Cannot Start The Computer Without The Cd In The Tray

Jul 31, 2005

I just finished building a computer, and I installed Windows XP Home on it (SP2). Everything runs and works just fine, except I cannot start the computer without the Windows XP CD in the tray. It says, "Boot from CD:" and then, "boot disk failure, please insert a system disk and hit enter." This cannot have anything to do with the mainboard's BIOS, I think, because I tried disabling everything but booting from the harddrive, yet I still get that error message. Windows XP is paid for and activated, of course. I can boot up just fine if I have the XP CD in the tray, but that can be a serious irritation and I know that it is NOT supposed to work that way. Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem?

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Start Button Missing From Tray

Sep 28, 2006

start button missing from bottom of screen.

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System Tray Icons Missing At Start-up

Aug 28, 2007

I am havig some system tray icon problems after installing anti-virus and spyware software. Looking for a fix for the disappearing system tray icons at initial start-up. Quick fix log off and on again icons reappear where they should. I am told that this disappearing activity is due to a Windows XP "BUG". What a problem! Any ideas for a secure, lasting fix out there? After the spyware and antivirus software installation, the computer star-up time is now really SLOW too. The software launches seems to be in conflict with each other, or something. Have emachine--T3406, Windows XP Home 2002, Service Pack 2. 1.23 GB RAM.

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Start Menu, Taskbar, System Tray Disappeared

Nov 23, 2009

This seems to have occurred in conjunction with my switching from add-in video card back to the on-board display adapter (something I've done numerous times before without a problem). Perhaps it's unrelated.No other functional problems that I've seen.I ran AVG anti-virus scan, as well as CounterSpy spyware scan. Both found zero problems.

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Change Start System Tray Blue To Gray?

May 12, 2006

1. Is it necessary to activate windows on XP?

2. What purpose does it serve?

3. Is there a way to change the start -system tray blue to gray? If so, how please.

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Explorer Crashes - Desktop Icons / Task Bar Tray Start Menu

Oct 16, 2006

My Windows Explorer keeps crashing. I loose my desktop icons, taskbar, tray and start menu. Windows minimize to just above where the taskbar should be. Usually I can re-start the explorer.exe in the task manager. It now flashes and then is gone again. I can't get it back. How can I get to the control panel with no start menu? I've tried an earlier restore point, restarted with last known good configuration. Nothing. I'm running windows XP Home SP2 all updates.

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Virus In Computer - Popup Appears On Desktop Tray

May 25, 2006

Current problems:A program called PestTrap installed itself and continuously pops up a warning window in the bottom right from the desktop tray.A different icon showed up in the desktop tray that does something similar called MalwareWipe.Something has reset his homepage to and any time he changes his homepage, it resets back to was a popup right as I began looking into the problems he's been having that came up and was talking about a virus called "W32.Myzor.FK@yf" and that apparently his computer is "in danger" and that I should click "OK" to download official Microsoft security updates (or something along those lines).

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Powers In But Start Button Wont Start Computer

Jul 30, 2007

I believe its a problem with the actual start up button instead of the computer itself, ive pried the thing open, seeing the generator is on, everythings in place and there are lights on, showing there is power. any ideas?

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Sony Viao Recovery System Doesnt Start, Cycles, And The Computer Doesnt Start

Jul 15, 2010

Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.

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Computer Wont Start Up - Start In Normal Mode Safe Mode

Jan 13, 2007

I have an older somputer I use to Host Games online...seemed fine last few nite .however the last 2 oe 3 times I have started takes forever to start and a screen appears saying sorry for any inconveinince but windows could not start..etc options to start in Normal mode safe mode or last known good configuration..wich is what I tried after turning it off and back on again..still nothing..I can get it to start in safe mode....but it wont boot up in normal mode..just hangs at "Windows XP" screen...Its an older Pentium4 Dell Dimension4300.

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No More System Tray

Feb 18, 2005

I received a Windows error last night, and since then, I no longer have a system tray. I can't remember what file it mentioned or what I was doing at the time (I was on the brink of being clinically unconscious I was so tired). I recall it possibly being an 'nt' dll file. I turned off the computer last night, not really thinking anything of it, but today, the system tray is still not there. The clock is, but no icons.

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Remove Icon From Tray

Aug 18, 2005

I would like to remove an icon or two from the tray. any suggestion?

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How To Put Clock In System Tray

Sep 17, 2009

XP Home Edition...I see many threads describing clock in system tray. I'm new to XP (was W98SE) and have gotten used to the clock there.

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Expand System Tray

Feb 6, 2007

I would like to see all of the icons in the system tray. Right now there are 8 icons showing with 2 little arrows indicating that there are more icons to see if I position the cursor over the arrows. Is there a way to make all of the icons be seen?

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Date Changes In System Tray

Apr 2, 2005

Just recently my computer changes the date when restarted. It goes to September 2003. It always goes to 2003.I have reset the BIOS date properly which lasts until I restart again.

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System Tray Deletions

Dec 20, 2005

There are things on my system tray that I would like to delete(but not the program). There was a way to do this on my old W 95 computer but I have XP Media edition now and want to clean up the system tray.

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System Tray Glut

Nov 17, 2006

I have a buddy that told me his computer has slowed down at start up. I told him he has too much in the start up folder and to check misconfig. He told me he has folders in his system tray. I never heard of that. They are his folders and he doesn't know how they got there. Some of his folder had loads of pictures which that alone would make it boot slower.Could a download or a virus do this? He told me he runs Adaware, Spywareblaster and Spybot all the time.

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System Tray Inquiry

Feb 21, 2008

How can I work with my system tray so that it doesn't take a millenium to start up my computer?

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System Tray Failure

Mar 27, 2008

My Dell XPS 410, running WinXP, has a problem (or at least an annoyance)which seems to be getting worse. Very often -- maybe even most of the time lately -- half or more of my system tray icons fail to appear, even though the programs are running. It's very inconsistent, sometimes it's fine, at worst only 2 or 3 of the expected dozen or so make it. And the whole startup program-loading is really bogging down.I know that it's software related of course, as all is fine when I boot up to my back-up WinXP OS on another partition. But *where* is the glitch? I scan constantly for viruses, trojans, spyware and all, and also keep the registry clean and def ragged.It would be great if any of you might have some ideas for things I should look for, as any day now I'm going to decide to just bite the bullet and do a clean re-install of Windows. Everything's backed up, of course, but it will take days to re-install all the programs and configure everything again.

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Icons In Tray Are Not Visible

Sep 29, 2008

in my machine running on a windows XP SP, tray icons got nuts. they are not visible. time and networking is always visible. but avast, yahoo msnger, gtalk, open DNS updater nd all those stuffs are vanished..even adobe updater while updating is not there which cost a lot my bandwidth.

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Tray Icons Are Missing

Dec 11, 2008

I noticed the other day that a couple of my tray icons are missing. I know I didn't uninstall anything or set them to not show. they just stopped appearing. To my knowledge, the ones that I noticed as missing (LogMeIn and DVD43) don't even have settings to hide them. When I go to task manager I can see that they are running in Processes, but there is no way for me to interact with them.

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Fix For Missing Tray Icons

Jul 6, 2005

I have found fix for the missing XP tray Icons on the home page of The solution worked for me just fine as suggested on the web site which was to disable the UPNP using the provided reg file.But that got me thinking that it must be something that does this other then UPNP and I found the actual culprit. This is really dumb but it worked. Open My Network Placers and click on the "Hide icon for networked UPnP devices" located in the Network Task area of this window. If there is "Show icons for networked devices" in this location instead then the problem must be someplace else.

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Lost AVG Icon In Tray

Oct 11, 2009

Two AVG icons were in the tray - the normal one and one that said it was scanning - which was constant. I searched and found an answer to someone else's problem which was to exit the "normal" one and both would disappear. They did but the AVG icon is completely gone from the tray. I thought it would re-appear on its own.I can run it from the desktop icon but I'd like it back in the tray.

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System Tray Keeps Disappearing

May 14, 2008

I have XP2 SP2 and for the last few days my system tray keeps diasppearing. Sometimes it comes back, other times the only way to get it back is to restart my pc, which is getting very annoying now.It happens whatever browser I use, IE7, Firefox and Windows.

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Remove A Program Icon From Tray?

Apr 6, 2005

Can I remove a program's tray icon ( the one that appears near the volume icon in the taskbar ) without removing the program nor closing it? I want to totally remove the tray icon from near the volume one in the taskbar, so that it would not appear while the program is running. I don't want to hide it, but to totally REMOVE it from the system tray, Can I? Can I edit the registry for doing that or something else?

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Wrong Time In System Tray

Apr 11, 2008

My brand new Dell computer has the wrong time in the system tray. I have checked to make sure that I am in the correct time zone, (pacific time), but it is two hours off. Can I fix this myself or do I have to call Dell?

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Missing Clock In System Tray - Pro

Sep 11, 2007

Just installed a brand new copy of Windows XP Pro and find that the system tray is missing a couple of items that I would expect to see there. One is the clock, and the other is the icon that shows whether I am connected to the internet or not.

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System Tray Clock - Cant Drag Top Of The Bar Down

Jun 11, 2005

in the System Tray I not only have the time, but also the day, month and year appear and everything is mushed to the right in a small box. This suddenly appeared for some reason. Also, everything in the Task Bar is on two lines instead of one. I can't drag the top of the bar down further. I've searched all over the net to see how I can restore my Task Bar, but to no avail.

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Minimizing Outlook To The System Tray?

Aug 12, 2002

I like to keep Outlook open all the time, but I don't like to have it on the taskbar all the time.To minimize it to the system tray, start regedit and follow the steps below:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 10.0 Outlook Preferences Data Type: REG_DWORD Value Name: MinToTray Data: 1 (0 to disable MinToTray)

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Minimize Outlook To The System Tray?

Sep 6, 2003

To Minimize Outlook XP to the System Tray / Taskbar:Start / Run / Regedit Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 10.0 Outlook PreferencesClick on the right side of the screen, right-click and create:DWord Value: MinToTraySet value at: 1 (enable) or 0 (to disable MinToTray)

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How To Create Icon On System Tray?

Aug 26, 2005

I want to place an icon under the System tray. the program was installed already and i want to get a particular option only under the system tray.For Example : I'm having the Norton System Works 2005 on my Machine. and there is an option called Live Update in that program, i need to have the Live Update icon under the sytem Tray. So, that i can easily run the Live Update with out open the program . (In that program itself the Live Update is able to run with out opening the Norton Program) so, how come i place an icon under the System Tray.

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