Microsoft C++ Redistributable Essential?

May 14, 2010

several programs on my pc do not run, I've along with some other people have suspected C++ redistributable to be the problem. I've updated and installed up to 2010 redistributable, but still no luck. Today, I've gone into "Add or Remove Programs" and I've started to remove some of the C++ redistributable, but I have a question. Will my pc crash once I remove ALL versions of C++ redistributable from my pc? (If I do remove, I mean remove anything on the list that includes the words "Microsoft" and "C++" together, such as "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008 etc", "Visual C++ 9.0 or Visual C++ 2008 x86 Run time)

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Microsoft Direct X Drivers Redistributable

Jul 31, 2006

As I understood the information about this software (on MS site) I thought it was supposed to be a 'must have', or at least a 'should have'. I checked that my computer was found to be suitable, and I downloaded it from CNET (of course). It's on my computer somewhere...I think, on finishing the download I was required to declare somewhere to install it and I have absolutely no idea where that should/could be. Normally a download is followed by an automatic installation point and I just accept that suggestion. OK, hopeless, I'll say it for you! Can you possibly tell me...nicely...what I should now do? I have ie6 though seldom use it, preferring Firefox as recommended by so many here.

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Redistributable - Net Frame 3.5 - Visual C++ 2008

May 3, 2010

I have some questions about some windows, why to install .Net Frame Work???do I have only to instal .Net Frame 3.5, or also I have to install the versions 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 with the 3.5 I have to install them on windows xp,vista,7 (all of them).what about thier updates?where to download them from?what about MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable?what is it? is it important to install it? what versions of windows have this program to be installed there other programs like these have to be installed at my windows versions..

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Essential Processes To Keep Running In XP?

Aug 24, 2008

What process(es) are absolutely essential to leave running for computer to operate? And if the DAW software requires a process to run for use, will it "launch" that process upon starting the program?I have 45 processes running right now when I boot normally. I'm thinking of partitioning C: drive to be able to boot into "audio" mode where all but the most essential processes are stopped and therefore all resources are dedicated to DAW software. Never had to partition a drive before, I figure it's not all that hard.

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Essential For Proper Functioning When Off Line?

Jul 14, 2005

I am using a video production system that a great deal of RAM, sometimes over a gigabite at a time. To accommodate this need, I am trying to eliminate as
much resident memory as possible. Since I turn off all internet connections at such times,any Windows-based files relating to internet work can be eliminated Indeed, I have found that even explorer can be removed and I can use task manager to start the program. Can anyone tell me what Windows files are essential for proper functioning when off line?

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Removing And Blocking Non-essential Things In PC?

Jun 18, 2005

I have a pretty simple inquiry. I was wanting to know if there are any non-essential things that I have running that I do not need (& that none of my installed programs need to run). I'm not positive if I need the stuff like O4 - Startup: DLHelperEXE.exe or stuff like O9 - Extra button: Wild Jack Poker - {17709D14-4A02-42c6-B9FA-18C90A851F51} - C:Program FileswildjackMPPMPPoker.exe so I want to double check with someone who knows. Please let me know if I have anything running or installed that is not neccessary.

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Win Server 2003 Essential Services?

Apr 11, 2007

I found a list of services that could potentially be turned off in WinXP which describes each service in detail and if you need it or not.Is there a guide out there for WinServer 2003? I am using it as a web server for my personal website. The server runs PHP, ASP.Net, MS SQL, and MySQL.

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Having Ms Net Framework Version 1.1 Essential For Computer?

Jan 9, 2008

Running Win xp home edition I have MS net framework version 1.1- hot fix 1.1 version-2.0-3.0.Do I need one of them all of them? No games installed.

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Unable To Connect To Net / Essential Process' Are Running

Oct 10, 2007

I was unable to connect to the net regardless of through direct cable or wireless pot. its only essential process' are running.

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Installing Essential Drivers At The Time Of OS Installation?

Dec 5, 2009

Is there any method to install other essential drivers like motherboard, graphic card, sound card drivers during the setup rather than installing them individually after completing the setup?

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Essential Registry Values All Gone: Files & Programs Wont Open?

Aug 15, 2006

i downloaded this program from major geeks called 'RegScrub XP'. i assumed that it locates and deletes registry entries that are old and not in in the program, on one of the tabs, i think it was 'user defined...' (or rather), i located all the registry entries and then deleted all of now all the files and programs on my computer cannot open. all of the icons in the start menu and everywhere have that unspecified icon image, and when i try to open it it says - use the web service to find the appropriate program

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What Is Newer Microsoft Office 2004 Or Microsoft Works 4 5a

Jan 6, 2010

not sure which is the older ms office 2003 or ms works version 4.5a?

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Microsoft Office - Microsoft Natural MultimediaKeyboard

Mar 13, 2009

i have windows XP home edition service pack 3. and i use Microsoft office 2003, and well recently it began to pop up and say microsoft office word has not been installed for current user. please run setup utility. Well i only have one user, never had another user created until recently (temporary fix) is there anything i can do, the main user is called the owner, it says its the computer admin, but i guess there is still an admin user, i cant get to that. the only way i can get ms office to work was to create a new user, open all the office programs, export the office registry, and import it to my main user, thats the only thing that works, for a little bit.

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TAKE THAT MICROSOFT (microsoft Ordered To Pay 1.5 Billion )

Feb 23, 2007 [...] index.html

Quote :NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A U.S. federal jury found that Microsoft Corp. infringed audio patents held by Alcatel-Lucent and should pay $1.52 billion in damages, the No. 1 software maker said Thursday.

Microsoft said it plans to first ask the trial judge to knock down the ruling and will appeal if necessary. It said the verdict is unsupported by the law and that it had already licensed the technology in question from Germany's Fraunhofer.

Alcatel-Lucent had accused the world's biggest software maker of infringing patents related to standards used for playing MP3 digital music files.

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Who Use Microsoft's MSN

Aug 17, 2007

I would like to know how many people use Microsoft's MSN.

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Microsoft - OEM - MS DOS And PC DOS

Nov 4, 2005

I can remember back when there was MS DOS - NEC DOS - PC DOS - Phoenix DOS. The differences were hardware support and some had a few of thier unique commands and utilities included. Some where along the line Microsoft was able to reign in DOS and then there were two MS DOS and PC DOS.I tried to upgrade my new HP/COMPAQ from XP HOME to XP PRO. After about 6 hours of effort with Microsoft Suooprt and HP Support the answer is:Andre K (HP Tech): Toby, this Desktop was shipped with an OEM version of Windows XP home operating system. HP does not support operating system upgrades provided by Microsoft. You need to purchase the upgrade CDs from HP to resolve this issue.

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Cant Remove Microsoft JVM

Mar 22, 2005

When I followed the instruction posted on a link I followed from this site I got the following:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionjava.inf,UnInstall

I get a RUNDLL dialogue box stating "Error in advpack.dll missing entry:LaunchINFSectionjava.inf,UnInstall

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Stop Microsoft Pop Up Ads?

May 15, 2008

How Do I Stop Microsoft Pop Up Ads?

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Will Microsoft Deactivate XP?

Apr 4, 2007

My Dell desktop runs XP Pro. My Dell laptop also runs XP Pro. For some reason my laptop hard drive got corrupted and/or wiped virtually clean, and the computer will not boot. Unfortunately, I don't have a reinstallation disk for the laptop. I was thinking of using the desktop's reinstallation CD to load Windows onto the laptop. But then I remembered reading something about the activation process for XP, and am worried that if I then have 2 computers with XP loaded from the same disk, Microsoft will somehow pick up on this and deactivate one or both.Technically, I'll have 2 XP installations after having paid for 2 separate versions and licenses, but I don't know if Microsoft would buy this, especially since I don't have the receipt for the laptop (it's 6 yrs old).Is my concern justified, or just unnecessary worry? I'd hate to be sitting with 2 unusable computers?

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SP3 Better Than SP2 - Microsoft Update

Sep 11, 2008

know that it has been a long time since service pack 3 was available for download on the automatic updates for windows, and it is just now that I've decided to update my SP2 to SP3. I've been looking for reviews all around the net and I've found mixed reviews on SP3. And it's got me thinking if I should update or not.
So here are my questions . Is SP3 safer than SP2? Is it faster than SP1 or SP2? (Like increased OS speed) Are there no bugs on SP3? (Like software incompatibilities, etc.) Anything I should be aware of before I install SP3? I've read in some blogs and other forums that you should uninstall some things on your computer for you to update to SP3 successfully.I also read that some users got lots of errors when they updated to SP3, is this true? Is SP3 MUCH BETTER than SP2?

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SP2 Upgrade CD From Microsoft

Oct 17, 2005

I orderd an SP2 upgrade CD from Microsoft as soon as they were available. I have not yet upgraded my Windows XP SP1 computer to SP2. The SP2 CD is a bit old. Do you think it would it be better to download the most recent SP2 upgrade from Microsoft web site instead of using the SP2 CD?

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Getting Microsoft .Net Framework

Jul 6, 2005

I have tried to install a one note power toy for my office suite and it popped up and mentioned that I need something called a .net frame. Does anybody know where I can download this, and how big is it? I am only on dial up and can't handle anything too large.

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Unable To Fax With Microsoft Fax

Jul 19, 2005

I have this problem where I was not able to send or receive using Microsoft Fax (for WinXP and 2000). I'm using a GPRS modem which I have got working for other fax softwares like Symantec and MightyFax. I was able to establish a connection but was not able to send or receive. I can hear the ringing sound from the remote fax machine I was dialing but no fax was received there. Error message is "An error occurred while sending/receiving fax". For Win2000, I was only able to send but even then, the fax was not clear.

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Can't Download Anything From

May 9, 2007

For a while now, I haven't been able to download anything from I'm running XP Pro, verified and all that, and I was trying to use IE 7 and even the latest firefox to download. No dice. I've had to go onto a friend's computer to download .net 2.0. I've even tried turning off my McAfee firewall briefly, but that still doesn't help. As usual, Microsoft's support has been useless. I'd greatly appreciate any help with this problem.

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Microsoft Confirms IE9 Won't Run On XP

Mar 18, 2010

Windows Internet Explorer 9 won't support any operating system earlier than Windows Vista SP2.The reason IE9 doesn't work in XP is that it uses the Direct2D feature of DirectX when accessing the graphics hardware to accelerate image creation and drawing. Direct2D was introduced in Windows 7, and then added to Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2—but not to Windows XP.

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Has Microsoft Gone Off The Deep End

Sep 15, 2006

They are releasing all sorts of programs for free, office 2007 beta, vista RC1 (granted its a trial) and Virtual PC ($3000 PROGRAM).

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Cant Go To In Any Browser

Jul 29, 2010

I cant get to in any browser because of that i cant update windows i only have SP2 and i need SP3 im using windows xp please help me everything says go to a cached version of it and i cant get any downloads.

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Microsoft Sam Not Working

Jul 30, 2007

while ago (a few weeks), for an unknown reason, some files on my computer got corrupted. including a fair amount of program files and personal stuff that isn't recoverable. guess i should've made backups. after watching this: i wanted to do the same! but now i've found out that microsoft sam apparently has been corrupted as well, because it doesn't work!the icon of sam looks like this: when i click it, nothing happens. is there any way of recovering microsoft sam without re-installing windows or anything?

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Microsoft Trying To Force 8 On Me

Sep 1, 2009

Microsoft Automatic Updates keeps notifying me that they want to update my system to Windows 8 (I have Windows 6). I do not want to upgrade to 8 and and hit cancel which is my only offered option other than install.How do I stop this notification permanently? The icon shows up in my task bar and I also can't remove it from there! I use Automatic Update for security and other vital updates--Windows 8 is not vital to me. Is Microsoft forcing me to upgrade because 6 support will stop in the near future. Sites like Facebook are already notifying me that my browser is not compatible with their web site and I should change.I want to stay with what I have because I am comfortable with IE6 and Outlook Express 6. I am not interested in going to Firefox or Google options.

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Slipstream- Microsoft Corparation Img

Dec 6, 2006

I am using ISObuster 1.9.1 (I notice in the tutorial paul uses 1.6) I choose the node bootable cd and can see the microsoft corparation img. and allows me to extract to a folder on my c: drive but when browsing the drive with the nero 6 program I do not find the ISO image in it's folder. If this needed to be a new thread rather than a but in.

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To Restore Microsoft Paint

Oct 24, 2005

My Microsoft Paint utility has vanished. I am running XP Home on a Dell Inspiron 6000. Yet have tried Google, I have also tried doing a windows search.

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