This seems to have occurred in conjunction with my switching from add-in video card back to the on-board display adapter (something I've done numerous times before without a problem). Perhaps it's unrelated.No other functional problems that I've seen.I ran AVG anti-virus scan, as well as CounterSpy spyware scan. Both found zero problems.
operating system is windows xp All the desktop icons, start menu and task bar is gone except a picture of the wallpaper. Am using a different PC to sent this message.
I use XP Media Center, Avast AV, new computer, and I'm an intermediate user. Yesterday, after rebooting the desktop, start menu and taskbar began flashing with a system beep. What I mean by "flashing" is the taskbar and start button would go off, the system would beep, then they return and do it again and again. It is working right now but I'm lucky for that. I ran a virus scan and spyware scan and my system has been cleaned, defragged and a disk scan has been performed (no negative results). When I boot in Safe Mode, it's ok. I did the elimination process through MSConfig and when the services are stopped, the problem is not apparent. Turn them on, and it's there again. Here is my Hijack report below......
Two icons have disappeared but occasionally reappear for one or two secessions. I believe this happened after the Microsoft updates early November but that may be just a coincidence. The programs are still running when I check in services and I am just wondering why this is happening. The icons that disappeared are Webroot's Spyweeper and Pure Network's, Network Magic, my network manager program. My system specs are P4 2.8mhz 1024mb ram 160gb hdd running Windows XP Home.
Every now and then the icons in the system tray freeze, and when I put my mouse over the windows the text disappears and the tool tips are blank black squares... how can I fix this? >.> (a temporary for me to fix this problem is to kill the explorer.exe process and restart it)
I started up my PC yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes!I have looked all over the net and cannot find anything like this. Here is the description:The PC loads windows, but instead of going to my desktop screen... I get to an open windows explorer window (open to my desktop list) - my start up menu and taskbar are GONE.Everything else works.... my programs, my files, my user config.everything, I went into control panel and clicked on taskbar... nada... nothing happens checked anti virus.. nada.I have another physical disk (d with windows and when I swithc it to be the boot up disk, I get windows like usual, but none of my user configuration.... and the programs from the original disk do not load.
My Windows Explorer keeps crashing. I loose my desktop icons, taskbar, tray and start menu. Windows minimize to just above where the taskbar should be. Usually I can re-start the explorer.exe in the task manager. It now flashes and then is gone again. I can't get it back. How can I get to the control panel with no start menu? I've tried an earlier restore point, restarted with last known good configuration. Nothing. I'm running windows XP Home SP2 all updates.
For some reason, when my partner's computer boots up, the Windows taskbar is frozen, sometimes for up to a couple of minutes. When it finally becomes available, the Start menu etc works fine, but the system tray does not display everything that it should (for example the volume control) even though I have set it to "always show" in Properties>Customise
"My Recent Documents" link on the start menu has disappeared. I formatted my HD. Added all the new updates from Micrsoft, my antivirus, Tweak UI, MS Word and nothing else yet when I went to the start menu and the My Recent Documents wasn't there. I went to the Properties (right-click on taskbar) and it's not there either. As a matter of fact there is no link or short cut or place to activate it anywhere.
I have Window XP operating system and can no longer access the control panel. The icon is no longer available on my Start Menu. There is an icon called Set Program Access and Defaults and when I click on it it tells me "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator". This is a private home computer, not on a system. Though I am a regular computer user I have few technical skills and may have entered an incorrect command.
Running Windows XP Pro. I have no icons, no start menu and no taskbar. The only way I can run any program is to ctrl-alt-del and start a new task and I can run Iexlporer and get on the internet. However, I try and run Regedit, it comes up for a second and closes. I've ran Housecall, Virus Scan, and Regedit in Safe Mode but have found nothing. I've been getting "Project1, It's Time" popup and sometimes I get the RPC 55 second countdown to shutdown as well. I figure this must be something new or these virus programs are not finding my problem.
When I right click on the start button and when the menu appears some options have been added to the menu. I would like to delete these and add a few commands of my own, but I can't seem to find where to do this anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I've recently had some corruption to my c: drive as a result of resizing using Partion Magic 7. I managed to run chkdsk via Recover Console and was then able to boot.But now the Task Bar does not show. Also it thinks there is new hardware. I can run some application via the icon on the Desktop but not others. Does any one know of a way to resolve this? Am I running XP sp2.
Is there a way to fix the lost task bar and start menu? I went through this before and somehow I got it back. I am using Firefox. The control ESC tap did not help.
The start button on my computer, as well as any of the icons in the taskbar, do not work. I have Windows XP.I should also mention that this started happening when I rebooted my computer and got an error message that said "SRV #001 CLED Error." I can't move my mouse cursor for 2-3 minutes whenever this error message occurs.
I have a weird problem with Win2k OS. When I go into Start - Settings - Taskbart and Start Menu - Advanced - Advanced and click this 2nd "Advanced" button, I receive an error "The path 'and SettingsL Start Menu' does not exist or is not a directory. I've search the registry but couldn't find anything wrong. I seached ShellFolders etc. Does anyone know how to fix it. I am attaching a picture.
the taskbar at the bottom was missing completely, not just minimized and scooched down to the bottom. It's gone. I figured a nice trip to the Taskbar and Start Menu would do the trick, but it wont appear. I've tried creating shortcuts, typing in the actual location myself, and clicking a thousand times, (as well as a few good reboots because I cant just log off). What do I do? I want my taskbar back, but I also want all my menus to appear
I have been having CPU issues at 100%. I contacted support and the last suggestion they suggested was to update the video card driver. I have a Nividia GSForce2 MX200 (Compaq Computer) They sent me to a link to their ftp site and I followed the instructions to download, install, and do a restart. When I restarted there were no desktop icons. It probably means that whatever files are damaged are preventing the startup from finishing. The normal internet programs that launch upon starting up the computer are not launched and I have to manually launch them by finding them. I tried doing a last known good configuiration, and when that failed in safe mode I couldn't access the Start Menu to do a system restore. I tried rolling back the driver to the previous one to no avail. I called HP and of course they wanted to charge me since it is out of warranty. I said it was their file and I asked for a supervisor who told the tech to tell me the same thing. So I was stuck with chat support. We were able to try the system restore which didn't work. I went to Control Panel and tried cliking on Taskbar or Start Menu but nothing happens. HP sent me 2 links for some patches: ...
I' m supplying a screen shot. Recently I started having my task bar on the left and have started to like it. Then just now I found that nvidia can make it transparent which I tried and also like but now whenever I hit the start menu and click a program or click away, part of the start menu is ghosted into the task bar. The only way to get rid of it is to move the task bar or take a boxed window and rub it through underneath the task bar to make it disappear.
Today whilst using a program, my desktop, taskbar and start menu disappeared. I have used task manager to start explore, and it momentarily reappears before disappearing again. I have rebooted with no success. I have also attemtped to restart in sfe mode, but again no menu or desktop is available. I have attemtped to use my original XP disk to repair, but as Service pack 2 is installed it just gives me a fatal error message saying I am unable to reinstall. I have run reg cure, and I have up to date virus and spyware software.
The problem in that desktop is showing up but there are no icons no taskbar no start menu. only wallpaper. pressing alt ctrl del shows up taskmanager but there are no adware or other such processes running up only system processes, i can run programs through it and other things like softwares. last thing she did was paste cliparts from cd to hard drive.
customer brought in a BSOD machine, and I was able to recover it to a bootable state, only to be greeted by a plethora of viruses. I've chewed through most of them but this ones' evil plan has got me stumped. It has autohid the taskbar, and locked it that way. I unlock it and try to drag it to normal size, no dice. Also the start menu is disabled. The odd thing is that windows minimize to sit on top of the taskbar, so its almost like there's no taskbar there.
You helped me fix my work PC today and one of my coworkers asked me to post this for him regarding his home PC.He has Win2000 and lost all his desktop icons, start menu and task bar. He has to do a ctrl-alt-delete to do anything.All of the previous fixes here appear to be for XP machines.
I have a huge problem that was caused by me trying to delete what I thought were viruses. I went into my "processes running" in the windows task manager and deleted (End Process) what I thought were viruses. I was wrong. I deleted all of my desktop icons and the toolbar/taskbar on the bottom that includes my "start" icon. I can not figure out how to get it back to where it was before I screwed it up. I have tried system restore.
I am havig some system tray icon problems after installing anti-virus and spyware software. Looking for a fix for the disappearing system tray icons at initial start-up. Quick fix log off and on again icons reappear where they should. I am told that this disappearing activity is due to a Windows XP "BUG". What a problem! Any ideas for a secure, lasting fix out there? After the spyware and antivirus software installation, the computer star-up time is now really SLOW too. The software launches seems to be in conflict with each other, or something. Have emachine--T3406, Windows XP Home 2002, Service Pack 2. 1.23 GB RAM.
I remember few days ago.. my kaspersky identified some system file as a trojan.. so it probably a misunderstanding when i was installing system mechanic. it got deleted.. and i have this automatic option to delete them after they are put in backup in kaspersky. now whenever i open my pc, my desktop and taskbar and start menu,etc goes away after a few seconds! Now i rely on the task manager..
I am on my second XP pro install. In the last, I was installing daemon tools which required a restart. My pc wouldn't restart and I had to do it via the power button, bad, I know. On start-up, the taskbar had disappeared and I had to reboot (again the power button). I decided that I had somehow damaged the reistry and I carried out another new install. This looked perfect and was running well until I installed power iso which required a reboot. It rebooted perfectly but when windows opened......again a lot of programs aren't showing up in START-all programs! Power iso and everything else is in the programs folder but I want to access it the normal way.