Remove WS_FTP Upload Wizard

Aug 12, 2002

Question/Problem: How can I remove the "upload using WS_FTP upload wizard" shortcut from my "right click" context menu?Answer/Solution: You can remove the option for the Upload Wizard from the right click menu by running this command (which you can Copy and Paste from here) in Start | Run:regsvr32 /u C:progra~1ws_ftp~1wsftpsi.dll(If you have installed WS_FTP Pro to a drive other than c: you should edit the command accordingly.)

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File Settings And Transfer Wizard Won't Write Wizard CD

Aug 30, 2005

I want to migrate data from my old computer (98) to my new computer (XP) via serial cable. To do that I need to create a "Wizard Disk" for my old computer. I'm trying to use "File and Settings Transfer Wizard" on my new computer to create the Wizard CD, but that program doesn't recognize my CD-RW/DVD drive (E. The dropdown list used to select the output device includes choices for only F, G, H, and I, my 8-in-1 media drives. How can I
get it to write to my CD on drive E?

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Upload Files To My Website?

Jan 13, 2005

I'm trying to upload files to my website but I'm not sure how to do it

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Slow Upload On Internet Broadcast

Sep 7, 2005

Is there anything on this log that might slow down my machine, particularly in Internet broadcasting

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:09:40 PM, on 9/7/2005

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180

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Suddenly Refuses To Upload Pictures

Aug 9, 2009

my system suddenly refuses to upload pictures or documents (Windows 2000) how do i fix

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Installed Xp Sp2: MSN Groups Photo Wont Upload?

Jun 29, 2005

Since installing Windows XP SP2, I am not able to install the MSN groups photo uploader to post pics on my site. I have tried disabling anything that
could be preventing this: firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, and also tried adjusting security settings...I get the message "installation failed", and a
tiny security shield appears for about 3 seconds next my pointer.

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Can Do All My Normal Activites - Takes Too Much Time To Upload

Apr 23, 2006

I can do all my normail activites, suddenly it will takes ages to load up pages. I can't dld anything. i do a GOBack and it works fine and then again the same problem after an hour or so. Then it workd perfectly for 2-3 days and the sme porblem did a restart working now. i called up my ISP and they said it may be a faulty router. But is not after diagnosis. Somthing is wrong i don't no wot

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Deleting: HP Share To Web Upload Folder Icon

Aug 2, 2009

When I downloaded the updated drivers for my hp scanner software, an icon appeared on my desktop and if I right click it to delete it my computer freezes. If I drag it to the recycle bin or any other folder it just duplicates it and it is still on the desktop. I can't find anywhere else where I could delete it from the registry for example or add/delete programs list. I can't rename it , to try to delete it, because of the freezing issue. I will never use it so It bothers me that its there.

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VPN Connection (wizard)

Jan 13, 2005

When trying to make a new VPN connection with XP the options about "dial-up"
and "vpn" are grey. Whats up?

1) Create new connection
2) Connect to the network at my workplace
3) now the "dial-up" and "vpn" are grey

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Add Hardware Wizard

Oct 22, 2004

Running Windows XP on my laptop. When inserting any new plug 'n play device into any of my three USB ports, the Add Hardware wizard tells me that a device intallation is already in progress and I am to wait until that installation is complete. However, there is no other device being installed. I checked my device manager to see if anything is unrecognized, but no question marks. Any ideas on how I can install a new piece of hardware (in this case a USB memory stick)?

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Another Way To Run System Restore Wizard?

Jan 29, 2006

When I try to go to safe mode, it works perfectly, till I have to log in, doesn't matter what I do after about 10 seconds it shuts down automaticly. Even if I logged in almost, it just shuts down right away after those 10 seconds. I already had this problem after a half year I had this PC (even after a few times formatting), and I have no idea why..

Someone told to run System Restore Wizard from 'Help and Support' in the start menu. But 'Help and Support' doesnt open. I click it but nothing happens. This is also since a while. The same problem with 'Search' and 'Run...'.

Does anyone know a way to fix one or both these problems? And is there another way to run a system restore?

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Fax Wizard - Ms Fax Driver Override

Jul 20, 2005

running windows xp. purchased faz wizard(from multisource), downloaded software. continued to get error message regarding port problem. working with their support. seems to come down to ms fax wizard driver overrides new fax wizard driver. even went to dos prompt and removed ms fax driver and reinstalled software but still have ms fax driver overriding new driver. do i need to add a port? is it a driver problem? new to this, hope it makes sense.

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Cd Writing Wizard - HP's Program

Jul 18, 2005

I just recently ran in to a problem with the CD wizardof Windows XP.When I try to burn data on to a CD it keeps telling me to insert a disk into the drive, even though there is a disk in the machine.I have used other programs such as Musicmatch and HP's program called ecordnow and all work just fine.
I have tried to uninstall and then reinstall the drive but to no avail.

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Add Printer Wizard Does Not Respond

Apr 19, 2004

When I click on add printer in Windows XP PRO nothing happens. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

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Found New Hardware Wizard

May 24, 2005

Every time I start my computer I get the "found new hardware wizard" even though I haven't installed any new hardware. When I clicked on it to see what hardware it was talking about it told me it was Navex15 and was going to search for software for it. I canceled this, because I don't know what that is.

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VPN Option Greyed Out On New Connection Wizard

Jul 5, 2005

I'm using a fairly new install of Windows XP SP2 on my laptop.

Clicking on "New Connection Wizard", then select the "Connect to my
Workplace" option which would normally allow me to create a VPN connection,
is greyed out.

I've googled on this problem and found issues suggesting that

1. XP SP1 be re-installed (I'm upto SP2, which I've tried re-installing
without success)
2. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionTelephony be
deleted (have tried this, rebooted, no success)
and 26 (tried this, rebooted, no success)
4. Find SR.INF and re-install (tried, rebooted, no change)

Having tried all of the above, I've had no joy at all. The VPN option in
"New Connection Wizard" remains greyed out.

The problem did appear to begin when I did a System Restore after a bad s/w

In addition - when I try to re-start the Remote Access Connection Manager
Service I receive Error 5: Access is Denied. I'm logged on as a Local
Administrator. I believe this is related.

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Scanner And Camera Wizard Starts It's Own

Mar 30, 2005

Usually this will start on it's own. Today that is not happening. I have verified that everything is connected correctly. Is there any other way to start this?

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Undo The Scanner And Camera Wizard

Nov 12, 2006

Running every bl**dy time I plug in a USB mini hard drive? I've tried a system restore, searched some about autoplay- turned autoplay off and on, tried to find autoplay in GPEDIT, no joy there, irritating in that just the one USB drive does this, and it doesn't even have any pictures on it.

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Missing Scanner And Camera Wizard

Mar 10, 2008

I seem to have "lost" the executable for the "scanner and camera wizard", which makes it easy to write digital images from my CF card to my hard drive. I know I can do some cutting and pasting to get the images there.

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Repair The Scanner And Camera Wizard

Jun 24, 2010

How do i repair the scanner and camera wizard in windows xp home edition sp3, Preview does not work in the scanner and camera Wizard.

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Scanner And Camera Wizard Not Working

Jul 19, 2005

When I plug in my camera into a USB port, the Scanner and Camera wizard, which used to run, no longer runs, instead an explorer box pops up with the folder(s) on the memory stick. I can browse the memory stick, also. When I try to manually run the scanner and camera wizard, it tells me it cannot recognize the scanner or camera. Again, this was working, suddently it stopped.

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Files And Settings Transfer Wizard

Nov 9, 2008

I've learned now heavily about the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I've also learned about the USMT, which I've not yet used in practice, but learned the basics of in the .inf version. Studying that was how I was able to learn this deep into the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Basically, the two have similar, but not exactly the same configuration.Now here I'll post the configuration for the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. I took what I found already there, and was adding features to it. I didn't create this from scratch, and it would've been silly to, as it's a configuration file.My issue is that whenever I'm saving settings, anytime I tell it to save something from HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry, it does not work. I was needing to know if anyone knows why, so I can correct it please.

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Peculiar Wizard - Create Shortcut

May 4, 2010

When I bring up my start, all programs, accessories... and try to right click on windows explorer, to make a "shortcut", nothing happens.The item I right click on, blinks, but I am unable to move the item. Nor can I change the order, or create a shortcut to place on my desktop.I'm sure I caused this accidentally, but don't know how.

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Hardware Wizard - Generic Drives

Apr 19, 2005

I have an outboard USB soundcard works fine with the generic drives on XP. However When I 1st tried to install it. I messed up on the install of the real drivers for the USB soundcard. These drivers have to be associated directly with the card on 1st try install because there is no auto loader for USB soundcard. I hit ok, at the wrong time, somewhere in the process. And now XP wont let me search for the drivers whenever I try to reinstall them by using plug and play

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Hardware Wizard - Install Only One Device

Dec 15, 2005

when i try to use windows xp new hardware wizard i get the following message
cannot run two device installations you can install only one device at a time
another device installation is underway when it is finished you can try this wizard againit seems to have got stuck trying to install something but not sure what any idea on how to find out what and also how to stop or reset it the ssame problem is stopping upgrading my nvidia driver from the net (other installation in progress)

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Camera Wizard - -sd Memory Card

May 26, 2006

im ruuning windows xp an when i first insert my sd memory card, it open a window like in picture 1.then i click on the copy picture to a folder . then another window pops up, like picture 2.then i click on next. then another window pops up. like picture 3. an when the next window open like in picture 4. its plank. but it should have folder destination . but it dont. does any body know why an how to fix it.

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New Hardware Wizard - Unknown Printers

Dec 5, 2008

I have possibly a simple but annoying problem. Every time I restart my Windows XP Pro desktop the computer tries to install (unsuccessfully) a printer 2 times. During that process, the computer slows down extensively. The printer attached to the computer is installed and operating correctly. How can I stop my computer from trying to install an unknown printer?

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Installshield Wizard - Secondary Drives

Dec 21, 2008

i bought a game that need 10 gig but i partition c drivve to 20 gig only and i tried everything to get more disk space but still i got not enough.Installshield wizard doesnt let me install in E: drive which is my secondary drive.i have plenty of space there but i cant install it there,why?

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Activation Wizard Shows Blank

Sep 14, 2005

I changed an IDE controller and need to reactivate Win XP Pro. When I slect the activation wizard, the screen comes up with the title bar and background but not foreground data or choices show, just the blank activation-window background.

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Office 2007 Activation Wizard

Jul 26, 2007

I activated my Office 2007 weeks ago but now when I invoke the Power Point Viewer the Office 2007 activation wizard appears and the sound from the viewer is muted. How to I prevent the wizard from being falsely activated?

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Unistall Wizard Through Control Panel

Sep 5, 2005

I'm attempting to use unistall wizard in the control panel, but it's not cooperating.This is a new problem as it has always performed well in the past.

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