Computer Won't Start After SP2 Install?

Jan 13, 2008

I did a fresh install of Windows XP Home followed by SP2, now compter will not start

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Powers In But Start Button Wont Start Computer

Jul 30, 2007

I believe its a problem with the actual start up button instead of the computer itself, ive pried the thing open, seeing the generator is on, everythings in place and there are lights on, showing there is power. any ideas?

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Turn Off Computer Supposed To Install An Important Security Update - Wont Install

Dec 2, 2006

When i click the turn off computer button it is supposed to install an important security update. The update thing never goes away even though it looks like the update has been installad.

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)

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Install Directx On My Computer: Find/ Download/ Install?

Aug 18, 2010

I need to install directx on my coputer, don't know how.

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After Install SP2 - Can't Start The PC

Oct 19, 2007

I installed SP2 which is fine and after the installation they asked to restart pc so i rebooted my pc and after the loading screen with windows XP on it, it just wont come anywhere ese. So i cant start the PC and i cant do nothing with my pc, i cant even start it on safe mode

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Install Keeps Going To Start After 1st Reboot

Jun 2, 2005

I built a new computer, and tried to put xp pro on a new hard disk drive During the firs few minutes, while "copying files" is occurring, all is well. When it gets to the end, it says, Windows will now reboot". It reboots, and then goes all the way back to the beginning, "Windows is inspecting your system". I've tried to get past this by changing the boot order, disabling another drive other than the c drive, etc, but nothing works.How do I get the installation to go past where it was when it started it's reboot?

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Sony Viao Recovery System Doesnt Start, Cycles, And The Computer Doesnt Start

Jul 15, 2010

Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.

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Install From 98 Would Only Start In Safe Mode

Aug 17, 2005

This all started in the "98 Forum" I had 98 and would only start in Safe Mode. I seemed to have fixed that. Then I tried to install XP. I unistalled the whole Battery Scope deal from Safe Mode. Then I restarted. It started in Normal Mode and stated it was going to re-install the Battery Scope. Then it worked just fine.
Then I started getting cute. Instead of leaving it as is, I tried to install windows XP:I have got past the part with the Serial Number and I am now at the actual installation. It has completed "Collecting Information," "Dynamic Update," and "Preparing Installation."

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After Install Taskbar And START Missing

Dec 2, 2007

I just installed Win XP on a freshly formatted C: drive of an IBM HDD using a slipstreamed XP disk.It appeared to install normally, loaded all the required drivers and configured without problems. But when booted and rebooted several times it shows a desktop with the standard background, BUT NO TASKBAR nor START BUTTON. The computer is ok because it loads XP normally from the slave drive.When I run the Task Manager it shows the startup files, explorer.exe and normal processes, but will not respond to the shutdown option.Since I can't access "Run", I can't run "Regedit" or any of the suggestions made to others.

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System Restore - Install Firewall No Start Up

Aug 24, 2005

download from msn and in 2 days 8 viruis and many registery problems have got rid of all by running spydoctor . registy meachine ,avg .ntl netguard. the main viruis was backdoor jcb but now my windows firewall turns off after every restart and so dose system restore i have tryed to install a new firewall spygate but this will not start up after i download it i did put in a new cd-rw drive a couple of weeks ago but thats been fine

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Fresh Install - System Freezing Just After Start Up

Dec 9, 2004

my housemates computer has me completely stumped, we have formatted his HDD several times and re-installed XP on it several times, yet every second time the computer will freeze just after its started up, not freeze really but will lose the mouse and keyboard

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Install Software Get Error Start Operation

Jan 20, 2008

I am trying to install the newest software for my Zune. I download the install file to my pc and when I run the program, I get the following error: ERROR. An error occurred during setup. Operation'CInstallOperation::StartOperation' has returned error '0x80040154'.Class not registered.Error Code: 0x80040154. I have a Windows XP Home Edition SP2. I have tried to install all the updates necessary but I still can't figured out why I get the error.

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Computer Wont Start Up - Start In Normal Mode Safe Mode

Jan 13, 2007

I have an older somputer I use to Host Games online...seemed fine last few nite .however the last 2 oe 3 times I have started takes forever to start and a screen appears saying sorry for any inconveinince but windows could not start..etc options to start in Normal mode safe mode or last known good configuration..wich is what I tried after turning it off and back on again..still nothing..I can get it to start in safe mode....but it wont boot up in normal mode..just hangs at "Windows XP" screen...Its an older Pentium4 Dell Dimension4300.

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Compaq Server Won't Install - System Formatted At Every Start Up

Sep 2, 2005

I have a Compaq Proliant 8000 here that had Red Hat Linux pre-installed and in working order. My company then decided that it wanted Small Business Server 2003 installing, so after using Compaq Smartstart to format and re arrange the disk arrays, which is no problem at all system formatted then a raid 5 disk array set-up which smart start detects and reads correctly However, now that is done the system will NOT install SBS 2003 or any other operating system at all, at the point of the install where the disk reads "Windows Set-up" the system just stops and freezes, this happens with other disks and different O/S discs.

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Updates Will Not Install - Automatic Service Manual Start

Sep 22, 2007

I have three microsoft updates that will not install. I have tried repeatedly to install them, however it is unsuccessful everytime. For now, I have put automatic update service on manual start until I can get it fixed as the automatic update service was eating up processor resources.

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Clean Install Doesn't Start Setup After Copying The Files

Oct 9, 2007

Got new parts for PC upgrade. All parts new (including cables) but recycled HDD and DVD/CD-ROM.All bits connected and powered up last night in about 10 mins. Put Windows XP CD in, went into setup/ reformat process then PC needed rebooting to continue with Windows setup. Fine. or so I thought. rebooted, went into "Please press any key to boot from CD". IF pressed any key, went through the whole reformat, copy setup files etc. ELSE, just hangs on that screenie. No error messages or anything!Seems to me like it's gone into a loop, and not running the Windows set-up files copied into the HDD.

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Computer Will Not Start

May 16, 2008

I am new to this form, so I guess I will just start. I have a,Dell Dimesion p4 2.5 ghz or close?windows XP service pac 2.I use it mostly for college papers and the internet. no gaming.It's about two years old, always do the windows updates.Three days ago my computer was running great. Then for whatever reason it just shut off by itself. I started it back up, it was fine for about 1 day then it shut down. I tried to start it again, but, to no avail.I got a screen that had rows of color bars with numbers in them.I opened up the box, it was pretty dusty, so I cleaned it up.I started to resolve the problem by checking to see if the ram was bad. I took one bar out and tried to restart after each ram chip. the result was the dell logo comes on tries to start no more color bars ( the fan starts out fine then takes off real fast) then it shuts (all power) down. I try, when I power on to tap the f8 key, or f12 key to get into the bios it shuts down befor anything can happen. I think that is it. I want to thank anyone for there time in helping me resolve this problem.

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Computer Won't Start Up

Nov 13, 2007

I have two computers with "issues", and now it's gotten so bad, I just need to get them sorted out. This is "my" desktop. I don't think I have had a thread on it before. But my daughter uses it for school and surfing and I have a feeling where my kids surf, it's infecting our computers.

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Can't Start Computer

Dec 24, 2006

I was using my computer one day when i had been playing a game.I took out the game cd so i could start using different cd for something else but strangely i went to my computer and it still showed the game cd as being in the drive. I thought well no problem ill just restart the computer and it should be fine. I did, and when i logged in, a new problem. All of my desktop was missing, and it had been loading for a few minutes so i just cut it off again and turned it back on in hope that it would finally work correctly. Instead, the opposite happened When i turned it back on for the 2nd time, it went to the screen where it says "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully." So, i have the option of choosing safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt, last good configuration, or normally. Unfortunately, not a single one of them work.

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Computer Won't Start

Aug 10, 2007

A few years ago, we had a hard drive on the family computer replaced.At that time, we could turn on the computer, and do everything we normally could.However, it was extremely slow, due to a virus.Best Buy simply recommended a replacement, since the computer was out of warranty.Yesterday I get the bright idea to try that harddrive on my personal computer, not the one it came from. I figured if it only had a virus on it, I could reformat it, and just use it as extra space.So I hook it up, and turn on my computer.The Compaq screen pops up, and goes away.Then a new screen pops up saying that the Hard Drive Failure was imminent, and I should back up my files, and replace the harddrive. That was not the error which I had received a few years ago. It gives me the option to hit F1 for setup, or hit F2 to continue. The F1 key simply took me to the Bios. So I hit F2, and my bootloader booted up. (Ubuntu Linux bootloader with Windows XP. However, I'm thinking about ditching Ubuntu, as I never use it.) However, it was so slow, I wasn't about to continue. After waiting for about 2 minutes, I decided to turn my computer off, disconnect the HD I was installing, and just go back to the old way I had it.(That part of the bootloader should load in about 3 seconds when everything is working fine.)So I turn off my computer, disconnect the power, and rehook everything up as it was before. I turn it back on, and it was as if the old hard drive is still in there.

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Computer Won't Start

Jan 5, 2006

Every time I try to start my computer (Running Windows XP) it seems to do fine until just before it reaches the log-on screen. A blue screen flashes really fast that says something to the effect of "Physical Memory Dumped". It flashes to fast for me to read it completely, but that's the jist of it. After the flashing screen the computer restarts and continues in that loop.I tried a start up disk from another computer but that didn't do anything.

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Start The Computer - Welcome Bit

Sep 27, 2009

i guys i'm having a problem when i start the computer where the ''welcome'' bit is it goes slow and tries to load up.

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Pop Up Error When Computer Start

Sep 1, 2006



error loading nview. dll

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Does Not Start - Unplugging The Computer

Nov 2, 2008

Im running windows xp Last night I made the mistake of simply unplugging the computer
Now, When I turn it on, it says windows did not shut down properly Safe mode safe mode with networking safe mode command prompt last settings that worked start normally I can pick any of them, and when I do, the windows XP splash comes up, the blue bar scrolls for a bit, a blue screen with writing flashes very fast and it restarts all over again I also allowed it to count down the 25 seconds or whatever, its just a big loop

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Cannot Start My Computer, Cycles

Mar 1, 2008

I have a toshiba laptop. It was working fine. I think my daughter shut it down wrong. Now it opens to the menu to select Normal, Safe Mode, etc. No matter what I pick it begins to start, gets past the Windows logo screen and then a blue screen flashes up and it restarts before you can ever read the letters on the blue screen. It just keeps cycling. Will not start. I am on XP sp2. Can't tell much else since I cannot even figure out how to get it started. I have removed the battery for 5 minutes and pulled the power cord.

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My Computer Loads At Start Up

Jun 21, 2010

I did a restore and all went well except now "My Computer" loads at start-up. I've spent considerable time researching this and have checked numerous settings and tried numerous suggested fixes to no avail.

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Cannot Start The Computer Without The Cd In The Tray

Jul 31, 2005

I just finished building a computer, and I installed Windows XP Home on it (SP2). Everything runs and works just fine, except I cannot start the computer without the Windows XP CD in the tray. It says, "Boot from CD:" and then, "boot disk failure, please insert a system disk and hit enter." This cannot have anything to do with the mainboard's BIOS, I think, because I tried disabling everything but booting from the harddrive, yet I still get that error message. Windows XP is paid for and activated, of course. I can boot up just fine if I have the XP CD in the tray, but that can be a serious irritation and I know that it is NOT supposed to work that way. Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem?

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My Computer Is Slow To Start Up

Oct 25, 2007

my Computer is slow to start up.[5 minutes] I am running XP professional with sp2 and all of the sudden when I first start it up it has the welcome screen.after going pass that the computer running perfectly

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BSOD - Computer Won't Start

Feb 17, 2009

where do i start.I don't know if this is a virus or hardware/software issues or what, but when i start up my computer, it works for a varied length of time, before i get a BSoD(i will post the error when i get the comp to turn on). When i try to restart, it will either freeze at a random point or i will get a message saying to insert proper boot disk and restart the computer. This continues to happen unless i wait about half an hour before turning it on. but of course when it boots up, the cycle continues. I'll post a dxdiag and error messages/ screenshots when i get it to turn on again

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Start Computer - C:windowssystem321033dwintl.dll

Oct 29, 2007

When I start my computer I get this pop-up window. DLL.C:windowssystem321033dwintl.dll

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Computer Did Not Start Successfully At All

Sep 12, 2007

Well I just normally restarted my computer and when I did I got this message. Everytime I try to restart I get this message that wondows did not start properly and I tried all of them nothing work's and I didn't get the Windows XP cd D:It's a Compaq Presario Desktop.

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