is backup on a schedule you are backing up problems as you go. I told him the data is what needs to be backed up (along with the original installation before the data was added. But I am not sure .what is the perferred method for backing up a system?

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Computer Getting On Again After Proper Shut Down?

Nov 19, 2008

my computer even though it is turned of the proper way thru the Start button,after 2-3 hours I find it on again No virus or other malaware has being detected by scanning with various softwares.

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Proper Disk Management - Looking For The Right Solution

Mar 27, 2008

I was looking many replies, but could not find any about this topic, I'm facing the following problem: I would like to have my Disk space (750GB) subdivided to accomplish the following:

1 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x86
2 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x64
3 - Store my Data Folders and Files separately (to do Backups from one place).
4 - Boot to Ubuntu 7.10 and alternatively
5 - Boot to Ubuntu Server
6 - Create System Backups for my Laptop (6.1), old PC (6.2) and for this new PC (6.3).

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CAn Xp Show Proper Amount Of Ram At-least Once In System?

Dec 11, 2004

Just upgraded 128 mg (which showed as 112 in System) with additional 512 slot. This shows as 608. Is there a way to force XP to read the actual amount of installed ram just once before it allocates it to vir mem? Not vital. Just curious.Getting to know xp.

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Proper Name Of Professional Edition In My Computer

Jul 28, 2010

I recently reinstalled the Home Edition and now after rebooting the computer goes directly to the Home Edition. I changed the boot file too.When I boot up I get the two options, but when I log in to the Professional Edition I get an error. I suppose that the way I name the Professional Edition is not okay.If it is the problem, where can I find the proper name of the Professional Edition installed in my computer.

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Proper Way To Create And Deleting Partitions

Jan 16, 2007

My question: What is the best way create another partition and format the remainder of my HD? I have the retail WINXP CD (non SP2). When doing a fresh installation, I created a 50 GB partition on my new 300 GB Seagate HD. As you know, the "non SP2" CD does not allow the installer to recognize the full 300 GB at installation. So basically, I have (1) active 50 GB partition with XP installed on it. The remaining 250 GB is open and empty. I finally have the computer running; installed SP2, drivers, etc. How can I properly access the rest of the drive to create several more partitions and format?

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Reinstalled XP SP2 Working For Awhile Sound Not Functioning / Icon Not Showing Up On Toolbar

Sep 7, 2005

Well I reinstalled XP SP2 then after working for awhile i noticed my sound was not functioning. The icon was not showing up on the toolbar currently running programs( which it usually does ). Then went into ADDRomove programs to uninstall. I recieved an error " The RPC server is unavailable ". I then saw that sound devices in Properties said it was not working properly, well after everything I thought a SYSTEM REPAIR would work that didn't work eighter. Then i saw in MSCONFIG there was one Service that was unchecked DCOM server process, this service would stay that way evertime i restarted. So I then reinstalled the sound software from a CD. In installation the error code 110, RPC "server unavailable or has been corrupted".

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Mouse Freezes / Lost Internet Connection / Tablet Driver Stopped Functioning?

May 7, 2009

turn on the PC and find my mouse stopped working. I plugged in my pen tablet to use it as a mouse instead, and noticed the tablet driver stopped functioning too (I can still use it as a mouse, but it doesn't work as well without the driver). I then tried to connect to the internet to diagnose the problem, but the net isn't working. I restarted my router and modem, but no progress.

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Media Player Not Having The Proper Active X Component Installed

Jan 27, 2007

i was trying to watch videos on my favourite site and i cannot view any videos .i have repaired wmp 10 and it still doesnt work i tried copying the URL ( from the web page ) and pasting it in VLC player and then it works .wmp10 not having the proper active X component installed to view web media . evennthought music ect plays just fine in wmp 10. just not videos.

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Computer Runs Slow Hangs On Proper Reboot

Jan 21, 2008

1st I use internet explorer for my web browser. At work when I click on it it pops right up with out even thinking about it Page loads with in 10 seconds every time. At home. Some times it will take 30 seconds to a minute to start after I click on it.2nd issue is this Occasionally I will come into my computer after not using it for 8-10 hours or so and I will have a ton (sometimes 40+) Error messages that say "unable to launch restart.exe".I can close all of them but then the computer runs like a tank. I always have to do a hard shut down after this too.It will NOT restart using the proper methods just hangs up.

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Monitor Screen Black - Down Load Proper Driver

May 26, 2006

I recently re-installed win. xp on the dell insperation 2400. Everything went find except the resoluton wouldn't change from the 480 x I tried to set up my dial up but I needed a higher resolution. I did finally find a way to get that although it was very poor quality and I figured that I'd be able to down load the proper driver once on line, which I did do, although I'm not sure it was the right one, as dell doesn't seem to have anything for that model of pc. Anyway I also downloaded the Microsoft updates to get back to current for the secruity stuff. When that was done it required restart, which I did. When it restarted the monitor remained blank after the win. xp part was done loading. I know its on and that my pc is sitting there running, but I can't see anything. I restarted using F5 and tried; last known good configuration, vga mode, and safe mode. In the 1st 2 no monitor. In safemode the whole screen filled with a dos like line repeated over again to fill the whole screen, then a message came on that said, "stop!!! fatal error and I can't remember what else. Can you help? I guess I should mention that I don't have the right driver disk that came with the pc.

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Scrolling Pixel By Pixel Rather Than Line By Line

Jan 12, 2009

I have a logitech mouse that has a smooth scrolling wheel no ratcheting. I wonder if it was possible to set up scrolling to scroll pixel by pixel rather than line by line.

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