Couldn't Install - Disk Wouldn't Copy Files

Dec 28, 2006

I had bought several hard drives as is, hoping one of them would work. thought I had one, but turned out I couldn't install XP onto the disk, wouldn't copy any files. so I pretty much cut my loss on the drives and removed it the bad one from pc. now I get 2 options when booting windows. my original xp install, and the 2nd install that still needs to complete, how can I stop it from wanting to install xp again from the boot file and keep the original settings as they were?

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Files Wouldn't Transfer Over During Install - Freeze System

Jul 22, 2005

I took it home and attempted to install windows xp on it and in the process things got messed up. I started up the computer and logged in. Once in, I inserted the Windows XP install so as to upgrade it and the process started out fine. Well it got to the point where it said it needed to restart in order to contiinue with the process, which it did. It restarted and began copying files, and it tossed out a few error messages. They were: could not copy file: spra0410.dll & spra0411.dll I tried to write them all down but I couldn't catch the all. I do know however there were about six files, all similar to the ones above, that didn't copy. I'm not too sure what to do at this point because now the computer won't go to windows at all. It goes through the start up screen all the way to the point where it says "press any key to continue", but then just kind of freezes and won't go any further. I've tried pressing a button to go forward, also tried to boot in safe mode whic none of the F Keys or Del will take me to. I tried changing the Bios to Boot from CD first using the same XP CD. I'm not sure what else I can do to get this thing to open windows, even in safe mode, or system restore. Sorry for the novel, just trying to explain in depth.

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Backup Copy To Disk Of An Installed The Same As Original Install Disk?

Jul 18, 2008

I have been looking on Ebay at used/refurbished computers for upgrading from my current and older P4 chip computer. One that I'm looking at says that it has a (legal and genuine version) of Windows XP Pro SP3 o/s installed on the custom built computer, but there's no disk. If I were to purchase a computer like this, and make a back up copy of that installed o/s on my own disk, will there be any difference than if I had received the original installation disk or manufacturer's restore disk?.....or would the installed (and backup) o/s be considered an "unlicensed" copy?

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Couldn't Copy Dxdiagn.dll?

Jan 9, 2008

When i try to do a clean sweep of windows.I throw in my windows re-installation disk and wait for it to do hardware config. when it finally reaches the making of the partition.i follow as intructed quick format when it gets to 69% it says it couldn't copy dxdiagn.dll this happend on every windows pro disk i have and i don't know what the hell is going on i tried to use a different cd drive, but nope still does the samethig it's a emachine.

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Copy Files From Hard Disk To Dvd Disc

Jul 4, 2005

I want to copy files from my hard drive to my dvd writer.InCD screws this up.I want to be able to open windows explorer and move/copy]selected files to a dvd. I then want to be able to read the files direct from the dvd using windows explorer.

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Won`t Install And Can't Copy Files

Dec 2, 2002

I am trying to install xp onto my new hdd. it goes through the formality of formating then it starts to copy files from cd to my hdd then all of a sudden it cant copy files. it is random(not a particalar file) some times at 5% 20% 80% ect:..but i can install winme no problems..then i try to install xp over the top of winme and i get the same problem..I have even taken my copy(originall) of xp to my friends and it installs with no problems at all..then i have taken their disk drive back to my machine, connected it and xp boots up with my motherboard..all is ok...but, when i do a fresh install with xp on their hdd i get the same settings in bios have been altered in anyway..

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Error Shown When Copy Files From DVD-RW To Hard Disk

Feb 13, 2009

I get this cyclic redundancy check error when I try to copy files from a DVD-RW onto my hard drive. I burnt said DVD about two years ago using Cyberlink DVD Solution Power2Go. I get this error with mulitiple DVDs, but not all of them (I've got five and I get this error with only three). Also, I get the error with some files, but not others (on the same DVD). I really can't lose these files! My guess is they were burnt wrong, but I'm really not sure. Is there any way I can recover these files?

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Set The CD In The Drive To Copy All Its Install Files To The Blank HD

Oct 6, 2008

So I have a laptop without a CD drive and I've done this before so I know it came be done, just can't seem to find the googled page that i found last time with the how to. I want to take the laptop HD out and put it into a USB mobile disk enclosure, then from my desktop in my windows xp RUN command I wanna set the XP CD in the drive to copy all its install files to the blank HD and start the XP installation but NOT RESTART after its done. Then take the HD out of the enclosure, pop it back into the laptop, boot up and have the install do the rest from there.

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Install Microsoft Office - Copy Files

Jan 6, 2008

Have a laptop that i got in 2003 and i bought microsoft office pro with it. well my laptop is having problems and i have an extended warranty on it, the company said that the harddrive might have to be formated and i should backup everything. since my laptop didn't come with office and the cd got lost with the move to college, is there a way to copy the office program files? what im talking about is how with a game you can copy the folder .programs files/ea games/need for speed. like that and if you copy that folder to another computer it will work without having to be installed. i know its not in the registry.

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Download And Install SP2 And Copy The Original Files Back To C.

Dec 15, 2006

My computer didn't come with an XP CD, just the manufacturer's restore CD which will wipe out all I've done in the last four years. So, if I backup (copy) all the files on my C drive, except the Windows folder (assuming that's where all the OS files are), to an external drive, then run the restore CD which will revert the computer back to the way it was when I bought it. Then download and install SP2 and copy the original files back to C.

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Installer - Move/copy Files Tries To Install The Damn Thing

Sep 8, 2005

can I stop xp from trying to install an old programme? which doesn't work and I can't delete? I have a copy of roxio media creator which doesn't work since I reset windows to an earlier point, the prog can't find a certificate and questions the system date so won't install. it won't delete either for the same reasons and every time I try to copy files it tries to install the damn thing, unsuccessfully

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Deleting Files - Wouldn't Harm My Computer

Apr 15, 2008

Out of all these files, I would like to know what wouldn't harm my computer if I deleted, since they're all random stuff anyway

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Cannot Install - No Options Left To Do Graphics Card Wouldn't Work

Nov 12, 2006

I hope someone out there can help me because i am well and truly stumped with this problem. I ordered a brand new pc - Ath 64 X2 4600+ CPU, 1 GB RAM, 400GB SATA, 256MB 7900GT, 19" TFT, 16x DVDRW-DL, Running Mcafee Antivirus / Ad-aware, I originally had problems when my Graphics card wouldn't work. I installed some older versions of the drivers and it was working okay. Then I had some problems with some dll files and i couldn't open Windows due to the system/config error at start up. I managed to repair that installation. THe next day, my PC would not boot and I could not repair it. I then found out, i had bad sectors on the Hard disk so i tried formatting it

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Couldn't Get The Hidden Disk Space Of 5 GB?

Apr 5, 2006

i have both windows and linux 9 in 80 Gb hard disk. 30 Gb is allocated for the linux. The rest in 50 i got only 45 Gb in that, where is the another 5 Gb..

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Couldn't Open Drive Multi Disk

Aug 19, 2008

so i tried to fresh install windows and format my drives and when xp setup formats the drive and restarts it gives me this error tried alot of combinations of partitions but none work.

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Install Of SP2 Won't Complete: XP Couldn't Find Ntoskrnl.exe?

Apr 3, 2007

OK, I downloaded Diskkeeper premium the other night and it ran through my disk and defragged. Later, the system (running slow) so I uninstalled it. Still ran terrible. Did a system restore and upon booting, XP couldn't find ntoskrnl.exe. I never could get xp back up and going into the recovery console from the XP setup disk showed the windows folder was empty. I'm guessing the system restore wiped it and didn't complete reloading the contents which is why it was empty. I pulled the drive and hooked it up to another system as a second drive and was able to get some vital data files but most that

I needed were corrupt and wouldn't copy.i put the drive back in the machine it was in, started a fresh install of XP sp2 and it loads all files and when it starts windows to do the install, it hangs at 33 minutes remaining. Changed the drive and started with another good drive. Same thing. Got another XP sp2 disk in case some files were corrupt on the original although I had used it many times prior with no problem. Still the same thing. Gets to 33 minutes remaining on the install and just never gets any farther

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Install Valid Copy Rid Of Pirated Copy

Dec 19, 2004

Windows xp pro and discovered that it is a pirated copy. I want to get rid of it and install my valid copy of 98se. do i format my hard drive i do have files i want to keep.

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Couldn't Open Drive Multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) On Fresh Installation

Jul 9, 2005

I'm trying to install xp home on my bros comp. he used to have win 2000 pro. I backed everything up and formatted the hard drive. (75 gig ntfs). This worked great. I pulled his hard drive out and put it in my comp (secondary) I then installed xp on it. This went fine, I was even able to boot all the way to xp. The problem comes in when I tried to move the hard drive back to his comp. I could not boot past the compaq screen. I got the error message
"couldn't open drive multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"
"ntldr: Couldn't open drive multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)"

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Specified To Save The Files - Couldn't Complet Operation Due To Error 80070402

Apr 7, 2005

I am abysmally unlucky using newsgroups.I tend to get no reply at all.If I do something wrong, please let me know.I do need help.I am getting an error trying to delete a user account on a Windows XP Home machine which was heavily infected (virus, mal-ware, dialers, etc).I tried to delete the user account and specified to save the files.I got the message "The specified local group does not exist" and every other attempt yields "Could not complet the operation due to error 80070402". I have googled around and I am seeing this message turn up, but I am finding no
resolution steps that will work on the XP Home OpSys.

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Copy Data From Hard Disk To Pen Drive Using Bart PE Bootable Disk?

Sep 15, 2009

I have created a Bart PE bootable XP cd. I can boot into windows using this CD I would like to know how to copy the data in my hard disk to pen drive or flash drive.

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Install BSOD - Setup Couldn't Determine Mass Storage Devices

Jul 15, 2008

So I had this awesome post and it was removed by ctrl z. Touch pads on laptops FTL I tell ya. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm using two 150gb raptor HDD's connected with SATA. I had windows vista ultimate x64 installed but I didn't like it so I decided to buy windows xp MCE 2005 and here is my problem I'm trying to do the install but it continues to give me the BSOD. Even after I read a thread about the same issue, I couldnt get pass the BSOD and the topic was locked so here I am.

My raid is set to auto detect but I dont have a raid setup since I'm allowing xp to do this for me. I did have one setup for vista but I deleted it thinking I needed to start fresh for xp am i right? I boot from CD and tried to hit F6 but nothing happens. I let it go and continue with the loading. Here's where I'm at now. Windows Setup Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices isntalled in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently , setup will load support for the following mass storage devices.....

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ASUS P5GD2-X Motherboard Occurred Install - Stata Hdd Couldn't Found

May 29, 2006

I just bought a new motherboard which is Asus P5GD2-X. The problem occured when I tried to install it with Windows XP Professional CD. It seemed that my SATA Hdd could not be found... I cannot find any SATA driver for it in the CD or in ASUS website..

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Way To Save Files / Wouldn't "take" The Phrase Picked Out

Jan 18, 2008

I got a Gateway notebook with Vista. I got a router from Belkin. I was on a fairly new desktop with XP2. I followed all the instructions and got the notebook on the internet. Then when it came to setting up security, all went bad. The notebook wouldn't "take" the phrase I picked out. OK so I unplug everything and decide to send the router back. I go back on the desktop where there were 3 users (2 limited and me admin. It won't let me log in as admin. I tried on all 3 names anyway to no avail. Everytime I clicked on ANYTHING it said "error file cannot be found invalid path" something like that. System restore I couldn't even bother with because like I said, clicking on anything just gave me error messages.

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Cant Install SP2 - Company Copy? Wont Let Me Install SP2

Jan 17, 2006

For some reason when i validate my XP it says its some kind of company copy or something and wont let me install SP2. Is there anyway of just downloading it and manually installing it

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Copy Pictures To Disk

Jun 13, 2010

Trying to copy pictures to a disk.

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Can't Copy To CD - No Disk In Drive Message

Mar 14, 2008

I am trying to copy some files to a CD Disk, so that I can open them on a different computer. I have put a disk in the drive, highlighted the file, clicked on "send to", and I get the message: "Please insert a disk into Drive E (or F, whichever I happen to try it with)".The drives won't recognize that there is a blank CD. If I put in an audio CD or a DVD, it recognizes it, and plays it fine. It's just the blank ones that are giving me a problem. I have tried several different brands of CD . . . same result . . . "Please insert a disk into drive"

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Asks For A Copy Of A System Disk

Aug 10, 2005

I got a new computer, and when trying to set it up (it doesnt have windows on it yet) it asks for a copy of a system disk. What is the system disk? is it the windows disk? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but i've never set up a computer without an OS on it before.

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Free Copy Of StartUp Disk

Apr 28, 2008

I bought a computer years ago that had Windows XP Home preinstalled and of course, it didn't come with a Windows Setup CD. I'm finally at the point where I'd like to do a fresh install. I can't afford to pay my $6 cab fare let alone $100 or more on an OS I already own and everyone I know has Vista. Is there a way to get a free copy of the setup disk, maybe one that's already been used, directly from Microsoft if you can provide proof that you already own a legitimate copy of the OS so you can just use it for the installation part and put in your own license info? If not through Microsoft, what about from the manufacturer, have you known any of them to give you an option like that where they can send you a "dummy disc" or something just so you can reinstall? My PC was made by Systemax.

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Backup-- Restore - Copy - Burn - Image A Disk

Sep 28, 2006

I have a problem with understanding the differences between these words (actions), when I use Retrospect,( a backup program,) I cannot read any files since the backup file turns into a huge something. When I backup, I mean I copy my files from one drive to an external drive and I can always restore them or copy them to another computer. These are for my files.
When I want to re-install a program, I take the original disk or the zip file I downloaded, stored on CD or another external hard drive.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reinstalling New Copy Of Windows?

Jan 21, 2007

Just wiped my hard drive clean and am trying to reinstall OS but get a Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. When i add the cd it just repeats Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. Have wiped my hard drive before and haven't had this problem. The boot order is correct in the BIOS and i havent touched any cables.

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