Installing Sp3: Caused HP AMD Systems To Continuously Reboot?

Aug 13, 2008

I remember hearing that SP3 caused some HP AMD systems to continuously reboot when it was first released. I have a pavilion a810n(amd 64 3300+, 1.5gb ram, x800gto 512mb video) and have not yet downloaded service pack 3 and it recently showed up in automatic updates but im not sure if i should install it or not. Has the issue been fixed yet? What are the chances that my pc will have issues?

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Dump And Reboot Continuously

Jul 27, 2005

Is there a way to tell WinXP home to NOT reboot on errors from the recovery console? I tried to do a windows update and now windows won't boot past the splash screen. It gives a blue screen but reboots too fast to read it. I have had this repair successfully ONE time using a combination of CHKDSK /r and the windows repair (like 3 times each) but the problem came back when the windows update kicked in.

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Updates Caused Reboot Loop

Jul 6, 2010

So I downloaded some Windows (XP SP2) updates as usual on my Dell Dimension C521 Desktop, and after being nagged every 10 minutes to restart the computer, I finally gave in. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I tried the Recovery Console as suggested, but it wouldn't let me past the Admin Password prompt. (And besides, Microsoft says not to do that on an OEM-installed operating system. )Soon, the error message disappeared and turned into a reboot loop, going endlessly back and forth between the Dell screen and the Windows screen. I tried a Repair Installation and it looked like it was working but it just added a new screen to the loop that says: "Setup is being restarted."

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Poll: Has Installing A Critical Update Ever Caused Problems For You

Sep 7, 2007

Has installing a Windows critical update ever caused problems for you? Yes, I had to completely reformat my drive. (Whoa! Please explain.Yes, it created some serious issues. (Please explain what they were Yes, it created some intermittent issues. (Please explain No, never had any problem with them.Lucky you! I have no idea what you are talking about, I use Mac/Linux. Other issues What were they?

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Installing Two Operating Systems On One Computer?

Jun 28, 2005

I have aquired a second (also very legal) copy of XP Home thru my company/MS HUP. What I'd like to do is install it on my daughter's computer's data drive D:. She's soon to be living several hundred miles from me so any problem with the computer's OS will necessitate a long trip to work on. I don't want to build a backup computer becasue it's cost is greater than I can afford right now.A full install of XP on both drives and then boot from C: or D: based on setup's boot sequence at startup. I know it'll work; I saw it done on a buddy's computer but I never learned how it worked out over time.

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Installing Update Reboot The Computer

Sep 2, 2008

Every night my computer links with Microsoft and in the morning it tells me that it has updates to install. I click the yellow shield to install and when it finishes I reboot the computer. Now here comes the problem, then it does the same thing again with exactly the same updates. I have checked by going with the custom rather than the easy install and the updates are the same ones each time

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Computer Wont Reboot After Installing SP 2

Jan 7, 2007

I installed a router so that I could share internet with my girlfriends computer across the room. When I was trying to install a networking program that came with the router, it said install Service Pack 2.So, I did.I went to Microsoft's incredibly confusing website... even got validated and all that stuff. And then downloaded SP2 and installed it. It took forever, but I figured it was for the greater good of my computer.WRONG.I rebooted, and now the computer hangs up at the Windows XP logo screen.The black one with the logo in the middle and the little progress bar below it that goes back and forth.I tried starting it in safe mode, but gets snagged up at agp440.sys

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Ieeues In Installing SP2 - Reboot Loop On Presentation

Oct 16, 2007

I had to a repair install of xp as I suffered some suspect sys file corruption after HW upgrade. Installation went fine but only came with SP1. Obtained SP2 and it bugs out with error message about 3/4 way through install (when doing cleanup) If I restart without removing sp2 XP will enter a reboot loop on presentation of desktop.Any ideas at interpreting below log files? Looks like I have some hotfix migration issues but don't know whether they're critical or not!

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Stopping Automatic Reboot - After Installing Updates

Sep 18, 2007

Tired of being constantly nagged by reboot requests after installing XP updates I went to the wsindows update folder in Group Policy and enabled the "No automatic restart for scheduled updates" option, clicked apply and forgot about it. Untill my computer installed the automatic update for .Netframework, when, without any warning it went into reboot mode causing me to completely lose the data I was working on. The only other option in the update folder is to delay the restart but as this only allows you to stretch it to a max of 30 minutes it's not much help.

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Installing Software For The Freecom DVD - Syatem Wont Reboot

Apr 8, 2006

My daughter has just been given a PC to use for college. I was installing software for the Freecom DVD writer she's bought and got to the reboot computer bit, but although the pc seemed to close down ok when it started to reboot it just seemed to stop. The CD drive light flashed a few times and the light under the number lock came on but then nothing else

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Pc Shuts Down Continuously

Oct 31, 2007

Its been a while since i needed to come here but my computer is on the verge of being chucked out the window.

I keep getting crashes, pc shuts down and then its very hard to get the damn thing to boot up again.

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Getting Clicking Noises Continuously?

Sep 25, 2007

I have a Toshiba satellite and it has windows xp home edition. It has been making continuous clicking noises. What do I do,download or do I need to go to a shop?

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BSOD Continuously On Startup

Aug 29, 2007

So, my dad's small business server (Windows 2003 Server for Small Businesses, HP Proliant Systems) crashes on startup, without exception, starting yesterday. Every single time I boot up Windows, it dies before getting to the login screen. Please help, as my huge important thesis papers are on there, due next week, and I'm basically ****ed if I can't recover them. Being the idiot I am, I didn't back them up, so that's about 3 months of work right there. If you guys can help me fix this, you are my saviors.

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Computer Keeps Going On Standby Continuously

Jan 10, 2005

I have been having problems lately with my computer - every time i switch it on, it goes to standby. Worse still, it keeps going on standby even when it's on standby. Makes sense? It's like it's posessed!I've googled this problem, and it appears that it's a hardware problem, BUT, when i log in on safe mode, the problem disappears. So, being an average computer user, i'm pretty puzzled in the least. I have no idea what the problem was - I didn't install anything lately, or visit any webpages outside my usual ones. I haven't found a virus that acts this way, so I've ruled it out for now.

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Installation Restarts Itself Continuously

Jul 29, 2007

Recently I was having problems with my computer so I used the system recovery cd I received when I bought the computer and went through all the necessary steps to make it happen, but for some reason this time instead of being able to log back onto windows, it said my windows was not fully installed. At this point, I used the Windows XP recovery cd and deleted the partition my old windows was on and followed the necessary steps to install it, except once it gets up to the point of "Installing Devices", there is a little bar to the left and shows the progress and it gets up to about halfway and the computer restarts and it continues in this endless cycle unless.

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Windows Xp Sp2 Setup Restarts Continuously?

Mar 6, 2005

I am trying to install windows xp sp 2 over windows xp on 2 computers and the same thing has happened with each computer.I get down to 36 minutes left - installing drivers - and the setup restarts. I tried to remove the cd and xp then asks for the cd telling me it needs the asms driver, xp then is directed to search e:I386. Xp looks for it there then spontaneously restarts again. The setup is in an endless loop going from 39 minutes remaining till 34 then restarting over and over again. How can I stop this and/or correct this? I did some research at the microsoft site but I have been unable to make anything work.

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Explorer.exe Continuously Crashes / Restarts

Feb 22, 2008

Explorer.exe will load when my machine starts up. About every 5-10 seconds, it will close, meaning my desktop blinks off. Another 10 seconds later (or around that) explorer.exe will start again and my desktop will come back. Eventually, it stops trying to load and the desktop stays off. I can go to task manager and run explorer.exe to repeat the process of having explorer.exe run, stop, run, etc. I don't receive any error messages when this happens. This machine has the latest Microsoft updates incl service pack 2.

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Hard Drive Runs Continuously

Apr 30, 2010

Using XP service pac 3, my hard drive never idles. I've scanned with Super anti-spyware and Zone alarm and can't find any problem. Windows task manager shows no applications running. I've seen other posts about this but the thread has run out on the most recent.

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Hard Drive Runs Continuously

Nov 19, 2007

I have a problem that has haunted my computer for a couple of years now. If/when I suffer a power loss at home and my computer goes down unexpectedly, this problem is most likely to occur. When I power the thing back up, it seems to be fine but if I let it sit idle for an hour or so, the hard drive starts running full blast and it won't stop. It brings everything to a halt and even if I try to open a program or a webpage, it takes several minutes. I have had task manager open when this lockup occurs and the CPU shows to be doing little or nothing. The hard drive light doesn't flicker like during startup, it's on solid. The only thing I can do to stop it is a hard reboot. This problem eventually works itself out after a few days or a couple of weeks...until the power goes out again. I have ran two different anti-virus', spyware, and come up with nothing. None of the processes in the task manager seem to be out of the ordinary. I have tried to defrag but Windows says it is not needed at this time. If I try to defrag anyway, it locks up after a while, hard drive spinning way. I'm not too techie so the fix needs to be simple, or give me a way to stop the HD without rebooting.

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Missing Free Space Continuously

Feb 11, 2008

My free file space on my C Drive has constantly been dropping by the second. sometimes by megabits sometimes by gigs. It will go down to zero and then out of nowhere go back up to about 1.3 gigs. Which is what I should have. I have restarted my comp and it does not fix it. I have downloaded crap cleaner and it did not fix it. downloaded spy ware and it did not. Finally I found a software called where'd my space go. I found that the amount of space is about right except on my C drive (not in any folders) but on the first page when you click into the drive there is supposedly 1.5 gigs of files according to the software. When I go there there is about 12 megabits worth of stuff even when I am showing hidden files. I don't think this is normal and I can't figure out how to get to it or delete it

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BSODs Caused By TDI.sys - Afd.sys Bad_pool_caller

Sep 16, 2008

I've never, EVER, in my whole life experienced any kind of BSOD in XP(sounds crazy I know), but lately I've got 4 of them in the last 2 weeks. So naturaly, I'm really iritated right about now.The first one was caused by tdi.sys and after lots of googling, I downloaded the debugging tool and opened my first ever minidump. Again after a lot of googling, on one forum it was advised that I change the tdi.sys located in::WINDOWSsystem32driverswith the one from:C:WINDOWSServicePackFilesi386
I did and that BSOD didn't happen again. I was soooo happy.

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Computer Continuously Restarts After Power Failure

Apr 18, 2006

can anyone help we had a power cut whilst my daughter was using her computer which runs xp.Now when we restart it it just continually restarts, I tried pressing f8 at the welcome screen and started in safemode this made no difference just went to the welcome screen and started again!

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Laptop Continuously Restarts Every Time Turn It On

Jul 27, 2007

Every time i turn on the computer, it restarts by itself before i can log on. then it will just endlessly restart itself until i shut it off. occasionally i can hold esc and it will log on properly, but it takes a really long time and doesnt always work. I am using a Windows XP laptop, and i did a virus scan and deleted all the dangerous files. I even unchecked "automatically restart" for a system failure and nothing happened.

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Installation Errors Caused By SATA?

Jun 23, 2008

I have been trying to dual boot my Vista Ultimate system and XP, the problem I run into is that once I get the XP partition, put in the XP boot disc and restart the system the XP install starts. It loads the drivers that it needs for the install but then I get the blue screen saying that windows has shut down to protect the computer. I do have a SATA drive and I've heard this causes issues but I haven't heard of one exactly like mine before (I never get to the actual installation just the pre-loading).

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Virus Caused Bluescreen Desktop

Jul 18, 2005

A virus I had caused a bluescreen desktop and Norton found the virus but couldn't do anything about it, so I deleted it myself. After that the screen was gray. I went to properties and all it showed was the path to where the image the virus displayed was. How do I get my old properties back?

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System Crash Caused By VSS2k

May 6, 2008

My computer running windows XP has been periodically crashing (~ 1 per month). The event viewer indicates a system error category (102) with event ID 1003. The Error code is as follows: 100000d1, parameter1 00000000, parameter2 0000001c, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 ba0a9182. I have tried to analyze the minidump files using the windows debugger tool. It indicates that the error is probably caused by vss2k.sys ( vss2k+6182) and attributes it to a driver_fault. I really have not been able to decipher much more than that.

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Error Caused By ATI Graphics Driver

Aug 11, 2005

I have a Toshiba Laptop Satellite with windows XP, Service pack 2, and always when I open a photo or see a movie with windows media player it changes the screen resolution and always came too big so I have to restart the laptop. The solution of microsoft is to update the graphic driver but when I go to the web page they don´t have an update for me, and also in the toshiba web page.

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NT Authority System Caused Shutdown

Jul 4, 2006

I am having a problem with my computer shutingdown when I am on the internet. I will be searching and all of a sudden my computer will start a shutdown it says that the NT Authority system caused the shutdown. How do I fix this problem? I downloade Registry Repair Pro and ran a scan to fix all the problems on my computer but this is still happening.

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Burning Out Ethernet Card Repeatedly/ Change Continuously ?

Sep 20, 2007

i am using Windows 2000.... Over the last two/three years i have experienced bad ethernet cards. Bright House (her ISP provider) has had to replace the ethernet card in her machine. What would cause this to keep happening?

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Removed Duplicate Files - HP Screen Continuously Recycles

Sep 13, 2008

I ran program to i.d. multiple file copies and removed. Apparently I removed more than the extra copies. On next restart the HP screen comes up and continually recycles. I attempted to recover using the XP disc provided with the computer. About every 10th time I startup, the install screen appears and indicates that files are loading from the disc. Upon completion the "computer will restart/hit enter" screen appears, but the system shuts down. Called HP support, they told me to take to authorized service center "to change some settings".

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System Reboots Continuously - Download A Registry Cleaner

Aug 19, 2009

My computer has always worked fine until last night i decided to download a registry cleaner and ran it. I also defragged the drive and when i restarted it just kept rebooting. I have now already tried the following:

-memory swaps

-hardware removal

-repairing windows

-reloading windows

the problem remains the same i get as far as first screen alerting me that i can push del to enter setup or bios etc. Then the system reboots and starts all over again.

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