I've got a hand-me-down laptop that I inherited from my dad (IBM Thinkpad 600X), which is running Windows XP Home Edition. I never cease to be amazed at what sort of weird configurations my dad managed to get in place, or how much time it takes to undo some of these configurations now that the laptop has been handed down.
Could anyone tell me how to change the name of a user account so thatthe folder in 'Documents and Settings' for that user changes also,aswell as any other system references to that user. The chimps at thecomputer store made the account name 'sihdigc', which is justridiculous. I've set everything up on this account and don't fancyhaving to make a new one, I'd just like to know how to change the username properly.
I'm trying to change some settings and file names.Specifically,I would like to know if there is anyway at all I can change the Documents and Settings folder. Not the All Users one, but the folder with my friends' name on it. The system is telling me this folder cannot be changed, but sort of reinstalling XP, isn't there some "back door" method I can employ?
I've gotten myself in somewhat of a pickle. I have a system that I had built for my husband. I later built a new box for him and decided to sell the previous one. A friend wanted to buy it so I purchased a copy of Windows XP so they'd have their own license, but instead of rebuilding the box, I wiped all the pertinent programs and info they didn't have licenses for and changed the license number to theirs. The problem is, I want to change the user account name under c:documents and settings to reflect the new name.I have created a new ADMIN account, logged in as this account and renamed the account "mitch" to "don". All this does is creates a new user "don" and moves the "my documents" (I have downloaded numerous pdf files that I've created instructing him on how to update antivirus, antispyware and general info on computer use, security, etc. and placed it in the My Documents folder) from "mitch" to don".
I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.
For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:
as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"
so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..
what i want to accomplish is to set an user account type automatically after creating one. as you may know, when you create an user account the system ask you what account type to apply for that new user. the default choice are: Administrator and Limited. i want to create an account that is not too limited but neighter with same privilege as an administrator. i went to the Local Users and Groups at the Microsoft Management Console (now on MMC) and assigned a different Group to each users i desired. task accomplished. but...
the problem is that i don't know how many user the computer will have. the owner of the computer are primitive human that don't know how to configure the system. i neighter want any of them to have administrative right because they have internet access and they still on the experiment process. meaning that they're propense to click 'YES' to any message even if those are viruses (most of them don't read english). the solution i thought was to assign only one user the administrative right so they can install and uninstall software and perform other administrative task as creating more user accounts. there is anyway that after creating an user account the system automatically assign the user a specific Groups? for example the built-in object Power User. or among the choice on user account tool add an new item or modify the existing items. or if there is anyway to modify the privilege and right for an built-in object Group. the Limited account pertain to the User Group, so instead of automatically assign other group, the new account inherit the privilage/right/limitation from the default group.
Operating system: XP home.When creating a user account for my husband with limited access, I lost my user account as administrator. My guest account has also disappeared. I cannot download or do anything because of the limited access that my husband has. How do I get back/show my user account with administrator access?
I'm going to create 30+ user accounts. They will be all running at the same time, running the same program. (the only way I've figured out how to dual-boot the same program) and I was wondering... Is there anyway to make it somehow use less resources doing so? Like, so far I've gone into Advanced > Performance and killed the switch on everything. I was just wondering, after days of running non-stop, it is bound to start eating up RAM or even cache to much, right? If so, what can I do to stretch the time this happens in? What else can I switch off/disable for each user to eat up less resources?
when i switched my computer on this morning an error appeared regarding not being able to find the local profile. I restarted the computer - no error message - but now it appears to be logged in as a guest (my settings have all gone - no icons for my files on desktop, etc.). When I look at the users in control panel it shows just main user and guest (i don't use the users options on windows - only me using the computer).
Quote:Originally Posted by TheOutcaste Welcome to TSG!When you did the recovery, it apparently didn't rename your old User Folder (HP Administrator in this case). So when Windows was being re-installed, as a folder named HP Administrator already existed, it created a new one named HP Administrator.ComputerName.Just move the stuff you want from the old HP Administrator folder to the new HP Administrator.ComputerName folder. Mostly just move stuff from My Documents (may be called HP Administrators Documents), Favorites (Internet Explorer), Desktop (files that were on the old Desktop, best not to move shortcuts though).If you use Firefox, your old profile and bookmarks will be here:C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles andomname.default The profile under Administrator.ComputerName will have a different randomname.default folder, so you can't just copy the folder. You can copy the contents of this folder to your new profile folder, overwriting the current profile,
When i go to Documents and settings, i can see the inside of my own folder, the other administrator folder, my 12 years old limited-user folder - but not my 8-year old sister's limited-user folder!It pops up an "error" saying: Cocuments and settings/"Lisa" is not accessible. "No access"and it shows that the folder contains 0 byte.When I logg in to her account, then I can check what is inside.
Does one group take precedence over the other. I had a situation where the user's accoutn was in both groups but when trying to install software,it appeared as if he did not have enough privileges. One of my technicians signed in as administrator and was able to install the software without a problem. When he signed in as the user who was in both Power Users and Admins, he said the install did not work. So the general question is how does Windows decide how to apply group membership roles.
I am having some issues with trying to share files on my home network.My first questions is,are the names listed in user accounts, (in the control panel under user accounts) have to be the same as user profiles listed under my computer in order to share files on my home network?
In recently restoring my crashed machine, I noticed that when the machine was idle, it would go back to the user login screen. I found this tedious as I just wanted it to go to screen saver but stay within the user session. I ran 'control userpasswords2' and de-clicked 'Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.' (It's a home computer so not worried). Now when I reboot, it brings up a Windows login for Administrator and says, "Unable to log you on because of an account restriction." I can bypass that and log in as Owner or anybody else so it's more cosmetic than anything else.Question - who is this "Administrator?" The account doesn't show up under User Accounts. 'Owner' is the Administrator. Do I care about this account (which appears to be hidden? Should I allow it to log in under the covers? If so, do I have to re-click 'Users must enter a user name and password, etc."
Microsoft Windows XP uses a lot of folders for each user. Everything from "My video" to your personal documents folder. Below is where you can view the locations of these folders and can change them. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders Right click on the folders and select Modify Change the path to a new path if you want to change the path. Reboot your computer.
when I booted my XP Pro system, my user profile admin) was corrupt and all my user settings were lost.Then I found that my documents were gone too.The files do not appear anywhere on my hard drive. no docs & settings folder has them. btw, no viruses found on my pc.When I use a undelete file utility, I can see the files at cdocuments & settings/temp, but windows explorer does not see this folder. Nor does explorer see any *.doc, *.xls, *.jpg, or any other file that I had saved in "My Documents" The file resoration free ware that I downloaded (to usb drive) does recover some files that have not been written over. However, I have multi GB of data
I have a network of 20 computers with three workgroups. One workgroup (three computers) would like to have shared folers within the workgroup that are NOT available to Everyone outside their workgroup but on the network. All 20 computers are on windows XP I went and unchecked simple file sharing so I can have the permission tab available. However I am having hard time finding the othertwo computers in the workgroup so I can grant them full access permsission. I assume I need to remove 'everyone' and add the other two computers in the work group and grant them full permission.
To begin with. My Hal.dl file ended up missing, so I got an error and had to reinstall windows, bla bla bla bla. i didn't lose all my data, and just reinstalled windows. I had to reinstall all my programs again, and everything went swell, untill I hit one problem. I had a ton of data (over 15 GB of pictures/music, etc) on my desktop. Since it was on my desktop, I now have my previous user folder in my documents, and I am un able to open it, delete it, rename it, etc. I know that the data is still there because when I check how much of my drive is taken up, it is obvious. (22.2 GB DOES NOT just disapear
one of the user profiles in Windows XP Pro has disappeared. I cannot recover the files because the folder in Documents and Settings has disappeared too. I am running a virus scan now
Items place in my user folder are not appearing in the Start/All Programs menu.For example, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsusrnamStart MenuAccessories they do not appear in Start/All Programs.But, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessoriesThey do show up in the program menu.
My problem is that, the Shared folder and "User's documents" folder in My Computer window, in XP Pro are not visible. I think it s possible that the registry keys are missing.
I used the Control Panel's "User Accounts"/"Change an Account" to change my Username on XP Home without any problems. However, under Documents and Settings, the directory with all my settings still has the old Username. Can I just rename the directory to the new one I created and which is reflected as my Username on login, or will that create problems.
I am the administrator of the account and would not like to get locked out or cause other types of problems. Can someone who is familiar with this type of maneuver confirm that it is OK to just rename the directory or how to go about approaching this?
The title sums up my problem pretty well. I used to have a problem with switching user, my computer didn't respond after clicking 'switch user.' I searched for a thread about that problem on this site and solved it instantly. However, after switching user, the computer now returns back to the Windows XP main log-on screen as it's supposed to, but when trying to log onto a different user, the computer almost refreshes the screen and comes straight back to the log-on screen. The only user that has access to the computer at this point is the user that switched user originally.
Current situation: When Windows XP boots it displays Windows logo, black screen and then a small error window with title "User Interface Failure" and text "The logon user interface dll msgina.dll failed to load. Contact your system administrator ..." There is a button to restart the system. Booting causes a loop back to the same state; I cannot get the system to boot to safe mode. Other than the lack of a logon and desktop the rest of the boot process seems to continue OK; I can access network shared drives from another system. Using BartPE I can see that msgina.dll is in C:windowssystem32 as it should be. Unfortunately much of the data I need to access for my work is not on shared drives and cannot be accessed by BartPE so I am in big trouble. Background: The express version of SpyCatcher was installed a few daus ago. All was OK until I restarted the system and arrived at the current situation. I also have BartPE which I have used to look at the SpyCatcher logs and found entries that msgina.dll was quarantined (along with many other safe items). I believe this is the cause of the problem and not anything else.
I would like to rename a Windows system folder, specifically: "C:Documents and SettingsDAVID..."As this information is visible when surfing the web. I have tried doing it the usual way and am presented with a dialogue box saying: "DAVID... is a system folder and is required for windows to run properly. It cannot be moved or renamed."