Poll: Has Installing A Critical Update Ever Caused Problems For You
Sep 7, 2007
Has installing a Windows critical update ever caused problems for you? Yes, I had to completely reformat my drive. (Whoa! Please explain.Yes, it created some serious issues. (Please explain what they were Yes, it created some intermittent issues. (Please explain No, never had any problem with them.Lucky you! I have no idea what you are talking about, I use Mac/Linux. Other issues What were they?
I went to the MS Critical Update page and saw the following Critical Update for my WinXPsp3. Does anyone know if it is a Critical Update? Must it be downloaded and installed? It is the largest update (248 MB) Critical Update I have ever seen and I wonder if it is really, really necessary to download and install.
I am running Windows XP Pro, Word 2003, browsers: Firefox or IE6 in an HP e-pc 40 with Intel Celeron processor, 256MB RAM. Recently, I installed Belarc Advisor. Yesterday I did another scan and it revealed there is a critical update KB929969. In Microsoft's downloads, the closest I am able to come for a system needing an update of this number is Windows 2000 - which I don't have. Apparently, it's some sort of security update for IE6. Does anyone have any type of useful information for me? I would hate to think my system is vulnerable to some type of malware - been there, done that.
I remember hearing that SP3 caused some HP AMD systems to continuously reboot when it was first released. I have a pavilion a810n(amd 64 3300+, 1.5gb ram, x800gto 512mb video) and have not yet downloaded service pack 3 and it recently showed up in automatic updates but im not sure if i should install it or not. Has the issue been fixed yet? What are the chances that my pc will have issues?
Recently I took unusual step of visiting Windows update. This was just to double check that the system I was working on was absolutely up to date.Automatic update was set to Auto. Windows update website informed me that a critical update was required. it turned out to be the Windows Bogus (Genuine) Advantage Authentication... I had no choice but to Activate the system before I was allowed to continue checking for updates. Bloody cheek! passing off this 'Genuine advantage authentication' as a critical update. One day I am bound to come across a system that does not pass this authentication. Will the system be usable or will they lock the system until I have made a groveling phone call or worse have to inform my customer/neighbour/friend of a friend that "Sorry I know you just wanted me to check your system was up to date but now you must pay £200 for an Operating system"
I have XP Pro, SP1. Everytime I try to install the above critical update, my pc indicates for me to restart now, but upon restarting it trys to install the patch again.I couldn't find anything about this on Microsoft's website. Any suggestions?
I dont usually receive problems from microsoft updates, but this one is getting on my nerves a bit. See, I am at a college in california, and there is this program called "Cisco Clean Access" which is like a toll booth to use the internet here. You have a student ID and a password.for some reason, the campus administrators changed Cisco Clean Access so that it requires everyone to update their computers, mainly PC people. I just got my desktop up and running after installing 2 new GPU's and a PSU, and am now updating it. I have the updates, but one of them is giving me some lip! here "Updates were unable to be successfully installed.
Yesterday I got a notice from microsoft that a critical update was ready to install. I downloaded the update after closing all other open windows. After the installation was complete it restarted the computer after which my compter would not completly boot up. I had to boot in safe-mode and do a system restore to get it working right. Today I have the same notice so I went to the windows update page, and saw the update was there. I didn't download it because of what happened before. So I went to my installed update history and it said it was successfully updated. I looked at the update again and it said the update was 0 kbs. Can you tell me what happened and why now the up date says 0 kps to be installed?
Last Tuesday's (Critical Update) Security Update for Windows XP (KB951748) A security issue has been identified that could allow a remote attacker to misrepresent a system action or behavior unbeknownst to users on Microsoft Windows systems. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.
So this week MS released a critical update for IE6. The IE update failed on my machine.I submitted a trouble ticket via MS online portal which is free if a failure or anomaly occurs during a windows update. Yes, I gave permission for the MS portal to extract certain files.At the moment I am disinclined to download IE7 as my 99% preference4 is Firefox save for Windows and Office updates which require IE.Here is the response from MS.
Since my PC is 64, I plan to install only the 64. But is there also some reason to install the 32? Also what about the RAID drivers? I am totally new to 64/RAID. The extent of my knowledge is the ability to say them!
Security update for Microsoft VM installs, complains that update is for an existing version of VM and installs again the next day. I don't have VM on my machine. Seems like the OS does not know what I have on my machine and what has been installed.816093: Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM)This update helps resolve a vulnerability in the Microsoft virtual machine.This setup will only upgrade over an existing version of the Microsoft VM.
software has already been installed on ur computer would u like to reinstall and i said yes then it said this action is only valid 4 products that r currently installed, I have nothing with java to uninstall
I recently upgraded my XP to SP2. I have since that time upgraded my hardware and software programs to work on XP2. However there is no upgrade for my movie making program for XP SP2. I lake SP2 since I have worked out the bugs and would like to keep it. Can I Reinstall windows XP on another partition on my hard drive so I can boot to this installation when I work with Adobe premiere(my movie making program) and Pinnacle DV500(my capture card) And if so how big of a partition should I set-up.
Every night my computer links with Microsoft and in the morning it tells me that it has updates to install. I click the yellow shield to install and when it finishes I reboot the computer. Now here comes the problem, then it does the same thing again with exactly the same updates. I have checked by going with the custom rather than the easy install and the updates are the same ones each time
my computer is not allowing me to install updates from microsoft update, it will download them then will come up with a box saying could not install the following updates,
I posted the same question on MS newsgroup but since nobody replies to it and there are about 8 people with the same problem, I thought that I look somewhere else for answer. I'm in the middle of formatting a hard drive, doing the research while waiting. good thing I have another computer to use. I installed the latest MS Windows Update this afternoon (about 10 hours ago) and it renders my computer unusable. the computer won't boot, it just got stuck on the Windows XP screen where the blue bars go from left to right. after about 2-3 runs, it started to get very slow and the little blocks that make up the bars shows up very slowly like in slow motion. I don't (can't) remember the exact KB number, but I remember installing about 7-8 updates. the critical (required) ones are the malicious software removal thing, a patch for IE6, outlook express patch, ms word patch. then I add the root something update and an update for my network card. hen it told me to reboot the computer but the computer will not boot. I tried another hard drive that I haven't used since March, it performs the same "problem", the bars go for about 2-3 runs then it started to get very slow. then it just sits there, stuck, until I press the reset button. I'm currently formatting this hard drive and leaving the updated one untouched because I don't want to have to format that one. too much data and too many programs to reinstall (I want clean install and clean registry).
The complaint is that Windows is very slow, and the problem started after "the yellow item (icon) showed up on the screen (system tray)."When the cursor is placed over the "yellow item," the text says "Automatic Updates."The computer is an HP Laptop, and the operating system is Windows XP. Now I realize that this is a very indefinite description of a problem, but I hope someone can help with the following questions: Has anyone had any problems with either slow boot or slow operation when Windows automatic updates are enabled? Either with Windows 2000 or Windows XP? When you enable automatic updates, does the "Windows Update" option from the START/ALL PROGRAMS menu disappear (it had disappered from the menu on the problem computer)? Can automatic updates be disabled, and, if so, does the option return to the All Programs menu?
A few days ago some security files were downloaded in my sys (WinXP Home with SP2) as part of the MS Auto Updates out of which one security file KB 923980 also downloaded and installed. But in spite of such insrallation, this particular file keeps coming into the Notifn. Area of the Task bar and on placing my cursor over it, I find that it is insisting to be installed again manually.
I have a legit edition of XP po and since installing IE7 I keep getting the message "The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem Error number: 0x80004005" I have searched evrywhere for a solution and am stumped.
I was on my computer then after i went to the sony site to check the forums my ps2 just stopped responding.None of my programs are responding without taking 5 minutes to load even hijack this took about 5 minutes
I have a legal copy of XP which has been registered. There are 92 updates that will not install. I isolated KB892130 as the validation tool that will not validate with Microsoft before the other updates can be installed. I have turned off Avast (antivirus), but did not disable it. I have a laptop with Avast on it which has updated perfectly. I have forced validation from DOS but this still doesn't let the updates go ahead
I've never, EVER, in my whole life experienced any kind of BSOD in XP(sounds crazy I know), but lately I've got 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. So naturaly, I'm really iritated right about now.The first one was caused by tdi.sys and after lots of googling, I downloaded the debugging tool and opened my first ever minidump. Again after a lot of googling, on one forum it was advised that I change the tdi.sys located in::WINDOWSsystem32driverswith the one from:C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386 I did and that BSOD didn't happen again. I was soooo happy.
I have been trying to dual boot my Vista Ultimate system and XP, the problem I run into is that once I get the XP partition, put in the XP boot disc and restart the system the XP install starts. It loads the drivers that it needs for the install but then I get the blue screen saying that windows has shut down to protect the computer. I do have a SATA drive and I've heard this causes issues but I haven't heard of one exactly like mine before (I never get to the actual installation just the pre-loading).
A virus I had caused a bluescreen desktop and Norton found the virus but couldn't do anything about it, so I deleted it myself. After that the screen was gray. I went to properties and all it showed was the path to where the image the virus displayed was. How do I get my old properties back?
My computer running windows XP has been periodically crashing (~ 1 per month). The event viewer indicates a system error category (102) with event ID 1003. The Error code is as follows: 100000d1, parameter1 00000000, parameter2 0000001c, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 ba0a9182. I have tried to analyze the minidump files using the windows debugger tool. It indicates that the error is probably caused by vss2k.sys ( vss2k+6182) and attributes it to a driver_fault. I really have not been able to decipher much more than that.