Wont Start / Hardware Or Software Change May Have Caused This

Oct 1, 2007

The computer with a problem is a 3 or 4 year old HP Pavilon on Windows XP. It has been working faithfully up until recently.My computer has never had this happen to it EVER, i was using my computer all day for the past 2 days but i have done that so many times, and i left it on while going to school,do this everyday as well, so i didnt think anything of it. Well i come home and If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Rest button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.

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Slow Start Menu Caused By Invalid Shortcuts

Oct 9, 2008

I'll start with a bit of background so everyone doesn't suggest the usual tips for speeding up the start menu.I'm logged in as administrator and running XP and have had problems with the start menu - all programs list being stupidly slow to populate for a while, and no performance issues anywhere else. I've tried all the usual removing shadows, fade and slide; unchecking auto search for network folders and printers; fiddling with the menu order in the registry and checking there are no false entries, etc, etc, but with no joy.I then noticed in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories there are two invalid links to 'Tour Windows XP' and 'Windows Explorer', and whenever I get anywhere near this folder everything slows up, which suggests to me these are the problem (although I could be wrong).

When I try to delete these shortcuts I get 'Cannot delete Tour Windows XP: Data error (cyclic redundancy check)'. The location both shortcuts are pointing to is C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorStart MenuProgramsAccessories - so are these just pointing to themselves?I then went on to check C:Documents and SettingsDefault UserStart MenuProgramsAccessories and found both these shortcuts exist there as well, and are valid working shortcuts. Easy I thought, I can just copy these over to replace the invalid shortcuts and everything's fixed - but it asks me if I want to replace the existing file, and then says 'Cannot move Tour Windows XP: A file with the same name already exists. Specify a different name.'So I appear to be stuck with two invalid shortcuts in my menu that drive the processor mad anytime I go near them, and I can't delete, rename or point them at something else.

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Change The Start Menu Text

Nov 29, 2006

guys im trying to change the text on the start menu from start to what i want
ive tried differrent things im wondering if theres a way to do it beside the application called resource hacker because i dont wanna touch the registry or explorer file.

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BSODs Caused By TDI.sys - Afd.sys Bad_pool_caller

Sep 16, 2008

I've never, EVER, in my whole life experienced any kind of BSOD in XP(sounds crazy I know), but lately I've got 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. So naturaly, I'm really iritated right about now.The first one was caused by tdi.sys and after lots of googling, I downloaded the debugging tool and opened my first ever minidump. Again after a lot of googling, on one forum it was advised that I change the tdi.sys located in::WINDOWSsystem32driverswith the one from:C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386
I did and that BSOD didn't happen again. I was soooo happy.

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Change Search And Run Icons In Start Menu

Aug 12, 2002

It was impossible to get an Icon Package / Theme that would change ALL the icons in the Start Manu. The Typical Problem would arise with the Search and Run icons (I have disabled the rest...)A small search in the registry and I managed to identify the "keys" that control the default icons.To change them you need to get in the registry, and that can be done by going to Start > Run (or WinKey+R) and typing "regedit" (yes, without the quotes...)

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Installation Errors Caused By SATA?

Jun 23, 2008

I have been trying to dual boot my Vista Ultimate system and XP, the problem I run into is that once I get the XP partition, put in the XP boot disc and restart the system the XP install starts. It loads the drivers that it needs for the install but then I get the blue screen saying that windows has shut down to protect the computer. I do have a SATA drive and I've heard this causes issues but I haven't heard of one exactly like mine before (I never get to the actual installation just the pre-loading).

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Virus Caused Bluescreen Desktop

Jul 18, 2005

A virus I had caused a bluescreen desktop and Norton found the virus but couldn't do anything about it, so I deleted it myself. After that the screen was gray. I went to properties and all it showed was the path to where the image the virus displayed was. How do I get my old properties back?

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System Crash Caused By VSS2k

May 6, 2008

My computer running windows XP has been periodically crashing (~ 1 per month). The event viewer indicates a system error category (102) with event ID 1003. The Error code is as follows: 100000d1, parameter1 00000000, parameter2 0000001c, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 ba0a9182. I have tried to analyze the minidump files using the windows debugger tool. It indicates that the error is probably caused by vss2k.sys ( vss2k+6182) and attributes it to a driver_fault. I really have not been able to decipher much more than that.

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Error Caused By ATI Graphics Driver

Aug 11, 2005

I have a Toshiba Laptop Satellite with windows XP, Service pack 2, and always when I open a photo or see a movie with windows media player it changes the screen resolution and always came too big so I have to restart the laptop. The solution of microsoft is to update the graphic driver but when I go to the web page they don´t have an update for me, and also in the toshiba web page.

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NT Authority System Caused Shutdown

Jul 4, 2006

I am having a problem with my computer shutingdown when I am on the internet. I will be searching and all of a sudden my computer will start a shutdown it says that the NT Authority system caused the shutdown. How do I fix this problem? I downloade Registry Repair Pro and ran a scan to fix all the problems on my computer but this is still happening.

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Updates Caused Reboot Loop

Jul 6, 2010

So I downloaded some Windows (XP SP2) updates as usual on my Dell Dimension C521 Desktop, and after being nagged every 10 minutes to restart the computer, I finally gave in. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I tried the Recovery Console as suggested, but it wouldn't let me past the Admin Password prompt. (And besides, Microsoft says not to do that on an OEM-installed operating system. )Soon, the error message disappeared and turned into a reboot loop, going endlessly back and forth between the Dell screen and the Windows screen. I tried a Repair Installation and it looked like it was working but it just added a new screen to the loop that says: "Setup is being restarted."

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Find Documents And Settings To Change The Start Programs?

Feb 16, 2010

How do I find documents and settings to change the start programs?

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Change Win Explorer Start Point - Cant Find It In My Notes

Feb 5, 2008

I have a fresh XP install and still trying to get things back to normal.I want to change where windows explorer opens to.eg. my computer with the drives listed, not starting in my documents which is the default.Its a simple registry change but I cant find it in my notes.

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Start Menu Display - How To Change Settings As Default

Aug 4, 2005

I like to see all the programs in my start menu, not just the ones recently accessed. How do I change the settings in XP to see all as default?

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Change Which Folder Is Opend When I Press Them From My Start Butten?

Feb 25, 2006

I have bought a new external hard drive for my laptop wich has alot more memory than my internal hard drive. I have moved all of my pictues my music my videos to the new hard drive, but when pressing my pictures or my documents or my music from the start butten it opens the old empty folders that are on my internal hard drive, is there away to change witch folder is opend when i press them from my start butten?

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Change Hard Drive - Upgrading Start Up Freeze Up

Oct 18, 2005

I am priarily a Mac user, I do grahic & web design etc. I recently bought a cheap older PC to use for validating my work on the Windows platform. The computer came with 98, I need XP on it. I got XP installed (had to change the hard drive ribbon to an 80 wire ribbon) but now when it starts up, it freezes up after a few seconds. Before opening IE or doing anything. The computer has 64 MB RAM, which I would be upgrading if I thought this computer is worth putting any $$ at all into - 64 is supposed to meet the minimum requirements for XP so although I expect it to be molasses slow I do expect it to run the system software. I have it hooked up to a Samsung LCD screen (onboard graphics card - Compaq board) and Windows keyboard and USB mouse.

Also, the computer ran fine under 98 (tested it for a bit when I got it, and previous owner is a friend who swears there were no problems under 98). I don't get blue screen or anything, computer just totally freezes and doesn't respond. When I restart it goes through proper verification and then starts up, freezes again. So, I have no idea wher to start - hardware issue? Software issue?

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Change Start System Tray Blue To Gray?

May 12, 2006

1. Is it necessary to activate windows on XP?

2. What purpose does it serve?

3. Is there a way to change the start -system tray blue to gray? If so, how please.

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Installing Sp3: Caused HP AMD Systems To Continuously Reboot?

Aug 13, 2008

I remember hearing that SP3 caused some HP AMD systems to continuously reboot when it was first released. I have a pavilion a810n(amd 64 3300+, 1.5gb ram, x800gto 512mb video) and have not yet downloaded service pack 3 and it recently showed up in automatic updates but im not sure if i should install it or not. Has the issue been fixed yet? What are the chances that my pc will have issues?

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Device Driver Caused The System Crash?

Apr 17, 2006

When trying to install farstone virtual drive on a computer it reboots during the driver installation phase. After the reboot at the desktop windows says new hardware found and asks to install it. It's the offending driver, fcdabios. Windows installs it and says it was installed successfully. Then the computer spontaneously reboots again. It seems to start alright back at the desktop but again reboots after 2 minutes. The only cure is to do a restore from a norton ghost image. I sent a debug file to farstone but haven't received a reply yet.

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Stop Error Caused By A Device Driver

Dec 14, 2005

I'm getting pretty frequent shutdowns with the below information. When the box re-boots, the message says device driver but never can point which device driver. Can anyone have a look at this and give me some advice?

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Winhlp.exe Has Caused An Illegal Instruction In Ntvdm Cpu

Aug 29, 2005

I have been getting repeated messages along the lines of: WINHLP1.EXE HAS CAUSED AN ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION IN NTVDM CPU. I have also found a file called winhlp.dllalias which has references to a website called Americanfurniturewarehouse.com which repeatedly causes a pop-up on my internet explorer. Deleting this file has no long term effect.

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Can't Get Rid Of Virus / Caused Hard Drive Damage

Feb 15, 2006

At the end of january, I was on the web and all of the sudden firefox shut down.My desktop background had been replaced with a blue background with a black box in the middle telling me I had a virus and needed to by some software to get rid of it. I was unable to change the desktop back ground. Also, I noticed that after this incident, there was a particular folder on my second hard drive (I have two total) that would crash windows explorer everytime I tried to open, or even moved my mouse cursor over it in "my computer". This particular folder contains several gigabytes of music, video, and pictures most of which is not backed up.I have also tried accessing the folder with a 3rd party file explorer program, and it crashes that program as well.After running several different spyware programs, I was able to get the blue screen with black box removed from my desktop background, but it has been replaced with an error message saying my active desktop has been disabled (even though I can't turn it on or off in the options menu) and I am still unable to change the background.

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Poll: Has Installing A Critical Update Ever Caused Problems For You

Sep 7, 2007

Has installing a Windows critical update ever caused problems for you? Yes, I had to completely reformat my drive. (Whoa! Please explain.Yes, it created some serious issues. (Please explain what they were Yes, it created some intermittent issues. (Please explain No, never had any problem with them.Lucky you! I have no idea what you are talking about, I use Mac/Linux. Other issues What were they?

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NTFS Sys Have Caused An Error / Blue Screen In Home

Jan 19, 2006

I installed windows XP on a system that I am servicing.The floppy drive wasnt installed correctly in the first place, and windows XP kept crashing to a blue screen, then restarting.I unchecked the Reboot automatically after system failure checkbox and recorded the error.Its written below..It doesnt happen at any specific time, or when a specific application is open..It did it after the first fresh install, so i did ANOTHER fresh Install, and its doing it again.

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Installation Of Sound Driver Caused Crashing The System?

Nov 13, 2007

Even after a fresh re-install of XP the sound driver install causes the machine to crash. No matter what I do. I have most of the files loaded except for the multimedia controller. each time I try to update it , the machine crashes.Not sure if it matters, all high priority updates are done

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New Installation Of Operating System Caused Lost Data From Hd?

Oct 22, 2007

I have a friend that has a computer with an illegal version, i told to resolve it with microsoft, or he can backup the data neeed and do a new installation, well guess waht he did a new installation w/o backup, so actually he lost applications and data, question:it is possible with any recovery utility for hd to recover at least the documents from ms word and the email messages and address book from outlook express, even when this hd already have a new win xp prom ? is there a software that will be able to recover evrything that was on the hd, i really doubt it but maybe there is a posiblity

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BSOD Stop Error, Caused By Device Driver

Feb 2, 2007

I was informed today that our home computer has been freezing over the last day or so. I logged on and looked up some info on the error i was described, then perhaps fortunately, i got the vile BSOD. This is what was contained:Then it began a memory dump.It claims a device driver error, but i do not recall installing anything recently. the windows report proved less than helpful (surprise).

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Added Partition Caused UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME Error On Boot

Aug 15, 2005

I seem to have bad luck with multiple partitions on one drive. I have a 160 gb hdd that was partitoned with one approx 137gb partition with windows xp. It was working fine. I decided to partition the remaining space which was something like 25gb. I did it from windows xp in the disk managment snap-in. It worked fine until I formatted the new 25gb partition and assigned the page file to this drive. I had not rebooted before formatting the new drive and I believe the format is what screwed up the drive. I have tried to chkdsk /r but it took forever and then crashed. I believe windows improperly sized the partition over part of the original C partition. I really hate logical drives. I always seem to have some sort of data loss with them..

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Blue Screen Error Caused By Device / Driver

Oct 23, 2008

Blue screen error caused by a device or driver You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.

iam running windows xp....ive been having problems with my pc forever and i can never seem to work out if its bad ram or a memory issue. Anytime my pc is running for a long period of time it seems to hang and give me the blue screen, if i try to run a media program or burn a cd or anything along those lines it hangs also....What could this problem be? do i need to let someone look into my system or can it be resolved at all. Ive had every error msg i believe...it seems to always tell me its a device error when it hangs or when i reboot it gives me that msg and then reports the proble

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SDKAU Caused An Invalid Page Fault In Module KERNEL32.DLL?

Dec 25, 2005

My computer keeps popping up an error message saying: This program has performed an illegal operation and will shut down.

When I click on details it says: SDKAU caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL.

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Change In The Start/stop Dates Of Daylight Savings Time Break Auto?

Mar 4, 2007

I have Windows XP Pro, SP2.I was wondering what affect the new daylight savings time start/stop dates will have on Windows and if there is something I should do. Has this been addressed by an update? Somebody please tell me if this has already been addressed and if not is there anything I should do?

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