I like to keep Outlook open all the time, but I don't like to have it on the taskbar all the time.To minimize it to the system tray, start regedit and follow the steps below:HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 10.0 Outlook Preferences Data Type: REG_DWORD Value Name: MinToTray Data: 1 (0 to disable MinToTray)
I use Outlook for my email and have Windows XP (I think).Recently when I go to minimize outlook(so it shows up on thte bottom task bar)it completely closes. So I can't minimize it without closing it so I end up dragging most of it off my screen so I can access it easily.
To Minimize Outlook XP to the System Tray / Taskbar:Start / Run / Regedit Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Office 10.0 Outlook PreferencesClick on the right side of the screen, right-click and create:DWord Value: MinToTraySet value at: 1 (enable) or 0 (to disable MinToTray)
How do I minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray? You can use the registry to minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray by performing the following steps: Start the registry editor (regedit.exe). Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice10.0OutlookPreferences. From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value. Enter a name of MinToTray. Double-click the new value, and set it to 1. Restart Outlook. After you perform these steps, Outlook will reside in the system tray.
I am running Win XP Pro with SP2 (standard setup). The problem: A couple of the icons in the system tray don't show up on re-boot. Specifically, the 'safely remove hardware' icon, and a backup utility called 'second copy' that runs on startup. When I 'restore' to the exact same point, everything is fine. When I reboot, gone again. And when they are gone, I can't run the backup utility (it won't start). What is different about the restore utility that makes it work if I restore to the same exact point. This all started with I tried to uninstall and reinstall Norton Utilities (which seems to be working fine).
when the system boots, many of the icons do not appear in the system tray. most of the time, only the Mcafee security center is running in the system tray, and the wireless network and local area connection icons are there, with nothing else appearing. what should appear is the battery meter icon (thats probably the most annoying thing), the volume icon, AVG free edition, nokia pc suite, dell quickset, dell support, microsoft spyware, and the winamp tray icon.
I received a Windows error last night, and since then, I no longer have a system tray. I can't remember what file it mentioned or what I was doing at the time (I was on the brink of being clinically unconscious I was so tired). I recall it possibly being an 'nt' dll file. I turned off the computer last night, not really thinking anything of it, but today, the system tray is still not there. The clock is, but no icons.
for probably a year now perhaps my games minimize themselves to desktop and then i reopen then again no problem - but soon i want to play some online games and it will really get on my nerves in the heat of battle for the program to minimize. it isnt just games that do this also when watching full screen windows media player it will revert to regular. these events happen around every hour or so i guess.
I would like to see all of the icons in the system tray. Right now there are 8 icons showing with 2 little arrows indicating that there are more icons to see if I position the cursor over the arrows. Is there a way to make all of the icons be seen?
Just recently my computer changes the date when restarted. It goes to September 2003. It always goes to 2003.I have reset the BIOS date properly which lasts until I restart again.
There are things on my system tray that I would like to delete(but not the program). There was a way to do this on my old W 95 computer but I have XP Media edition now and want to clean up the system tray.
I have a buddy that told me his computer has slowed down at start up. I told him he has too much in the start up folder and to check misconfig. He told me he has folders in his system tray. I never heard of that. They are his folders and he doesn't know how they got there. Some of his folder had loads of pictures which that alone would make it boot slower.Could a download or a virus do this? He told me he runs Adaware, Spywareblaster and Spybot all the time.
My Dell XPS 410, running WinXP, has a problem (or at least an annoyance)which seems to be getting worse. Very often -- maybe even most of the time lately -- half or more of my system tray icons fail to appear, even though the programs are running. It's very inconsistent, sometimes it's fine, at worst only 2 or 3 of the expected dozen or so make it. And the whole startup program-loading is really bogging down.I know that it's software related of course, as all is fine when I boot up to my back-up WinXP OS on another partition. But *where* is the glitch? I scan constantly for viruses, trojans, spyware and all, and also keep the registry clean and def ragged.It would be great if any of you might have some ideas for things I should look for, as any day now I'm going to decide to just bite the bullet and do a clean re-install of Windows. Everything's backed up, of course, but it will take days to re-install all the programs and configure everything again.
I have XP2 SP2 and for the last few days my system tray keeps diasppearing. Sometimes it comes back, other times the only way to get it back is to restart my pc, which is getting very annoying now.It happens whatever browser I use, IE7, Firefox and Windows.
My brand new Dell computer has the wrong time in the system tray. I have checked to make sure that I am in the correct time zone, (pacific time), but it is two hours off. Can I fix this myself or do I have to call Dell?
Just installed a brand new copy of Windows XP Pro and find that the system tray is missing a couple of items that I would expect to see there. One is the clock, and the other is the icon that shows whether I am connected to the internet or not.
in the System Tray I not only have the time, but also the day, month and year appear and everything is mushed to the right in a small box. This suddenly appeared for some reason. Also, everything in the Task Bar is on two lines instead of one. I can't drag the top of the bar down further. I've searched all over the net to see how I can restore my Task Bar, but to no avail.
I want to place an icon under the System tray. the program was installed already and i want to get a particular option only under the system tray.For Example : I'm having the Norton System Works 2005 on my Machine. and there is an option called Live Update in that program, i need to have the Live Update icon under the sytem Tray. So, that i can easily run the Live Update with out open the program . (In that program itself the Live Update is able to run with out opening the Norton Program) so, how come i place an icon under the System Tray.
my icons in the system tray is stacking on top of each other instead of going across the bottom of teh screen like normal.Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Here is an example using the smilies.My system tray looks like this right now.
I know this is a commonly asked question but the fixes I have found online so far have not worked for me. The problem is simple, my systray icons do not show up anymore but the clock does and I cannot access the 'hide inactive icons' check box that is in the properties area of the tray because it is grayed out.
Today, I noticed two icons that are normally in the system tray are gone. They are the blue battery icon for the laptop battery status, and the Windows volume control speaker icon. Yes,I opened the "Power Options" icon in Windows Control Panel, and under "Power Options Properties/Advanced, the checkbox "Always show icon on the taskbar" is checked. Yet the icon will not show. Same thing for the Windows volume control icon, in Control Panel, I clicked "Sounds and Audio Devices", and on the "Volume" tab, I have checked "Place volume icon in the taskbar", but there's no icon. They were both there yesterday, and I didn't knowlingly change any settings.
I have a ton of program in my system tray (which I've been told means they are running somehow, and presumably using up resources). I'm assuming this might be contributing to the slow speed of my computer. Can anybody tell me how to prevent these programs from starting up whenever I start the computer. Some of them are programs I hardly ever use and I'm sure I could find them to open them if I ever need them. I'm running Windows 2000 Professional.
Computer starts getting little popups in the system tray saying the computer is infected, and spysherrif and virus Axe automatically download. I ran everything I had in safe mode, as well as smitten. There were 4 registry items that ewido could not remove though, it kept getting an error.
Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but here I go. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 with WXP. Everything was fine 'till a day ago, i dont know what happened but suddenly the System Tray Icons started to be very slow, when I double click on them it takes a few minutes for them to open, when I right click on them the options just get stuck there and wont go away blocking the view of the other icons, and it wont let me choose any of them, the volume icon and the internet connection icon will no change even if the volume or signal have changed. Also, the typing in any program became really reallly slow, but I fixed that already.