This problem does not occur in word or in word pad because they have their own right to left controls. however in excel or notepad even in explorer the computer refuses to recognize that I'm writing in a right to left language.I tried:uninstalling and reinstalling right to left support plus the right to left language reinstalling microsoft office even though it is definitely an operating system issue uninstalling and microsoft office.
I have windows XP on my laptop and it just refuses to enter in a standby mode, neither Hibernate mode.Usually it runs very normally but every time I try to put it on standby I get a blue error screen that says that my system have to shut down because of a serious error and that I have to check the bios. After that I just switch off the button and have to turn it off!
I've read similar posts on this subject on the net and on techguy, but I've never found anything that seems to work.I have a Gateway computer running MS XP media center edition Operating system purchased sometime around the summer of 05.It had been running perfectly fine, well, almost perfectly fine, until just recently it decided that it did not want to start up. At first it was internittant and could be solved by turning the computer on and off along with playing with the powerstrip, now these methods have failed tend the computer refuses to boot up at all
Ok guys my problem is also involved with video games. I tried to install Steam (a program that runs Sierra games such as Counter-Strike) but when i try to install it this thing pops up "You do not have access to make the required system configuration modifications. Please return this installation from an administrators account." Ok guys I also tried to install this game "World Of Warcraft." I tried to install both these games but the computer keeps blocking! When i try to insteall Steam that note pops up (see above). When i try to install World Of Warcraft, the nstallation bar stops and remains at the middle. I left it installing for the whole night last night. When i woke up the bar is still at the middle , like 50%. Ok so anyway, all of this is because of the Administrator access problem. I have checked other topics that relates to this problem but it didn't solve my problem
i have always been the administrator on my computer. now it does not recognize me as that...actually it doesn't show anyone as the adminisrator. it shows my account as limited
I assumed when I bought my second Dell, I could just take my old floppy drive and slave drive from my old one & put it in the new one. However, the new computer won't recognize the floppy and the inputs on the back of the drive in the new computer are totally different than both drives in my old one. The drive I want to install is a Seagate Barracuda 120gb. It uses a 20 pin cable, but the drive (NCQ SATA)in the new computer has a much smaller cable input & I can't figure out how to install it. Any input? On a separate note, is there any way to connect two computers, such as with a serial cable, to read the drives on the second one (without using a router).
XP Pro hangs on start-up. Hadn't used computer in months. Started and had problems. hit the wrong key at wrong time and have messed up 1 or 2 system startup files. As soon as windows begins to start, it auto shuts down and trys to re-start. The computer will not recognize the XP Pro upgrade disc in my cd-rom drive so I can do a repair. How do I force the repair of the corrupted files?
I have pentium 4 running Windows XP.I tried installing a Compaq 5 Port USB 2.0 PCI card in my computer but the computer will not recognize it.I have 2 open slots and it won't work in either.
My operating system, Windows XP, comes up with several error messages when I try to open up system files or programs that concern the "Computer Administrator". I then checked in the Control Panel to make sure that my name is in fact the admininstrator, and it is, to no suprise. But whenever I try to open these programs it either says this has been disabled by the administrator. The administrator has turned off this feature.
I don't know why this happens. I find out a way to fix it and then when I close it, it won't let me reopen it without fixing it again. Some programs that I have tried that don't work and give me this or a similar error message are, System Restore, Task Manager, Regedit, and Windows Update.
I have a Windows XP home SP2 computer that has a Sony DVD RW DW-D22A that supposedly supports both -R and +R. Well I bought a stack of 100 Blank DVD-R and less than 1/2 way through the stack they turned into lousy DVD's. Both for DVD movies and data storage they wouldn't work. I would get this CRC check sum error message. I contacted the manufacturer and sent in a few samples and they replaced them - sent me two stacks of 50 - nice company. Well I just burned a data disc and my computer doesn't recognize anything being on the disc - I even get the "You have inserted a blank cd/dvd window" thing on my screen. I then tried to burn a dvd movie using a different program and that program doesn't even recognize a disc being in the drive (yes I did put in a fresh dvd before I started the program).
I recently put together a new computer for my girlfriend, but didn't have the time to stay during the entire Windows installation. Apparently, while XP was installing (my girlfriend had gone out) her mother attempted to follow the prompts ( ); during this she mis-typed the serial key, and didn't know what to do... according to her, the installation froze. She couldn't tab to get back, and it didn't recognize the mouse. She restarted the computer, and apparently was able to get windows to install. My girlfriend called me later to tell me that "the screen is all wrong, the colors don't look right." Upon asking her what the problem was, she replied "the screen." 'Describe it to me' "it's the monitor". 'No, what's wrong with it?' "THE SCREEN DOESN"T LOOK RIGHT!!!". Heh. You can see what i'm dealing with. I had her go into desktop settings to crank the resolution up to at least 1024x768, and high colors; after she hits apply, nothing happens.
I told her to install the drivers for the graphics card. She's tried twice; each time it goes through the driver installation, and tells her to restart. Upon restarting, it goes to the Windows loading screen, and then (as best I can tell from what she's telling me) the monitor looses signal from the PC. Screen goes black, monitor light goes from green to orange. Computer is still on; it doesn't restart. She can only get back in via safe mode...........
my sister tried to get on the internet today (we have dialup - modem connection) but it wouldnt go.After a bit of tinkering around, I discovered her modem isnt even being recognized by her PC, that is, on the list of installed hardware theres no "modem" sub-list at all.Its always worked until now, there hasent been any major changes to the system, and the modem is still installed and secured properly.I THINK it may be caused by a virus, I done a virus scan on her PC with RemoveIT Pro, and there were 3 viruses, I removed them hoping it would help, but it didnt. I also done a system restore to an earlier time, didnt help.This happened to my PC a few times before, and the only way I could fix it was to do a whole system recovery...but I cant find my sisters recovery disc anywhere, and I dont have a Windows XP CD for a clean install or anything, so I thought about seeing if I could activate her modem in the BIOS, but her PC is diffrent than mine and I cant seem to find it (pushing F1/other buttons while its starting up dosent do anything)
My brother went to My Computer one day and saw that there was no disc drive there, it was working in the past, but now it doesn't show up, I don't think he did anything unusual. But it shows up under Safely Remove Hardware Wizard with "Samsung CD Drive" or something like that.
My computer has lost it's sound. As for as I can tell the computer does not reconize that it has a sound card. This happened suddenly. My computer is a SONY, Pentium 4, 1500mhz. 1.50 ghz,384 mb of ram, using Windows xp, version 2002 with service pack 2. Anyone have any ideas? From my records the computer had an Intel Intergrated audio card.
I am running XP Pro on my computer. On another drive I have windows 7. My computer stopped booting to my XP drive all of a sudden, but it would let me boot to my Windows 7 drive. That lasted for about 3 days. Now I can't boot to either drive. When I start the computer it says there is no HDD. I tried to use the XP disk to repair, that didn't work., so I thought I'd do an XP install. But my hard drive doesn't show up all the time. Or it will show the HDD but upon trying to pick a partition to set up XP in, it then tell me there is no HDD. I get the blue screen of death, and have to manually force a shut down. Other times it tell me that the HDD is RAW, and it needs to be formatted. How can I get the HDD to format? Is there a way to do it through DOS. Sometimes I can't even get to the DOS prompt. The bootup section is corrupt. I need to repair it, but can't if the system doesn't see my HDD.
When I try to boot up my compy, and I get to the Windows XP loading screen, it looks like it's doing stuff, but then it restarts my computer. I'm on a LiveCD right now. When I try to do Safe Mode it restarts at Mup.sys. Any ideas on why it's doing this?
I have an external USB 300GB Seagate drive that used to work fine.Then, periodically XP would not recognize when I turned it on. A re-boot would fix the problem. Now, XP won’t recongnize the drive at all. I get an "unknown device" error. I have a USB 2.0 card I plug the drive into, and all other devices in that card work fine. The device driver manager says all is well, except of course with the "unknown device" it notes, which is the external drive.
I recently was forced to do a re-install of XP to clean up a few bugs.The system has 3 hard drives, but since the reinstall, only the C: drive appears. The other two are nowhere to be found.I've tried mapping to them, but they just don't show up there as a mapping option.Anyone have any advice? When I added the extra hard drives I didn't have an available slot and did have to create a partition. I no longer have the software I had originally used though. Do I need it to make the 2 other drives visable?
I keep getting this error "One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it". And if I leave my PC on to long the keyboard, mouse, and sometimes even the monitor stop working. I've tried unplugging the keyboard and mouse (which are not USB) and plugging them back in, but to no avail.
I have two almost identical (one of them has only 40Gb drive) Dell 8400 computers that worked very well together networked till yesterday. Both of them have same OS version including updates.I had to do a PC restore on computer A and since then Computer B doesn't recognize computer A. I went through Network Wizard, made sure the computer names are unique and the workgroup name is identical on both machines. Computer B doesn't even show local shared directories anymore.Computer A finds computer B without any problems.BTW, Computer B works fine otherwise; I can access Internet, a network drive without any problems. I did hardware ping test and board test and they all pass.
I tried to run a knoppix (live linux distro) cd and changed the boot order (F2 setup) to boot from cd. Ok... the cd still wouldnt boot, so I went into F2 again and made all devices non-bootable except the cd player. When I tried this method... I was informed that my cd drive isnt a bootable device. I checked a few settings but couldnt find anything in regards to this. Im just trying to boot from my cd player.
I'm trying to do some general hard-drive cleanup, and deleting temporary files and whatnot. Regardless of how I select any group of files from any directory, or even from the recycle bin, it simply opens the delete dialogue and says it's deleting, but nothing happens. It stays there interminably. Never finishes, never deletes any files. It doesn't hang , I can cancel and stop it, but nothing has happened in the interim. I'm stumped. I did search and follow the thread on an earlier post MSKB, but that didn't help.
I'm having problems with my computer and I need some help desparately. My machine is basically unuseable, and I need to get it back up and running as soon as possible, so any helpful input would be greatly appreciated. Appologies in advance if I'm a bit verbose, but I want to be as clear as possible.I'll start off by mentioning that not all of the info in this story might be relevant, and that I'm just telling it in the event that it could be. A short time ago I bought 512 MBs of RAM and installed it, and it seemed to work fine. Also around that time, presumably through running a registry cleaning utility or something, I'd accidentally disabled a lot of Windows XP tools like Defrag or the Search function in Windows Explorer (some necessary files were missing in the System32 folder).
Shortly after this (lets say 2 days) I decided it was about time I reformat my computer, or rather, start a new XP install on a 200gb HD I'd bought some time earlier but never really used. However, this HD had two FAT partitions on it with a Win98 install, so I run Partition Magic to repartition/reformat it into a single NTFS partition - however PM seemed to have trouble with this - though when I checked it later on a friend's computer with the Windows Scandisk, it was ok. Anyway, shortly after this point, Windows starts acting all screwy. I mean resetting without warning, left and right. It had always done this once every few days, and I never found a cause so I learned to live with it, but now it was doing it after 10 minutes of running XP.
That was all background information that may not be relevant - now moving on the the actual problem. Removing all HDs but the 200gigger, I try installing XP on it (with the intention of partitioning/reformatting it using the installer instead of Partition Magic). However, the install does not get past the initial stage with the blue screen, freezing at a line saying "Starting windows..." or something to that effect, after it'd scanned my comp. I try this several times, no dice, freezes at the same point.
Not having any ideas, I put back in my old 80GB XP HD. It refuses to boot. It gets to the point just before it shows the XP loading screen with the icon and freezes (I believe it's a horizontal bar of ascii blocks). So, I decide maybe to try installing XP on the 200GB using a friend's comp, and do so with much success (also reformatted and Scandisked it with no issues btw) - it boots fine on his comp and I was very much happy. I bring it home, and lo and behold, it won't boot - it gets to that same damn ascii loading bar. If I skip out on it with a reset, I do get the "Hey dude Windows couldn't load, do you want to start in safe mode or something?" sort of message, and nothing on that works. When I start in safe mode, it counts down to a file called pud.inf, or something like that (I'm writing this at work right now for obvious reasons, so I can't check it) - I'm assuming that's the last file safe mode loads up before running Windows. Basically, I can get to whatever is exactly before showing the graphical XP loading screen with the Windows logo - all my computer ever displays is made out of ascii text, no graphics of any kind other than the motherboard splash screen on bootup. The problem is probably with my computer and probably not the HDs, but what it is and how to fix it is beyound my understanding.
My comp got a little messed up, (alost acted as if I was in safe mode) nothin big (hopefully) so I decided to put in the cd and repair winxp.I reinstalled it entered the serial and all that, but when I log in it asks for activation again, I say yes and when it attempts to connect, it just won't. I know it's not my connections because I have a Mac on this network that work's great (Mac and PC connected through Linksys router) I tried going to my Router's source site with no luck. Someone suggested to me maybe the needed driver's the motherboard should have arn't there anymore.It won't let me have a 30 day activation to reinstall any drivers. 'm clueless as to why it won't connect, it's been a few days with a few tries.
my external hard drive all of a sudden stopped showing up in "my computer" and a can't find it anywhere else. it make the hardware sound when I plug it in but nothing shows up. when I plug it in another port it comes up with a message saying "USb device not recognized. one of the usb device attached to this computer has malfunction and windows cannot recognize it
Thought I'd clean up my system by getting rid of programs I no longer want or use. Only problem is Add or Remove programs refuses to open. I did get it to open once but even after 3 minutes the screen stayed blank. So I thought close it and reopen, except I cant't get it to open.
I have a Gateway 7210XG Laptop which has worked perfectly since I bought it in January of this year. Until I allowed Norton anti-virus to install new virus definitions and application s/w yesterday morning. That install requested a reboot. I continued what I was doing instead of rebooting right away. When I was done I clicked on OK and the machine shut down. I can't be sure but I think I saw from the corner of my eye a message flash on the screen and it hung up.
i have a really annoying problem. my computer works fine but when left for a hour the screen goes black and the monitor revives no signal. the only way to get it back on is to switch the power button on and off. then windows says it was shut down wrongly and i have to go through a process of safe mode then start normally and las known config. there is no screen saver set and its windows xp pro any ideas before i chuck it out of the window
Since 25/Oct the clock in my system tray has somehow switched from English to Afrikaans! It also refuses to let me reset the time to the 24hr format I wqs previously using. I've checked I'm using the correct time zone, GMT