Way To Save Files / Wouldn't "take" The Phrase Picked Out

Jan 18, 2008

I got a Gateway notebook with Vista. I got a router from Belkin. I was on a fairly new desktop with XP2. I followed all the instructions and got the notebook on the internet. Then when it came to setting up security, all went bad. The notebook wouldn't "take" the phrase I picked out. OK so I unplug everything and decide to send the router back. I go back on the desktop where there were 3 users (2 limited and me admin. It won't let me log in as admin. I tried on all 3 names anyway to no avail. Everytime I clicked on ANYTHING it said "error file cannot be found invalid path" something like that. System restore I couldn't even bother with because like I said, clicking on anything just gave me error messages.

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Memtest86 - Allso Downloaded Winzip Which Picked Up The Files

Nov 12, 2008

my computer keeps coming up with code 0x0000008e which i have been told that its a ram fault. the ram is new 2gb. the company i bought it from told me to run memtest from boot up as i cant run windows xp at moment. memtest86.com has a bootable iso download which i have done and extrcted so on. but it comes up as an unreconised file now i have writen to disk and set up bios to 1st boot but i cant get it to work allso downloaded winzip which picked up the files and copyed that to disk but still will not work. i must be being thick or stupid and missing some thing can any help talk me through using it.

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Deleting Files - Wouldn't Harm My Computer

Apr 15, 2008

Out of all these files, I would like to know what wouldn't harm my computer if I deleted, since they're all random stuff anyway

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Couldn't Install - Disk Wouldn't Copy Files

Dec 28, 2006

I had bought several hard drives as is, hoping one of them would work. thought I had one, but turned out I couldn't install XP onto the disk, wouldn't copy any files. so I pretty much cut my loss on the drives and removed it the bad one from pc. now I get 2 options when booting windows. my original xp install, and the 2nd install that still needs to complete, how can I stop it from wanting to install xp again from the boot file and keep the original settings as they were?

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Files Wouldn't Transfer Over During Install - Freeze System

Jul 22, 2005

I took it home and attempted to install windows xp on it and in the process things got messed up. I started up the computer and logged in. Once in, I inserted the Windows XP install so as to upgrade it and the process started out fine. Well it got to the point where it said it needed to restart in order to contiinue with the process, which it did. It restarted and began copying files, and it tossed out a few error messages. They were: could not copy file: spra0410.dll & spra0411.dll I tried to write them all down but I couldn't catch the all. I do know however there were about six files, all similar to the ones above, that didn't copy. I'm not too sure what to do at this point because now the computer won't go to windows at all. It goes through the start up screen all the way to the point where it says "press any key to continue", but then just kind of freezes and won't go any further. I've tried pressing a button to go forward, also tried to boot in safe mode whic none of the F Keys or Del will take me to. I tried changing the Bios to Boot from CD first using the same XP CD. I'm not sure what else I can do to get this thing to open windows, even in safe mode, or system restore. Sorry for the novel, just trying to explain in depth.

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Unable To Save Any Files Cannot Save Any Files In A Save As

Sep 4, 2006

my computer is unable to save any files at all. It cannot save files off the internet or save any files in a Save As.. format? Ive searched the internet for the last 2 weeks looking for some infomation on the problem but i cannot find anything?

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Way To Save Update Files?

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way to save all my Windows Update files so that I may use them again in the future, you know, like a .exe file?

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Right-click Will Not Save Files

Aug 23, 2005

When I right click to "Save Image as" on a graphic file, the "Save As" window pops up and it lets me go through all the motions of selecting a location and name for the file, but then it does not actually save it when I click the "Save" button. The file does NOT get saved. And the progress and completion window does not come up to confirm the save.This has happened once before about a year ago, and I somehow fixed it by accident. Now it has happened again, and for the life of me.

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Can Save Just A-k Named Files?

Dec 19, 2008

To make a backup, I want to do this: robocopy g: i:BU_G /s /xo /purge /xf pagefile*.* /w:1 /r:1 BUT *only* on files whose names start with 0-9 or a-k Is there a way in batch files?

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Jan 30, 2006

Is it possible to save Word files in the D: drive on a CD without additional software for CD burning?

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Can't Open Downloaded Files...only Save Them

Jan 19, 2008

I have Windows XP. When I download a file (WP, pdf, etc.), and it asks me to open or save it, it will only let me save it. If I try to open it, it seems to download, but then the relevant application never opens, and I get a message that I may not have the appropriate permission. So I have to save it, then open the application myself, then open the saved file.

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Using Bart's PE Builder To Save Files?

Aug 11, 2009

A friend is running xp home edition and cannot boot his pc due to corrupted files. He hasn't got his set up disc and adding the hard drive to another pc as a slave drive didn't work. I have used Bart's PE Builder to save files from a pc before but the disc was made from XP Pro. My question is can a Bart's disc made from XP Pro work on a pc running home edition?

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New Files Wont Save On Computer?

Jan 15, 2008

I've been trying to figure out this problem that I have with Windows XP but to no success. My computer has been disconnected for about 3 months. And i've recently moved into another place and hooked up my computer. But my problem now is when I download new programs onto my computer, it does not save onto my computer. When I turn off my computer and turn it back on, the program I just installed is not there no more. Same thing when I add media files to my Windows Media library, it stays on there till the computer shuts down. And when I turn the computer back on, I have to load the files on the library again.

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Save To Erase Temp Files?

Aug 12, 2002

On the old computer Window 98, I always delete the Temp Files. When I went to see how many files are in this new computer by typing *.tmp,. One file is big 1.000 kb. It is safe to erase those files?

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Save Streamed MP3s Files

Aug 12, 2002

Sometimes a website allows you only to play an MP3 file, not to save it. During playing WMP will say x% downloaded. Play the entire mp3 or wait for the download indicator to reach 100%.

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Unable To Download And Save Files

Jul 19, 2005

I've become unable to download and save files to my machines (Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003 SBS SP1). The download goes ahead, but at the point of writing the file to my local hard disk, I get the following error message, then the file is deleted!!!"Windows Security Warning Windows found that this file is potentially harmful.To help protect your computer, Windows has blocked access to this file."I wouldn't mind, but I haven't changed anything that would have enforced this, can't find any way of disabling / configuring this functionality and I trust the file and its source (a good example is the Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus software downloads!)

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Best Place To Save Backup Files?

Jan 25, 2006

I am a 'Novice' to Backups, but am trying to learn.Where is the best place to save Backup files? I am running XP Prof. and carefully ran the Backup utility. I noticed the different options on places to save the files. I noticed I can save it to the 'D' drive (external disc), or my 'C' drive (hard drive). What happens if I save it to my 'C' drive, and my pc crashes.How do I retreive my Backup files, if I cannot turn on my pc? Is it best to save them on disc?

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System Is Shut Down And Save Files

Feb 23, 2006

I'm posting this for a friend whose computer was working fine then out of nowhere it's been getting a msg smss.exe has encountered a problem this system is shutting down please save all files and log off and it says something about a windows NT/admin then a bunch of other stuff that he can't make out fast enough then after 60 seconds the computer reboots he's running windows XP pro sp1 512mb of ram no sp800mhz Intel cpu 40gb maxtor hard drive.

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Cannot Open Or Save Any Files - Scanned For Viruses

Mar 20, 2008

My husband's computer which gets scanned for viruses every day, all of sudden cannot open or save any file. The first error message states that the file is in use by another user (this is an unnetworked laptop). When we click on Notify, it says the file cannot be found or server unavailable. This happens for every Word, Excel, file that we have tried. I have tried to check for microsoft updates but even the temp directory cannot be written (says that it is read-only) to so I cannot install anything.

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Can't Save Files - Disable Some Startup Applications

Sep 5, 2009

I have a strange problem. i can't save files. not in IE , not in MS paint.i tried to run msconfig & disable some startup apps but it didn't help.

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Exe Commands Crash, Can't Download And Save Files

Dec 25, 2008

I can not launch 90% of my apps, word, excel, adaware, when I click on the program it launches, and I get the .exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Then it shuts down that program. I can not add any new favorites to my internet explorer, does the same thing. I can not download a file and save it, I can download a file and run it though, not always successfully. Pretty much the pc is becoming crippled I have run registryfix7 (had it installed) fixed what was listed, but no helpI have done a full virus scan and spyware scan with Windows LiveOneCare, nothing shows up.

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Files Named - Fnd And Save SEARCH Results

Jul 13, 2009

Files named regex.fndIs there a way to save the results of a search, not just the "arg" of the search? If not, is there a 3rd party software for this, hopefully freeware?

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Save MY Documents Files To Flash Using Send To

Sep 18, 2007

Going to save My Documents to my flash drive but when I right-click on the folder, the send to option is gone. It's there for other files on my desktop. What happened? How can I save my files to the flash drive without it?

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Update Files Save Location Before Install

Aug 22, 2008

I have a computer that seems to have gotten its updates corrupted. I need to know where it would keep the updates before I install them.

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Save Directory (containing Word Files) File List?

Dec 10, 2004

OS is Win 2K. I have a folder containing about 150 files Using Explorer, I can open the folder and view a list of the files. Is there any way to save that list as a text document?

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Unable To Save Files - Pictures Folder Does Not Show Up

Jun 13, 2006

I do alot of image work so i have alot of images... when i go to save an image in the my pictures folder, it does not show up. so i think, i go into windows explorer to the my pictures folder and only some of them show up.

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Save All Works And Files In My Documents Folder In Windows Xp OS

Jul 14, 2005

I have a problem with my pc. Can anybody help me? I normally save my all works and files in my documents folder in my windows xp OS. I have a username to log in to my pc.underthis user name I had made my documents private.One day to do some work I logged in to the PC as an administrator.Here I delete my user account and created with same name again. But now I have lost all my documents. I can see it's there in my documents and settings but access denied because of the folder made PRIVATE. Can you help me to get my documents back?

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Picked Up Some Trogans

Aug 31, 2006

my avg picked up some trogans is there anyway i can get rid of them myself with a little guidance

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Missing/corrupt File - Can't Boot - Need To Save Personal Files

Sep 26, 2005

I'm getting a WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM message all of a sudden!DESPERATELY need to copy some personal files somewhere before trying to restore / reformat

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Booting Up Takes Long Time - Save Any Files To Floppy Or CD

Jan 3, 2005

I bought a new Dell Dimension 2400 about a year ago. It runs Windows XP Home. I don't remember all of my specs (I'm at work), but here is my problem.
First, booting up takes a long...time. When I finally log in, I get an error message: HP AiO Device Object failed: hRes = 0x800706BAThe RPC Server is unavailable.Maximum retry attempts exceeded.I click ok and it brings up my desktop, but originally would not bring up my Start button and taskbar. After messing with it all day yesterday, I finally got a taskbar, but not my usual one. I can open some programs, but can't save any files to floppy or CD. Everything is very slow...and I do mean very! Most of the time the Task Manager will show "Not Responding", sometimes it will eventually start running again and sometimes I just have to "End Process".

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Specified To Save The Files - Couldn't Complet Operation Due To Error 80070402

Apr 7, 2005

I am abysmally unlucky using newsgroups.I tend to get no reply at all.If I do something wrong, please let me know.I do need help.I am getting an error trying to delete a user account on a Windows XP Home machine which was heavily infected (virus, mal-ware, dialers, etc).I tried to delete the user account and specified to save the files.I got the message "The specified local group does not exist" and every other attempt yields "Could not complet the operation due to error 80070402". I have googled around and I am seeing this message turn up, but I am finding no
resolution steps that will work on the XP Home OpSys.

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