Unable To Connect To Net / Essential Process' Are Running

Oct 10, 2007

I was unable to connect to the net regardless of through direct cable or wireless pot. its only essential process' are running.

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Essential Processes To Keep Running In XP?

Aug 24, 2008

What process(es) are absolutely essential to leave running for computer to operate? And if the DAW software requires a process to run for use, will it "launch" that process upon starting the program?I have 45 processes running right now when I boot normally. I'm thinking of partitioning C: drive to be able to boot into "audio" mode where all but the most essential processes are stopped and therefore all resources are dedicated to DAW software. Never had to partition a drive before, I figure it's not all that hard.

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Sep 28, 2010

i am unable to connect 10 systems using windows xp, i am using dlink 16 port switch, each systems detects network at a speed of 100 Mbps, the network is not connected to internet, so i used manual configuration of ip. all other settings i know of is ok, the fire walls are off, it uses norton antivirus. what do i do to get the systems connected. pls help it is hanging on my neck.

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Generic Host Process Wants To Connect Internet

Apr 25, 2006

I have trend micro protecting win xp. This generic host process is trying to connect out or in, i dont know but if i tighten the firewall up, and ask Trend micro to warn me about all connections, that generic process goes at it like 14 times. Ive tried to look up for myself, but i haven't find info. My questions are
what are these process'?can i find out why it wants to connect to the internet?ust how many times does my computer actually need to send connection to the internet?

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Process Running Too Many?

Oct 4, 2009

I have 45 processes running when i do control-alt-delete.Can i get rid of some? If so how? And which should i not touch?

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System Process Running Constantly

Dec 4, 2004

In my list of processes under task manager, the process "System" runs every about every five seconds for a split-second, taking up about 20% of my CPU. This doesn't matter too much when running lower-end applications that require little activity, but when I run games that need much more of the CPU to run, I get skips every 5 seconds because "System" will run no matter what every 5 seconds.

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System Idle Process / Computer Running Slow?

Jul 10, 2005

well i've been having problems with the computer running slow, and ive noticed that the system idle process in task manager always says 99 under the cpu tab, is this normal?

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Computer Running Slow: Task Manager Having Process Ending With .t?

Jan 15, 2007

My computer started running slow. I noticed in Task Manager that there were processes that ended in ' .t ' Running a search on my computer showed that there are over 100,000 .t files now on my computer. I've run Spy Sweeper, which blocks some of these from starting up, but won't get rid of them. Same with Spyware bot. What are these files? and how do I get rid of them?

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Antivirus Won't Install - Gives Message "installation Process Is Already Running

Jul 16, 2005

I can't install norton antivirus 2005 , basically what happens is that when I run the install.... it doesn't start anything and I get a message saying that an installation process is already running... I have attached a pic with the explanation of the situation.

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Idle System Process Running Constantly - End Task Wont Work

Oct 17, 2005

idle system process is running constatly in the task manager i have tryed to run anti virus *after updating* running adaware se personal *after updating* still the idle system process is constantly runing and wont stop. i tryed to end task that wont work

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Computer Running Very Slow: Taking Long Time In Boot Process?

Aug 1, 2009

I have a main WIN XP Home Edition based computer with an Intel 3118 chip, 2GB RAM,190GB Hard drive with 126GB free, additional drive via USB with 470 GB and 399GB free and networked with a laptop and Dell computer all able to read each other. On the main computer I have 60+ icons on the desktop and have Zone Alarm Security Suite and Forcefield running updated.I have cleaned all computers with Crap Cleaner and Esaycleaner have defragged and deleted all unwanted files but still it takes some 9-10 minutes to boot from hot or cold and the close down of programs also takes between 1-2 minutes.

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Unable To Locate Shell Process

Jul 11, 2005

I really don't know how to start this so I will give you some of the symptoms
1. When I run Panda online scan it hangs on file 319 and will not go any further
2. When I run Spybot at the end I get "Error during check! Xuron55 (Datei C:Windowswin.ini kann nicht geoffnet werden. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
3. When I search for a file in Regedit it searches forever
4. In one of my log files (C:WindowsSystem32WBEMLogs) it says "Shell name Explorer.exe in registry not found in process list Unable to locate Shell process. Impersonation failed.
5. In my event viewer I am getting alot of "The Shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restartedI am running XP Home Edition and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I run Panda Online Scan, Adaware, and Spybot weekly and because I have had a couple of viruses in the past I run Stinger pretty often also.

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Unable To Locate A Runas Process

Apr 20, 2010

I have inherited an image (for one of our products) that I can't get the "Runas" process to work.XP, SP3, latest / greatest patches;I have confirmed that I have the Secondary Logon service running; This is what my "run as" is trying to do: We sell kiosk-like systems for hospitals. We ship our systems to boot to a logon screen so our field employees can configure the system and network settings. Once they log out and log back in with the "Customer" account, I want to fire off a startup script that writes sets the registry to auto-logon with that customer account & password.So I wrote three scripts - one that launches my little "Runas" script, the "Runas" script it self, and a final one to clean up the initial "launch" script from the "startup" folder.The script will launch and call my "Runas" Script - and I *know* that the reg import bit works fine if I do it manually, but it hangs up with a "unable to locate runas process".

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Unable To Convert FAT 32 To NTFS / Volume Used By Other Process?

Feb 22, 2005

I want to convert my Compaq Presario 17XL265 laptop from Fat32 to NTFS. I have just upgraded from Windows 98SE to Windows XP Home Edition. When I enter the command to make the conversion (Convert C: /FS:NTFS) I get this message:"Convert can not run because the volume is in use by another process. Convert may run if volume is dismounted first. All open handles to this volume would then be invalid."

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Unable To Shut Down Computer By Normal Process?

Mar 10, 2006

My pc, a HP Pavillion running WINXP doesn't shut down properly and I have to do manually holding the turning on botton for couple seconds. What do you think should be and what can I do to solve that

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Unable To Shut Down Computer By Normal Process?

Oct 12, 2004

When trying to shut down Windows 2000, My computer will not shut down. It acts like it is going to, but then it doesn't. I don't know what the problem is. I try going through the proper shut down sequence but to no avail will it work

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Unable To Connect

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having alot of trouble lately. Every time I try to click on a site I get an unable to connect message, if I go back and try again it usually goes through the third or fourth time clicking the link. This is happening with every site. I am running windows ME. I have tried disabling Norton, running ccleaner, all spyware utilities and nothing helps. It has taken me about 45 minutes just to be able to post this message.

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Unable To Connect Via RDC?

Sep 5, 2005

I'm trying to connect my PC with Windows XP Pro. via RDC on the internet, the screen pops up with blue screen but it never refreshes for login screen to come. It's stays there while and then it will disconnect. But am able to login on my own network either LAN or WAN. Outside my network it never works, what should I do pls!

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Unable To Understand The Purpose Of System Idle Process ?

Jun 26, 2006

I was looking in my task manager and I have 40 processes running. Out of those 40, the process with the highest use of CPU is the 'System Idle Process' which hovers around the 95-100 range. What is it, and do I need it running?

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Unable To Connect To Any Servers

Aug 25, 2005

for a little while now i've been unable to connect to any servers, or at least thats what i think. I play lots of games online and so on. things were fine and then one day i recieved this error while trying to play 'halo' online. 'An error has occurred while trying to contact the gamespy master server'. after messing around with halo for a while i tried other games; doom3, quake3, counter strike and so on, but all with the same effect, i couldnt connect to a server. This was also the case when i tried to update Ad-aware, it freezes when i try to update. I've checked my firewall and individual programs but have come to no conclusion. have also tried 'system restores' but each time they fail?

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Unable To Connect Message

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having alot of trouble lately. Every time I try to click on a site I get an unable to connect message, if I go back and try again it usually goes through the third or fourth time clicking the link. This is happening with every site. I am running windows ME. I have tried disabling Norton, running ccleaner, all spyware utilities and nothing helps.

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Unable To Connect To Firefox

Jul 28, 2010

Firefox made an automatic update to my system. consequently am unable to connect to firefox because mcafee wont let the update be activated.

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Unable To Connect Via Crosscable

Dec 9, 2008

I have two PCs, both dual booting Linux and Windows(SP3). I am unable to connect these two PCs via cross-cable on Windows.Windows to Windows connection doesn't work. I tried pinging the IP address of the PCs but they fail/timeout.

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Unable To Connect To Internet?

Mar 18, 2007

hi there, recently on my toshiba's laptop computer I am not getting dial tone to connect to the internet. Yes I am connecting the phone line properly because it works on my sony vaio laptop also when I connect online.i am able to connect on the vaio but not on the toshiba. It keeps telling me there is no dial tone. what is the meaning of this. one last question. On the toshiba laptop there is a blue line running from the top to the bottom of the screen. Is that something bad? is the screen going through?

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Unable To Install Java: Getting Error Message During Setup Process?

Mar 30, 2008

When I try to install Java, I get the following error message:Error 1304.Error writing to file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105 patch-jre1.6.0_05.b13launcher.exe. Verify that you have access to that directory Well I go to that directory and double-click it, and I get the following messsage:Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item.

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Microsoft C++ Redistributable Essential?

May 14, 2010

several programs on my pc do not run, I've along with some other people have suspected C++ redistributable to be the problem. I've updated and installed up to 2010 redistributable, but still no luck. Today, I've gone into "Add or Remove Programs" and I've started to remove some of the C++ redistributable, but I have a question. Will my pc crash once I remove ALL versions of C++ redistributable from my pc? (If I do remove, I mean remove anything on the list that includes the words "Microsoft" and "C++" together, such as "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008 etc", "Visual C++ 9.0 or Visual C++ 2008 x86 Run time)

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Unable To Connect To My LAN: Box Came Up Asking For A Netware Login?

Mar 6, 2008

I am trying to connect a laptop to our network. When I first logged on a box came up asking for a Netware login (we don't use Novell). I went to the network adapters and unchecked Client Service for netware, NWLink NetBios and NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBios and made sure the DHCP was checked for TCP/IP. I rebooted the laptop and went and tried to connect to the network, still came up with unable to connect, check domain name, etc. Is there anything else I can do or do I have to reload Windows XP?

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Unable To Connect To Wireless After Reinstalling

Oct 22, 2009

I followed the advice of the sticky above and with my "refreshed" XP Home Installation on my Dell Desktop, I can't connect to the Internet. The "find a connection" Wizard seems to want to find a dial-up connection and nothing in the way of broadband. I use a Linksys Wireless G PCI Adapter card. The reinstallation did not wipe out any documents or user created files, so am wondering if there is a place in the old Windows files that I can use to get my old connection?

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Laptop's Been Hijacked / Unable To Connect To TSG?

Jan 18, 2005

My laptop has been hijacked, can't connect to TSG, homepage's been taken over. I have ran AWSE6, Search & Destroy, but each time everything comes back as soon as it's fixed. Please help, this is my personal laptop and I need it.

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Upgrade Pro - Unable To Connect MSN Hotmail

Sep 4, 2006

I have recently upgraded to WXP Pro from Home and have since had trouble with my monitor picture, it frequently goes into a very fast scroll for a period and the fine again when using the internet.i have changed the graphics card I have changed the monitor and still the same problem. Also I am unable to connect to MSN Messenger but MSN Hotmail etc working fine.

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Unable To Connect Internet Connection

Jul 9, 2010

I am unable to connect my winxp computer to my network or get an internet connection. I also get message of unknown protocol when checking the properties.

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