Suddenly Refuses To Upload Pictures

Aug 9, 2009

my system suddenly refuses to upload pictures or documents (Windows 2000) how do i fix

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Upload Files To My Website?

Jan 13, 2005

I'm trying to upload files to my website but I'm not sure how to do it

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Slow Upload On Internet Broadcast

Sep 7, 2005

Is there anything on this log that might slow down my machine, particularly in Internet broadcasting

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:09:40 PM, on 9/7/2005

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180

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Remove WS_FTP Upload Wizard

Aug 12, 2002

Question/Problem: How can I remove the "upload using WS_FTP upload wizard" shortcut from my "right click" context menu?Answer/Solution: You can remove the option for the Upload Wizard from the right click menu by running this command (which you can Copy and Paste from here) in Start | Run:regsvr32 /u C:progra~1ws_ftp~1wsftpsi.dll(If you have installed WS_FTP Pro to a drive other than c: you should edit the command accordingly.)

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Installed Xp Sp2: MSN Groups Photo Wont Upload?

Jun 29, 2005

Since installing Windows XP SP2, I am not able to install the MSN groups photo uploader to post pics on my site. I have tried disabling anything that
could be preventing this: firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, and also tried adjusting security settings...I get the message "installation failed", and a
tiny security shield appears for about 3 seconds next my pointer.

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Can Do All My Normal Activites - Takes Too Much Time To Upload

Apr 23, 2006

I can do all my normail activites, suddenly it will takes ages to load up pages. I can't dld anything. i do a GOBack and it works fine and then again the same problem after an hour or so. Then it workd perfectly for 2-3 days and the sme porblem did a restart working now. i called up my ISP and they said it may be a faulty router. But is not after diagnosis. Somthing is wrong i don't no wot

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Deleting: HP Share To Web Upload Folder Icon

Aug 2, 2009

When I downloaded the updated drivers for my hp scanner software, an icon appeared on my desktop and if I right click it to delete it my computer freezes. If I drag it to the recycle bin or any other folder it just duplicates it and it is still on the desktop. I can't find anywhere else where I could delete it from the registry for example or add/delete programs list. I can't rename it , to try to delete it, because of the freezing issue. I will never use it so It bothers me that its there.

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How ToPut Saved Pictures Back In My Pictures Folder?

Jan 16, 2005

I want to put the pictures that I saved from the My Pictures folder back to the My Pictures folder. I have set one of them as the new desktop background. (It was before the format).I have typed in "Export Pictures from CD to My Pictures folder" without the quotes and I get a list of links pertaining to CD recording errors and other things like that. I did right click on a picture in Drive E (my CD-RW) just to see what would come up and I noticed that on the Send To menu that these pictures can be sent to the desktop.

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Refuses To Load, Mup.sys?

Jan 19, 2006

When I try to boot up my compy, and I get to the Windows XP loading screen, it looks like it's doing stuff, but then it restarts my computer. I'm on a LiveCD right now. When I try to do Safe Mode it restarts at Mup.sys. Any ideas on why it's doing this?

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Recycle Bin Refuses To Empty

Feb 20, 2005

I'm trying to do some general hard-drive cleanup, and deleting temporary files and whatnot. Regardless of how I select any group of files from any directory, or even from the recycle bin, it simply opens the delete dialogue and says it's deleting, but nothing happens. It stays there interminably. Never finishes, never deletes any files. It doesn't hang , I can cancel and stop it, but nothing has happened in the interim. I'm stumped. I did search and follow the thread on an earlier post MSKB, but that didn't help.

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Computer Refuses To Recognize

Sep 25, 2007

This problem does not occur in word or in word pad because they have their own right to left controls. however in excel or notepad even in explorer the computer refuses to recognize that I'm writing in a right to left language.I tried:uninstalling and reinstalling right to left support plus the right to left language reinstalling microsoft office even though it is definitely an operating system issue uninstalling and microsoft office.

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Refuses To Boot Or Install

Jan 25, 2005

I'm having problems with my computer and I need some help desparately. My machine is basically unuseable, and I need to get it back up and running as soon as possible, so any helpful input would be greatly appreciated. Appologies in advance if I'm a bit verbose, but I want to be as clear as possible.I'll start off by mentioning that not all of the info in this story might be relevant, and that I'm just telling it in the event that it could be. A short time ago I bought 512 MBs of RAM and installed it, and it seemed to work fine. Also around that time, presumably through running a registry cleaning utility or something, I'd accidentally disabled a lot of Windows XP tools like Defrag or the Search function in Windows Explorer (some necessary files were missing in the System32 folder).

Shortly after this (lets say 2 days) I decided it was about time I reformat my computer, or rather, start a new XP install on a 200gb HD I'd bought some time earlier but never really used. However, this HD had two FAT partitions on it with a Win98 install, so I run Partition Magic to repartition/reformat it into a single NTFS partition - however PM seemed to have trouble with this - though when I checked it later on a friend's computer with the Windows Scandisk, it was ok. Anyway, shortly after this point, Windows starts acting all screwy. I mean resetting without warning, left and right. It had always done this once every few days, and I never found a cause so I learned to live with it, but now it was doing it after 10 minutes of running XP.

That was all background information that may not be relevant - now moving on the the actual problem. Removing all HDs but the 200gigger, I try installing XP on it (with the intention of partitioning/reformatting it using the installer instead of Partition Magic). However, the install does not get past the initial stage with the blue screen, freezing at a line saying "Starting windows..." or something to that effect, after it'd scanned my comp. I try this several times, no dice, freezes at the same point.

Not having any ideas, I put back in my old 80GB XP HD. It refuses to boot. It gets to the point just before it shows the XP loading screen with the icon and freezes (I believe it's a horizontal bar of ascii blocks). So, I decide maybe to try installing XP on the 200GB using a friend's comp, and do so with much success (also reformatted and Scandisked it with no issues btw) - it boots fine on his comp and I was very much happy. I bring it home, and lo and behold, it won't boot - it gets to that same damn ascii loading bar. If I skip out on it with a reset, I do get the "Hey dude Windows couldn't load, do you want to start in safe mode or something?" sort of message, and nothing on that works. When I start in safe mode, it counts down to a file called pud.inf, or something like that (I'm writing this at work right now for obvious reasons, so I can't check it) - I'm assuming that's the last file safe mode loads up before running Windows. Basically, I can get to whatever is exactly before showing the graphical XP loading screen with the Windows logo - all my computer ever displays is made out of ascii text, no graphics of any kind other than the motherboard splash screen on bootup. The problem is probably with my computer and probably not the HDs, but what it is and how to fix it is beyound my understanding.

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Refuses To Connect On Activation

Jun 22, 2005

My comp got a little messed up, (alost acted as if I was in safe mode) nothin big (hopefully) so I decided to put in the cd and repair winxp.I reinstalled it entered the serial and all that, but when I log in it asks for activation again, I say yes and when it attempts to connect, it just won't. I know it's not my connections because I have a Mac on this network that work's great (Mac and PC connected through Linksys router) I tried going to my Router's source site with no luck. Someone suggested to me maybe the needed driver's the motherboard should have arn't there anymore.It won't let me have a 30 day activation to reinstall any drivers. 'm clueless as to why it won't connect, it's been a few days with a few tries.

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How Do I Save The Pictures In My Pictures Folder To CD?

Jan 14, 2005

I need to know how to save the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD. I am going to format and reinstall XP Home and if I do, I will lose these pictures unless I save them.

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Sorting Pictures To A Sequence In My Pictures.

Dec 1, 2008

I have taken a series of pictures on different days and downloaded them into a folder in My Pictures. I need to put them in a sequence so I right clicked each picture and re-named it as follows: 001jpg, 002jpg and so on for 100 pictures. In view, I selected arrange icons by modified and all the pictures moved to the sequence I wanted. All is well and good until I copied the folder to a CD. All the pictures reverted to their original sequence instead of the sequence I put them in.

How can I copy the folder with the pictures in the sequence I put them in? Whenever I open the picture file to look at that folder, they are always in the sequnce I put them in

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Add Or Remove Programs Refuses To Open

Mar 15, 2008

Thought I'd clean up my system by getting rid of programs I no longer want or use. Only problem is Add or Remove programs refuses to open. I did get it to open once but even after 3 minutes the screen stayed blank. So I thought close it and reopen, except I cant't get it to open.

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Gateway Laptop Refuses To Boot

Jul 22, 2005

I have a Gateway 7210XG Laptop which has worked perfectly since I bought it in January of this year. Until I allowed Norton anti-virus to install new virus definitions and application s/w yesterday morning. That install requested a reboot. I continued what I was doing instead of rebooting right away. When I was done I clicked on OK and the machine shut down. I can't be sure but I think I saw from the corner of my eye a message flash on the screen and it hung up.

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Black Screen Refuses To Start

Apr 10, 2005

i have a really annoying problem. my computer works fine but when left for a hour the screen goes black and the monitor revives no signal. the only way to get it back on is to switch the power button on and off. then windows says it was shut down wrongly and i have to go through a process of safe mode then start normally and las known config. there is no screen saver set and its windows xp pro any ideas before i chuck it out of the window

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Refuses To Reset The Time To 24hr Format

Oct 28, 2007

Since 25/Oct the clock in my system tray has somehow switched from English to Afrikaans! It also refuses to let me reset the time to the 24hr format I wqs previously using. I've checked I'm using the correct time zone, GMT

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Windows Refuses To Boot Even In Safe Mode

May 22, 2007

The problem: Windows refuses to boot, even in safe mode.Symptoms: System POSTs fine then hangs when windows kicks in. I've tried all the options when the 'windows failed to load properly' comes up, but they all hang. When I tried it in safe mode a list of drivers appears to be loading but then it gets to /mup.sys and it hangs there.Recent changes to system: Yes and one is undoubtedly the culprit, as this install of windows has been running flawlessly for over 2 years. Today I made two changes to the system....and in all my wisdom I made them both at the same time, although I'm pretty sure I know what screwed it up. I flashed the BIOS to the latest revision, upgraded the processor to a Athlon socket 939 x2 +4200 (from a single core +3200 I think) AND installed a small external SATA port (I think this screwed stuff up).The BIOS upgrade went smoothly and took place a few hours and reboots before the processor change in eSATA bracket install, so I don't think it's to blame.The processor install also went off without a hitch and the computer not only recognized it correctly, but the first boot was fine and went to windows. During this first boot I got the 'installing new hardware' little picture in the lower right hand part of the taskbar, but was never prompted for drivers.

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Laptop Refuses To Boot From Install Cd Screen Stays Black

Jul 16, 2009

I've recently purchased an HP G50 laptop, and decided to wipe off Vista and install XP - I did this with a few laptops before, no problem. However this laptop is proving to be a real headache. It won't boot from the Windows XP install CD at all The furthest I get is at the "Press any key to boot from CD" prompt, then the screen stays black. I booted without the hard drive to see if this was causing the issue, but the problem persisted. The CD had no problem booting on 4 other machines. I tried a different CD and that didn't make the problem go away. The laptop will boot any Linux install/live cd I shoot at it, yet it refuses to boot the Windows XP install CD.

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Computer Refuses To Enter Hibernate Mode - Check The Bios

Jan 15, 2009

I have windows XP on my laptop and it just refuses to enter in a standby mode, neither Hibernate mode.Usually it runs very normally but every time I try to put it on standby I get a blue error screen that says that my system have to shut down because of a serious error and that I have to check the bios. After that I just switch off the button and have to turn it off!

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Double Click On Picture In My Pics Folder / Refuses To Open It

Sep 16, 2005

Whenever I double click on a picture in my pics folder it refuses to open it up to a bigger window that shows the pic enlarged. I also cant use any of them as a picture for my desktop.this is what the window that pops up states..

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Computer Refuses To Boot Properly - Running MS Media Center Edition

Dec 31, 2006

I've read similar posts on this subject on the net and on techguy, but I've never found anything that seems to work.I have a Gateway computer running MS XP media center edition Operating system purchased sometime around the summer of 05.It had been running perfectly fine, well, almost perfectly fine, until just recently it decided that it did not want to start up. At first it was internittant and could be solved by turning the computer on and off along with playing with the powerstrip, now these methods have failed tend the computer refuses to boot up at all

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My Pictures Has Unwanted Pictures

Dec 1, 2008

I am using an old Dell with XP and Internet Explorer 7. When previewing some images I have stored in My Pictures, I find when using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons I am able to pull up the next or previous pictures as I should. But when I e-mail an image to myself and then use the 'next' or 'previous' buttons, I begin to get images from web sites I have recently visited even if it is just my home page. While scanning my home page, for instance, I collect dozens of images in a matter of minutes.The only change I have made recently is a download of info from a digital camera disc to enable me to store pictures from my new camera.

I did a system restore to a couple of days before that download but I'm still copying dots, dashes, logos and pictures or frames from videos.

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PC Suddenly Being Slow

Apr 26, 2008

As the title states my computer all of a sudden started to be really slow, this happened about a week ago.Well, a little history behind my Laptop. It's an Acer TravelMate 4070, and I got it at the end of summer vacation 2006, so it's kinda old, I know. Anyways, it has worked perfectly for it's purposes until a week ago. I only used it for Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Firefox, Messenger, iTunes and World of Warcraft (admitted; im addicted) which all ran with no problems at all.Now 3 weeks ago I reformatted it, due to helluvalot BSODS, and then I reformatted it again 2 weeks ago 'cos the 3 weeks ago reformat was a false copy of Windows XP, tho.

Firefox, WinRar, Windows Live, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Daemon Tools, VLC, Spytbot S&D, CCleaner and all the drivers for my laptop ofc.Then there went a week and I installed BitTorrent, 'cos I wanted something I've allready payed license on! After that there went 3 days and my computer suddenly started to run very slow.It takes 2 minutes to start up and explorer.exe uses additional 1 minute to load. Also, I can't play music and watch videos on it anymore, music simply gets a "lag" every 1sec, and videos plays like they have a FPS equal 1, plus my CPU speeds is on 60%+ if I have anything open at all or moves my mouse to fast.

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VPN Connection Suddenly Dysfunctional

Jul 31, 2009

I have been accessing my work VPN over my home firewalled wireless connection (WindowsXP) for over a year now on my Dell laptop. Suddenly, I am able to log on to the VPN, and it shows me connected, but I cannot connect to my mail or the databases. I have not intentionally changed any settings. Could this be a result of a security or windows update?

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CD-rom Drives Suddenly Don't Work

Dec 27, 2005

I have a MITSUMI CD-ROM FX54++M and a CR-48XCTE drives.they stopped working, and under device manager it says this for both: "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)" Im pritty sure that the reason for this was when i was installing quicktime 7 with itunes and it prompted me if i wished to change windows so that every time i put in a cd it would auto-run the cd, because after i rebooted they stopped working. If i uninstall the drives windows still detects them, and the drives work physically. I have changed autorun back to 0 in regedit but that has changed nothing, and when i tried to install the driver for the CD-R drive it says it cannot detect any drive. I also did a system restore and the drives still do not work

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Right Click Is Suddenly Gone In Firefox

Aug 23, 2009

Can anyone suggest why my ability to right click in Firefox suddenly went away? I've always been able to open new tabs by right-clicking a link, but now nothing. It still works in IE. Sony Vaio XP Home with Pentium 4.

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Suddenly No Sound Windows Xp Pro

May 24, 2005

All of a sudden this afternoon, no sound coming out of my computer. Not sure how or why? Volume is up on speakers, and they are carefully plugged in. Volume control on the task bar is up and not muted. Legacy audio drivers seem to be working fine.

View 3 Replies View Related Account Has Suddenly Appeared

Feb 1, 2009

A new account -ASP.NET MACHINE A has suddenly appeared on my computer - it is password protected. Can anyone tell me what it is? Can I delete it safely if so how?

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