Some Programms Working In User Accoun T- Other Stumped

Feb 7, 2005

The first problem is on a computer which has xp home and 3 user accounts. The problem is that only some programs are working on the user accounts but all the programs work under the administer account. So my question is how can I get to work under the user accounts. When they were installed the box was check to let everyone that uses the computer to access the program. The other problem I am having is also with xp home. In my office I have 7 computers and they are all network. This might need to be in the network forum

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Stumped..mystery User Account Lockouts

Dec 4, 2008

We have 2 users both connected to a corporate 2003 AD Domain. One user has a printer shared out, but the other is always prompted for a password when trying to install it. The odd thing is, the username listed in the prompt is someone elses. Related problem...the user account referenced in the prompt is locked out everyday. Further research reveals there are bad logon attempts made throughout the day on this same PC, even when no one is using it. Very odd and probably a poor description. Please ask for clarification on anything that's not clear.

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Boot Up Gets User Screen For User Selection Both Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.

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Stumped Random Mouse Error?

Oct 21, 2009

i'm new to these forums. For the last week, i've been using an older HP Pavilon system, 933mhz with 512mb ram. My issue is this, Occasionally, when I turn on the machine, I can left click the background no problem, but if I try to click on the start menu, it's as if the left-click on my mouse doesn't work. I've found a remedy to this problem to be to alt-tab, even if no other programs are open at the time. If I alt-tab, i'm 99.9% of the time able to left click the menu bar. Now, this wouldn't be a major problem, however I have the same issue when I alt-tab through webpages, or if I alt-tab out of a computer game. Also, I play World of Warcraft, and every so often the same thing happens, however to anyone who may play the game- I am able to use the leftclick on the mainscreen, as in, to pan around my character, but if I attempt to open my bag slots, click on a monster or any of my skills, nothing happens. I've tried replacing my mouse, no good. I've tried differnt ram, same problem. I've tried a new hard drive, no good. I've FFR'd both hard drives, reinstalled windows from scratch, and STILL the problem is there. Does anyone have the slightest idea of what could be causing this?

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Stumped On SP2 Install - Systme Is In Fragile State

Jun 22, 2006

I recently tried reformatting my hard disk and reinstalling windows to do a "clean-up" and start anew. Upon reinstalling Windows, I tried to download and install SP2.
Once SP2 is installed, the first time this happened I received an error message that said "SP2 Instlalation failed - Systme is in a fragile state please go to Control Panel and uninstall" After that I tried reinstalling the service pack. After this, I received the blue screen of death after bootup, with a big message that I couldn't read (It was distorted by the monitor and only on screen for a little bit).

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Media Manager - Mailwasher Programms

Aug 7, 2010

I am getting the (program) "has encountered a problem and needs to close error report with a number of programs on my PC."It started with Outlook (2003) then Sony Media Manager and now Mailwasher Pro. I can use Outlook to send and receive messages OK and the error only appears as Outlook is closing down. My Mailwasher Pro update wont run at all and produces the error report when I try to run it. In the last couple of weeks I have tried to download a number of programs, some install and run OK and some produce the above error report when I try to run them.

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Resize Operating System - Many Programms

Jul 22, 2005

How do I move or resize this window?. I have so many programs that I cannot
see them all properly.

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Programms Can't Be Open - Insufficient Memory

Nov 18, 2007

after a while of using my computer i will get error messages saying that programs/ie cannot be opened because there is insufficient memory. the computer is fine before this and handles many different things at the same time. i have to restart my computer every time this happens. i am currently running XP.

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Keyboard Not Working On One Of The User

Jun 28, 2004

The keyboard is not working on one of the users on my pc on the other three users it works fine.

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Programs In Background - Adware Virus Programms

Feb 13, 2006

Windows XPCompaq 52002.7 GHZ512 MBWould like to know how to find out what is running in the background when I'm on. I have a problem with the computer freezing up when I try to do two things at once. Never had the problem until 2 weeks ago. Have done all the disk scan,defagment,checked all my adware & viris programs.

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Quick Folders - Desktop Icons - Accesing Programms

Aug 12, 2002

Not sure if this is really considered a tweak or useful but I love it and everyone i show it to does also. Works on 98se to XP.Create a new folder of any name in my Documents, now put any shortcut to a program you would like. Drag the folder drom the DOCument folder onto your task bar where your clock is. Now you have a customized quick folder for accessing programs on the fly without the clutter of desktop icons

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Search Desktop Features - Real Operating System Programms

Sep 4, 2005

My wife's computer got real slow. She says it happened the same time asWindows XP told her to add a Search Desktop feature. Is this a realWindows program? If so, what is the best way to remove it and everythingit has indexed

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Custom Config The Working Environment For Individual User?

Aug 3, 2005

I custom configure the window environment for each individual user in WinXP?I know how to go to MMC->Group Policy.There are computer config and user config.
All the parameters are in user configuration -> Admin Templates But, how can I set different sets of them and apply these templates to different groups?

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Removing Names From 2nd User PC - Turbo Lister Icon Not Working

Aug 23, 2007

just bought a second user PC, is there any way we can remove the names he has to log on with to get it back to original as it were. He has all the passwords.

He's been trying to download the Turbo Lister programme for eBay, it looks as though everything downloads OK but when he clicks on the Turbo Lister icon nothing happens. Someone suggested it could be due to the older names in the system.

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Disable Startup Programs - Startup Programms Running

Jun 21, 2006

Win XP Home edition. I'm in the Speed Up Windows Startup class. I currently have a very long list of startup programs running. Is it safe for me to disable all except security programs (Symantec Norton,AdAware,Spyguard)?Charles

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Find Or Bypass Limited User Password W/out Reset Or Adjust User Screensaver?

Dec 27, 2005

For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:

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Change The User Accounts - Disabled Welcome Screen And Fast User Switching

Oct 27, 2009

as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"

so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..

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How To Set Password NEVER EXPIRES To An User Account Trough NET USER Cmd

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to configute using Command Line (CMD) some local account configuration.

It must be configured by any standart windows command tools.

I need to configure the "Passworw Never Expires" option using the command line.

I had success by setting other options as "Account is disabled" and "User cannot change password". But this option is really making me sad.

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User Account Type And Group Or User Privilege

Aug 4, 2007

what i want to accomplish is to set an user account type automatically after creating one. as you may know, when you create an user account the system ask you what account type to apply for that new user. the default choice are: Administrator and Limited. i want to create an account that is not too limited but neighter with same privilege as an administrator. i went to the Local Users and Groups at the Microsoft Management Console (now on MMC) and assigned a different Group to each users i desired. task accomplished. but...

the problem is that i don't know how many user the computer will have. the owner of the computer are primitive human that don't know how to configure the system. i neighter want any of them to have administrative right because they have internet access and they still on the experiment process. meaning that they're propense to click 'YES' to any message even if those are viruses (most of them don't read english). the solution i thought was to assign only one user the administrative right so they can install and uninstall software and perform other administrative task as creating more user accounts. there is anyway that after creating an user account the system automatically assign the user a specific Groups? for example the built-in object Power User. or among the choice on user account tool add an new item or modify the existing items. or if there is anyway to modify the privilege and right for an built-in object Group. the Limited account pertain to the User Group, so instead of automatically assign other group, the new account inherit the privilage/right/limitation from the default group.

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Lost User Data After Deleting User Account

Aug 31, 2005

Does anyone know the extension that windows uses when it saves a backup of user data when a user account is deleted in XP?

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Lost Administrator User - Only 1 User With Limited Access?

Jun 11, 2009

Operating system: XP home.When creating a user account for my husband with limited access, I lost my user account as administrator. My guest account has also disappeared. I cannot download or do anything because of the limited access that my husband has. How do I get back/show my user account with administrator access?

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Creating 30 User Accounts - Else Switch Off / Disable For Each User

Sep 12, 2010

I'm going to create 30+ user accounts. They will be all running at the same time, running the same program. (the only way I've figured out how to dual-boot the same program) and I was wondering... Is there anyway to make it somehow use less resources doing so? Like, so far I've gone into Advanced > Performance and killed the switch on everything. I was just wondering, after days of running non-stop, it is bound to start eating up RAM or even cache to much, right? If so, what can I do to stretch the time this happens in? What else can I switch off/disable for each user to eat up less resources?

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User In Two Groups Admin And Power User?

Sep 15, 2005

Does one group take precedence over the other. I had a situation where the user's accoutn was in both groups but when trying to install software,it appeared as if he did not have enough privileges. One of my technicians signed in as administrator and was able to install the software without a problem. When he signed in as the user who was in both Power Users and Admins, he said the install did not work. So the general question is how does Windows decide how to apply group membership roles.

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XP-Home User Accounts Vs User Profiles

Nov 2, 2006

I am having some issues with trying to share files on my home network.My first questions is,are the names listed in user accounts, (in the control panel under user accounts) have to be the same as user profiles listed under my computer in order to share files on my home network?

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User Administrator - User Login Screen

Aug 30, 2005

In recently restoring my crashed machine, I noticed that when the machine was
idle, it would go back to the user login screen. I found this tedious as I
just wanted it to go to screen saver but stay within the user session. I ran
'control userpasswords2' and de-clicked 'Users must enter a user name and
password to use this computer.' (It's a home computer so not worried). Now
when I reboot, it brings up a Windows login for Administrator and says,
"Unable to log you on because of an account restriction." I can bypass that
and log in as Owner or anybody else so it's more cosmetic than anything else.Question - who is this "Administrator?" The account doesn't show up under
User Accounts. 'Owner' is the Administrator. Do I care about this account
(which appears to be hidden? Should I allow it to log in under the covers? If
so, do I have to re-click 'Users must enter a user name and password, etc."

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Changing User Name - User Directory Name

Nov 30, 2008

I used the Control Panel's "User Accounts"/"Change an Account" to change my Username on XP Home without any problems. However, under Documents and Settings, the directory with all my settings still has the old Username. Can I just rename the directory to the new one I created and which is reflected as my Username on login, or will that create problems.

I am the administrator of the account and would not like to get locked out or cause other types of problems. Can someone who is familiar with this type of maneuver confirm that it is OK to just rename the directory or how to go about approaching this?

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Renaming The USER Folder/User Name?

Jul 27, 2008

I've got a hand-me-down laptop that I inherited from my dad (IBM Thinkpad 600X), which is running Windows XP Home Edition. I never cease to be amazed at what sort of weird configurations my dad managed to get in place, or how much time it takes to undo some of these configurations now that the laptop has been handed down.

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Unable To Log Onto Different User - Switching User

Sep 24, 2008

The title sums up my problem pretty well. I used to have a problem with switching user, my computer didn't respond after clicking 'switch user.' I searched for a thread about that problem on this site and solved it instantly. However, after switching user, the computer now returns back to the Windows XP main log-on screen as it's supposed to, but when trying to log onto a different user, the computer almost refreshes the screen and comes straight back to the log-on screen. The only user that has access to the computer at this point is the user that switched user originally.

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Internet Is Working For Some Programs / Firefox Is Working But IE7 Is Not

Dec 26, 2007

Whenever I start up IE7 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pops up. The problem is my internet is working for SOME programs. Firefox is working fine, but IE7 is not. Also Steam, Ventrilo, and AIM work fine, but programs such as, UBI Internet, and Gas Powered Games Internet, and almost all games do not work. It says Winsock error problem, but I have fixed the registry keys and followed all instructions.

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Tablet Part Not Working, Recovery DVD Not Working

Aug 8, 2008

I have a Gateway CX2618, w/ windows XP tablet edition 2005 version 2002, sp2. And wanted to wipe it clean and reinstall just the things I use. Plus my Tablet side of things hasn't worked in a long time and I was hoping the clean install would fix that. But my recovery DVD isn't working (could be user error). I DO have apps that I need to keep and I think I've backed them up to my external HD correctly.

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User Interface Failure - Logon User Interface Dll Msgina.dll Failed To Load

Dec 15, 2006

Current situation: When Windows XP boots it displays Windows logo, black screen and then a small error window with title "User Interface Failure" and text "The logon user interface dll msgina.dll failed to load. Contact your system administrator ..." There is a button to restart the system. Booting causes a loop back to the same state; I cannot get the system to boot to safe mode. Other than the lack of a logon and desktop the rest of the boot process seems to continue OK; I can access network shared drives from another system. Using BartPE I can see that msgina.dll is in C:windowssystem32 as it should be. Unfortunately much of the data I need to access for my work is not on shared drives and cannot be accessed by BartPE so I am in big trouble.
Background: The express version of SpyCatcher was installed a few daus ago. All was OK until I restarted the system and arrived at the current situation. I also have BartPE which I have used to look at the SpyCatcher logs and found entries that msgina.dll was quarantined (along with many other safe items). I believe this is the cause of the problem and not anything else.

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