I am on my second XP pro install. In the last, I was installing daemon tools which required a restart. My pc wouldn't restart and I had to do it via the power button, bad, I know. On start-up, the taskbar had disappeared and I had to reboot (again the power button). I decided that I had somehow damaged the reistry and I carried out another new install. This looked perfect and was running well until I installed power iso which required a reboot. It rebooted perfectly but when windows opened......again a lot of programs aren't showing up in START-all programs! Power iso and everything else is in the programs folder but I want to access it the normal way.
I went on the internet and as soon as my home page came up everything disappeared. All I was left with was the picture I had on the desktop. The taskbar was gone so I shut it off & restarted. When it did a disk check all kinds of things came up & when it finally started the taskbar was still missing as well as all my documents, pictures, settings, favorites, ect. My entire user account disappeared! I right clicked on the taskbar area and pulled up part of the start menu but I can't access the system tools to try a restore point. It is no longer in the start menu. I tried going in my wife's user account but same problem. At least all her documents are there.
Win XP Home SP2. I have applications that should and did have icons in the taskbar. They are no longer there. Also, when I check the box for having an icon in the taskbar for Windows features like the speaker (volume control icon), it is ignored by windows. I am not a newbie, I know about hiding inactive icons, etc... I do not have hiding icons selected at all. I have checked and unchecked, started and restared the computer and the apps to try to trick windows into showing the icons, all to no avail. This happened when I removed a couple of Security applications: Comodo Firewall and Spyware Terminator. Both had HIPS enabled. The icons were there before I removed these apps, now they are not. I have subsequently reinstalled new versions of theset two apps.
I am having some problems with my computer recently In the taskbar i don't see the remove hardware or the audio icon. Picture I was wondering where the icons disappeared. Also my computer is a bit slow, any way to make it a little faster?
operating system is windows xp All the desktop icons, start menu and task bar is gone except a picture of the wallpaper. Am using a different PC to sent this message.
This seems to have occurred in conjunction with my switching from add-in video card back to the on-board display adapter (something I've done numerous times before without a problem). Perhaps it's unrelated.No other functional problems that I've seen.I ran AVG anti-virus scan, as well as CounterSpy spyware scan. Both found zero problems.
Normally active elements should be reduced to taskbar buttons when minimized; which does not happen anymore with my computer. Thus, I have to switch between my documents using alt+tab. How to get my taskbar buttons back
I just turned my computer on today, and out of the blue it seems my secondary hard drive has committed suicide. It had only one NTFS partition covering all 300GB, but now its one FAT partition a little under 2GB plus tons of unallocated space. I have no clue how this happened, but would like to get back as much data as I can. Whenever I run an undelete program, it looks at the partition, not the drive, so it only sees 2GB of nothing and can't see any files.
With XP Pro SP2, I enable "Group similar taskbar buttons". I generally have my taskbar stretched 2 to 3 rows even so. Sometimes, when I have a lot of windows open, and the similar taskbar buttons group and stack themselves, so 1 button contains 2 or 3 open tasks, I can't get any action out of the buttons that represent multiple open tasks.
Any of the taskbar buttons that represent a single open task are fine. But any buttons that represent multiple open tasks don't respond. I have to do Alt - Tab to bring a task to the front, if it's one of the tasks on a button that represents a group. Or I can go to Taskbar Properties, and deselect "Group similar taskbar buttons".
I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.
I want to see all task bar buttons and not have them grouped. XP Taskbar menu offers check "Group similar taskbar buttons." I leave this unchecked, then Apply, then OK. XP still groups the similar buttons (e.g., Word doc1, Word doc2, etc.) instead of having these ungrouped.
I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".
I have a proble with my XP taskbar. The other day it switched from time to reflect time and DAY. Which increased the size of my icons and now they look like ish... Can someone assist me in getting rid of the day stamp? I only need to know the time.
I have been using Add/Remove icon in Control Panel to remove programs. Although the Win2k Pro is running fine ,the icon of Add/Remove Program is not opening the next window to remove the programs.
I downloaded a program from Ebay and after installing it I noticed it didn't have a uninstall. I used my add & remove program to uninstall the program but not all of it got uninstalled. I deleted the folder and then did a search in my registry for anything with refernce to the programs name "Ebay's Blackthorne" and deleted all entries with that name.Every time I reboot windows tries to install something for Blackthorne and I have to keep cancelling it out.
I tried to use "Compressed (Zipped) Folders" in Windows. It didn't work. Then I tried right clicking on a folder/file, selecting "Properties", pushing the "Advanced" button,I then checked "Compress contents to save disk space",and the folder and its contents turned blue but the size of the files,seeming, hadn't changed. Have the files actually been compressed? Should I get an external ZIP program? If so can you recommend a program?
I have just upgraded my M/b, CPU & RAM. Went through the (painful) procedure of re-activation (how many digits ). Had to do a repair install to get XP to boot. While booting I noticed that the 'chasing lights' on the Windows flash screen had reverted back to green instead of blue, which indicates that I no longer have SP2 installed. Visited MS Update. Was told SP2 was already installed. However, I have no icon for Security Centre either.
It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?
Um.. I think this could go here. Well i just partitioned my hard drive and i seperated it by music, programs, etc. What im trying to do is get all my programs to use the seperate partition (E) instead of C:. I just wanted to know how to do this.
I have a Canon CanoCraft CS-P Series Scanning program and when I logg on as guest, I get an error saying, " Canon CanoCraft CS-P Series has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. " On all other accounts, the program works normally. It only doesn't work on the Guest account.
I'm using an IBM NetVista, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz and one night, powers went out. And when I turned my PC on, USB ports aren't working. To my surprise, at the device manager, USB section was gone. It was undetected, or w/e.
All of a sudden my CD drive and my new DVD burner are gone. They are still there but it is as if they were unplugged from my PC but they were not unplugged. I did some Windows Updates recently. Tried System Restore and it did not work. When I go into "My Computer" the 2 drives are just gone.
This started happening yesterday....my D drive keeps disappearing. Dell Latitude Laptop Win 2000 Pro, I go to the My Computer Icon...and it is gone? Anyone know where it might be hiding?
fro no known reason my sound has disappeared. I am running Dell, xp home dimension 3000 machine. I have gone to the control panel, opened sound and audio devices. The boxes are all gray on the sound tab so unable to access anything.
I was using the internet when suddenly the window closed and everything disappeared from my desktop (task bar, start button, desktop icons..everything leaving just the background). Didn't get any error messages or warnings either. I tried clicking on the desktop but got no response so I pressed ctrl, alt, delete, to restart. But when it restarted I got an empty desktop again and it wasn't until the 4th time restarting when everything was there again. I then opened internet explorer and it wouldn't respond. On the fifth time restarting, everything was fine but half an hour later I got the empty desktop again and had to restart 5 times again. Is this a virus? How to I get rid of this problem since it was running fine before this.
for some reason my pictures have changed to quicktime but when i try to open them get a message i do not have the right importer. what has happened. on my desktop i have a photo from my pictures but when i try to use the screensaver it says there are not any photos in my pictures help.